Why Do Dems Want to Limit The Number of Criminal Illegals That Can be Caught / Held / DEPORTED?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close
I hope they send a lot of bed wetters there to enforce that bullshit cap.
Because they’re not down with legalized kidnapping.
Are we or are we not a nation of laws that govern the people?

You are essentially telling criminals you got free reign do what you will. You idiots are fucking stupid! Why dont you take 30 or 40 of them in to your home?
Because they’re not down with legalized kidnapping.
Are we or are we not a nation of laws that govern the people?

You are essentially telling criminals you got free reign do what you will. You idiots are fucking stupid! Why dont you take 30 or 40 of them in to your home?

You’re essentially lying about what I said. No actually, you are lying about what I said.
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close
Some people care about human rights violations. And yes, conservatives, even when against brown people.
You are essentially telling criminals you got free reign do what you will. You idiots are fucking stupid! Why dont you take 30 or 40 of them in to your home?

'YOU' being the Democrats and those getting the free pass to break US laws being ILLEGALS.

Democrats are trying to give their illegally voting constituents their own separate 'UN-Constitutional Rights' and PROTECTIONS from US LAWS.

Because they’re not down with legalized kidnapping.
Are we or are we not a nation of laws that govern the people?

You are essentially telling criminals you got free reign do what you will. You idiots are fucking stupid! Why dont you take 30 or 40 of them in to your home?

You’re essentially lying about what I said. No actually, you are lying about what I said.
I am exposing what you said as pure unadulterated STUPIDITY!
Some people care about human rights violations. And yes, conservatives, even when against brown people.
What 'Human Rights Violations'?

We have laws. When they break them they are subject to those laws and the penalties associated. Illegals who cross into the US illegally are in violation of US laws. These in question are illegals who then violate even more crimes, resulting in their arrest / detainment.

Democrats are writing legislation for them to give them a free pass, protection from our laws....

Tell you what, if someone ever breaks into your house and they tell you to put down the gun and to let him go because if you don't you will report him for a Human Rights Violation for attempting to hold him accountable for the crime he just committed, tell me how that works out for you.
Because they’re not down with legalized kidnapping.
Are we or are we not a nation of laws that govern the people?

You are essentially telling criminals you got free reign do what you will. You idiots are fucking stupid! Why dont you take 30 or 40 of them in to your home?

You’re essentially lying about what I said. No actually, you are lying about what I said.
I am exposing what you said as pure unadulterated STUPIDITY!

We take kids from their parents for the sake of “deterrence”. It’s a brazenly cruel thing to do to the kids. Being a trump supporter, I’m sure you get off on such things
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close
Some people care about human rights violations. And yes, conservatives, even when against brown people.
Human Rights violations? How about those they kill or commit crimes against? Do they have rights or just your criminals who enter by stealth and deceit and commit crimes in doing so.. You fucking idiots think they are the only ones who matter here.. FUCK YOU!
Some people care about human rights violations. And yes, conservatives, even when against brown people.
What 'Human Rights Violations'?

We have laws. When they break them they are subject to those laws and the penalties associated. Illegals who cross into the US illegally are in violation of US laws. These in question are illegals who then violate even more crimes, resulting in their arrest / detainment.

Democrats are writing legislation for them to give them a free pass, protection from our laws....

Tell you what, if someone ever breaks into your house and they tell you to put down the gun and to let him go because if you don't you will report him for a Human Rights Violation for attempting to hold him accountable for the crime he just committed, tell me how that works out for you.
If a family comes to my door for help and I lock up their child and prevent them from ever reuniting, then I’m the bad guy.
Because they’re not down with legalized kidnapping.
Are we or are we not a nation of laws that govern the people?

You are essentially telling criminals you got free reign do what you will. You idiots are fucking stupid! Why dont you take 30 or 40 of them in to your home?

You’re essentially lying about what I said. No actually, you are lying about what I said.
I am exposing what you said as pure unadulterated STUPIDITY!

We take kids from their parents for the sake of “deterrence”. It’s a brazenly cruel thing to do to the kids. Being a trump supporter, I’m sure you get off on such things
There is no birth-right-citiezenship. It doesn't exist and isn't codified into law. The parents should not of brought their children along when they commit crimes...
Some people care about human rights violations. And yes, conservatives, even when against brown people.
Thanks for that RACIST comment, as you were the only one to pull out the race card, chuckles.

When someone breaks through your window and enters MY house, I don't give a damn what color they are.

You want to pull the race card out in defense of someone who just illegally broke into our country and expect that to excuse them for the crime they just committed?

Damn, how stupid snowflakes are never surprises me.
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close
Some people care about human rights violations. And yes, conservatives, even when against brown people.
Human Rights violations? How about those they kill or commit crimes against? Do they have rights or just your criminals who enter by stealth and deceit and commit crimes in doing so.. You fucking idiots think they are the only ones who matter here.. FUCK YOU!
How about those that kill or commit crimes? Then don’t release those. Holy crap.
Some people care about human rights violations. And yes, conservatives, even when against brown people.
Thanks for that RACIST comment, as you were the only one to pull out the race card, chuckles.

When someone breaks through your window and enters MY house, I don't give a damn what color they are.

You want to pull the race card out in defense of someone who just illegally broke into our country and expect that to excuse them for the crime they just committed?

Damn, how stupid snowflakes are never surprises me.
Now conservatives are arguing in favor of violating human rights. Damn, what has this country come to...
If a family comes to my door for help and I lock up their child and prevent them from ever reuniting, then I’m the bad guy.

Nice little story, snowflake, but it has nothing to do with what I said / what we are talking about.

These people aren't coming to your door. Their climbing over your fence, they are climbing in the windows, tunneling into you basement. THESE people are people who have gained entry into your house ILLEGALLY.

So spare us the BS!
How about those that kill or commit crimes? Then don’t release those. Holy crap.
So giving criminals a free pass to commit SOME crimes is ok? Oh, and no American gets that same free pass....

F* that!
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close
Some people care about human rights violations. And yes, conservatives, even when against brown people.
Human Rights violations? How about those they kill or commit crimes against? Do they have rights or just your criminals who enter by stealth and deceit and commit crimes in doing so.. You fucking idiots think they are the only ones who matter here.. FUCK YOU!
How about those that kill or commit crimes? Then don’t release those. Holy crap.

Seems like it would be the logical thing to do….
Now conservatives are arguing in favor of violating human rights. Damn, what has this country come to...
As I proved, there is no Human Rights Violation being committed when you arrest=, detain, and deport an illegal who entered the US illegally and then broke more laws, which resulted in him being detained.

Shamelessly, like a good little liberal, you are making up crap to push your criminal agenda of protecting illegals in this country and preventing existing US laws from being enforced.

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