Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

So did Mass, Co, Wa, DC. Actually, Obama has allowed states to do what they want...W was the unbender, and watch out for Sessions...How can the dupes live here and not know the GOP are the swine on pot, taxes, health care, corruption etc etc etc...

Obama's war pot, looks like Obama is worse than swine when it comes to pot.

Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot


Why Is Obama Prosecuting Medical Marijuana Cases in Defiance of Congress and the Constitution?
Our media suqs, going way overboard to get clicks or ratings. He has allowed states to legalize recreational pot, and I see talk of all these raids (overeager gov't attorneys?) but not since these articles appeared. So far so good with Trump but I trust Sessions as far as I can throw him. W was against all of this.

I know the Obama administration prosecuted this guy and the media made it all up. LOL!!!!

The last article was April a year ago so we know that for his Presidency he was prosecuting pot smokers, it is his admin. that went after them so it is on Obama who claimed he would never pursue medical marijuana and he went back on his promise.

He had no control over whether states elected on their own or not to legalize pot, it is a states rights issue and he butted in anyway.

Trump, who knows where he stands, the guy will change his mind in 10 seconds anyway.
Booosh raided all kinds of pot org's and didn't allow legal recreational pot. Obama did. The articles you linked to are very obscure lefty CLICK HERE! balogna. Very short on detail, and I'm not sure Obama had any control over those raids, etc. At any rate, he's MUCH better on pot than the GOP. To say the least.

Who the hell cares! I was responding to Daniel's post where he made a false claim that Obama was friendly toward marijuana. Not whether Obama was better or worse than anyone else. He was not friendly as the listed articles state. But draw your own conclusion based on your bias and view, don't let facts get in your way.
Very obscure facts to say the least. Looked like BS to me...Who cares? Peope with a functional brain. The GOP suqs on everything. He is friendly on pot duh. Progress under him has been amazing.
The Dems have had the majority for 60 of the last 84 years, no concern about the poor until they lost an election, only now do they claim they are in favor of $15 minimum wage. They need to try and keep the poor dependent upon them.
Hillary was for $12. But how would you know? The dupes are only experts on her imaginary "lock her up" "crimes"...Yes, the corrupt bought off pander to the rich GOP are great at obstruction. All you need is no shame and a brainwashed GOP electorate....

You are a dumb bunny, no one except you said anything about $12. The amount is $15, and only after their defeat in 2016, now and only now do they want $15. Funny thing is the first quarter wages overall went up, without a minimum wage increase, imagine that you hater dupe.
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.

Never argued that, seems you missed the entire post and are wrong as usual.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, makes more, rational sense.

Ok, that isn't the issue and it helps you divert your erroneous statements. Your apology is accepted. Anything else?
Our media suqs, going way overboard to get clicks or ratings. He has allowed states to legalize recreational pot, and I see talk of all these raids (overeager gov't attorneys?) but not since these articles appeared. So far so good with Trump but I trust Sessions as far as I can throw him. W was against all of this.

I know the Obama administration prosecuted this guy and the media made it all up. LOL!!!!

The last article was April a year ago so we know that for his Presidency he was prosecuting pot smokers, it is his admin. that went after them so it is on Obama who claimed he would never pursue medical marijuana and he went back on his promise.

He had no control over whether states elected on their own or not to legalize pot, it is a states rights issue and he butted in anyway.

Trump, who knows where he stands, the guy will change his mind in 10 seconds anyway.
Booosh raided all kinds of pot org's and didn't allow legal recreational pot. Obama did. The articles you linked to are very obscure lefty CLICK HERE! balogna. Very short on detail, and I'm not sure Obama had any control over those raids, etc. At any rate, he's MUCH better on pot than the GOP. To say the least.

