Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

I lived out in town, learned Italian (Sardo style)
And the Italians were shocked and horrified that Clinton had an affair?

yea yea

he didn't run on family values, so it's ok to fuck the help, even though it's illegal
After Monica, Clinton's approval rate went up. Explain that.


Bill Clinton's 1993-2001 Term Average: 55%

Bill Clinton's First-Term Average: 50%

Bill Clinton's Second-Term Average: 61%

Bill Clinton's High Point: 73%
(Dec 19-20, 1998)

Bill Clinton's Low Point: 37%
( Jun 5-6, 1993)
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing

I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from many other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international, meaning half from the host country and the rest from all around the world: few Americans. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Vast ignorance of the world? That's you. People around the world do not care about his dalliances with women. And they like and admire him as a world leader.

Daliances......what about the sexual assault against women.....? Those weren't consenting relationships, which Americans don't care about...but outright physical assaults against women, both here and in Britain?
They were lies those women told to get attention and financial gain. You people chose to believe them because they fit in with your agenda. Fools that you are.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
Lewinsky was not sexually harassed. She went after him. Before she even left for Washington she had the intention of going after him. Who are you kidding? And, saying what she did with Clinton was sexual harassment demeans any other situation were someone is truly sexually harassed. She was an adult and made her own decisions. She was complicit in the situation; she was not a victim.

You have
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
Lewinsky was not sexually harassed. She went after him. Before she even left for Washington she had the intention of going after him. Who are you kidding? And, saying what she did with Clinton was sexual harassment demeans any other situation were someone is truly sexually harassed. She was an adult and made her own decisions. She was complicit in the situation; she was not a victim.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
Lewinsky was not sexually harassed. She went after him. Before she even left for Washington she had the intention of going after him. Who are you kidding? And, saying what she did with Clinton was sexual harassment demeans any other situation were someone is truly sexually harassed. She was an adult and made her own decisions. She was complicit in the situation; she was not a victim.

Here, on one hand is a young girl who, according to Esmeralda, set out to not only gain access to the White House, but the most powerful man in the world and, not only work as a intern, but worm her way into this man's pants.

What do you think it meant when she said she was packing her knee pads? LMAO
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
Lewinsky was not sexually harassed. She went after him. Before she even left for Washington she had the intention of going after him. Who are you kidding? And, saying what she did with Clinton was sexual harassment demeans any other situation were someone is truly sexually harassed. She was an adult and made her own decisions. She was complicit in the situation; she was not a victim.

You have
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
Lewinsky was not sexually harassed. She went after him. Before she even left for Washington she had the intention of going after him. Who are you kidding? And, saying what she did with Clinton was sexual harassment demeans any other situation were someone is truly sexually harassed. She was an adult and made her own decisions. She was complicit in the situation; she was not a victim.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
Lewinsky was not sexually harassed. She went after him. Before she even left for Washington she had the intention of going after him. Who are you kidding? And, saying what she did with Clinton was sexual harassment demeans any other situation were someone is truly sexually harassed. She was an adult and made her own decisions. She was complicit in the situation; she was not a victim.

Ya gotta love this Esmeralda...Here, on one hand is a young girl who, according to Esmeralda, set out to not only gain access to the White House, but the most powerful man in the world and, not only work as a intern, but worm her way into this man's pants.

If only the KGB, SPI, Mosaad, and any countless other Intelligence agencies across the world could figure out that trick - imagine how they could blackmail or even assassinate the man....

And to think that poor old Bill Clinton stood by and watched, helplessly, as this temptress took him away from his loving wife (grin) and FORCED him to drop his pants, pick up his cigar and engage in extramarital sex acts with her. My God....is there no humanity!!!!

Lady, you are so full of shit that your breath stinks.
Man oh man, this is a funny post. You need to go back and read the background on this girl. Too, too funny. Everyone but everyone knew she went after him, she said so herself, that it was her intention to go after him, before she even left for Washington. You are hilarious.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing

I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from many other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international, meaning half from the host country and the rest from all around the world: few Americans. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Vast ignorance of the world? That's you. People around the world do not care about his dalliances with women. And they like and admire him as a world leader.

Daliances......what about the sexual assault against women.....? Those weren't consenting relationships, which Americans don't care about...but outright physical assaults against women, both here and in Britain?
They were lies those women told to get attention and financial gain. You people chose to believe them because they fit in with your agenda. Fools that you are.

