Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Neither am I.
Cool; how about equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes. We could solve simple poverty and improve the efficiency of our economy at the same time.

Forget about it. You're not going to get unemployment, so get a job instead.

I don't know what country you're from, but obviously you can't get it through that thick head of yours that unemployment insurance is just that--insurance. In this country, insurance kicks in when something happens to you through no fault of your own.

If you don't get into an auto accident, you can't demand the insurance company pay you as if you did.

If you get life insurance and didn't die, you can't collect the insurance as if you did die.

If your house did not catch fire, you can't go to your insurance company and demand payment as if it did.

Do you get it yet, or do you need pictures?
Where is the Jobs Boom; nothing but slackers getting a capital gains preference but not creating a Jobs Boom?

There are plenty of jobs around. We need thousands in my line of work alone. The problem is our social programs and dope. People can't take jobs that drug test because smoking pot is more important than working. That leads us to social programs which they obviously are on since they don't work.

Get rid of the social programs except for the ones who truly need them, and people will take those jobs that have been lingering out there for years.
There are no, hypocrisy tests.

I have no idea WTF that means and I'm sure nobody else here does as well.
Why should I pay for your shit?
quit your day job and go on welfare so you won't have to pay taxes; don't just whine about it.
Whine is all yours
i am not the one whining about taxes.
You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
Why complain about me trying to convince our government to be legal to our own laws?

Only less fortunate illegals should get the blame.

I'm not complaining about your confusion and whining.
Cool; how about equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will, for unemployment compensation purposes. We could solve simple poverty and improve the efficiency of our economy at the same time.

Forget about it. You're not going to get unemployment, so get a job instead.

I don't know what country you're from, but obviously you can't get it through that thick head of yours that unemployment insurance is just that--insurance. In this country, insurance kicks in when something happens to you through no fault of your own.

If you don't get into an auto accident, you can't demand the insurance company pay you as if you did.

If you get life insurance and didn't die, you can't collect the insurance as if you did die.

If your house did not catch fire, you can't go to your insurance company and demand payment as if it did.

Do you get it yet, or do you need pictures?
Where is the Jobs Boom; nothing but slackers getting a capital gains preference but not creating a Jobs Boom?

There are plenty of jobs around. We need thousands in my line of work alone. The problem is our social programs and dope. People can't take jobs that drug test because smoking pot is more important than working. That leads us to social programs which they obviously are on since they don't work.

Get rid of the social programs except for the ones who truly need them, and people will take those jobs that have been lingering out there for years.
There are no, hypocrisy tests.

I have no idea WTF that means and I'm sure nobody else here does as well.
Only the right wing, never gets it.
quit your day job and go on welfare so you won't have to pay taxes; don't just whine about it.
Whine is all yours
i am not the one whining about taxes.
You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
Why complain about me trying to convince our government to be legal to our own laws?

Only less fortunate illegals should get the blame.

I'm not complaining about your confusion and whining.
i don't whine about taxes.
Whine is all yours
i am not the one whining about taxes.
You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
Why complain about me trying to convince our government to be legal to our own laws?

Only less fortunate illegals should get the blame.

I'm not complaining about your confusion and whining.
i don't whine about taxes.

You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
And about capital gains taxes.
Forget about it. You're not going to get unemployment, so get a job instead.

I don't know what country you're from, but obviously you can't get it through that thick head of yours that unemployment insurance is just that--insurance. In this country, insurance kicks in when something happens to you through no fault of your own.

If you don't get into an auto accident, you can't demand the insurance company pay you as if you did.

If you get life insurance and didn't die, you can't collect the insurance as if you did die.

If your house did not catch fire, you can't go to your insurance company and demand payment as if it did.

Do you get it yet, or do you need pictures?
Where is the Jobs Boom; nothing but slackers getting a capital gains preference but not creating a Jobs Boom?

There are plenty of jobs around. We need thousands in my line of work alone. The problem is our social programs and dope. People can't take jobs that drug test because smoking pot is more important than working. That leads us to social programs which they obviously are on since they don't work.

Get rid of the social programs except for the ones who truly need them, and people will take those jobs that have been lingering out there for years.
There are no, hypocrisy tests.

I have no idea WTF that means and I'm sure nobody else here does as well.
Only the right wing, never gets it.

