Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing
I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from any other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing
I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from any other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.
I was stationed overseas and have visited a score of countries

your full of shit

he fucked an underling when he should have sent her packing. he's a fucking criminal that's guilty of sexual harassment

turn you fem card in, you are a failure
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing

I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from many other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international, meaning half from the host country and the rest from all around the world: few Americans. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Vast ignorance of the world? That's you. People around the world do not care about his dalliances with women. And they like and admire him as a world leader.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing
I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from any other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.
I was stationed overseas and have visited a score of countries

your full of shit

he fucked an underling when he should have sent her packing. he's a fucking criminal that's guilty of sexual harassment

turn you fem card in, you are a failure
Being stationed overseas is not at all the same thing as living and working amongst the people of that country. I interact on occasion with military people, and their experience of the countries they live in is far more limited than that of those who actually live and work outside the military experience. Far more. You are the one who is full of it.

For example, I interact and work with daily, all day long, with groups of people from the host country as well as international people. Daily, intimately, and continuously, as colleagues and clients. I live with them as my neighbors year in and year out. Many are dear friends. Your military experience is a completely different thing. You essentially live and work outside the milieu of the host country. You are a visitor. I am a resident.
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when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing
I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from any other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.
I was stationed overseas and have visited a score of countries

your full of shit

he fucked an underling when he should have sent her packing. he's a fucking criminal that's guilty of sexual harassment

turn you fem card in, you are a failure
Being stationed overseas is not at all the same thing as living and working amongst the people of that country. I interact on occasion with military people, and their experience of the countries they live in is far more limited than that of those who actually live and work outside the military experience. Far more. You are the one who is full of it.
I lived out in town, learned Italian (Sardo style)

but your still full of shit and a lying twat that's covering for a degenerate.

he committed the crime
Hill knew he did it, knew he had done it before, many times, and never stood up for herself.

you really want a woman w/o the courage to dumb a serial cheater running the country?

if so, plz stay out of the country, we are better off w/o buffoons like you
Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing
I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from any other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.
I was stationed overseas and have visited a score of countries

your full of shit

he fucked an underling when he should have sent her packing. he's a fucking criminal that's guilty of sexual harassment

turn you fem card in, you are a failure
Being stationed overseas is not at all the same thing as living and working amongst the people of that country. I interact on occasion with military people, and their experience of the countries they live in is far more limited than that of those who actually live and work outside the military experience. Far more. You are the one who is full of it.
I lived out in town, learned Italian (Sardo style)

but your still full of shit and a lying twat that's covering for a degenerate.

he committed the crime
Hill knew he did it, knew he had done it before, many times, and never stood up for herself.

you really want a woman w/o the courage to dumb a serial cheater running the country?

if so, plz stay out of the country, we are better off w/o buffoons like you

People around the world ADMIRE him. If there was an election for president of the world, he would win hands down. People in other countries do not care about his relationship with Monica Lewinski and they don't believe in the other accusations the GOP trumped up. The idea he is a 'dumb serial cheater' is an American, right wing, conservative Christian concept. The rest of the world doesn't think like you. The fact his wife stayed with him is her business and not that of anyone else, and the rest of the world is not worried about it. You live a vacuum, a narrow minded, limited world view, ultra conservative Christian dystopia.

I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from any other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

I think we have found the problem folks.
The Hildabeast was caught lying again yesterday.

She was bragging about all four of her grandparents being immigrants in order to defuse Rubio's claim of being the son of a Cuban immigrant.

The only problem is that three of the Hildabeast's grandparents were born in the US.

She blatantly lied because very few people can't remember the nation of birth of their grandparents. Maybe she is just senile. Kind of like forgetting that you were actually not under combat fire in Bosnia.

It would be a nice thing if she would stop her lies. I guess Bill taught her well.

The sad thing is that too many Americans will believe the lies of the Hildabeast. These are the stupid Americans that Johnathan Gurber warned us about.

Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family s Immigration History Records Show - BuzzFeed News

Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family’s Immigration History, Records Show
The Hildabeast was caught lying again yesterday.

She was bragging about all four of her grandparents being immigrants in order to defuse Rubio's claim of being the son of a Cuban immigrant.

The only problem is that three of the Hildabeast's grandparents were born in the US.

She blatantly lied because very few people can't remember the nation of birth of their grandparents. Maybe she is just senile. Kind of like forgetting that you were actually not under combat fire in Bosnia.

It would be a nice thing if she would stop her lies. I guess Bill taught her well.

The sad thing is that too many Americans will believe the lies of the Hildabeast. These are the stupid Americans that Johnathan Gurber warned us about.

Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family s Immigration History Records Show - BuzzFeed News

Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family’s Immigration History, Records Show

The Clintons lie, its what they do best.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing

I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from many other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international, meaning half from the host country and the rest from all around the world: few Americans. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Vast ignorance of the world? That's you. People around the world do not care about his dalliances with women. And they like and admire him as a world leader.

Daliances......what about the sexual assault against women.....? Those weren't consenting relationships, which Americans don't care about...but outright physical assaults against women, both here and in Britain?
"Synthaholic, post: 11201144, member: 24278"]
she is a monster....
Get ready to call her President Monster.

And get ready to watch what is left of this country to go down the tubes into tyranny. Job well done you asshole.
You should move to Somalia.

Whats the matter little guy? Butthurt about the truth? Tough shit. You be sure to tell YOUR children and grandchildren that it wasd people like YOU who turned this country into garbage.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing
I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from any other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Again, so full of shit that your breath stinks.
I lived out in town, learned Italian (Sardo style)
And the Italians were shocked and horrified that Clinton had an affair?

The Hildabeast was caught lying again yesterday.

She was bragging about all four of her grandparents being immigrants in order to defuse Rubio's claim of being the son of a Cuban immigrant.

The only problem is that three of the Hildabeast's grandparents were born in the US.

She blatantly lied because very few people can't remember the nation of birth of their grandparents. Maybe she is just senile. Kind of like forgetting that you were actually not under combat fire in Bosnia.

It would be a nice thing if she would stop her lies. I guess Bill taught her well.

The sad thing is that too many Americans will believe the lies of the Hildabeast. These are the stupid Americans that Johnathan Gurber warned us about.

Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family s Immigration History Records Show - BuzzFeed News

Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family’s Immigration History, Records Show
Well, I guess this means you won't be voting for her.
The Hildabeast was caught lying again yesterday.

She was bragging about all four of her grandparents being immigrants in order to defuse Rubio's claim of being the son of a Cuban immigrant.

The only problem is that three of the Hildabeast's grandparents were born in the US.

She blatantly lied because very few people can't remember the nation of birth of their grandparents. Maybe she is just senile. Kind of like forgetting that you were actually not under combat fire in Bosnia.

It would be a nice thing if she would stop her lies. I guess Bill taught her well.

The sad thing is that too many Americans will believe the lies of the Hildabeast. These are the stupid Americans that Johnathan Gurber warned us about.

Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family s Immigration History Records Show - BuzzFeed News

Hillary Clinton Wrong On Family’s Immigration History, Records Show[/QUOTE

Maybe she is just senile.

she did have a brain injury some time ago

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