Why Do Democrats HATE Disabled Female Pregnant Veterans?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

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“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Edited to comply with copyright rules.

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote
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For me this is a non-issue, let the dems fight it out, in the grand scheme of things this doesn't even get a blip on the radar.
so why do you think she's being discriminated against?
because an exception isn't being made for her?
For me this is a non-issue, let the dems fight it out, in the grand scheme of things this doesn't even get a blip on the radar.
The Dems complain about words.
Yet FAIL to remember their actions.
They needed reminding.

You're assuming they might give a shit, they won't. As with all commiecrats, it's do as I say, not as I do.
Is there a provision to waive the rules concerning proxy votes?

If so, what is it?

And why have you not asked such a relevant set of questions?
Because the plutocrats don't want someone critical of their agenda in any position to do something about it. Which is why they are so desperate to sideline and snuff out Sander's campaign.
Because the plutocrats don't want someone critical of their agenda in any position to do something about it. Which is why they are so desperate to sideline and snuff out Sander's campaign.
Sanders is hurting Hillary inside the party. Trump has not even started on her yet. He attacks her and Sanders pulls ahead easy.
DF, you silly person, we are talking about the leadership race for the Dems.

Moon is goading you into trolling your own thread.

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