Why do Conservatives Allow the Liberals to Tell Them What Words They Can Use?

Why are conservatives letting the libtard left tell them what words that they can use?

  • Because they are gutless cowards

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • Because they want to be sensitive to the political feelings of others

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Because they are mindless lemmings who follow the guy with the microphone

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Because they obey their corporate masters.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • I dunno, who's playing on the TV?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yes Nikki Haley is a mixture, real name Nimrata Randhawa, she married Michael Haley.

Her parents, Ajit Singh Randhawa and Raj Kaur Randhawa, are immigrants from Amritsar District, Punjab, India. They emigrated to Canada, and arrived in the United States via the Vancouver border.[10] She has two brothers, Mitti and Charan, and a sister, Simran, born in Singapore

Nikki Haley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So like Bobby Jindal, she's 100% Indian, but like him was born in America. So it's no surprise she made her 'um statement regarding the Stars and Bars, she has NO American Heritage as such, ALL of Haley, like Jindal's Heritage is in India. Therefore, she feels no actual genuine loyalty to ethnic South Carolinian's. This of course is the problem handing your State to a person who has no Heritage within that State.

Yeah, as a friend once told me, 'Just cause a cat has kittens in an oven it dont make them biscuits.' Haley is a cuckservative, no matter what her ethnicity, though I would think it had some effect on her thinking.

Didnt she swear to defend the Stars and Bars while running for office though? And just like a cuckservative, she turned on that pledge as soon as the opportunity presented itself.
Yes Nikki Haley is a mixture, real name Nimrata Randhawa, she married Michael Haley.

Her parents, Ajit Singh Randhawa and Raj Kaur Randhawa, are immigrants from Amritsar District, Punjab, India. They emigrated to Canada, and arrived in the United States via the Vancouver border.[10] She has two brothers, Mitti and Charan, and a sister, Simran, born in Singapore

Nikki Haley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So like Bobby Jindal, she's 100% Indian, but like him was born in America. So it's no surprise she made her 'um statement regarding the Stars and Bars, she has NO American Heritage as such, ALL of Haley, like Jindal's Heritage is in India. Therefore, she feels no actual genuine loyalty to ethnic South Carolinian's. This of course is the problem handing your State to a person who has no Heritage within that State.

Yeah, as a friend once told me, 'Just cause a cat has kittens in an oven it dont make them biscuits.' Haley is a cuckservative, no matter what her ethnicity, though I would think it had some effect on her thinking.

Didnt she swear to defend the Stars and Bars while running for office though? And just like a cuckservative, she turned on that pledge as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

Yes of course. Also a clear violation of her oath of office, hopefully she won't get re-elected, surely two terms is enough, maybe she's not running for a third, that's why she's violated her oath of office now.
I voted Because They're Gutless Cowards.

I myself am deliberately Political Incorrect at every and all opportunities, publically and without shame. I believe in Free Speech and as such I'll say what I want and when I want.

Fuck Political Correctness, Just Say No and Speak The TRUTH....The Leftists FEAR the TRUTH....always REMEMBER:

I totally agree.

But how many others are getting this same feeling of disgust with the current cuckservative leaders and demand REAL leadership today?

Trumps campaign seems to suggest it is a growing minority that might soon become a majority.

This is why the Cuckservatives are so terrified of The Donald, this just illustrates how pathetic and limp-wristed so-called Conservatives have become.
Being a conservative , I of course think you're wrong, I find little difference between establishment Republicans and Democrats but most conservatives support Trump for at least economic reasons. Trump's quite a larger than life character, I like that for now he's winging it.
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Being a conservative , I of course think you're wrong, I find little difference between establishment Republicans and Democrats but most conservatives support Trump for at least economic reasons. Trump's quite a larger than life character, I like that for now he's winging it.
I'm fairly certain that Lucy's reference to limpwristic conservatives was in fact a reference to cuckservatives, almost by definition.
It is ridiculous, how so many conservatives are so afraid of offending liberals with their vocabulary.
I wouldn't break this down by political ideology - Americans across the spectrum are now intimidated from saying what they're thinking, and that's exactly what the Regressive Left/PC Police have been working for.

They have been patient and consistent and methodical over the last 30 years or so, and here we are: People - AMERICANS - afraid to express themselves for fear that their words will "offend" or be "micro-aggressive" and result in some kind of "consequences" that will quite literally damage their lives.

The tide is turning against this, as we know, but there is no guarantee that the pushback will be successful. Here's hoping, anyway.
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Being a conservative , I of course think you're wrong, I find little difference between establishment Republicans and Democrats but most conservatives support Trump for at least economic reasons. Trump's quite a larger than life character, I like that for now he's winging it.
I'm fairly certain that Lucy's reference to limpwristic conservatives was in fact a reference to cuckservatives, almost by definition.
cuckservatives .. not my kinda word, lacks imagination but the imbeciles are welcome to use it....:laugh:
So why are conservatives letting the libtard left tell them what words that they can use?

Because many of them are in actuality covert Democrats.

So do you really think that Paul Ryan is a closet Dhimmicrat?

I can only make assessments based upon behavior. Recent Republican electoral wins had a primary reason. They have ignored the will of their constituents time and again.