Only the right-wing? How about everybody?
The left has left the poor, the Democrats are the party of rich elitist.
The right wing wants tax cuts for the rich and have nothing but repeal for public policies.
Why should I pay for your shit?
quit your day job and go on welfare so you won't have to pay taxes; don't just whine about it.
Whine is all yours
i am not the one whining about taxes.

Funny, you are the only one bringing up. LOL!
Republicans figured out a long time ago that they could neglect the poor,

and minorities, and still win elections.

That is where they are.

creating good paying jobs for the poor is not neglect, it is respect and caring. Making them slaves to the government is an insult. America voted against slavery several times, the most recent November 2016
The wealthiest have a capital gains preference to help create Jobs Booms, the poor do not. Why blame the poor for a lack of Jobs Booms.

no one is blaming the poor, the blame belongs in DC, with the liberal thinkers in both parties who would rather spend our tax money on welfare than on job creating projects.
tell that to the right wing. they don't like it.

wrong, that's the dems
Why doesn't the Republican party just pass a law that every adult American should have a job?

they have many times such as when Clinton and Newt changed welfare to work fare, but then liberals back slide because they are dependent upon buying votes with what is in effect stolen money
Typical of the right wing; get a tax preference for capital gains to help create Jobs Booms, but "pocket the gain" and "blame the poor".

The only ones we see blaming the poor is the Democrats, they are who they blame for Trump being President, they blame the poor. The poor is also the reason we only give handouts and not helping hands, the Democrats don't believe in helping, only handouts.
The democrats are for a higher minimum wage. The right wing only blames the poor for not paying enough taxes.

raising the minimum wage causes job loss and inflation. It hurts the poor and middle classes the most.
Why doesn't the Republican party just pass a law that every adult American should have a job?

they have many times such as when Clinton and Newt changed welfare to work fare, but then liberals back slide because they are dependent upon buying votes with what is in effect stolen money
Typical of the right wing; get a tax preference for capital gains to help create Jobs Booms, but "pocket the gain" and "blame the poor".

The only ones we see blaming the poor is the Democrats, they are who they blame for Trump being President, they blame the poor. The poor is also the reason we only give handouts and not helping hands, the Democrats don't believe in helping, only handouts.
The democrats are for a higher minimum wage. The right wing only blames the poor for not paying enough taxes.

raising the minimum wage causes job loss and inflation. It hurts the poor and middle classes the most.

And keeps blacks exactly where Democrats/Liberals want 'em, in need, on the government plantation, and voting for Democrats.

Democrat demigod Roosevelt started it:

"FDR talked Congress into creating Social Security in 1935 and imposing the nation’s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938. While to this day he gets a great deal of credit for these two measures from the general public, many economists have a different perspective.

The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work."
they have many times such as when Clinton and Newt changed welfare to work fare, but then liberals back slide because they are dependent upon buying votes with what is in effect stolen money
Typical of the right wing; get a tax preference for capital gains to help create Jobs Booms, but "pocket the gain" and "blame the poor".

The only ones we see blaming the poor is the Democrats, they are who they blame for Trump being President, they blame the poor. The poor is also the reason we only give handouts and not helping hands, the Democrats don't believe in helping, only handouts.
The democrats are for a higher minimum wage. The right wing only blames the poor for not paying enough taxes.

raising the minimum wage causes job loss and inflation. It hurts the poor and middle classes the most.

And keeps blacks exactly where Democrats/Liberals want 'em, in need, on the government plantation, and voting for Democrats.

Democrat demigod Roosevelt started it:

"FDR talked Congress into creating Social Security in 1935 and imposing the nation’s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938. While to this day he gets a great deal of credit for these two measures from the general public, many economists have a different perspective.

The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work."

Also lets not forget that George Wallace. Lester Maddox, Bill Byrd, Hughey Long, and Bull Conner were democrats.

Their heritage is alive and well in the dem party of today.
Typical of the right wing; get a tax preference for capital gains to help create Jobs Booms, but "pocket the gain" and "blame the poor".

The only ones we see blaming the poor is the Democrats, they are who they blame for Trump being President, they blame the poor. The poor is also the reason we only give handouts and not helping hands, the Democrats don't believe in helping, only handouts.
The democrats are for a higher minimum wage. The right wing only blames the poor for not paying enough taxes.

raising the minimum wage causes job loss and inflation. It hurts the poor and middle classes the most.

And keeps blacks exactly where Democrats/Liberals want 'em, in need, on the government plantation, and voting for Democrats.

