Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

They are some of the stupidest people I know. Ask anyone of these idiots that claim to love unions if they belong to one, ever belonged to one, shop for only union products, shop in union stores or even own a car made by a union shop and none, not one has ever answered yes. Yet, they want everyone to join one, except themselves. They are hypocrites.
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
right now there 5.6 million Mike Rowe has been on many shows letting the country know about these jobs. No one is coming for them. Why?

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap
February 15, 2016

Mike Rowe on How to Combat Unemployment & the Skills Gap


March 01, 2017 As seen on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Television host Mike Rowe explained Wednesday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" the importance of fixing the "skills gap" in America.

Rowe said there are 5.6 million job openings waiting to be filled in fields that for the most part do not require a bachelor's degree."
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.
so just as I thought, you have no idea what fair share even means and you parrot it. LOL.

So you think GM is a government union? and you have the gall to laugh at me?
Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map

The world caught up again for the millionth time Neanderthal

So let them try and live on less? Great job, idiot.

Dumbshit, in most cities, most businesses have wages starting over $10.00 an hour. That is because the market requires higher wages. But you keep pretending that $10.10 an hour is a living wage. No wonder the democrats haven't come up with better ideas when nitwits such as yourself believe that $10.10 is a living wage! LOL!!!!!!
It seems they will never understand what a 10 dollar an hour job actually is. And then they claim to be intelligent. funny eh?
The poverty line is below $10/hour, yet you are against raising the min wage to that. You dupes make no sense at all.

It's actually zero, yet you libs need the votes

?? WTF?
I agree, WTF?
It seems they will never understand what a 10 dollar an hour job actually is. And then they claim to be intelligent. funny eh?

They are some of the stupidest people I know. Ask anyone of these idiots that claim to love unions if they belong to one, ever belonged to one, shop for only union products, shop in union stores or even own a car made by a union shop and none, not one has ever answered yes. Yet, they want everyone to join one, except themselves. They are hypocrites.
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
So your cure for the whole country and the middle class falling apart is for people to find a good job? LOL.
right now there 5.6 million Mike Rowe has been on many shows letting the country know about these jobs. No one is coming for them. Why?

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap
February 15, 2016

Mike Rowe on How to Combat Unemployment & the Skills Gap


March 01, 2017 As seen on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Television host Mike Rowe explained Wednesday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" the importance of fixing the "skills gap" in America.

Rowe said there are 5.6 million job openings waiting to be filled in fields that for the most part do not require a bachelor's degree."
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.

I thought we were done

Before Reagan...

Reaganism is a long running catastrophe for the middle class, dupe.Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.
so just as I thought, you have no idea what fair share even means and you parrot it. LOL.

So you think GM is a government union? and you have the gall to laugh at me?
Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map

The world caught up again for the millionth time Neanderthal

And we went to hell...see sig.
They are some of the stupidest people I know. Ask anyone of these idiots that claim to love unions if they belong to one, ever belonged to one, shop for only union products, shop in union stores or even own a car made by a union shop and none, not one has ever answered yes. Yet, they want everyone to join one, except themselves. They are hypocrites.
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
right now there 5.6 million Mike Rowe has been on many shows letting the country know about these jobs. No one is coming for them. Why?

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap
February 15, 2016

Mike Rowe on How to Combat Unemployment & the Skills Gap


March 01, 2017 As seen on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Television host Mike Rowe explained Wednesday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" the importance of fixing the "skills gap" in America.

Rowe said there are 5.6 million job openings waiting to be filled in fields that for the most part do not require a bachelor's degree."
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.

I thought we were done

Before Reagan...

Reaganism is a long running catastrophe for the middle class, dupe.Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map
and still you are naive on the subject. why not stop since you haven't got clues into why unions have been depleted. you are sooooooooo lost.
I think he means a living wage or 15/hr makes it worthwhile to get off social services, while 7 or 8 or even 9 doesn't...tho don't start- being on welfare is a full time pain in the ass. Certainly having ACA Medicaid or subsidies for poorer workers keeps many off welfare too...
then all one has to do is look for a job that pays that much. Why is that so hard for you stoops to figure out?
It's a whole class and the whole country going to hell under your greedy idiot party policies. Ever heard of the big picture? That's politics, not your moronic GOP talking points, dupe.
the big picture? you have no idea where the picture is.
So your cure for the whole country and the middle class falling apart is for people to find a good job? LOL.
not exactly but it is the end game. I have other pieces that fit into that but, let's hear yours big mouth?
Vote Dem, not for the greedy idiot brainwashing lying GOP rich duh.
They are some of the stupidest people I know. Ask anyone of these idiots that claim to love unions if they belong to one, ever belonged to one, shop for only union products, shop in union stores or even own a car made by a union shop and none, not one has ever answered yes. Yet, they want everyone to join one, except themselves. They are hypocrites.
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
right now there 5.6 million Mike Rowe has been on many shows letting the country know about these jobs. No one is coming for them. Why?

