Why do Conservatives on the USMB keep insisting Confederates are Liberals????

It could be that pretzel logic used by posters like yourself,one day they claim the founding fathers where liberal,because they wanted to pull away from an oppressive government,when same logic is used on another group that wanted to pull away from an oppressive Gov,it is just different right?
It could be that pretzel logic used by posters like yourself,one day they claim the founding fathers where liberal,because they wanted to pull away from an oppressive government,when same logic is used on another group that wanted to pull away from an oppressive Gov,it is just different right?
Gee, that makes so little sense, I can't figure out if you should agree or disagree.
It could be that pretzel logic used by posters like yourself,one day they claim the founding fathers where liberal,because they wanted to pull away from an oppressive government,when same logic is used on another group that wanted to pull away from an oppressive Gov,it is just different right?
Gee, that makes so little sense, I can't figure out if you should agree or disagree.
What makes little sense is responding to your threads.
It could be that pretzel logic used by posters like yourself,one day they claim the founding fathers where liberal,because they wanted to pull away from an oppressive government,when same logic is used on another group that wanted to pull away from an oppressive Gov,it is just different right?
Gee, that makes so little sense, I can't figure out if you should agree or disagree.
I am sorry you have trouble understanding a simple concept. You should have had no trouble at all understanding an example of double speak nonsense.
They say that shit because they know it pisses us off, not because they actually believe it, no one could possibly be that stupid.
What we know is you don't know the difference between an 18th century liberal and a 21st century "Liberal".
It could be that pretzel logic used by posters like yourself,one day they claim the founding fathers where liberal,because they wanted to pull away from an oppressive government,when same logic is used on another group that wanted to pull away from an oppressive Gov,it is just different right?
Actually confederates wanted to pull away to maintain a MORE oppressive government. :thup:
They say that shit because they know it pisses us off, not because they actually believe it, no one could possibly be that stupid.
I think they are that stupid and actually believe it.
They totally identify with the confederates, they just try to disavow the racist aftermath as the sons and grandsons of confederates fought the tortuously slow journey of a southern African American to go from slave to free man with the same rights as anyone.
What we know is you don't know the difference between an 18th century liberal and a 21st century "Liberal".

There is none because both follow the same principles.

Liberal Define Liberal at Dictionary.com

favorable to progress or reform, as in political orreligious affairs.
(often initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to apolitical party advocating measures of progressivepolitical reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocatingliberalism, especially the freedom of the individualand governmental guarantees of individual rightsand liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts ofmaximum individual freedom possible, especiallyas guaranteed by law and secured bygovernmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action,especially with respect to matters of personalbelief or expression:
a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
of or relating to representational forms ofgovernment rather than aristocracies andmonarchies.
free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant:
a liberal attitude toward foreigners.
Can someone explain that to me? How can they be members of this board and know absolutely nothing about American history? Especially after all the discussion?

Sure, there was another poster who posted that the founding fathers were liberals. OK, they were liberals because they rebelled against the king? Following that logic then the confederates also rebelled thus they have to be liberals. And Clive Bundy and his bunch, they too must be liberals.

In fact what is said is that the democrat party was the party of slavery thus the party of the confederacy. they own it yet deny it.
The confederacy lasted about four years and ended about 150 years ago. The only people who talk about in a political sense are liberals who need to keep the issue alive in order to promote unrest and anger. Every mass shooter in modern history was a liberal in the true sense of the word regardless of what piece of cloth he waved in the past. You could probably find the jihad Army Major who massacred his Troops waving an Islamic flag but the liberal media isn't interested enough to look.
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Can someone explain that to me? How can they be members of this board and know absolutely nothing about American history? Especially after all the discussion?

Sure, there was another poster who posted that the founding fathers were liberals. OK, they were liberals because they rebelled against the king? Following that logic then the confederates also rebelled thus they have to be liberals. And Clive Bundy and his bunch, they too must be liberals.

In fact what is said is that the democrat party was the party of slavery thus the party of the confederacy. they own it yet deny it.

