Why Do Dems Want to Limit The Number of Criminal Illegals That Can be Caught / Held / DEPORTED?

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close
Some people care about human rights violations.

What rights violations?
If a family comes to my door for help and I lock up their child and prevent them from ever reuniting, then I’m the bad guy.

Nice little story, snowflake, but it has nothing to do with what I said / what we are talking about.

These people aren't coming to your door. Their climbing over your fence, they are climbing in the windows, tunneling into you basement. THESE people are people who have gained entry into your house ILLEGALLY.

So spare us the BS!
They haven’t done those things. They’ve come into my community looking for work. Some are lucky and find jobs in fancy golf clubs like Trump National at Bedminster.
Now conservatives are arguing in favor of violating human rights. Damn, what has this country come to...
As I proved, there is no Human Rights Violation being committed when you arrest=, detain, and deport an illegal who entered the US illegally and then broke more laws, which resulted in him being detained.

Shamelessly, like a good little liberal, you are making up crap to push your criminal agenda of protecting illegals in this country and preventing existing US laws from being enforced.
You are just okay with human rights violations.
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Trump is going after the base of the new Socialist democrat Party
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Illegals are not criminals.

We have limited resources. The idea is to have ice target real criminals and not waste time and money on the good illegals .
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Let's get more judges to expedite the deportations.
No reason why we can't run those courts 24/7.

Lets deport so many illegals, so quickly, we don't need any beds.
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

[URL='https://dailycaller.com/2019/02/12/dems-ice-bed-cap-border-deal/']Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close[/URL]

Duh, because Trump wants to call asylum seekers criminals.
How about those that kill or commit crimes? Then don’t release those. Holy crap.
So giving criminals a free pass to commit SOME crimes is ok? Oh, and no American gets that same free pass....F* that!
Lol are you now arguing that illegals are better off than American citizens? :laugh:
I am pointing out FACTS...and all you are doing is repeating what I say or lie your ass off.

The FACT is while Democrats lie their asses off about how they are for securing our borders, protecting the American people, and advocate enforcing the rule of law they are running federal law-violating Illegal Sanctuary Cities that protect violent criminals / human traffickers / cop killers, they are demanding the ending the 2nd largest law enforcement agency in the US that is tasked with dealing with criminal illegals, and they are standing with those illegals to author/pass legislation - not to protect US Citizens but to protect criminal illegals. WHAT DEMOCRATS ARE SAYING IS BS AND DOES NOT MATCH UP WITH THEIR ACTIONS.

The FACT is under Barak Obama law enforcement was directed NOT TO ENFORCE THE LAW, NOT to detain / arrest / charge Illegals who had committed crimes less than a Felony and to release them into the general population where they disappeared.

The FACT is while President Barak Obama was giving these illegals that 'Right' / 'Privilege', NO American citizen was granted that same 'Right' / 'Privilege'.

The FACT is, just like then, Democrats are advocating and passing bills to give criminal illegals a 'free pass', 'Rights' / 'Privileges' American citizens do not have and ones the Democrats are NOT equally advocating for them.

Arguing Illegals have it better off than Americans? In some cases, as the FACTS show, they do...and Democrats are standing with THEM, not the American people, to make sure that continues.

What the Democrats are doing is spitting on the Constitution and the rule of Law, making a mockery of any idea in this country that there is anything that resembles 'Equal Justice'.
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Let's get more judges to expedite the deportations.
No reason why we can't run those courts 24/7.

Lets deport so many illegals, so quickly, we don't need any beds.

If proven to be here illegally, load 'em up on buses and head to the border. (Of course I am being facetious.)
How about those that kill or commit crimes? Then don’t release those. Holy crap.
So giving criminals a free pass to commit SOME crimes is ok? Oh, and no American gets that same free pass....F* that!
Lol are you now arguing that illegals are better off than American citizens? :laugh:
I am pointing out FACTS...and all you are doing is repeating what I say or lie your ass off.

The FACT is while Democrats lie their asses off about how they are for securing our borders, protecting the American people, and advocate enforcing the rule of law they are running federal law-violating Illegal Sanctuary Cities that protect violent criminals / human traffickers / cop killers, they are demanding the ending the 2nd largest law enforcement agency in the US that is tasked with dealing with criminal illegals, and they are standing with those illegals to author/pass legislation - not to protect US Citizens but to protect criminal illegals. WHAT DEMOCRATS ARE SAYING IS BS AND DOES NOT MATCH UP WITH THEIR ACTIONS.