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap
February 15, 2016

Mike Rowe on How to Combat Unemployment & the Skills Gap


March 01, 2017 As seen on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Television host Mike Rowe explained Wednesday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" the importance of fixing the "skills gap" in America.

Rowe said there are 5.6 million job openings waiting to be filled in fields that for the most part do not require a bachelor's degree."
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.

I thought we were done

Before Reagan...

Reaganism is a long running catastrophe for the middle class, dupe.Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map

Obama destroyed the private Union's in hindsight..

Hail Obama!
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.

I thought we were done

Before Reagan...

Reaganism is a long running catastrophe for the middle class, dupe.Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map
and still you are naive on the subject. why not stop since you haven't got clues into why unions have been depleted. you are sooooooooo lost.
By the union busting GOP DUHHHHHHHHH.....
then all one has to do is look for a job that pays that much. Why is that so hard for you stoops to figure out?
It's a whole class and the whole country going to hell under your greedy idiot party policies. Ever heard of the big picture? That's politics, not your moronic GOP talking points, dupe.
the big picture? you have no idea where the picture is.
So your cure for the whole country and the middle class falling apart is for people to find a good job? LOL.
not exactly but it is the end game. I have other pieces that fit into that but, let's hear yours big mouth?
Vote Dem, not for the greedy idiot brainwashing lying GOP rich duh.
well post some statistics to back that claim then.
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.

I thought we were done

Before Reagan...

Reaganism is a long running catastrophe for the middle class, dupe.Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map

Obama destroyed the private Union's in hindsight..

Hail Obama!
You're brainwashed/insane. Example? LOL
The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.

I thought we were done

Before Reagan...

Reaganism is a long running catastrophe for the middle class, dupe.Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map
and still you are naive on the subject. why not stop since you haven't got clues into why unions have been depleted. you are sooooooooo lost.
By the union busting GOP DUHHHHHHHHH.....
so are you saying people have been forced to leave unions? WE know unions forced jobs to go off shore.
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.

I thought we were done

Before Reagan...

Reaganism is a long running catastrophe for the middle class, dupe.Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map

Obama destroyed the private Union's in hindsight..

Hail Obama!

The Messiah actually did something right for the middle class..

It seems they will never understand what a 10 dollar an hour job actually is. And then they claim to be intelligent. funny eh?

They are some of the stupidest people I know. Ask anyone of these idiots that claim to love unions if they belong to one, ever belonged to one, shop for only union products, shop in union stores or even own a car made by a union shop and none, not one has ever answered yes. Yet, they want everyone to join one, except themselves. They are hypocrites.
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
So your cure for the whole country and the middle class falling apart is for people to find a good job? LOL.
right now there 5.6 million Mike Rowe has been on many shows letting the country know about these jobs. No one is coming for them. Why?

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap
February 15, 2016

Mike Rowe on How to Combat Unemployment & the Skills Gap


March 01, 2017 As seen on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Television host Mike Rowe explained Wednesday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" the importance of fixing the "skills gap" in America.

Rowe said there are 5.6 million job openings waiting to be filled in fields that for the most part do not require a bachelor's degree."
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.
so just as I thought, you have no idea what fair share even means and you parrot it. LOL.

So you think GM is a government union? and you have the gall to laugh at me?
Without Obama's stimulus, there wouldn't be a GM union..
???? LOL!
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.

I thought we were done

Before Reagan...

Reaganism is a long running catastrophe for the middle class, dupe.Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map
and still you are naive on the subject. why not stop since you haven't got clues into why unions have been depleted. you are sooooooooo lost.
By the union busting GOP DUHHHHHHHHH.....
so are you saying people have been forced to leave unions? WE know unions forced jobs to go off shore.
Ferchrissake read the link, silly dupe. Look at red states. DUHHHHHHH.
The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.

I thought we were done

Before Reagan...

Reaganism is a long running catastrophe for the middle class, dupe.Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map

Obama destroyed the private Union's in hindsight..

Hail Obama!

The Messiah actually did something right for the middle class..