Democrat demigod Roosevelt started it:

"FDR talked Congress into creating Social Security in 1935 and imposing the nation’s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938. While to this day he gets a great deal of credit for these two measures from the general public, many economists have a different perspective.

The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work."

Also lets not forget that George Wallace. Lester Maddox, Bill Byrd, Hughey Long, and Bull Conner were democrats.

Their heritage is alive and well in the dem party of today.

You left racist Democrat Bill Clinton off the list.
face it dude, the dem party needs a permanent dependent underclass that will vote for them to keep the free stuff coming. Full employment and a booming economy is the last thing that dems want. I am talking about todays socialist dems, not the dems of the past like Truman and Kennedy.
The right wing just likes to pander about tax cuts, so the rich can get richer faster.

The left likes to pander to poor for votes, they don't really care about poor or black, just votes. Power is the hunger that drives the Democrats, without the poor and black, they lose.
the right wing is worse. they don't mind "punishing themselves and others with lucre".

Seems you argue with yourself, why does the left hate the poor blacks, I you gave up arguing this point. You are now to they are worse than we are. Interesting how the defense was really nothing but a facade.
the left is pushing for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; the right has nothing but repeal.

Thank you for proof! $15 an hour will assure the person will not get out of poverty. It is disgusting that the Democratic Party out and out, buys votes.
i am not the one whining about taxes.
You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
Why complain about me trying to convince our government to be legal to our own laws?

Only less fortunate illegals should get the blame.

I'm not complaining about your confusion and whining.
i don't whine about taxes.

You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
And about capital gains taxes.
i am "whining" about illegals whining about less fortunate illegals, to our own laws.

and I am "whining" about a lack of equal protection of the law, for the poor, under our form of Capitalism.
You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
Why complain about me trying to convince our government to be legal to our own laws?

Only less fortunate illegals should get the blame.

I'm not complaining about your confusion and whining.
i don't whine about taxes.

You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
And about capital gains taxes.
i am "whining" about illegals whining about less fortunate illegals, to our own laws.

and I am "whining" about a lack of equal protection of the law, for the poor, under our form of Capitalism.

who does not have equal protection under the law? I guess Hillary Clinton might qualify since our laws apparently don't apply to her.
Why complain about me trying to convince our government to be legal to our own laws?

Only less fortunate illegals should get the blame.

I'm not complaining about your confusion and whining.
i don't whine about taxes.

You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
And about capital gains taxes.
i am "whining" about illegals whining about less fortunate illegals, to our own laws.

and I am "whining" about a lack of equal protection of the law, for the poor, under our form of Capitalism.

who does not have equal protection under the law? I guess Hillary Clinton might qualify since our laws apparently don't apply to her.
the poor don't seem to be "able to afford" equal protection of the law; the rich can easily hire a subject matter specialist, to help them out.
I'm not complaining about your confusion and whining.
i don't whine about taxes.

You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
And about capital gains taxes.
i am "whining" about illegals whining about less fortunate illegals, to our own laws.

and I am "whining" about a lack of equal protection of the law, for the poor, under our form of Capitalism.

who does not have equal protection under the law? I guess Hillary Clinton might qualify since our laws apparently don't apply to her.
the poor don't seem to be "able to afford" equal protection of the law; the rich can easily hire a subject matter specialist, to help them out.

and the cure for that is-----------------------------------------?
i don't whine about taxes.

You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
And about capital gains taxes.
i am "whining" about illegals whining about less fortunate illegals, to our own laws.

and I am "whining" about a lack of equal protection of the law, for the poor, under our form of Capitalism.

who does not have equal protection under the law? I guess Hillary Clinton might qualify since our laws apparently don't apply to her.
the poor don't seem to be "able to afford" equal protection of the law; the rich can easily hire a subject matter specialist, to help them out.

and the cure for that is-----------------------------------------?

His answer is government intervention.
You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
Why complain about me trying to convince our government to be legal to our own laws?

Only less fortunate illegals should get the blame.

I'm not complaining about your confusion and whining.
i don't whine about taxes.

You're whining about not collecting unemployment.
And about capital gains taxes.
i am "whining" about illegals whining about less fortunate illegals, to our own laws.

and I am "whining" about a lack of equal protection of the law, for the poor, under our form of Capitalism.

And your confusion about equal protection meaning unemployment checks for quitters and never workers.
I still suggest that the Republicans pass a law that requires everyone to have a job?

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