Who the hell cares! I was responding to Daniel's post where he made a false claim that Obama was friendly toward marijuana. Not whether Obama was better or worse than anyone else. He was not friendly as the listed articles state. But draw your own conclusion based on your bias and view, don't let facts get in your way.
Very obscure facts to say the least. Looked like BS to me...Who cares? Peope with a functional brain. The GOP suqs on everything. He is friendly on pot duh. Progress under him has been amazing.

They aren't obscure, the Obama administration went after pot smokers in states that had legal medical marijuana. Even liberals give him a failing grade, especially since he said his administration would never do it. He flat out lied in this area. So it isn't sketchy or obscure.
Hillary was for $12. But how would you know? The dupes are only experts on her imaginary "lock her up" "crimes"...Yes, the corrupt bought off pander to the rich GOP are great at obstruction. All you need is no shame and a brainwashed GOP electorate....

You are a dumb bunny, no one except you said anything about $12. The amount is $15, and only after their defeat in 2016, now and only now do they want $15. Funny thing is the first quarter wages overall went up, without a minimum wage increase, imagine that you hater dupe.
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.

Never argued that, seems you missed the entire post and are wrong as usual.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, makes more, rational sense.

Ok, that isn't the issue and it helps you divert your erroneous statements. Your apology is accepted. Anything else?
it makes more rational sense to work to get off welfare, if it can pay more.
You are a dumb bunny, no one except you said anything about $12. The amount is $15, and only after their defeat in 2016, now and only now do they want $15. Funny thing is the first quarter wages overall went up, without a minimum wage increase, imagine that you hater dupe.
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.

Never argued that, seems you missed the entire post and are wrong as usual.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, makes more, rational sense.

Ok, that isn't the issue and it helps you divert your erroneous statements. Your apology is accepted. Anything else?
it makes more rational sense to work to get off welfare, if it can pay more.

Cupcake, you are the only one that is arguing the point, so go convince yourself and when you want to get back on topic, let me know.
Our media suqs, going way overboard to get clicks or ratings. He has allowed states to legalize recreational pot, and I see talk of all these raids (overeager gov't attorneys?) but not since these articles appeared. So far so good with Trump but I trust Sessions as far as I can throw him. W was against all of this.

I know the Obama administration prosecuted this guy and the media made it all up. LOL!!!!

The last article was April a year ago so we know that for his Presidency he was prosecuting pot smokers, it is his admin. that went after them so it is on Obama who claimed he would never pursue medical marijuana and he went back on his promise.

He had no control over whether states elected on their own or not to legalize pot, it is a states rights issue and he butted in anyway.

Trump, who knows where he stands, the guy will change his mind in 10 seconds anyway.
Booosh raided all kinds of pot org's and didn't allow legal recreational pot. Obama did. The articles you linked to are very obscure lefty CLICK HERE! balogna. Very short on detail, and I'm not sure Obama had any control over those raids, etc. At any rate, he's MUCH better on pot than the GOP. To say the least.

Who the hell cares! I was responding to Daniel's post where he made a false claim that Obama was friendly toward marijuana. Not whether Obama was better or worse than anyone else. He was not friendly as the listed articles state. But draw your own conclusion based on your bias and view, don't let facts get in your way.
Very obscure facts to say the least. Looked like BS to me...Who cares? Peope with a functional brain. The GOP suqs on everything. He is friendly on pot duh. Progress under him has been amazing.

They aren't obscure, the Obama administration went after pot smokers in states that had legal medical marijuana. Even liberals give him a failing grade, especially since he said his administration would never do it. He flat out lied in this area. So it isn't sketchy or obscure.
He's a helluva lot better than the GOP, but you want perfection, so you vote for the a-holes. GOP logic. And I'll bet it's not Obama's fault anyway, if there actually IS a problem.. Where the hell are you? I never heard of such a thing, and your links give no details, just BS.
I know the Obama administration prosecuted this guy and the media made it all up. LOL!!!!

The last article was April a year ago so we know that for his Presidency he was prosecuting pot smokers, it is his admin. that went after them so it is on Obama who claimed he would never pursue medical marijuana and he went back on his promise.

