Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

I don't really hate them.. hate is a strong word. But, it's enough already with those two... I will say this, she seems very unlikeable.

Question....we've seen this broad as a First Lady. We've seen this broad as a Senator. We've seen this broad as a SoS.

If this broad can't manage a marriage, how in God's name can anyone expect her to manage a country?

Poor Old Vince Foster.
Because Bill is a lecher, and Hillary doesn't think it...ahem, makes a difference.

Don't you like sex? BTW, none of Bill's romances where known until NaziCon witch hunters spent $50 million of taxpayer money to burn him at the stake.

No, JANET RENO asked Starr to investigate Bill's activities under the supervision of a 3 judge panel. So, unless you think Bill appointed a "NaziCon witch hunter" as attorney general, you have mis-characterized what happened.
Because Bill is a lecher, and Hillary doesn't think it...ahem, makes a difference.

Don't you like sex? BTW, none of Bill's romances where known until NaziCon witch hunters spent $50 million of taxpayer money to burn him at the stake.

No, JANET RENO asked Starr to investigate Bill's activities under the supervision of a 3 judge panel. So, unless you think Bill appointed a "NaziCon witch hunter" as attorney general, you have mis-characterized what happened.

She had no trouble whatsoever burning those 84 men, women and children to death though, did she? Oh, and Randy Weaver's son and Wife...and oh, what about Elian Gonzalez?

I think people need to re-acquaint themselves with that evil SOB and his Wife during the 90s. NAFTA.....all those jobs lost. Cattle futures, travel gate, Vince Foster, on and on and on and on....

Screw these Royal families. And screw the "Americans" who lick their boots.
="Avatar4321, post: 11180654, member: 854"]I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality

Quite frankly, I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me exactly WHAT the hell she has EVER accomplished......

dont hold your breath
="Avatar4321, post: 11180654, member: 854"]I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality

Quite frankly, I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me exactly WHAT the hell she has EVER accomplished......

dont hold your breath

Noted. But you have to acknowledge the "uniqeness" of the last 6 years, the following year and a half, then the 8 year reign of the evilness which is, Hillary.

The left gleefully voted in a man with zero experience, voted for the idiot again, and will vote for a woman with absolutely no experience, and a history of putting herself above the law and, more importantly, above the citizens of the US. This is where the left is in America. They don't give a damn where we are as a country - as long as they "win".

And people wonder why I claim this country is toast......
Clinton's stupid little speech yesterday was all about how the government was going to reward you if you voted for her.

That is in contrast to Rubio's speech today where he said the government owes him nothing.

We don't need any more Bushs or Clintons. We have had enough already.
Clinton's stupid little speech yesterday was all about how the government was going to reward you if you voted for her.

That is in contrast to Rubio's speech today where he said the government owes him nothing.

We don't need any more Bushs or Clintons. We have had enough already.

Agreed. we kicked the shit out of King George and sent his fat ass packing. I'm sick to death of these "entitled" assholes - be they Kennedys, Clintons or Bushs who think that they "deserve" the damned job.

Is this the best we can do in this country? If so, we are truly done as a nation.
Bill is a serial sexual predator....a rapist...and Hilary used their power to silence the women he assaulted......that alone would do it....for a non democrat.........add to that the corruption...selling our technology to China for campaign cash.....and their attempt to grow government...that about says it all....
Why do Progressives love Big Government Grifters who lie, cheat and abuse women?

Because....they want to be those people......the clinton's are their heroes and role models...from the ability to rape and sexually assault vulnerable women and get away with it...to their ability to accumulate wealth using the government.......

to the rank and file democrat....they are rock stars....
Because Bill is a lecher, and Hillary doesn't think it...ahem, makes a difference.

Don't you like sex? BTW, none of Bill's romances where known until NaziCon witch hunters spent $50 million of taxpayer money to burn him at the stake.

No, JANET RENO asked Starr to investigate Bill's activities under the supervision of a 3 judge panel. So, unless you think Bill appointed a "NaziCon witch hunter" as attorney general, you have mis-characterized what happened.

She had no trouble whatsoever burning those 84 men, women and children to death though, did she? Oh, and Randy Weaver's son and Wife...and oh, what about Elian Gonzalez?