No doubt about it, it's Democrats and establishment Republicans that are the no solution.
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cuckservatives .. not my kinda word, lacks imagination but the imbeciles are welcome to use it....:laugh:

lol, it is a perfectly valid word that concisely describes the likes of Paul Ryan and other GOP losers, so what makes people that use it imbeciles?

What is wrong with the word?

Does it sting too much? :rofl:
cuckservatives .. not my kinda word, lacks imagination but the imbeciles are welcome to use it....:laugh:

lol, it is a perfectly valid word that concisely describes the likes of Paul Ryan and other GOP losers, so what makes people that use it imbeciles?

What is wrong with the word?

Does it sting too much? :rofl:

It glows imbecile when I see it and you're welcome to use it, it hardly concisely describes anyone including Paul Ryan, get my drift?
It glows imbecile when I see it and you're welcome to use it, it hardly concisely describes anyone including Paul Ryan, get my drift?
No, I dont get your 'drift'.

The word means a conservative loser who seems to take pleasure in selling his own constituents out.

That fits cuckservative Ryan to a T.
It glows imbecile when I see it and you're welcome to use it, it hardly concisely describes anyone including Paul Ryan, get my drift?
No, I dont get your 'drift'.

The word means a conservative loser who seems to take pleasure in selling his own constituents out.

That fits cuckservative Ryan to a T.
It's Ryan a good man in my opinion, within a corrupted political system, Democrats and Republicans share the blame and we have a President that chooses politics over the American people. I just believe you're jumping the gun on Ryan. We don't have to agree, no big deal.
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It's Ryan a good man in my opinion, within a corrupted political system, Democrats and Republicans share the blame and we have a President that chooses politics over the American people. I just believe you're jumping the gun on Ryan. We don't have to agree, no big deal.
Yeah, I am fine with disagreeing, but I am marveling at your defense of this loser, Ryan.

How do you imagine he was thinking this a good process to have 4 legislators only work on the bill with help from an army of lobbyists then have it up for vote with a very quick turnaround, I think less than an hour, for members to read it and vote for it?

If there is an explanation for it, in the famous words of Ross Perot, 'I am all ears'.
My opinion on why is...........how it happened!

You see, the actual conservatives NOT in government have jobs, and businesses. They were working, paying the freight of the country. All was well politically, or should I say manageable, until Clinton got elected. On the day Clinton got elected, WE had in office the exact people from the 60s who were against the establishment, and conservatism can not exist next to that ideology.

As the PC garbage grew in this country, conservative business owners had to keep their mouth shut, or have their business under federal investigation at best, or at worst closed and/or fined. In essence, the inmates were in control of the asylum! I worked for a major auto manufacturer for over 30 years, and I seen this 1st hand under the Clinton administration as everything changed.

And then the real problem surfaced that has it to the point we MUST win this time. That problem is/was, the federal departments. Clinton got his people in there where they sit to this day, and they took over control of regulations. Congress liked this idea, because they could NOT be blamed for regulatory disasters. They could just point at the EPA with a smile, and blame people we could not vote out of office.

No offense to GW supporters, but we thought we had struck back when we elected him. Nothing could be further from the truth. He spent more money than anyone up and until Obama, and let me show you how terrible he was..........he, and his administration KNEW Fannie and Freddie had big problems. He asked the Democrats (see told you they are in control, even when they lose the Presidency) about them being insolvent. They called him basically a fool, a racist, and everything else.......and he just SHUT UP and let the United States fall into the worst recession in decades. It was no surprise, he and the administration knew it was trouble. Maybe they didn't know how much trouble it would cause, but they knew, and BACKED DOWN from the Democrats, and now HE gets all the blame from the left, doesn't he! GW Bush gave us Barack, The Socialist, Obama...through his weak kneed principles when NOT wanting to deal politically with the Democrats.

And so, when someone asks what is wrong with conservatives, I point to the past. Since Gingrich, and until Cruz and Lee showed up, who was our champion? Who could we get behind? Who got up, and said all of this lefty garbage is nonsense? The left has run roughshod over Washington since that fateful day Bill Clinton got elected, and even under GW, the left actually controlled what was going on. This is why Jeb, or Christie, or Kasich is not good enough. We need Trump, Cruz, or Carson to go in there and clean the ingrained rats hiding out of their nest, shutdown whole departments, and not give in.

Oh yes, conservatives are starting to believe again, but the see the GOP fighting them tooth and nail. They understand it from the DNC, but from the RNC! This is why it is Trump, Cruz, or Carson, or every conservative that I know is going to turn independent if they aren't already. It is also a sign of hope to know, that the vast majority of independents are former Republicans or Blue Dog Democrats that left both parties because what they have become. They are waiting for the person to come on the scene to vote in that might fix it!

That is what both parties fear, that Trump, Cruz, or Carson is that person, and they will do everything in their power to keep them out of the Presidency. It is our job if we love America, to insure that they do not succeed in keeping them out, or the America we want to leave those that come after us, will have zero chance of existing.
I don't know why. I can only speak for me and I am not letting them stop me from saying what ever I want to. If they are not going to have any respect for others, they shouldn't expect any respect in return then.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


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