Why do Democrats Trivialize The Threat From Radical Islam

Behavior has to do with man, the religious books have to do with religion.


So the Nazis were blameless - it was individuals, not the creed and philosophy...

LOL, the insane bullshit you will spew in your desperate attempt to defend the indefensible is astounding.
BTW: this is the same as a death sentence. If she is "rebellious", the men of Sharia can claim she is not living according to the faith, therefore must be put to death.

Please provide evidence for your statement.

Or just admit that you made it up.

Thank You

"Wafa Sultan, courageous author of the indispensible jeremiad "A God Who Hates," strove gamely to educate Bill O'Reilly -- " from article: American Thinker Blog: Educating Bill O'Reilly on the 'Rape Factor' in Islam (updated)

I watched her and she is quite knowledgeable about the subject.

Why don't you just buy a copy of the English version of the Quran instead of reading cherry-picked biased interpretations from right wing websites and publications? It's very small and inexpensive on Amazon.
Let these politcalcorrectness liberals defend the backward bloodlusting deathcult of islam.It just proves how stupid they are.Face it,liberals hate America and so do muslims.Therefore they have much in common.To every liberal and muslim in USA I give you the one fingered salute.Take your middle finger and stick it up your asses and twist!WITH PRIDE I HATE ISLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, but I don't recall people calling themselves "****** lover" in the 50s....:eusa_whistle:

Good point, calling someone "Teabagger" is more akin to calling them "******."

Funny, it's mostly dims who did both.

BWAAAAAHahahahahaha. Nope. Another failure.

The Tea Party Movement defined itself as "Teabaggers". Probably just weren't up on the current "Gay Slang". I wasn't. I had to look it up :eek:

So while kinda gross to me, is not the the same as calling them a "******"
I think it speaks volumes that whomever came up with the name "Tea Party" was too dumb to realize it would very quickly be dubbed "Teabaggers."

Yeah, your contempt for Samuel Adams is just no surprise to anyone. (Now Che is someone you REALLY regard highly...)
One of the many "clever" posters at a tea party event, summer of 09.

Ah yes, another of the lies of the left.



You can't even tell the truth about that - it was 2003, shit fer brains.

It was a "mock" pro-war rally. The other signs at the event read;

"Freedom Is The Enemy", "Get A Brain Morans", "Iraq Out Of Iraq", "Draft My Child", "Send Our Infants", "Soccer Moms For Blood", "War Is Peace", "I'm Pro Life And Pro Death", "Stop Reporting The Facts", "Peace Is For Pussies", "Bush Is The Savior", "This Is No Time For Thinking", "Pro Bush Lesbian", and "Ask Me About My Baby Killing Honor Student" among other slogans.

Now Maggie, you're stupid - REAL fucking stupid, but even a cretin like you can grasp this, can't you?


The Tea Bag gatherings protesting Obamacare, etc., happened in 2003? Imagine that. :lol:

Wherever the original poster first appeared is moot: You decided to call me out on spelling an apt description of YOU "moran" and calling me a cretin, when I was merely intentionally spelling it the way I saw it on a sign. So, from now on, just to be accurate, I'll call you a stupid cretin, and then you can come back and me and tell me that's redundant. You see this is the kind of moranic conversation you relish. Oops, sorry.
Please provide evidence for your statement.

Or just admit that you made it up.

Thank You

"Wafa Sultan, courageous author of the indispensible jeremiad "A God Who Hates," strove gamely to educate Bill O'Reilly -- " from article: American Thinker Blog: Educating Bill O'Reilly on the 'Rape Factor' in Islam (updated)

I watched her and she is quite knowledgeable about the subject.
No where in the article does it say that a wife who, as you claimed in your post,: "If she is "rebellious", the men of Sharia can claim she is not living according to the faith, therefore must be put to death."

Again, provide evidence for your statement; or just admit that you made it up.

Looking forward to your response. :cool:

Good luck with that. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dumb are only here to provide E-comedy along with Dumb & Dumber who will be along later.
Define promote and then try to explain how that is not your claim.

Ah, so you think the definition of "promote" is "say something good."

So, were you born retarded, or is this the result of severe head trauma?

So you edit my posts and then refuse to answer the questions asked of you? YOU said promote I asked you to define it and you can't even do that.

Thanks for further exposing your dishonesty.

Ok so you couldn't name one good thing I've said about Islam, so everytime you've said I have you're admitting you were just lying.

Get that straw man!


Not my claim. I not that you defend Islam. I note that you attack those who seek reasonable precautions against a creed that has openly declared war on this nation.

Say anything good? What need is there; just keep attacking those who oppose Islam.

Keep running away form your own words. Watching you spin like this is hilarious. LOL

Your raison d’état in this thread is to promote and defend Islam. It is all you have done, thus far.

that I think all religions are intellectually stupid.

Yet you defend and promote only one religion, Islam.

Define promote and then try to explain how that is not your claim.

WOW you really are nothing but a dishonest hack. LOL
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Behavior has to do with man, the religious books have to do with religion.


