Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

Bill Clinton is okay in my book, Hillary lies way too much, she won't take responsibility for any of her actions. I have zero respect for her.
Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

Because they're Democrats.

It sounds simplistic, but that's really the main reason.

nope, because they are self serving, lying, corrupt, and incompetent. They would be self serving, lying, corrupt, and incompetent if they were republicans. its them, not their party.
Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

Because they're Democrats.

It sounds simplistic, but that's really the main reason.

I didn't not vote for Bill Clinton because he is a Democrat, however,I dislike Bill Clinton because he is a lying scumbag. Everything from lying about the sexual harassment to selling cemetery plots at Arlington and everything in between. . He proved he was a worthless piece of shit when he lied to Colonel Homes to avoid being drafted and he continued with the dishonesty in his public life.

Hillary Clinton is even worse. She has no skills or intelligence. She didn't even have have the moral courage to tell her husband to take a hike after he was caught getting blowjobs from the intern at work. She was handed the New York Senator job just because of her name, not her achievements. She did nothing of consequence as a Senator and she was a very incompetent Secretary of State that never should have been given the job in the first place because she was not qualified. Her silly ass "reset button" thingy with Russia and her disastrous incompetence in Benghazi should have got her fired.

Now we find out her major dishonesty in shaking down foreign governments to get money and then destroying her record of office to provide a coverup of her incompetency and corruption, which by the way is illegal.

it is amazing that you Moon Bats support such a pair of scumbags. You only do it because they are Democrats. You are simply not thinking clearly.

You Moon Bats will vote for the Hildabeast for President because she is the Democrat nominee, never holding her accountable for her dishonesty, lies, corruption or incompetency because that is just the way you roll. You will make just as bad a mistakes voting for her as you did voting for that idiot Obama. I guess you can't help yourself.
Because both of them are liars , both do not like the Constitution, just like Obama and all three are full of corruption.
Because both of them are liars , both do not like the Constitution, just like Obama and all three are full of corruption.

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Hussein Obama are the scum of American politics. There may be other scum in the pond but they right up there at the top.

The sad thing is that these Moon Bats will continue to vote for the scum. I guess they just don't know better.
I have always like Bill.

Hillary is a liar, it has been proven time and time again. Hard to take her seriously when she lies so much.
Bubba lies as much. The difference is, he has the charm to get out of most of it. Not all, because he lost his law license and was fined $90K for lying under oath, but Hillary has no charm at all. She can't talk her way out of it.
I have always like Bill.

Hillary is a liar, it has been proven time and time again. Hard to take her seriously when she lies so much.
Bubba lies as much. The difference is, he has the charm to get out of most of it. Not all, because he lost his law license and was fined $90K for lying under oath, but Hillary has no charm at all. She can't talk her way out of it.

She is a dumb mean ugly incompetent corrupt lying bitch without any saving qualities.

However, tens of millions of these Moon Bats will vote for her as President. They are the stupid Americans Jonathan Gruber told us about.
I've given this considerable thought, and have concluded what I think is the root cause. First of all, President Clinton gave America 8 years of prosperity and relative peace following President George H.W. Bush's 1st Gulf War in Iraq. President Clinton maintained the northern and southern no-fly zones established in that war. President Clinton was forced to confront numerous international conflicts - but according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) only one person in uniform died as a result of hostilities and another 75 died as a result of terrorist attacks. Plus, President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since WWII (66%).

So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.

You are so full of shit that your breath stinks. The Clinton's are the most evil assholes EVER to hold public office. I could go on for an hour - the shady shit that they were involved in. But here is just one little "example" of what happened to people when they "spoke put" against your saviors.

Silenced 18-year audit halts radio talker

Now that evil bitch is walking into the presidency - and we all know what the outcome of the "election" will be.

Is this the best the Democrats have? Is Jeb Bush the best the Republicans have? Then - Goddamn you, Goddamn the political process and Goddamn this country, because we are finished.
I've given this considerable thought, and have concluded what I think is the root cause. First of all, President Clinton gave America 8 years of prosperity and relative peace following President George H.W. Bush's 1st Gulf War in Iraq. President Clinton maintained the northern and southern no-fly zones established in that war. President Clinton was forced to confront numerous international conflicts - but according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) only one person in uniform died as a result of hostilities and another 75 died as a result of terrorist attacks. Plus, President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since WWII (66%).

So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.

You may certainly believe that and I applaud you for stating it as a opinion, which is not dependent on fact but merely your prejudices.
I've given this considerable thought, and have concluded what I think is the root cause. First of all, President Clinton gave America 8 years of prosperity and relative peace following President George H.W. Bush's 1st Gulf War in Iraq. President Clinton maintained the northern and southern no-fly zones established in that war. President Clinton was forced to confront numerous international conflicts - but according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) only one person in uniform died as a result of hostilities and another 75 died as a result of terrorist attacks. Plus, President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since WWII (66%).

So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.

Because they are crooks.
Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

Because they're Democrats.

It sounds simplistic, but that's really the main reason.

I didn't not vote for Bill Clinton because he is a Democrat, however,I dislike Bill Clinton because he is a lying scumbag. Everything from lying about the sexual harassment to selling cemetery plots at Arlington and everything in between. . He proved he was a worthless piece of shit when he lied to Colonel Homes to avoid being drafted and he continued with the dishonesty in his public life.

Hillary Clinton is even worse. She has no skills or intelligence. She didn't even have have the moral courage to tell her husband to take a hike after he was caught getting blowjobs from the intern at work. She was handed the New York Senator job just because of her name, not her achievements. She did nothing of consequence as a Senator and she was a very incompetent Secretary of State that never should have been given the job in the first place because she was not qualified. Her silly ass "reset button" thingy with Russia and her disastrous incompetence in Benghazi should have got her fired.

Now we find out her major dishonesty in shaking down foreign governments to get money and then destroying her record of office to provide a coverup of her incompetency and corruption, which by the way is illegal.

it is amazing that you Moon Bats support such a pair of scumbags. You only do it because they are Democrats. You are simply not thinking clearly.

You Moon Bats will vote for the Hildabeast for President because she is the Democrat nominee, never holding her accountable for her dishonesty, lies, corruption or incompetency because that is just the way you roll. You will make just as bad a mistakes voting for her as you did voting for that idiot Obama. I guess you can't help yourself.
Best overall sumation I've seen so far.

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