Your inability to use logic is patently obvious.

Rebellion is not limited to only conservatives or liberals.

But thanks for proving the OP right.

You know nothing about American history and even less about logic.
The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. Jim Crow Stories . Democratic Party PBS

The Democratic Party was formed in 1792, when supporters of Thomas Jefferson began using the name Republicans, or Jeffersonian Republicans, to emphasize its anti-aristocratic policies. It adopted its present name during the Presidency of Andrew Jackson in the 1830s. In the 1840s and '50s, the party was in conflict over extending slavery to the Western territories. Southern Democrats insisted on protecting slavery in all the territories while many Northern Democrats resisted. The party split over the slavery issue in 1860 at its Presidential convention in Charleston, South Carolina.
Northern Democrats nominated Stephen Douglas as their candidate, and Southern Democrats adopted a pro-slavery platform and nominated John C. Breckinridge in an election campaign that would be won by Abraham Lincoln and the newly formed Republican Party. After the Civil War, most white Southerners opposed Radical Reconstruction and the Republican Party's support of black civil and political rights.
The Democratic Party identified itself as the "white man's party" and demonized the Republican Party as being "Negro dominated," even though whites were in control. Determined to re-capture the South, Southern Democrats "redeemed" state after state -- sometimes peacefully, other times by fraud and violence. By 1877, when Reconstruction was officially over, the Democratic Party controlled every Southern state.

The South remained a one-party region until the Civil Rights movement began in the 1960s. Northern Democrats, most of whom had prejudicial attitudes towards blacks, offered no challenge to the discriminatory policies of the Southern Democrats.

One of the consequences of the Democratic victories in the South was that many Southern Congressmen and Senators were almost automatically re-elected every election. Due to the importance of seniority in the U.S. Congress, Southerners were able to control most of the committees in both houses of Congress and kill any civil rights legislation. Even though Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a Democrat, and a relatively liberal president during the 1930s and '40s, he rarely challenged the powerfully entrenched Southern bloc. When the House passed a federal anti-lynching bill several times in the 1930s, Southern senators filibustered it to death.
There are some core beliefs that go with liberalism and conservatism.
There are also different methods and uses of government to achieve these core beliefs.
Too many times we use these uses or methods to define liberal or conservative.
The bottom line: the size of government is not part of a political ideology but a method of achieving an ideology.
What we know is you don't know the difference between an 18th century liberal and a 21st century "Liberal".

There is none because both follow the same principles.

Liberal Define Liberal at Dictionary.com

favorable to progress or reform, as in political orreligious affairs.
(often initial capital letter) noting or pertaining to apolitical party advocating measures of progressivepolitical reform.
of, pertaining to, based on, or advocatingliberalism, especially the freedom of the individualand governmental guarantees of individual rightsand liberties.
favorable to or in accord with concepts ofmaximum individual freedom possible, especiallyas guaranteed by law and secured bygovernmental protection of civil liberties.
favoring or permitting freedom of action,especially with respect to matters of personalbelief or expression:
a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.
of or relating to representational forms ofgovernment rather than aristocracies andmonarchies.
free from prejudice or bigotry; tolerant:
a liberal attitude toward foreigners.

I'd say that describes Robert (KKK) Byrd perfectly, LMAO.
Can someone explain that to me? How can they be members of this board and know absolutely nothing about American history? Especially after all the discussion?

Sure, there was another poster who posted that the founding fathers were liberals. OK, they were liberals because they rebelled against the king? Following that logic then the confederates also rebelled thus they have to be liberals. And Clive Bundy and his bunch, they too must be liberals.

In fact what is said is that the democrat party was the party of slavery thus the party of the confederacy. they own it yet deny it.

Your inability to use logic is patently obvious.

Rebellion is not limited to only conservatives or liberals.

But thanks for proving the OP right.

You know nothing about American history and even less about logic.

I am just repeating what liberals keep saying. But OK, the founders were anything but liberals and the rebels, yeah still liberals.

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