He had no control over whether states elected on their own or not to legalize pot, it is a states rights issue and he butted in anyway.

Trump, who knows where he stands, the guy will change his mind in 10 seconds anyway.
Booosh raided all kinds of pot org's and didn't allow legal recreational pot. Obama did. The articles you linked to are very obscure lefty CLICK HERE! balogna. Very short on detail, and I'm not sure Obama had any control over those raids, etc. At any rate, he's MUCH better on pot than the GOP. To say the least.

Who the hell cares! I was responding to Daniel's post where he made a false claim that Obama was friendly toward marijuana. Not whether Obama was better or worse than anyone else. He was not friendly as the listed articles state. But draw your own conclusion based on your bias and view, don't let facts get in your way.
Very obscure facts to say the least. Looked like BS to me...Who cares? Peope with a functional brain. The GOP suqs on everything. He is friendly on pot duh. Progress under him has been amazing.

They aren't obscure, the Obama administration went after pot smokers in states that had legal medical marijuana. Even liberals give him a failing grade, especially since he said his administration would never do it. He flat out lied in this area. So it isn't sketchy or obscure.
He's a helluva lot better than the GOP, but you want perfection, so you vote for the a-holes. GOP logic. And I'll bet it's not Obama's fault anyway, if there actually IS a problem.. Where the hell are you? I never heard of such a thing, and your links give no details, just BS.

I wasn't talking about the GOP, I was talking about Obama, you seem confused.

The Obama administration prosecuted marijuana users, Daniel wrongly claimed he didn't. Now, you are doubling down on stupid. Obama's administration, with Obama's Justice Dept., and you pretend Obama was a clueless moron on what was going on in his administration? How stupid was Obama?
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison.

Never argued that, seems you missed the entire post and are wrong as usual.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, makes more, rational sense.

Ok, that isn't the issue and it helps you divert your erroneous statements. Your apology is accepted. Anything else?
it makes more rational sense to work to get off welfare, if it can pay more.

Cupcake, you are the only one that is arguing the point, so go convince yourself and when you want to get back on topic, let me know.
Thank you for admitting, that the democrats are trying to help the poor, get out of poverty.
Booosh raided all kinds of pot org's and didn't allow legal recreational pot. Obama did. The articles you linked to are very obscure lefty CLICK HERE! balogna. Very short on detail, and I'm not sure Obama had any control over those raids, etc. At any rate, he's MUCH better on pot than the GOP. To say the least.

Who the hell cares! I was responding to Daniel's post where he made a false claim that Obama was friendly toward marijuana. Not whether Obama was better or worse than anyone else. He was not friendly as the listed articles state. But draw your own conclusion based on your bias and view, don't let facts get in your way.
Very obscure facts to say the least. Looked like BS to me...Who cares? Peope with a functional brain. The GOP suqs on everything. He is friendly on pot duh. Progress under him has been amazing.

They aren't obscure, the Obama administration went after pot smokers in states that had legal medical marijuana. Even liberals give him a failing grade, especially since he said his administration would never do it. He flat out lied in this area. So it isn't sketchy or obscure.
He's a helluva lot better than the GOP, but you want perfection, so you vote for the a-holes. GOP logic. And I'll bet it's not Obama's fault anyway, if there actually IS a problem.. Where the hell are you? I never heard of such a thing, and your links give no details, just BS.

I wasn't talking about the GOP, I was talking about Obama, you seem confused.

The Obama administration prosecuted marijuana users, Daniel wrongly claimed he didn't. Now, you are doubling down on stupid. Obama's administration, with Obama's Justice Dept., and you pretend Obama was a clueless moron on what was going on in his administration? How stupid was Obama?
Nobody is claiming the previous administration did not enforce some of the laws on the books.
Who the hell cares! I was responding to Daniel's post where he made a false claim that Obama was friendly toward marijuana. Not whether Obama was better or worse than anyone else. He was not friendly as the listed articles state. But draw your own conclusion based on your bias and view, don't let facts get in your way.
Very obscure facts to say the least. Looked like BS to me...Who cares? Peope with a functional brain. The GOP suqs on everything. He is friendly on pot duh. Progress under him has been amazing.