The FACT is under Barak Obama law enforcement was directed NOT TO ENFORCE THE LAW, NOT to detain / arrest / charge Illegals who had committed crimes less than a Felony and to release them into the general population where they disappeared.

The FACT is while President Barak Obama was giving these illegals that 'Right' / 'Privilege', NO American citizen was granted that same 'Right' / 'Privilege'.

The FACT is, just like then, Democrats are advocating and passing bills to give criminal illegals a 'free pass', 'Rights' / 'Privileges' American citizens do not have and ones the Democrats are NOT equally advocating for them.

Arguing Illegals have it better off than Americans? In some cases, as the FACTS show, they do...and Democrats are standing with THEM, not the American people, to make sure that continues.

What the Democrats are doing is spitting on the Constitution and the rule of Law, making a mockery of any idea in this country that there is anything that resembles 'Equal Justice'.
Obama oversaw record numbers of deportations and a massive decrease in illegal entries. So your entire rebuttal is a wash.
Duh, because Trump wants to call asylum seekers criminals.
And what is your problem with that, snowflake?

The actual LAW specifically defines the process for seeking Asylum in the United States. Illegally crossing the border and requesting to apply for Asylum after being caught is NOT part of that process. Illegally crossing the border is a crime - they ARE criminals.

The LIBERAL ADVOCATED PROCESS of catching these ILLEGALS who criminally cross the border, processing them, giving them a court date for a year from now, and then releasing them into the US is as f*ing stupid as you catching a burglar in your house, giving him a date a year in the future when he will go before a judge regarding his crime, and then releasing them.


But NO - Democrats don't want ICE to be able to hold them for breaking into our 'House'...or for whatever crime they just got picked up on. They want them released - not held, not deported. Democrats want to release that burglar back out into your neighborhood while giving you / us a big 'F* YOU' Finger as they let a criminal go, something they would never allow us to do & WE ARE US CITIZENS.

Obama oversaw record numbers of deportations and a massive decrease in illegal entries. So your entire rebuttal is a wash.
Those are BS doctored numbers, covered many times before with links / support backing it.

Obama is the one who told his law enforcement NOT to hold/charge/jail illegals for crimes less than a Felony.

Obama was the one who not only let in MS13 and human traffickers, her HELPED human traffickers. Obama himself was guilty of having illegals put on a bus, taken to states, and dropped off at bust stations / into the local community WITHOUT INFORMING LOCAL / STATE AGENCIES KNOW HTEY WERE COMING.

Obama was the M*er F*er who admittedly violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to impose his own 'law' through personal edict - DACA.

So spare me the BS about Obama being a 'Law and order' President who did things by the book / Constitution / Law - that's a LIE.
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

So they will move faster on refugee hearings.
Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Democrats want to legislatively limit the number of CRIMINAL Illegals ICE can catch / hold / DEPORT, intending, instead, to releace them into the US population.

"When asked about the restriction on detention beds, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin told The Daily Caller News Foundation, “It emerged because the Republicans [in] the Trump administration [have been] taking people and deporting them who are not really criminally dangerous. You know, they have violations of immigration law, for example. Violations of traffic laws or misdemeanors but they’re no danger to this country.”

Ummm.....these Illegal Immigrants are CRIMINALS just based on the fact that they intentionally violated US law to enter the country illegally. As such, they should not be rewarded by being allowed to stay after being caught breaking more US laws. They SHOULD be deported.......THAT'S NOT WHAT DEMOCRATS THINK.

SO, again, instead of standing WITH American citizens to ensure our national security, to protect US citizens, and to ENFORCE EXISITING LAWS, Democrats are standing with ILLEGALS, are advocating NON-enforcement of US law, and are even WRITING LEGISLATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF ILLEGALS - NOT US CITIZENS - TO HANDCUFF OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES SO THEY CAN NOT ENFOCE THOSE LAWS!


“This is a poison pill that no administration, not this one, not the previous one, should ever accept”

Democrats continue to demonstrate whose side they are on, and it is not the side of America or its citizens!

Democrats Remain Defiant, Double Down On ICE Bed Cap As Border Negotiations Close

Illegals are not criminals.

We have limited resources. The idea is to have ice target real criminals and not waste time and money on the good illegals .

Seeking asylum isn’t illegal.
Obama oversaw record numbers of deportations and a massive decrease in illegal entries. So your entire rebuttal is a wash.
Those are BS doctored numbers, covered many times before with links / support backing it.