Which women lied....the women who accused him of sexual assault in Britain when he was a Rhodes scholar or all the other women, some of them his students when he was teaching.......

At least 3 women say he raped them.......
I lived out in town, learned Italian (Sardo style)
And the Italians were shocked and horrified that Clinton had an affair?

yea yea

he didn't run on family values, so it's ok to fuck the help, even though it's illegal
After Monica, Clinton's approval rate went up. Explain that.


Bill Clinton's 1993-2001 Term Average: 55%

Bill Clinton's First-Term Average: 50%

Bill Clinton's Second-Term Average: 61%

Bill Clinton's High Point: 73%
(Dec 19-20, 1998)

Bill Clinton's Low Point: 37%
( Jun 5-6, 1993)

When the news sources that most Americans get their information from protect the man...it is hard for people to know the truth and to react to the lies......

Had they investigated the rape charges the way they would if a republican had been charged with raping 3 different women....and if they reacted to all the other sexual assault charges in half the way the reacted to the bill cosby allegations...the guy would have been impeached and then jailed.....
Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing

I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from many other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international, meaning half from the host country and the rest from all around the world: few Americans. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Vast ignorance of the world? That's you. People around the world do not care about his dalliances with women. And they like and admire him as a world leader.

Daliances......what about the sexual assault against women.....? Those weren't consenting relationships, which Americans don't care about...but outright physical assaults against women, both here and in Britain?
They were lies those women told to get attention and financial gain. You people chose to believe them because they fit in with your agenda. Fools that you are.

Which women lied....the women who accused him of sexual assault in Britain when he was a Rhodes scholar or all the other women, some of them his students when he was teaching.......

At least 3 women say he raped them.......
At least 3 women lied in order to get attention and monetary gain. These women never went to the police. These women posed for Playboy. Women who have actually been raped do not do that. Use your pea brain.
I lived out in town, learned Italian (Sardo style)
And the Italians were shocked and horrified that Clinton had an affair?

yea yea

he didn't run on family values, so it's ok to fuck the help, even though it's illegal
After Monica, Clinton's approval rate went up. Explain that.


Bill Clinton's 1993-2001 Term Average: 55%

Bill Clinton's First-Term Average: 50%

Bill Clinton's Second-Term Average: 61%

Bill Clinton's High Point: 73%
(Dec 19-20, 1998)

Bill Clinton's Low Point: 37%
( Jun 5-6, 1993)

When the news sources that most Americans get their information from protect the man...it is hard for people to know the truth and to react to the lies......

Had they investigated the rape charges the way they would if a republican had been charged with raping 3 different women....and if they reacted to all the other sexual assault charges in half the way the reacted to the bill cosby allegations...the guy would have been impeached and then jailed.....
Oh, poor you. You just don't want to accept reality. He probably had sex with those women, mutually consensual sex. You want to make that a huge deal?

  • 22 percent of married men have strayed at least once during their married lives.
  • 50 percent of Americans say President Clinton's adultery makes his moral standard "about the same as the average married man,'' according to a Time-CNN poll
  • Recent studies reveal that 45-55% of married women and 50-60% of married men engage in extramarital sex at some time or another during their relationship (Atwood & Schwartz, 2002 - Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy)
  • Infidelity Statistics
Wasting millions of American tax dollars investigating whether or not he had a relationship with Lewinsky and all the other BS the GOP accused him of is what the REAL CRIME is. You people are beneath contempt.
I lived out in town, learned Italian (Sardo style)
And the Italians were shocked and horrified that Clinton had an affair?

yea yea

he didn't run on family values, so it's ok to fuck the help, even though it's illegal
After Monica, Clinton's approval rate went up. Explain that.


Bill Clinton's 1993-2001 Term Average: 55%

Bill Clinton's First-Term Average: 50%

Bill Clinton's Second-Term Average: 61%

Bill Clinton's High Point: 73%
(Dec 19-20, 1998)

Bill Clinton's Low Point: 37%
( Jun 5-6, 1993)

When the news sources that most Americans get their information from protect the man...it is hard for people to know the truth and to react to the lies......

