Why Do Conservatives Dislike, Even Hate, Bill And Hillary Clinton?

I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality
Go Hillary!!!!!




Brooklyn Hit With Anti-Hillary Street Art The Weekly Standard
Someone is criticizing Hillary?! How dare they?!?!

curse that citizen united ruling that prevents the government from fining them!
Because Bill is a lecher, and Hillary doesn't think it...ahem, makes a difference.

Don't you like sex? BTW, none of Bill's romances where known until NaziCon witch hunters spent $50 million of taxpayer money to burn him at the stake.

So it's okay if you don't get caught? :lmao:

Even Ike had a mistress.

So did JFK, in fact he was known for jumping from bed to bed, as were most the Kennedy's, however no one lied under oath about it.
No one asked.
I've given this considerable thought, and have concluded what I think is the root cause. First of all, President Clinton gave America 8 years of prosperity and relative peace following President George H.W. Bush's 1st Gulf War in Iraq. President Clinton maintained the northern and southern no-fly zones established in that war. President Clinton was forced to confront numerous international conflicts - but according to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) only one person in uniform died as a result of hostilities and another 75 died as a result of terrorist attacks. Plus, President Clinton left office with the highest approval rating of any president since WWII (66%).

So, aside from the usual political differences - I have concluded the following: Conservatives pursued the Clintons with a vengeance because they believe President Clinton robbed President George H.W. Bush of a 2nd term.

As a Conservative, I could like Bill Clinton's truly moderate approach and ability to work with both sides of the aisle and get things done, particularly from a domestic standpoint. However, his moral.corruptness ruined all of the goodwill. As for Hilary, she is another Alinskyite and Alinsky is not what the American People want.
Based on the polls, she is what the American people want.
Why do Progressives love Big Government Grifters who lie, cheat and abuse women?
HDS kooks, you're peaking way too soon. You have more than a year of bitter weeping to go to the election, and then another 8 years of bitter weeping after that. You can't possibly keep up your current level of bitterness for that long, and you risk choking on your bitterness.
Did you forget about Clinton's splendid little war in Europe while the freaking 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in the U.S. and his A.G. informed the FBI and the CIA that they face arrest if they shared information?
="Avatar4321, post: 11180654, member: 854"]I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality

Quite frankly, I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me exactly WHAT the hell she has EVER accomplished......
Because Bill is a lecher, and Hillary doesn't think it...ahem, makes a difference.

Don't you like sex? BTW, none of Bill's romances where known until NaziCon witch hunters spent $50 million of taxpayer money to burn him at the stake.

Clinton's dalliances were well known and had been for years. And yes, some of us think it an issue when a grown man in a position of extreme power can't keep it in his pants for 5 minutes.

It's a self-control issue. Its not a liking sex issue.
[QI'm TE="Avatar4321, post: 11180654, member: 854"]I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality

Quite frankly, I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me exactly WHAT the hell she has EVER accomplished......[/QUOTE]

Oh they'll continually brush over that question. that's why her announcement was all about class warfare. fighting for the womeeen folk and those children that her party supports aborting
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="Avatar4321, post: 11180654, member: 854"]I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality

Quite frankly, I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me exactly WHAT the hell she has EVER accomplished......

As far as I can see, marrying Bill.... that's about it.
="Avatar4321, post: 11180654, member: 854"]I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality

Quite frankly, I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me exactly WHAT the hell she has EVER accomplished......

As far as I can see, marrying Bill.... that's about it.

="Avatar4321, post: 11180654, member: 854"]I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality

Quite frankly, I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me exactly WHAT the hell she has EVER accomplished......

As far as I can see, marrying Bill.... that's about it.
="Avatar4321, post: 11180654, member: 854"]I think the better question is why does anyone like them?

i was just getting into political discussion at the end of the Clinton administration. I would frequently ask people what bill did that made him the amazing president they claimed he was.

i have yet to get an answer based in reality

Quite frankly, I'm still waiting for anyone to tell me exactly WHAT the hell she has EVER accomplished......

As far as I can see, marrying Bill.... that's about it.

Quite possibly the strangest "marriage" in the history of marriage.
I don't really hate them.. hate is a strong word. But, it's enough already with those two... I will say this, she seems very unlikeable.

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