Al his help for the middle class was blocked by the GOP and the news never made it to you dupes DUHHH. Training for good jobs, cheap CC and college loans, living wage, infrastructure job bank, tax cuts, etc. And you fools vote for the unio busting, tax cuts for the rich GOP. IDIOTS.
They are some of the stupidest people I know. Ask anyone of these idiots that claim to love unions if they belong to one, ever belonged to one, shop for only union products, shop in union stores or even own a car made by a union shop and none, not one has ever answered yes. Yet, they want everyone to join one, except themselves. They are hypocrites.
I support unions, which have been destroyed by the NEW BS GOP the last 35 years, MORON. Show me a private school or office in private business that is unionized, fool. lol. Keep voting for lying tools of the greedy rich who brainwash you. A typical GOP moron. "Independant" my ass!

The telecommunication industry is all union. Waste pickup is mostly all union. shit man most industries that are private are unionized. Ever hear of the Automobile Industry? I know that would be tough for you.
???? LOL!
right now there 5.6 million Mike Rowe has been on many shows letting the country know about these jobs. No one is coming for them. Why?

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap

5.6 Million Reasons to Stop Ignoring the Skills Gap
February 15, 2016

Mike Rowe on How to Combat Unemployment & the Skills Gap


March 01, 2017 As seen on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Television host Mike Rowe explained Wednesday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" the importance of fixing the "skills gap" in America.

Rowe said there are 5.6 million job openings waiting to be filled in fields that for the most part do not require a bachelor's degree."
I've been talking about this for years, and so have the Dems, but the GOP refuses cheap training programs and cheap college or college loans, as usual to save the rich and their giant corporation cronies from paying their fair share. Good to see someone on the New BS GOP propaganda machine has woken up finally.
paying their fair share? what does that mean exactly? Can you explain it or do you just parrot it?
LOL. Like the good old days before Reagan, dupe, so the richest don't keep basically all the new wealth, and the nonrich don't get ruined, dupe.
so just as I thought, you have no idea what fair share even means and you parrot it. LOL.

So you think GM is a government union? and you have the gall to laugh at me?
Without Obama's stimulus, there wouldn't be a GM union..



I thought we were done

Before Reagan...

Reaganism is a long running catastrophe for the middle class, dupe.Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map
and still you are naive on the subject. why not stop since you haven't got clues into why unions have been depleted. you are sooooooooo lost.
By the union busting GOP DUHHHHHHHHH.....
so are you saying people have been forced to leave unions? WE know unions forced jobs to go off shore.
Ferchrissake read the link, silly dupe. Look at red states. DUHHHHHHH.

I moved to a red state to get away from your ilk..

I can't stand the liberals..
yes, no worries, and solutions; the right worries too much and has nothing but repeal, as a result.

You have never posted a solution on this board, the left doesn't solve, the left divides,
The left is on board with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; the right has no economic answers, only social answers. hate is a "social answer".

Left doesn't solve, they divide. This thread is a good example.
This thread is a RW BS myth of hate, division, and racism, dupe. Nothing like reality, as proven by all the examples of DEM aid to get ALL the poor out of poverty, all cut the last 35 years of racist Reaganism and BS propaganda and hate on the RW, dupe.
so why aren't they out of poverty genius?
Beside ACA and stimulus, the last 35 years are ALL GOP FECKING THE NONRICH, DUMBASS.
The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/blog/09/04/27/CongratulationstoEmmanuelSaez/
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = http://www.prudentbear.com/index.php/household-sector-debt-of-gdp
4 = http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/current/
5/6 = http://www.businessinsider.com/15-c...lity-in-america-2010-4?slop=1#slideshow-start

Overview = http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts
Reaganism is a long running catastrophe for the middle class, dupe.Hey, stupid, 40 years ago the private sector was 35% union, now it's 7%, and most red states are like 3%. You dupes are feqqing brainwashed IGNORANT functional morons. Look at map over time: 50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map
and still you are naive on the subject. why not stop since you haven't got clues into why unions have been depleted. you are sooooooooo lost.
By the union busting GOP DUHHHHHHHHH.....
so are you saying people have been forced to leave unions? WE know unions forced jobs to go off shore.
Ferchrissake read the link, silly dupe. Look at red states. DUHHHHHHH.

I moved to a red state to get away from your ilk..

I can't stand the liberals..
Or unions, or facts.
and still you are naive on the subject. why not stop since you haven't got clues into why unions have been depleted. you are sooooooooo lost.
By the union busting GOP DUHHHHHHHHH.....
so are you saying people have been forced to leave unions? WE know unions forced jobs to go off shore.
Ferchrissake read the link, silly dupe. Look at red states. DUHHHHHHH.

I moved to a red state to get away from your ilk..

I can't stand the liberals..
Or unions, or facts.

I know my wallet...

And I refuse to support your silly nonsense...

I still work for a living..

Your retired Franco..

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