Why do Democrats love their illegals so much? Refresh my memory.

Have they ever sat down and wrote out the ever so elementary "pros" vs. "cons" list?
I just can't wrap my head around how and why they are so driven to keep the flood rolling in from the far south. It has to be for nothing more than future DNC and voter support....RIGHT?

You got it.....votes.
thats proof of one of two things.
You are lying, (most likely)
or, those california farmers are liberal to start with.
Why do I say this you ask?
Trump basically ran on the platform of getting rid of the scum, certainly the farmers had to know that the scum was the illegals picking their fruit. Why would someone vote for a guy that said he would get rid of your workers, then act upset when he started to sign orders to get rid of those workers.
Really does not make much sense now does it?

No, they aren't liberals, they're conservative, Republicans in the RED parts of CA that rely on undocumented workers.

I think it goes back to the Bible and what the Old Testament says about being kind to immigrants and it didn't differentiate between legal and non-legal.

Legal immigrants; not trespassers.
See Jeremiah, Chapter 9 for inundating a country with cheap labor.
And yet, it seems to be Republicans who get caught employing them. Trump and Romney to name a few.
they demand the same per hour pay as real humans do,
You're a worthless, despicable piece of dog shit. I'd gladly deport a sit-on-your-ass, do-nothing-all-day vile piece of dog shit like you before deporting these hardworking people.

You would sooner deport a real American over an illegal immigrant. Then you wonder why your side lost so much power the last few years????
they demand the same per hour pay as real humans do,
You're a worthless, despicable piece of dog shit. I'd gladly deport a sit-on-your-ass, do-nothing-all-day vile piece of dog shit like you before deporting these hardworking people.

You would sooner deport a real American over an illegal immigrant. Then you wonder why your side lost so much power the last few years????
That piece of shit, maryland, I would.
I live in part of the country that has a large population of migrant farm workers.

I have found them to be incredibly hard working, tax paying, family oriented, and decent people.

The vast majority of them live quiet lives, cause no trouble, and are in no way a burden on the system.

Just the kind of people we need to kick out of the country ... not.

Good point. Maybe there is a tradeoff here: Maybe we should deport liberals and keep the illegals. How could we not lose that way?
I live in part of the country that has a large population of migrant farm workers.

I have found them to be incredibly hard working, tax paying, family oriented, and decent people.

The vast majority of them live quiet lives, cause no trouble, and are in no way a burden on the system.

Just the kind of people we need to kick out of the country ... not.

Good point. Maybe there is a tradeoff here: Maybe we should deport liberals and keep the illegals. How could we not lose that way?
Who do you think you are to say you could deport anyone? You're just a traitorous fuck. Son of a stench. Worth less than nothing.
Have they ever sat down and wrote out the ever so elementary "pros" vs. "cons" list?
I just can't wrap my head around how and why they are so driven to keep the flood rolling in from the far south. It has to be for nothing more than future DNC and voter support....RIGHT?

This is the long-term investment by the left:

First step is to make Whites a minority in their own country. People of other races vote Democrat as a majority. If the Democrats can succeed in making whites the minority, then they will have a one-party government in this country until those people of other backgrounds realize what the rest of us realized decades ago.

Most of us whites realize this of course, but the "surrender first" whites on the liberal side do not. These sheep are told a different story and actually believe their leaders. They are like frogs in the pot of cold water on the stove.
thats proof of one of two things.
You are lying, (most likely)
or, those california farmers are liberal to start with.
Why do I say this you ask?
Trump basically ran on the platform of getting rid of the scum, certainly the farmers had to know that the scum was the illegals picking their fruit. Why would someone vote for a guy that said he would get rid of your workers, then act upset when he started to sign orders to get rid of those workers.
Really does not make much sense now does it?

No, they aren't liberals, they're conservative, Republicans in the RED parts of CA that rely on undocumented workers.

Just read that article, what a bunch of F-ing idiots. they deserve to lose their farms.
and those filthy wetbacks need be sent back to south America now, today. In a box if thats the only way.
I live in part of the country that has a large population of migrant farm workers.

I have found them to be incredibly hard working, tax paying, family oriented, and decent people.

The vast majority of them live quiet lives, cause no trouble, and are in no way a burden on the system.

Just the kind of people we need to kick out of the country ... not.

Good point. Maybe there is a tradeoff here: Maybe we should deport liberals and keep the illegals. How could we not lose that way?
Who do you think you are to say you could deport anyone? You're just a traitorous fuck. Son of a stench. Worth less than nothing.

I'm a law abiding American, that's how I say I am. And when you break our laws in this country, there should be consequences like deportation you anti-American fuck.
they demand the same per hour pay as real humans do,
You're a worthless, despicable piece of dog shit. I'd gladly deport a sit-on-your-ass, do-nothing-all-day vile piece of dog shit like you before deporting these hardworking people.

You would sooner deport a real American over an illegal immigrant. Then you wonder why your side lost so much power the last few years????
That piece of shit, maryland, I would.
From the sounds of it you might want to get to it before you are deported for being here illegally.
I cant wait to be able to walk through Annapolis and not have to hear those bean eaters jabbering in spanish. So many jobs are going to open up for the high school kids that deserve them.

As always, Clinton is a liar. Trump hired a demolition company to tear down the existing structure for his new building. He was not in charge of who that company hired to do the work. He had no obligation to investigate their employees no more than you do hiring a lawn care company.

Quit believing liars. It would do you good and not make you look like such an uninformed voter.
they demand the same per hour pay as real humans do,
You're a worthless, despicable piece of dog shit. I'd gladly deport a sit-on-your-ass, do-nothing-all-day vile piece of dog shit like you before deporting these hardworking people.

You would sooner deport a real American over an illegal immigrant. Then you wonder why your side lost so much power the last few years????
That piece of shit, maryland, I would.
From the sounds of it you might want to get to it before you are deported for being here illegally.
I cant wait to be able to walk through Annapolis and not have to hear those bean eaters jabbering in spanish. So many jobs are going to open up for the high school kids that deserve them.
You're just a piece of dog shit who was lucky enough to be born here.
they demand the same per hour pay as real humans do,
You're a worthless, despicable piece of dog shit. I'd gladly deport a sit-on-your-ass, do-nothing-all-day vile piece of dog shit like you before deporting these hardworking people.

You would sooner deport a real American over an illegal immigrant. Then you wonder why your side lost so much power the last few years????
That piece of shit, maryland, I would.

Of course you would. You're a liberal. You consider a fellow American more of an enemy than a foreigner.
they demand the same per hour pay as real humans do,
You're a worthless, despicable piece of dog shit. I'd gladly deport a sit-on-your-ass, do-nothing-all-day vile piece of dog shit like you before deporting these hardworking people.

You would sooner deport a real American over an illegal immigrant. Then you wonder why your side lost so much power the last few years????
That piece of shit, maryland, I would.

Of course you would. You're a liberal. You consider a fellow American more of an enemy than a foreigner.
Oh, I don't even consider maryland a fellow American.

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