Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
I've given this considerable thought, and have concluded what I think is the root cause. First of all, President Clinton gave America 8 years of prosperity and relative peace following President George H.W. Bush's 1st Gulf War in Iraq. President Clinton maintained the northern and southern no-fly zones established in that war. President Clinton was forced to confront numerous international conflicts - but according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) only one person in uniform died as a result of hostilities and another 75 died as a result of terrorist attacks. Plus, President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since WWII (66%).

So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.

Clinton was in office when NAFTA was signed and has never owned up to it as being a bad bill. Of course no President owns up to their mistakes. This bill wasn't a Clinton bill and both major parties wanted it. The amount of jobs lost has created poverty and joblessness on large scale.

There was a bill in 2010 proposed to stop tax breaks for outsourcing and to give tax breaks for insourcing/local jobs. The Right Wing voted it down.
While there are some slight policy disagreements, very slight, the simple answer is that Republicans hate the Clintons because the Clintons are Democrats that can beat Republicans in elections.
Because Bill is a lecher, and Hillary doesn't think it...ahem, makes a difference.

Don't you like sex? BTW, none of Bill's romances where known until NaziCon witch hunters spent $50 million of taxpayer money to burn him at the stake.

So it's okay if you don't get caught? :lmao:

Even Ike had a mistress.

So did JFK, in fact he was known for jumping from bed to bed, as were most the Kennedy's, however no one lied under oath about it.
No one asked.

Obviously you can't follow conversations.
="Avatar4321, post: 11180654, member: 854"]I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality

Quite frankly, I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me exactly WHAT the hell she has EVER accomplished......
What did George W. Bush accomplish prior to becoming POTUS? Besides crashing businesses. And no - he did not run the Texas Rangers MLB team, he was just a money man. He did run his other ventures.

Don't go running to Google - tell us what you already know.

Typical. I ask for ONE accomplishment that the bitch has in her time in office and what do I get from you? Bush. You deserve that bitch.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
I've given this considerable thought, and have concluded what I think is the root cause. First of all, President Clinton gave America 8 years of prosperity and relative peace following President George H.W. Bush's 1st Gulf War in Iraq. President Clinton maintained the northern and southern no-fly zones established in that war. President Clinton was forced to confront numerous international conflicts - but according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) only one person in uniform died as a result of hostilities and another 75 died as a result of terrorist attacks. Plus, President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since WWII (66%).

So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.

Clinton was in office when NAFTA was signed and has never owned up to it as being a bad bill. Of course no President owns up to their mistakes. This bill wasn't a Clinton bill and both major parties wanted it. The amount of jobs lost has created poverty and joblessness on large scale.

There was a bill in 2010 proposed to stop tax breaks for outsourcing and to give tax breaks for insourcing/local jobs. The Right Wing voted it down.

Holy shit. The bill was passed November 1993. Who was the damned President then? What's next? Obamacare wasn't an Obama bill!?

You are right (can't believe I'm saying this) on one point, however. NAFTA has destroyed this country. Business has left this country at an alarming rate - to the point where this president now refers to "full time" work as 30 hours a week. We don't build anything here any longer. It's gone and I don't see it ever coming back. Slave wages in China, India and the other Pacific rim countries will STAY there, while good jobs are becoming extinct (except for those milking uncle sugar in DC).
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Mostly I hate them because they're both criminals.
^^^ From someone who worships one of the most criminal administrations in U.S. history.

How many indictments and convictions for Reagan administration officials? Do you even know? Or are you like Scientologists who avoid reading anything bad about their cult?
What criminal admin do I worship, and where is evidence of my worship of any admin?
Oh wait, you're a lying scumbag. Never mind.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
Lewinsky was not sexually harassed. She went after him. Before she even left for Washington she had the intention of going after him. Who are you kidding? And, saying what she did with Clinton was sexual harassment demeans any other situation were someone is truly sexually harassed. She was an adult and made her own decisions. She was complicit in the situation; she was not a victim.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

You're stupid. Janet Reno was not in the GOP.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

You're stupid. Janet Reno was not in the GOP.
What's Reno got to do with it?
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.
That's an utter lie, an absolute complete 100% lie

leftist ignorance of the world and right and wrong is so vast it's disturbing
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
Lewinsky was not sexually harassed. She went after him. Before she even left for Washington she had the intention of going after him. Who are you kidding? And, saying what she did with Clinton was sexual harassment demeans any other situation were someone is truly sexually harassed. She was an adult and made her own decisions. She was complicit in the situation; she was not a victim.
what a fucking idiot

I'd explain how wrong you are, but you're the kind of filth that defends what bill is GUILTY of.
Hillary will win because she appeals to a broader demographic.