Obama is the one who told his law enforcement NOT to hold/charge/jail illegals for crimes less than a Felony.

Obama was the one who not only let in MS13 and human traffickers, her HELPED human traffickers. Obama himself was guilty of having illegals put on a bus, taken to states, and dropped off at bust stations / into the local community WITHOUT INFORMING LOCAL / STATE AGENCIES KNOW HTEY WERE COMING.

Obama was the M*er F*er who admittedly violated the Constitution by by-passing Congress to impose his own 'law' through personal edict - DACA.

So spare me the BS about Obama being a 'Law and order' President who did things by the book / Constitution / Law - that's a LIE.
The numbers are true and the majority of Americans support DACA. Of course, you have no problem with violating human rights and stripping babies from their mothers’ arms, so why would anybody expect you to oppose sending lifelong Americans to die in countries they don’t know?
Illegals are not criminals.


Timmy, stop 'TALKING' for a second and actually THINK about what you just wrote.


NO ONE can be THAT STUPID, not even YOU!

WHY do you thin they are called 'ILLEGALS', Timmy? Never stopped to give it a thought?

They are called 'ILLEGALLS' because they come into our country ILLEGALLY, BREAKING our EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS to do so, making them CRIMINALS!

Holy Hell! Somewhere Jonathon Gruber is packaging up and getting ready to send you the DUMBEST DAMN SNOWFLAKE award.
The numbers are true and the majority of Americans support DACA.
Couple of problems, there, Sparky:

1. There is no such thing as DACA, as Congress never passed any legislation into law making DACA Legal! DOEN'T EXIST!


The GOP handed the Democrats a bill PRIOR TO THE 2018 MID-TERM ELECTIONS offering them everything they wanted on DACA! THE DEMOCRATS REFUSED AND WALKED AWAY FROM IT...then sought to demonize the GOP by falsely claiming the GOP was against DACA.

Latinos, thank God, saw through the BS and called the Democrats on it - many started to walk away from the Party because the Democrats proved they did not give a damn about Latinos or keeping promises by delivering on those promises. The Democrats showed they would rather have the ISSUE of DACA which they could use to attempt to keep manipulating Latinos into voting for them rather than having a record of having kept their promise and delivering DACA.


It is also a FACT that in these border wall negotiations the GOP had offered the Democrats TWO MORE TIMES all they wanted with DACA...and they walked away from DACA AGAIN.

WHY? Because Nancy Pelosi does NOT want to give the President any 'victory' regarding the wall in hopes that it will hurt his 2020 election chances. PELOSI AND THE DEMOCRATS JUST SCREWED THE LATINOS ON DACA AGAIN FOR SOME POLITICAL THEATRICS DESIGNED TO HELP THE ONLY PEOPLE THEY TRULY GIBE A DAMN ABOUT - THEMSELVES AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!
The numbers are true and the majority of Americans support DACA.
Couple of problems, there, Sparky:

1. There is no such thing as DACA, as Congress never passed any legislation into law making DACA Legal! DOEN'T EXIST!


The GOP handed the Democrats a bill PRIOR TO THE 2018 MID-TERM ELECTIONS offering them everything they wanted on DACA! THE DEMOCRATS REFUSED AND WALKED AWAY FROM IT...then sought to demonize the GOP by falsely claiming the GOP was against DACA.

Latinos, thank God, saw through the BS and called the Democrats on it - many started to walk away from the Party because the Democrats proved they did not give a damn about Latinos or keeping promises by delivering on those promises. The Democrats showed they would rather have the ISSUE of DACA which they could use to attempt to keep manipulating Latinos into voting for them rather than having a record of having kept their promise and delivering DACA.


It is also a FACT that in these border wall negotiations the GOP had offered the Democrats TWO MORE TIMES all they wanted with DACA...and they walked away from DACA AGAIN.

WHY? Because Nancy Pelosi does NOT want to give the President any 'victory' regarding the wall in hopes that it will hurt his 2020 election chances. PELOSI AND THE DEMOCRATS JUST SCREWED THE LATINOS ON DACA AGAIN FOR SOME POLITICAL THEATRICS DESIGNED TO HELP THE ONLY PEOPLE THEY TRULY GIBE A DAMN ABOUT - THEMSELVES AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!
Trump rejected the wall for DACA deal. He offered an extension for some scrap wall money, offering to hold Dreamers hostage for a while longer. That’s a bad deal. Worst negotiator on the planet.

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