China promoting their system as a "consultative democracy", painting U.S system as "only serving wealthy donors and war mongerers"

There is no disinformation. Educate yourself a little bit further than what MSNBC or ABC tell you on a nightly basis.
Your posts are pure disinformation. So take your concern for whatever you think China is going to do to YOUR Prime Minister.
Your posts are pure disinformation. So take your concern for whatever you think China is going to do to YOUR Prime Minister.
No, ma'am. Something is not "disinformation" just because you disagree with it.
That's o.k., you just don't want to admit that you don't know.

He's mentally ill. He blew his cover when he told us that two undercover cops were placed in a hospital lineup to watch him.

He's on medication but experiments with skipping it some days. You'll know when he gets on about his conspiracy theory again.

You've got a bad attitude Joe. You're smart enough to know most of the facts but you've got this love and heil America thing up your ass.

You and your cult of criminals have been exposed. Great effort applied to ruin my life. Protecting the worst among us, whether pedos, abusers or cops who tell young women to kill themselves (and she did).

The greatest national security threat to Canada is indeed unaccountable and within.
Or... we've been doing it your way since Ronnie Ray-gun, and people are seeing it doesn't work.

Trickle down- doesn't.
Deregulation means they see what they can get away with.
Tax cuts don't pay for themselves.

Do you know why China is succeeding in the world today?

They go around the world helping people build roads and bridges to move their products.
We drop bombs. Or sell bombs to other people to drop, like the Zionists.

The Chinese happily trade with anyone.
We try to economically bully countries that pick forms of government we don't like.

(And this is both Republicans AND Democrats who do this shit)

So while China has moved up 300 million people into the Middle class, we've managed to shrink the Middle class.

Yeah, China is so great that they continue to have negative migration out of the country. I guess that is just like those wonderful blue cities in the US that people keep leaving...for some strange reason. I can't imagine why. Hint: Better standards of living.
Yeah, China is so great that they continue to have negative migration out of the country. I guess that is just like those wonderful blue cities in the US that people keep leaving...for some strange reason. I can't imagine why. Hint: Better standards of living.

They have 1.5 Billion people living in an area slightly larger than the US. Of course some people want to migrate.

China elevated 300 million people to the Middle Class in the last few decades. We've had millions fall out of the middle class.
They have 1.5 Billion people living in an area slightly larger than the US. Of course some people want to migrate.

China elevated 300 million people to the Middle Class in the last few decades. We've had millions fall out of the middle class.

Maybe these folks should migrate to China or maybe, just maybe, they don't have it as bad here as the left portrays. I will grant you that if I had to live on a middle class income in a large blue inner city, I would not be happy and would be looking for alternatives, but China wouldn't be on my list.
Maybe these folks should migrate to China or maybe, just maybe, they don't have it as bad here as the left portrays.

Or maybe they might realize Mandarin is a very difficult language to learn. (Trust me, I am trying.)

Now, Chinese immigrants who come here have a very big advantage, they have strong communities of Chinese disporia, such as Chinatowns in most of the major cities.

I will grant you that if I had to live on a middle class income in a large blue inner city, I would not be happy and would be looking for alternatives, but China wouldn't be on my list.

i'm you are very happy in your Trailer park, Cleetus, but shit, having been to the Third World South, I wouldn't want to live there.

Hey, let's look at that poverty map again.


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