So the Nazis were blameless - it was individuals, not the creed and philosophy...

LOL, the insane bullshit you will spew in your desperate attempt to defend the indefensible is astounding.

I'm not defending it, I'm saying it's human nature.

Something similar to the holocaust has happened before and had nothing to do with naziism. Similar stuff to the holocaust in terms of genocide is probably happening now.

It's human nature, it's disgusting and horrifying, but man doesn't need religious or philosophical excuses to do it. They'll do it either way for different motivations.

If every religion vanished tonight, tomorrow you'd still have people who wanted to terrorize, kill and steal.
i'm a lawyer first.

You're an idiot first.

If you're a lawyer, then my already low opinion of the legal profession just dropped another dozen notches.

Generally, I have a low opinion of lawyers due to the lack of ethics in law - not the lack of intellect.

You being in law would cause me to reassess that.

There is no excuse for it and every time we do the witch hunt, we regret it as a society.


You keep spewing this lie. Show us the round-ups and mock trials? You can't because you're lying.

You are a demagogue, nothing more.
i don't think democrats "understate the threat". I think that it offends us when we see our country do the type of witch hunt that was done during the mccarthy era and the type of thing that was done to the japanese during WWII.

I'm all for rooting out threats. I'm not for witch hunts.

And if they were looking for all threats, I'd say it was a good thing. But they aren't.

Ok...I actually expect more from you on this. You don't think we should be looking into muslim radicalization in our prison system? You think that is a witch-hunt? The Japanese internment was done by a Democrat, although that’s not really relevant here and I don't know why you would even bring it up, generally the dems play politics with this issue there a couple such as Joe Lieberman who understand but most could care less it all about power, sad but true

In the prison system? Was that a joke? The prison system can't even control Nazification of inmates, let alone recruiting for potential Muslim radicals. I say let them go at each other...in prison.

This looks like you are supprting the rapes of men. Are you against the death penalty? Is it okay for them to be raped for the rest of their lives, just don't show mercy by killing them?
1) Murder, rape, and pillage at Jabesh-gilead (Judges 21:10-24 NLT)

So they sent twelve thousand warriors to Jabesh-gilead with orders to kill everyone there, including women and children.

Oh gawd, when did this happen? Just last week?

You got us, damn those Christians going into Jabesh-gilead last week.

{Hundreds of Muslims marched in the eastern city of Lahore after the most influential Sunni Muslim alliance in Pakistan urged the Government not to grant mother-of-five Aasia Bibi clemency.

A crowd of several hundred called for "Jihad" and pledged to sacrifice their lives to protect the honour of Muhammad.

The rally was organised by a subsidiary of banned charity Jamaat-ud-Dawa, which the United Nations has blacklisted as a terrorist organisation.

"We will hold nationwide protests if the government pardons the Christian woman," the subsidiary's chief coordinator, Qari Yaqub, told participants.}

Pakistani Muslims threaten chaos if Christian woman not executed for ‘blasphemy’ | The Raw Story

LOOK, exactly the same! Christians and Muslims are identical.....

Goebbels got nothing on you, dude...
So in your mind that he used the term "My God" in a phrase shows that he's a Christian? Not even a reference to his religion and his other quotes are that he's atheist or agnostic?

I think when he said he's "come to peace....with my God.." it implies that he knows what he's gonna do is wrong in the eyes of his God, but he's going to do so anyway and has come to peace with that fact.

Thats a big difference in him, and a 19 year old Muslim who thinks Allah will give him 72 virgins in reward for exploding an airplane.

You just answered your own question. One acknowledged the existence of God, the other did it for religious intent.

So mcveigh wasn't an atheist as u2008 claimed earlier? Thanks for coutnering u2008s argument. LOL
Uncensored said:
I think that what bothers the left is that people actually think. We should just shut up and obey.

We know you "think." But is it dark in there? Inquiring minds want to know.
Ah, flashbacks to people being called "****** Lover" in the 50s.

Or "Teabagger" in 2011.

I think it speaks volumes that whomever came up with the name "Tea Party" was too dumb to realize it would very quickly be dubbed "Teabaggers."

Most of the "Taxed Enough Already" demonstrators, did not know that term (and probably could have went the rest of their lives without learning that term), before the lowest forms of name calling lefties chose to try to humiliate them by using that term. The same people that will use names like teabagger, racist, bigot, will not debate, will not present an alternative arguement, just hatred and names. Please don't break the trend, continue to show your depraved status in society (throwing yourself into gutter to pull others in with you).
Really? This is from a letter that mcveigh wrote to a friend .

so that doesn't seem very atheistic to me.

nope.. it doesn't.
It's a far cry for an individual to mention the words "my god" from what we hear from radical Muslims here and abroad.

Furthermore, I am an ATHIEST, lifelong, and I have said "my god" before, as a way of making a point, and also I have said "god" in a way that was ambiguous, in that my ir-religiosity was not revealed, when talking to others who were believers

look at the context of waht mcveigh wrote. He wasn't merely saying it to feign belief for a believer. He made peace with his God. Do you see the difference or are you still confused??

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