They aren't obscure, the Obama administration went after pot smokers in states that had legal medical marijuana. Even liberals give him a failing grade, especially since he said his administration would never do it. He flat out lied in this area. So it isn't sketchy or obscure.
He's a helluva lot better than the GOP, but you want perfection, so you vote for the a-holes. GOP logic. And I'll bet it's not Obama's fault anyway, if there actually IS a problem.. Where the hell are you? I never heard of such a thing, and your links give no details, just BS.

I wasn't talking about the GOP, I was talking about Obama, you seem confused.

The Obama administration prosecuted marijuana users, Daniel wrongly claimed he didn't. Now, you are doubling down on stupid. Obama's administration, with Obama's Justice Dept., and you pretend Obama was a clueless moron on what was going on in his administration? How stupid was Obama?
Nobody is claiming the previous administration did not enforce some of the laws on the books.

Your claim was clear, are you now saying differently than you originally claimed or you just trying to divert from being wrong?
Very obscure facts to say the least. Looked like BS to me...Who cares? Peope with a functional brain. The GOP suqs on everything. He is friendly on pot duh. Progress under him has been amazing.

They aren't obscure, the Obama administration went after pot smokers in states that had legal medical marijuana. Even liberals give him a failing grade, especially since he said his administration would never do it. He flat out lied in this area. So it isn't sketchy or obscure.
He's a helluva lot better than the GOP, but you want perfection, so you vote for the a-holes. GOP logic. And I'll bet it's not Obama's fault anyway, if there actually IS a problem.. Where the hell are you? I never heard of such a thing, and your links give no details, just BS.

I wasn't talking about the GOP, I was talking about Obama, you seem confused.

The Obama administration prosecuted marijuana users, Daniel wrongly claimed he didn't. Now, you are doubling down on stupid. Obama's administration, with Obama's Justice Dept., and you pretend Obama was a clueless moron on what was going on in his administration? How stupid was Obama?
Nobody is claiming the previous administration did not enforce some of the laws on the books.

Your claim was clear, are you now saying differently than you originally claimed or you just trying to divert from being wrong?
nope; California legalized pot on the democrat's watch, and California hired Mr. Holder, to help out with Mr. Trump.
Stopping drugs at the border would be a good start, and Trump is already doing that. Illegal crossings are down 67% in the last 90 days.

Did obozo end the drug war in his 8 years? Did he do anything to keep kids from getting hooked on drugs? Duh, no.
The US is the largest purchaser of drugs, in the entire world.

Laissez-fair, all the way, right wingers.

yes, our current cabal of doctors, hospitals, and big pharma has most americans hooked on some kind of prescription drugs. Pills that cost 2 cents to make are being sold to us for $10. Big pharma is raping the USA, but we never hear any liberals complain about that, could it be because big pharma is funding their campaigns?
It is the left that has been advancing marijuana reform. The right wing prefers to "hate on the poor" at every opportunity, than to advance any "second wave".

You really believe the crap that comes out of your mouth? Obama upheld the federal marijuana laws and was unbending. So Obama is not a Democrat?
Didn't hear much about it from his AG. And, California legalized pot on Mr. Obama's watch.

So while you want to pretend that you made a different claim, the above is what you said and it was not true, Obama and his administration were tough on medical pot and went as far as prosecuting a cancer victim and deny him his pain medication.

They aren't obscure, the Obama administration went after pot smokers in states that had legal medical marijuana. Even liberals give him a failing grade, especially since he said his administration would never do it. He flat out lied in this area. So it isn't sketchy or obscure.
He's a helluva lot better than the GOP, but you want perfection, so you vote for the a-holes. GOP logic. And I'll bet it's not Obama's fault anyway, if there actually IS a problem.. Where the hell are you? I never heard of such a thing, and your links give no details, just BS.