If the Hildabeast wins it will be because this is a nation of idiots that pays no attention to her record of corruption or incompetency.
I've given this considerable thought, and have concluded what I think is the root cause. First of all, President Clinton gave America 8 years of prosperity and relative peace following President George H.W. Bush's 1st Gulf War in Iraq. President Clinton maintained the northern and southern no-fly zones established in that war. President Clinton was forced to confront numerous international conflicts - but according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) only one person in uniform died as a result of hostilities and another 75 died as a result of terrorist attacks. Plus, President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since WWII (66%).

So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.

You're way off.

Bill Clinton was a decent president but a lousy human-being. He was so nice and friendly....everybody wanted to meet him. His problem was drugs...and when he got high he couldn't keep his pants on.

If given a choice I would take another four years of Bubba over Obozo, but then we'd have to take Hillary and all of her secrets and her corruption. I'd rather give someone else a chance to see if they can clean up the mess Obozo has made.
While there are some slight policy disagreements, very slight, the simple answer is that Republicans hate the Clintons because the Clintons are Democrats that can beat Republicans in elections.

Bill Clinton won the first time only by a plurality not a majority. If the Monica story had broke a month earlier I doubt the bastard would have won reelection.

The Hidabeast was handed the senator seat in Moon Bat Heaven New York on a silver platter although she had no qualification, only a name.

I don't think the Democrats did too well beating the Republicans in either 2010 or 2014. Although Shit for Brains won the Presidency the Republicans picked up seats in Congress in 2012 so I wouldn't be bragging too much if I were you.
While there are some slight policy disagreements, very slight, the simple answer is that Republicans hate the Clintons because the Clintons are Democrats that can beat Republicans in elections.

Bill has beat Republicans. Hillary
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

You're stupid. Janet Reno was not in the GOP.
What's Reno got to do with it?

Good grief. Please research the events surrounding Ken Starr's investigation and find out who instructed him to pursue the Monica Lewinsky angle before posting again.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
Lewinsky was not sexually harassed. She went after him. Before she even left for Washington she had the intention of going after him. Who are you kidding? And, saying what she did with Clinton was sexual harassment demeans any other situation were someone is truly sexually harassed. She was an adult and made her own decisions. She was complicit in the situation; she was not a victim.

You have
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
Lewinsky was not sexually harassed. She went after him. Before she even left for Washington she had the intention of going after him. Who are you kidding? And, saying what she did with Clinton was sexual harassment demeans any other situation were someone is truly sexually harassed. She was an adult and made her own decisions. She was complicit in the situation; she was not a victim.
when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

Clinton did not bring shame to the country with his 'cheating.' The rest of the world doesn't care about shit like that. What brought humiliation to the country was the GOP going after him with their crazy, religious based morality and wasting millions of tax payers' dollars doing so. That made the country look like a looney bin and disgraced the country no end. You all are the ones that brought shame to the country, NOT Clinton.

It had nothing to do with religion...it had to do with violations of federal law, in committing perjury during a law suit, as the chief law enforcement agent in the country...of sexual harrassment law when he had sex with "that woman" which was a violation of law......you guys just want to hide the truth.....
Lewinsky was not sexually harassed. She went after him. Before she even left for Washington she had the intention of going after him. Who are you kidding? And, saying what she did with Clinton was sexual harassment demeans any other situation were someone is truly sexually harassed. She was an adult and made her own decisions. She was complicit in the situation; she was not a victim.

Ya gotta love this Esmeralda...Here, on one hand is a young girl who, according to Esmeralda, set out to not only gain access to the White House, but the most powerful man in the world and, not only work as a intern, but worm her way into this man's pants.

If only the KGB, SPI, Mosaad, and any countless other Intelligence agencies across the world could figure out that trick - imagine how they could blackmail or even assassinate the man....

And to think that poor old Bill Clinton stood by and watched, helplessly, as this temptress took him away from his loving wife (grin) and FORCED him to drop his pants, pick up his cigar and engage in extramarital sex acts with her. My God....is there no humanity!!!!

Lady, you are so full of shit that your breath stinks.
While there are some slight policy disagreements, very slight, the simple answer is that Republicans hate the Clintons because the Clintons are Democrats that can beat Republicans in elections.

Bill Clinton won the first time only by a plurality not a majority. If the Monica story had broke a month earlier I doubt the bastard would have won reelection.

Bill Clinton didn't win a majority in EITHER election, despite facing two fairly weak Republican opponents.

The Hidabeast was handed the senator seat in Moon Bat Heaven New York on a silver platter although she had no qualification, only a name.

Don't forget that her opponent (Giuliani) had to drop out of the race fairly late, and was replaced by a much weaker candidate.

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