Had they investigated the rape charges the way they would if a republican had been charged with raping 3 different women....and if they reacted to all the other sexual assault charges in half the way the reacted to the bill cosby allegations...the guy would have been impeached and then jailed.....
Oh, poor you. You just don't want to accept reality. He probably had sex with those women, mutually consensual sex. You want to make that a huge deal?

  • 22 percent of married men have strayed at least once during their married lives.
  • 50 percent of Americans say President Clinton's adultery makes his moral standard "about the same as the average married man,'' according to a Time-CNN poll
  • Recent studies reveal that 45-55% of married women and 50-60% of married men engage in extramarital sex at some time or another during their relationship (Atwood & Schwartz, 2002 - Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy)
  • Infidelity Statistics
Wasting millions of American tax dollars investigating whether or not he had a relationship with Lewinsky and all the other BS the GOP accused him of is what the REAL CRIME is. You people are beneath contempt.

In Britain the police were brought in and then convinced the women not to press charges.....in the 3 cases of rape...the women were afraid of what might happen if they came forward..Juanita Broderick...her business was regulated by clinton when he raped her as the attorney general of Arkansas....dittos Elizabeth Gracen....

They used private detectives who were off the official books to terrorize these women and I believe they were all audited by the IRS at some point as well.....
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing

I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from many other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international, meaning half from the host country and the rest from all around the world: few Americans. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Vast ignorance of the world? That's you. People around the world do not care about his dalliances with women. And they like and admire him as a world leader.

Daliances......what about the sexual assault against women.....? Those weren't consenting relationships, which Americans don't care about...but outright physical assaults against women, both here and in Britain?
They were lies those women told to get attention and financial gain. You people chose to believe them because they fit in with your agenda. Fools that you are.

Which women lied....the women who accused him of sexual assault in Britain when he was a Rhodes scholar or all the other women, some of them his students when he was teaching.......

At least 3 women say he raped them.......
At least 3 women lied in order to get attention and monetary gain. These women never went to the police. These women posed for Playboy. Women who have actually been raped do not do that. Use your pea brain.

Juanita Broderick and Elizabeth Ward Gracen.........
Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing

I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from many other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international, meaning half from the host country and the rest from all around the world: few Americans. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Vast ignorance of the world? That's you. People around the world do not care about his dalliances with women. And they like and admire him as a world leader.

Daliances......what about the sexual assault against women.....? Those weren't consenting relationships, which Americans don't care about...but outright physical assaults against women, both here and in Britain?
They were lies those women told to get attention and financial gain. You people chose to believe them because they fit in with your agenda. Fools that you are.

Which women lied....the women who accused him of sexual assault in Britain when he was a Rhodes scholar or all the other women, some of them his students when he was teaching.......

At least 3 women say he raped them.......
Only after he ran for president. Before that? Not a peep.

No Right-Wing money to be made by accusing an Arkansas governor.
I lived out in town, learned Italian (Sardo style)
And the Italians were shocked and horrified that Clinton had an affair?

yea yea

he didn't run on family values, so it's ok to fuck the help, even though it's illegal
After Monica, Clinton's approval rate went up. Explain that.


Bill Clinton's 1993-2001 Term Average: 55%

Bill Clinton's First-Term Average: 50%

Bill Clinton's Second-Term Average: 61%

Bill Clinton's High Point: 73%
(Dec 19-20, 1998)

Bill Clinton's Low Point: 37%
( Jun 5-6, 1993)

When the news sources that most Americans get their information from protect the man...it is hard for people to know the truth and to react to the lies......

Had they investigated the rape charges the way they would if a republican had been charged with raping 3 different women....and if they reacted to all the other sexual assault charges in half the way the reacted to the bill cosby allegations...the guy would have been impeached and then jailed.....
Are you claiming that 60 Minutes never investigated? Never interviewed any of the women?

Let's see how ignorant you actually are.
Me personally?

1. He ran as a New Democrat who had learned of the errors of Big Government, and then his first major policy initiative was Government Healthcare.

2. THe hypocrisy of his feminist and liberal partisans who had created a witch hunt mentality on sexual harassment and then turned on a dime when it was politically expedient. I had woman, when pushed admit that there was a different standard for Bill because he was so rich and powerful.
And the Italians were shocked and horrified that Clinton had an affair?

yea yea

he didn't run on family values, so it's ok to fuck the help, even though it's illegal
After Monica, Clinton's approval rate went up. Explain that.