I wasn't talking about the GOP, I was talking about Obama, you seem confused.

The Obama administration prosecuted marijuana users, Daniel wrongly claimed he didn't. Now, you are doubling down on stupid. Obama's administration, with Obama's Justice Dept., and you pretend Obama was a clueless moron on what was going on in his administration? How stupid was Obama?
Nobody is claiming the previous administration did not enforce some of the laws on the books.

Your claim was clear, are you now saying differently than you originally claimed or you just trying to divert from being wrong?
nope; California legalized pot on the democrat's watch, and California hired Mr. Holder, to help out with Mr. Trump.

So matter what lies you are spewing now the fact is Holder and Obama were not friendly to pot smokers during Obama's tenure as President.

So if in your purely fictitious fantasy world you want to believe what you need to believe to feel all warm and fuzzy about Obama go right ahead, When you decide to become honest get back to me and we can discuss further, but you are wrong on this point and it isn't even close, you are being blatantly being dishonest. No point conversing with dishonest ones. Take care.
The US is the largest purchaser of drugs, in the entire world.

Laissez-fair, all the way, right wingers.

yes, our current cabal of doctors, hospitals, and big pharma has most americans hooked on some kind of prescription drugs. Pills that cost 2 cents to make are being sold to us for $10. Big pharma is raping the USA, but we never hear any liberals complain about that, could it be because big pharma is funding their campaigns?
It is the left that has been advancing marijuana reform. The right wing prefers to "hate on the poor" at every opportunity, than to advance any "second wave".

You really believe the crap that comes out of your mouth? Obama upheld the federal marijuana laws and was unbending. So Obama is not a Democrat?
Didn't hear much about it from his AG. And, California legalized pot on Mr. Obama's watch.

So while you want to pretend that you made a different claim, the above is what you said and it was not true, Obama and his administration were tough on medical pot and went as far as prosecuting a cancer victim and deny him his pain medication.

He's a helluva lot better than the GOP, but you want perfection, so you vote for the a-holes. GOP logic. And I'll bet it's not Obama's fault anyway, if there actually IS a problem.. Where the hell are you? I never heard of such a thing, and your links give no details, just BS.

I wasn't talking about the GOP, I was talking about Obama, you seem confused.

The Obama administration prosecuted marijuana users, Daniel wrongly claimed he didn't. Now, you are doubling down on stupid. Obama's administration, with Obama's Justice Dept., and you pretend Obama was a clueless moron on what was going on in his administration? How stupid was Obama?
Nobody is claiming the previous administration did not enforce some of the laws on the books.

Your claim was clear, are you now saying differently than you originally claimed or you just trying to divert from being wrong?
nope; California legalized pot on the democrat's watch, and California hired Mr. Holder, to help out with Mr. Trump.

So matter what lies you are spewing now the fact is Holder and Obama were not friendly to pot smokers during Obama's tenure as President.

So if in your purely fictitious fantasy world you want to believe what you need to believe to feel all warm and fuzzy about Obama go right ahead, When you decide to become honest get back to me and we can discuss further, but you are wrong on this point and it isn't even close, you are being blatantly being dishonest. No point conversing with dishonest ones. Take care.
a matter of degree?

It didn't seem that way in California, we even legalized recreational pot. It is your claim that he was worse than the republicans.
yes, our current cabal of doctors, hospitals, and big pharma has most americans hooked on some kind of prescription drugs. Pills that cost 2 cents to make are being sold to us for $10. Big pharma is raping the USA, but we never hear any liberals complain about that, could it be because big pharma is funding their campaigns?
It is the left that has been advancing marijuana reform. The right wing prefers to "hate on the poor" at every opportunity, than to advance any "second wave".

