Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

Because Bill is a lecher, and Hillary doesn't think it...ahem, makes a difference.

Don't you like sex? BTW, none of Bill's romances where known until NaziCon witch hunters spent $50 million of taxpayer money to burn him at the stake.

So Hillary's "War on Women" does bother you sqaw?
You're supposed to mix the moonshine with a juice or something, not inject it directly into your brain.
I lived out in town, learned Italian (Sardo style)
And the Italians were shocked and horrified that Clinton had an affair?

yea yea

he didn't run on family values, so it's ok to fuck the help, even though it's illegal
After Monica, Clinton's approval rate went up. Explain that.


Bill Clinton's 1993-2001 Term Average: 55%

Bill Clinton's First-Term Average: 50%

Bill Clinton's Second-Term Average: 61%

Bill Clinton's High Point: 73%
(Dec 19-20, 1998)

Bill Clinton's Low Point: 37%
( Jun 5-6, 1993)
leftist are degenerates that do not hold on to any form of family values.

for many it was permission to act the same
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing

I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from many other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international, meaning half from the host country and the rest from all around the world: few Americans. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Vast ignorance of the world? That's you. People around the world do not care about his dalliances with women. And they like and admire him as a world leader.

Daliances......what about the sexual assault against women.....? Those weren't consenting relationships, which Americans don't care about...but outright physical assaults against women, both here and in Britain?
They were lies those women told to get attention and financial gain. You people chose to believe them because they fit in with your agenda. Fools that you are.
uhm, no

I lived in Arkansas while he was Gov, it was well known that he had state troopers pick women up for him to fuck
Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing

I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from many other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international, meaning half from the host country and the rest from all around the world: few Americans. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Vast ignorance of the world? That's you. People around the world do not care about his dalliances with women. And they like and admire him as a world leader.

Daliances......what about the sexual assault against women.....? Those weren't consenting relationships, which Americans don't care about...but outright physical assaults against women, both here and in Britain?
They were lies those women told to get attention and financial gain. You people chose to believe them because they fit in with your agenda. Fools that you are.
uhm, no

I lived in Arkansas while he was Gov, it was well known that he had state troopers pick women up for him to fuck
Well, you're a well-known proven liar on this site, so . . .
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing

I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from many other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international, meaning half from the host country and the rest from all around the world: few Americans. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Vast ignorance of the world? That's you. People around the world do not care about his dalliances with women. And they like and admire him as a world leader.

Daliances......what about the sexual assault against women.....? Those weren't consenting relationships, which Americans don't care about...but outright physical assaults against women, both here and in Britain?
They were lies those women told to get attention and financial gain. You people chose to believe them because they fit in with your agenda. Fools that you are.
uhm, no

I lived in Arkansas while he was Gov, it was well known that he had state troopers pick women up for him to fuck
Well, you're a well-known proven liar on this site, so . . .
uh, no I'm not.

I've been wrong and when called on it, manned up and admitted it.

Unlike you, who has never and will never be a man.
Bill, that traitorous cock sucker....gave us nafta and other stuff as well designed to increase profit and screw the working class skilled AND un skilled... Hillery Clinton? (and quit sayin "hilery" cause u don't friggin know her and she don't give a hoot 'bout you, like the rest of um 'cept The Distinguished Senator from Vermont....)
I don't know WHAT to call her.....I dunno...maybe...c%*@. Yeah, That works.
And sir, lastly, if you knew ANYTHING about what is good for the country as a whole, then this thread would not even exist.
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I don't hate either but they both have done things to hurt this great nation. It was predicted when Clinton pushed for free trade the results would be a disaster, and that has come to pass. Unless you do all your shopping at Harbor Freight.

He also sullied the office of the presidency with his lies. Yes, lies about a BJ but lies non-the less. I remember clearly how he wagged his finger in our collective faces denouncing the world for thinking he would do what he was found out to have done.

She, she is a coattail riding failure of a SOS. If she would have taken ONE ounce of responsibility for letting those four men die needlessly then she might have recieved some respect. But she didn't. Then her stupid reset button remark and Russia has bomber off our coast, great job Mrs. Clinton.
I like Bill Clinton think he was a good president. I can't stand his wife. She just seems like a bitch and fake as hell.

dear, you lack the IQ as a liberal to judge character. Bill was a bitch and fake 10 times more than Hilary:
He said:
a) I never had sex with that woman
b) It depends what the meaning of "is" is
c) the era of big govt is over.

His "ah sucks" I feel you pain was all BS and you fell for it. His presidency turned out ok thanks to Monica and Newt.

Do you understand now?
It was predicted when Clinton pushed for free trade the results would be a disaster,.

100% stupid!!! Even socialist Europe believes in free trade. China does more business with Europe than USA. Without free trade you have make everything yourself and you get poorer and poorer.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
It was predicted when Clinton pushed for free trade the results would be a disaster,.

100% stupid!!! Even socialist Europe believes in free trade. China does more business with Europe than USA. Without free trade you have make everything yourself and you get poorer and poorer.

Do you have the IQ to understand??

When the results are predicted to be bad and the result do happen that is what I understand. I also understand you are a partisan hack.

It was predicted
It happened
Deal with it.
I've given this considerable thought, and have concluded what I think is the root cause. First of all, President Clinton gave America 8 years of prosperity and relative peace following President George H.W. Bush's 1st Gulf War in Iraq. President Clinton maintained the northern and southern no-fly zones established in that war. President Clinton was forced to confront numerous international conflicts - but according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) only one person in uniform died as a result of hostilities and another 75 died as a result of terrorist attacks. Plus, President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since WWII (66%).

So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.
Because they are proven liars and he is a pervert who degraded the Oval Office. They are also thieves stealing property from the White House when they left that wasn't theirs. Pretty easy answer.
It was predicted
It happened
Deal with it.

yes free trade has been happening for 5000 years and the world's economists support it now more than ever.

The fact is the more with whom you trade the richer you get and the fewer with whom you trade the poorer you get.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
It was predicted
It happened
Deal with it.

yes free trade has been happening for 5000 years and the world's economists support it now more than ever.

The fact is the more with whom you trade the richer you get and the fewer with whom you trade the poorer you get.

Do you have the IQ to understand?

Trade is good when everyone is on the same playing field.

What happened with clintions UNFAIR to the American worker free trade pacts was PREDICTED. And now look at the state of affairs. The middle/lower class was sold out.

I seriously doubt you have the IQ to realize that the trade deals Clinton passed were not fair or free to the American working man.

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