I think people need to re-acquaint themselves with that evil SOB and his Wife during the 90s. NAFTA.....all those jobs lost. Cattle futures, travel gate, Vince Foster, on and on and on and on....

Screw these Royal families. And screw the "Americans" who lick their boots.

Yep and as first lady, and I use the term loosely, she didn't want military members around her in uniform and called her secret service detail pigs. This bitch has no place in the white house.
Because Bill is a lecher, and Hillary doesn't think it...ahem, makes a difference.

Don't you like sex? BTW, none of Bill's romances where known until NaziCon witch hunters spent $50 million of taxpayer money to burn him at the stake.

No, JANET RENO asked Starr to investigate Bill's activities under the supervision of a 3 judge panel. So, unless you think Bill appointed a "NaziCon witch hunter" as attorney general, you have mis-characterized what happened.

She had no trouble whatsoever burning those 84 men, women and children to death though, did she? Oh, and Randy Weaver's son and Wife...and oh, what about Elian Gonzalez?

I think people need to re-acquaint themselves with that evil SOB and his Wife during the 90s. NAFTA.....all those jobs lost. Cattle futures, travel gate, Vince Foster, on and on and on and on....

Screw these Royal families. And screw the "Americans" who lick their boots.

Yep and as first lady, and I use the term loosely, she didn't want military members around her in uniform and called her secret service detail pigs. This bitch has no place in the white house.

Indeed. I know (knew) a young SFC (now retired) who was in the Old Guard and occasionally ran details to and from the White House. the Clintons (especially fat ass) despised the military and would routinely call them "pigs" and scream at them to "get the hell out of my way". The stories of her dish breaking tantrums STILL circulate around K Street. She, in particular, had absolutely no respect whatsoever for the Military, the Secret Service OR the White House.

And apparently, this is all the democrats can put forward to run for president. May God have mercy on this poor, unsuspecting country.
ahh, Bill- the smoke and mirrors 8 year presidency- where all the hard work of conservatives made him look good. The dot com bubble made him look good. It was all a facade, no reality at all. Just smoke and mirrors. Clinton caused 9-11.
Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

Because they're Democrats.

It sounds simplistic, but that's really the main reason.
Fifteen pages and that's all you've gotten out of it.

Because him being a Democrat is the reason. No one needs 15 pages for that simple truth.
="Avatar4321, post: 11180654, member: 854"]I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality

Quite frankly, I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me exactly WHAT the hell she has EVER accomplished......
What did George W. Bush accomplish prior to becoming POTUS? Besides crashing businesses. And no - he did not run the Texas Rangers MLB team, he was just a money man. He did run his other ventures.

Don't go running to Google - tell us what you already know.
I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality

31 % of Americans identify as Democrats

25 % identify as Republicans

42% identify as Independents

16 % of Independents lean toward the Democratic side
16% of Independents lean toward the Republican side

Which means 47% of Americans are essentially Democrats and 41% are Republican.

So, nearly 50% of Americans are essentially in the Democratic spear, and most of those like Bill Clinton. Democrats like him and believe he was a good/excellent president. They are not influenced by all the garbage directed at him by the GOP during his presidency, which included, essentially, a witch hunt that cost the American public millions of tax dollars. And around the world, Bill Clinton is highly, and I mean HIGHLY, admired. You people don’t like him and believe everyone feels the same: such thinking illustrates your bias and narrow mindedness and nothing more.

That's the REALITY you are looking for. The answer to the question does anyone like him is YES, a resounding yes. Millions upon millions of people in the US and around the world like him, and admire him. You are in the minority, dearie.

Hillary will win because she appeals to a broader demographic.
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when it came time to send Fed employees home, for a short time and still got paid, leftist went batshit as to how unfair it was.

when bill broke the contracts of Vets, you leftist filth cheered.

when bill finally got caught cheating, bringing great shame to the country and the Ofc, you filth stood by him
now you want hill, a useless twat that wouldn't leave a serial cheater, to lead the free world

if a fiction writer presented this to a publisher, he'd get laughed at and barred from the premises

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