You really believe the crap that comes out of your mouth? Obama upheld the federal marijuana laws and was unbending. So Obama is not a Democrat?
Didn't hear much about it from his AG. And, California legalized pot on Mr. Obama's watch.

So while you want to pretend that you made a different claim, the above is what you said and it was not true, Obama and his administration were tough on medical pot and went as far as prosecuting a cancer victim and deny him his pain medication.

I wasn't talking about the GOP, I was talking about Obama, you seem confused.

The Obama administration prosecuted marijuana users, Daniel wrongly claimed he didn't. Now, you are doubling down on stupid. Obama's administration, with Obama's Justice Dept., and you pretend Obama was a clueless moron on what was going on in his administration? How stupid was Obama?
Nobody is claiming the previous administration did not enforce some of the laws on the books.

Your claim was clear, are you now saying differently than you originally claimed or you just trying to divert from being wrong?
nope; California legalized pot on the democrat's watch, and California hired Mr. Holder, to help out with Mr. Trump.

So matter what lies you are spewing now the fact is Holder and Obama were not friendly to pot smokers during Obama's tenure as President.

So if in your purely fictitious fantasy world you want to believe what you need to believe to feel all warm and fuzzy about Obama go right ahead, When you decide to become honest get back to me and we can discuss further, but you are wrong on this point and it isn't even close, you are being blatantly being dishonest. No point conversing with dishonest ones. Take care.
a matter of degree?

It didn't seem that way in California, we even legalized recreational pot. It is your claim that he was worse than the republicans.

Where did I make such a claim? You claimed the left was "advancing marijuana reform." I disagreed with your assessment and cited what Obama did during his tenure, which was quite the opposite of your claim.

This story brings out that Obama's regime spent more money on pot raids than the previous administration.
Dispensary Raids Rise Under Obama Regime • Green Rush Daily

This story speaks of the Republican Congress voting to end raids while the Obama administration ramped it up.
A year after Congress voted to end war on medical pot, raids continue in California

And another story: Obama’s War on Pot

Here is a story of raids in California under Obama:DEA Raids California Collectives, Violating New Federal Policy - MPP Blog

So again, it looks like your fantasy world doesn't align with us in the real world.
It is the left that has been advancing marijuana reform. The right wing prefers to "hate on the poor" at every opportunity, than to advance any "second wave".

You really believe the crap that comes out of your mouth? Obama upheld the federal marijuana laws and was unbending. So Obama is not a Democrat?
Didn't hear much about it from his AG. And, California legalized pot on Mr. Obama's watch.

So while you want to pretend that you made a different claim, the above is what you said and it was not true, Obama and his administration were tough on medical pot and went as far as prosecuting a cancer victim and deny him his pain medication.

Nobody is claiming the previous administration did not enforce some of the laws on the books.

Your claim was clear, are you now saying differently than you originally claimed or you just trying to divert from being wrong?
nope; California legalized pot on the democrat's watch, and California hired Mr. Holder, to help out with Mr. Trump.

So matter what lies you are spewing now the fact is Holder and Obama were not friendly to pot smokers during Obama's tenure as President.

So if in your purely fictitious fantasy world you want to believe what you need to believe to feel all warm and fuzzy about Obama go right ahead, When you decide to become honest get back to me and we can discuss further, but you are wrong on this point and it isn't even close, you are being blatantly being dishonest. No point conversing with dishonest ones. Take care.
a matter of degree?

It didn't seem that way in California, we even legalized recreational pot. It is your claim that he was worse than the republicans.

Where did I make such a claim? You claimed the left was "advancing marijuana reform." I disagreed with your assessment and cited what Obama did during his tenure, which was quite the opposite of your claim.

