Why do dem/libs want war with Russia and China

It is clear that the dem party wants WW3 with US against Russia and China where millions would die and the world might be totally destroyed for human life. Why do they want this? Are the bribes from the defense industry that huge

I say that whomever wants such a war in every country, should be cordoned into one block of houses and/or barracks in a gated community when the war begins and the coordinates given to the enemy nation.

Regardless of who ultimately wins, there will at least be a high degree of certainty that those purposely looking for WWIII will face the same punishment millions of others will.

The world must defend freedom and liberty, but it requires a team effort and the delineation between the good guys and the bad, the free and the oppressed, must be clearly defined through actions.
It is clear that the dem party wants WW3 with US against Russia and China where millions would die and the world might be totally destroyed for human life. Why do they want this? Are the bribes from the defense industry that huge
I believe they call it "The Great Reset".
Because they envy socialism and think by losing a war to Russia and China, those countries will rebuild the US into a more socialist country.

Libs secretly want to show Russia and China how "real" socialism is supposed to work.
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Global human population reduction... these people are sick...
The democrat party also traded middle class donors for mega rich donors including the military industrial complex... big Pharma and big banks... all who will benefit by war...
It is clear that the dem party wants WW3 with US against Russia and China where millions would die and the world might be totally destroyed for human life. Why do they want this? Are the bribes from the defense industry that huge
Reddy, I am not sure on an answer but I'll take a stab @ it to see if I can hit the Jackpot in three!

1) The statist left wants to rule the world(god complex)?

2) Death & destruction gives them the Big "O"?

3) Burning cities & corpses laying on the streets makes for a beautiful sunset?

Very truthful quote in your parting small print!
I say that whomever wants such a war in every country, should be cordoned into one block of houses and/or barracks in a gated community when the war begins and the coordinates given to the enemy nation.

Regardless of who ultimately wins, there will at least be a high degree of certainty that those purposely looking for WWIII will face the same punishment millions of others will.

The world must defend freedom and liberty, but it requires a team effort and the delineation between the good guys and the bad, the free and the oppressed, must be clearly defined through actions.
The ones of us up to speed already know that humanity is going to lose a 1/3 of us in the opening round of the main event coming up, as well as a third of our marine life not to mention a third of our ultra precious land creatures we were blessed with from the beginning. Those potent warheads are not making humanity any $$$$$ sitting in their silos/launch platforms, right? The death camps & gulags of old didn't finish the job but we as humanity can do it this time around, right? The sociologists ESPECIALLY the ones into historical sociology have been warning humanity about our human condition(human nature) for quite some time, right? My dad was just so right when he stated the below to me so long ago now.

"Kid, there's two kinds of people in this world. Those that learn the hard way, & those that never learn at all."

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