Bill Clinton's 1993-2001 Term Average: 55%

Bill Clinton's First-Term Average: 50%

Bill Clinton's Second-Term Average: 61%

Bill Clinton's High Point: 73%
(Dec 19-20, 1998)

Bill Clinton's Low Point: 37%
( Jun 5-6, 1993)

When the news sources that most Americans get their information from protect the man...it is hard for people to know the truth and to react to the lies......

Had they investigated the rape charges the way they would if a republican had been charged with raping 3 different women....and if they reacted to all the other sexual assault charges in half the way the reacted to the bill cosby allegations...the guy would have been impeached and then jailed.....
Oh, poor you. You just don't want to accept reality. He probably had sex with those women, mutually consensual sex. You want to make that a huge deal?

  • 22 percent of married men have strayed at least once during their married lives.
  • 50 percent of Americans say President Clinton's adultery makes his moral standard "about the same as the average married man,'' according to a Time-CNN poll
  • Recent studies reveal that 45-55% of married women and 50-60% of married men engage in extramarital sex at some time or another during their relationship (Atwood & Schwartz, 2002 - Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy)
  • Infidelity Statistics
Wasting millions of American tax dollars investigating whether or not he had a relationship with Lewinsky and all the other BS the GOP accused him of is what the REAL CRIME is. You people are beneath contempt.

In Britain the police were brought in and then convinced the women not to press charges.....in the 3 cases of rape...the women were afraid of what might happen if they came forward..Juanita Broderick...her business was regulated by clinton when he raped her as the attorney general of Arkansas....dittos Elizabeth Gracen....

They used private detectives who were off the official books to terrorize these women and I believe they were all audited by the IRS at some point as well.....
Cite a valid source for this. Prove any of this. It wasn't proven years ago and it isn't proven now. It's a lot of BS.
I am not ignorant of the world view of Clinton. I have lived overseas for 12 years. I live overseas now. I have lived and worked with the nationals of each country as well as people from many other countries. My work environment is generally at least 50% international, meaning half from the host country and the rest from all around the world: few Americans. I have worked and lived in 4 different countries on 3 different continents. In addition, during these 12 years I have traveled in about 35-40 different countries, staying up to 2 months at a time, and visiting many countries repeatedly. I am in a far better position than you to know what people outside of the US think of Bill Clinton.

Vast ignorance of the world? That's you. People around the world do not care about his dalliances with women. And they like and admire him as a world leader.

Daliances......what about the sexual assault against women.....? Those weren't consenting relationships, which Americans don't care about...but outright physical assaults against women, both here and in Britain?
They were lies those women told to get attention and financial gain. You people chose to believe them because they fit in with your agenda. Fools that you are.

Which women lied....the women who accused him of sexual assault in Britain when he was a Rhodes scholar or all the other women, some of them his students when he was teaching.......

At least 3 women say he raped them.......
At least 3 women lied in order to get attention and monetary gain. These women never went to the police. These women posed for Playboy. Women who have actually been raped do not do that. Use your pea brain.

Juanita Broderick and Elizabeth Ward Gracen.........

Accusations do not create fact. If they did I could say you were an impotent jackass and it would be truth, no question. An accusation is only that until it is proven. Nothing was ever proven. Nothing was ever even adjudicated because there was not enough strength in the accusations to go to court. You believe what you want to believe because of your political partisanship. The majority of the rest of the world does not agree with you,
I love Hillary, look at what she has done for all women, even after Bill's first indiscretion, she took him back and even after his second, third, fourth, fifth and even his sixth, she found it was still okay to stand by her man.

She also takes money from those countries that violates women's rights as a way to say: "Hey, stop it or I'll want more money from you!"

Then Hillary and Bill have seemed to find their way into the heart of Wall St. Not many can have access to the rich like they do, it is a great thing to have corporations giving you money so you can pay them back with political favors.

And now we have Hillary connecting with all us common folk, being real people, taking away handicapped parking spaces, not tipping this minimum wage nuts who should get better employment. Last election didn't Hillary do shots to prove she could drink just like other alcoholics.

These two people are great people, they are even for others not being able to pass their wealth on unless you are the ultra rich. They are making sure that no one other than the elite get something for nothing. The rest of us should be happy we get to work and pay for their lifestyles.

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