This story brings out that Obama's regime spent more money on pot raids than the previous administration.
Dispensary Raids Rise Under Obama Regime • Green Rush Daily

This story speaks of the Republican Congress voting to end raids while the Obama administration ramped it up.
A year after Congress voted to end war on medical pot, raids continue in California

And another story: Obama’s War on Pot

Here is a story of raids in California under Obama:DEA Raids California Collectives, Violating New Federal Policy - MPP Blog

So again, it looks like your fantasy world doesn't align with us in the real world.
If you didn't make such a claim; then you have nothing but a red herring.
You really believe the crap that comes out of your mouth? Obama upheld the federal marijuana laws and was unbending. So Obama is not a Democrat?
Didn't hear much about it from his AG. And, California legalized pot on Mr. Obama's watch.

So while you want to pretend that you made a different claim, the above is what you said and it was not true, Obama and his administration were tough on medical pot and went as far as prosecuting a cancer victim and deny him his pain medication.

Your claim was clear, are you now saying differently than you originally claimed or you just trying to divert from being wrong?
nope; California legalized pot on the democrat's watch, and California hired Mr. Holder, to help out with Mr. Trump.

So matter what lies you are spewing now the fact is Holder and Obama were not friendly to pot smokers during Obama's tenure as President.

So if in your purely fictitious fantasy world you want to believe what you need to believe to feel all warm and fuzzy about Obama go right ahead, When you decide to become honest get back to me and we can discuss further, but you are wrong on this point and it isn't even close, you are being blatantly being dishonest. No point conversing with dishonest ones. Take care.
a matter of degree?

It didn't seem that way in California, we even legalized recreational pot. It is your claim that he was worse than the republicans.

Where did I make such a claim? You claimed the left was "advancing marijuana reform." I disagreed with your assessment and cited what Obama did during his tenure, which was quite the opposite of your claim.

This story brings out that Obama's regime spent more money on pot raids than the previous administration.
Dispensary Raids Rise Under Obama Regime • Green Rush Daily

This story speaks of the Republican Congress voting to end raids while the Obama administration ramped it up.
A year after Congress voted to end war on medical pot, raids continue in California

And another story: Obama’s War on Pot

Here is a story of raids in California under Obama:DEA Raids California Collectives, Violating New Federal Policy - MPP Blog

So again, it looks like your fantasy world doesn't align with us in the real world.
If you didn't make such a claim; then you have nothing but a red herring.

I refuted your silly claim, you then are the nutter who set out the red herring. Why would you put it out there if it was absolutely false. Because you were trying to fit a false narrative and I am sorry if you are upset because I called you out on your blatant lie.
It is the left that has been advancing marijuana reform. The right wing prefers to "hate on the poor" at every opportunity, than to advance any "second wave".

You really believe the crap that comes out of your mouth? Obama upheld the federal marijuana laws and was unbending. So Obama is not a Democrat?
Didn't hear much about it from his AG. And, California legalized pot on Mr. Obama's watch.

So while you want to pretend that you made a different claim, the above is what you said and it was not true, Obama and his administration were tough on medical pot and went as far as prosecuting a cancer victim and deny him his pain medication.

Nobody is claiming the previous administration did not enforce some of the laws on the books.

Your claim was clear, are you now saying differently than you originally claimed or you just trying to divert from being wrong?
nope; California legalized pot on the democrat's watch, and California hired Mr. Holder, to help out with Mr. Trump.

So matter what lies you are spewing now the fact is Holder and Obama were not friendly to pot smokers during Obama's tenure as President.

So if in your purely fictitious fantasy world you want to believe what you need to believe to feel all warm and fuzzy about Obama go right ahead, When you decide to become honest get back to me and we can discuss further, but you are wrong on this point and it isn't even close, you are being blatantly being dishonest. No point conversing with dishonest ones. Take care.
a matter of degree?

It didn't seem that way in California, we even legalized recreational pot. It is your claim that he was worse than the republicans.

Where did I make such a claim? You claimed the left was "advancing marijuana reform." I disagreed with your assessment and cited what Obama did during his tenure, which was quite the opposite of your claim.

This story brings out that Obama's regime spent more money on pot raids than the previous administration.
Dispensary Raids Rise Under Obama Regime • Green Rush Daily

This story speaks of the Republican Congress voting to end raids while the Obama administration ramped it up.
A year after Congress voted to end war on medical pot, raids continue in California

And another story: Obama’s War on Pot

Here is a story of raids in California under Obama:DEA Raids California Collectives, Violating New Federal Policy - MPP Blog

So again, it looks like your fantasy world doesn't align with us in the real world.
What a pile of crap. All your BS articles are from 2013 and before. Obviously the Obama "administration" stopped. Let's see some detailed examples, what happened in the end, and who the hell was responsible. RW Crap, and lw idiocy.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?

yes, before liberals had their way with blacks the black family was as intact as the white family!! Liberals have hollowed out America destroying its families, children, schools, churches, and workers and love itself. Who could think these liberal changes are good but a blind man?
Last edited:
You really believe the crap that comes out of your mouth? Obama upheld the federal marijuana laws and was unbending. So Obama is not a Democrat?
Didn't hear much about it from his AG. And, California legalized pot on Mr. Obama's watch.

So while you want to pretend that you made a different claim, the above is what you said and it was not true, Obama and his administration were tough on medical pot and went as far as prosecuting a cancer victim and deny him his pain medication.

Your claim was clear, are you now saying differently than you originally claimed or you just trying to divert from being wrong?
nope; California legalized pot on the democrat's watch, and California hired Mr. Holder, to help out with Mr. Trump.

So matter what lies you are spewing now the fact is Holder and Obama were not friendly to pot smokers during Obama's tenure as President.

So if in your purely fictitious fantasy world you want to believe what you need to believe to feel all warm and fuzzy about Obama go right ahead, When you decide to become honest get back to me and we can discuss further, but you are wrong on this point and it isn't even close, you are being blatantly being dishonest. No point conversing with dishonest ones. Take care.
a matter of degree?

It didn't seem that way in California, we even legalized recreational pot. It is your claim that he was worse than the republicans.

Where did I make such a claim? You claimed the left was "advancing marijuana reform." I disagreed with your assessment and cited what Obama did during his tenure, which was quite the opposite of your claim.

This story brings out that Obama's regime spent more money on pot raids than the previous administration.
Dispensary Raids Rise Under Obama Regime • Green Rush Daily

This story speaks of the Republican Congress voting to end raids while the Obama administration ramped it up.
A year after Congress voted to end war on medical pot, raids continue in California

And another story: Obama’s War on Pot

Here is a story of raids in California under Obama:DEA Raids California Collectives, Violating New Federal Policy - MPP Blog

So again, it looks like your fantasy world doesn't align with us in the real world.
What a pile of crap. All your BS articles are from 2013 and before. Obviously the Obama "administration" stopped. Let's see some detailed examples, what happened in the end, and who the hell was responsible. RW Crap, and lw idiocy.

Some of the earlier links I posted were 2015 and 2016. I tire of your BS and lies, you are a hater dupe and your partisan crap is going to destroy this country. I hate LWNJ and RWNJ, you guys are all moronic on your positions. The ball is in your court to prove it didn't happen, so until you do, I am through with your nonsense.
The long standing policy of democrats is to create a permanent dependent underclass. Is being in power the only thing that matters to democrats?

yes, before liberals had their way with blacks the black family was as intact as the white family!! Liberals have hollowed out America destroying its families, children, schools, churches, and workers and love itself. Who could think these liberal changes are good but a blind man?
The blacks were also SEGREGATED back then. It's obvious to any nondupe or non-liar that only Dems have helped blacks when they're down- like all poor, and have given them opportunities/programs to help them out of poverty- mosty cut by the New BS GOP in the last 30 years to save the rich- just like ACA. Most GOPers would like to bring back poor houses and potters fields after 30 years of brainwashing...they hate the poor and minorities at this point. And think they're all Dems lol. Lunacy.

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