Why Do "Desperate Democrats" Strongly Appose Voter Photo I.D. Requirement For 2012 ?

15th Amendment

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

19th Amendment

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Taken in conjunction with the 10th;

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

It would seem that the "right to vote" is a power delegated to the United States and therefor any matter dealing with those rights such as requiring an ID at the polling place would be subject to Federal review, especially in Federal elections.
15th Amendment

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

19th Amendment

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Taken in conjunction with the 10th;

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

It would seem that the "right to vote" is a power delegated to the United States and therefor any matter dealing with those rights such as requiring an ID at the polling place would be subject to Federal review, especially in Federal elections.
All elections are state elections. Federal elections do not exist.
Requiring -all- people to present a photo ID when voting does not violate the 15/19th.
Republicans are terrified of people voting.

Fascist democrats are terrified of people only voting once.

Republican governors have rushed to cut down on early voting and to pass voter ID laws.

Fascist democrats have rushed to make sure illegal aliens vote early and often by opposing voter ID laws.

Voter suppression is what they do.

Voter fraud is what they do.
Because there is no voter fraud only voter suppression.

ID is suppression?

Even for a mindless hack, that's pretty stupid.

Here is why you oppose ID;

{ Republicans on the House Administration Committee want to shore up voter registration rules in the wake of a Colorado study that found as many as 5,000 non-citizens in the state took part in last year’s election.

Rep. Gregg Harper (R-Miss.), the panel’s chairman, called the study “a disturbing wake-up call” that should cause every state to review its safeguards to prevent illegal voting.
Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler, a Republican, told the panel that his department’s study identified nearly 12,000 people who were not citizens but were still registered to vote in Colorado.

Of those non-citizen registered voters, nearly 5,000 took part in the 2010 general election in which Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet narrowly defeated Republican John Buck.}

GOP says 5,000 non-citizens voting in Colorado a 'wake-up call' for states - TheHill.com

Like all fascist democrats, you depend on fraud.
Why are "Desperate RePugs" working to suppress the vote?

So long as your Vote is Legal, and you only Vote once there is no problem is there?

Why do Democrats run cover for Voter Registration and Voter Fraud?
there is no rampant voter fraud that a photo id will stop, so what is the purpose of it? Rampant voter fraud could take place via absentee voting, the photo id required won't stop that what so ever....

and I am all against voter fraud and voter registration fraud.

I see the photo id as one step closer to a National id card, which I oppose, vehemently, and i see it as a means to make poorer citizens without a need for a gvt photo id, have to jump through hoops or as jumping over hurdles since many of the poorest do not drive or own cars....while the other voters who can drive and do already have a gvt id to qualify, don't have to go through those hoops to be able to vote....

but as I have mentioned before, I suppose I could agree to a gvt photo id in order to vote, if and only if it is paid for by the state for everyone without an id, if they made the accessibility to getting this id easy peasy instead of closing down DMV offices through out their states, making it more and more difficult for those without id to get one.

and even with that said, what voter fraud is occurring that a photo gvt id will stop? NONE.

It is a guise....while they turn a blind eye to true voter fraud or voter registration fraud that takes place at the registration process or through absentee voting.....

Why does a photo gvt id vs a birth certificate and phone bill make a difference at the polls?
Republicans are terrified of people voting.

Fascist democrats are terrified of people only voting once.

Republican governors have rushed to cut down on early voting and to pass voter ID laws.

Fascist democrats have rushed to make sure illegal aliens vote early and often by opposing voter ID laws.

Voter suppression is what they do.

Voter fraud is what they do.

Completely false post.

The Bush administration spent millions of dollars and years trying to find evidence of voter fraud, and could only find 120 cases in the entire country.

And most of those were people who voted in the wrong district or felons who voted but weren't suppose to.

Voter fraud is a red herring to try to keep students and black people from voting.

This is why the Republican governors are trying to roll back early voting as well.

The more people that vote, the more likely the Republicans are to lose. And they know it.
15th Amendment

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

19th Amendment

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Taken in conjunction with the 10th;

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

It would seem that the "right to vote" is a power delegated to the United States and therefor any matter dealing with those rights such as requiring an ID at the polling place would be subject to Federal review, especially in Federal elections.
All elections are state elections. Federal elections do not exist.
Requiring -all- people to present a photo ID when voting does not violate the 15/19th.

There is always a fine line between what is reasonable and what is not. Requiring people to pay to vote as existed in the poll tax was deemed unreasonable and therefore was seen as unlawful by both Congress and the Supreme Court. Requiring all people, without prejudice, to demonstrate that they are old enough to vote and also U.S. citizens and are who they say they are is not, in my opinion, unreasonable, should be acceptable to a responsible Congress, and would pass muster with the Supreme Court.
Republicans are terrified of people voting.

Fascist democrats are terrified of people only voting once.

Fascist democrats have rushed to make sure illegal aliens vote early and often by opposing voter ID laws.

Voter suppression is what they do.

Voter fraud is what they do.

Completely false post.

The Bush administration spent millions of dollars and years trying to find evidence of voter fraud, and could only find 120 cases in the entire country.

And most of those were people who voted in the wrong district or felons who voted but weren't suppose to.

Voter fraud is a red herring to try to keep students and black people from voting.

This is why the Republican governors are trying to roll back early voting as well.

The more people that vote, the more likely the Republicans are to lose. And they know it.

And, how many of those 120 were Republicans?
Requiring all people, without prejudice, to demonstrate that they are old enough to vote and also U.S. citizens and are who they say they are is not, in my opinion, unreasonable, should be acceptable to a responsible Congress, and would pass muster with the Supreme Court.
As I noted before - the state has a compelling interest in confirming the identity of a prospective voter; requiring him to present a photo ID is the least restrictive means to meet this interest.
Thus, this will pass any court challenge.
Completely false post.

Completely accurate post.

You oppose ID because it interferes with your shameful party defrauding the election process.

End of story.

The Bush administration spent millions of dollars and years trying to find evidence of voter fraud, and could only find 120 cases in the entire country.

And most of those were people who voted in the wrong district or felons who voted but weren't suppose to.

Voter fraud is a red herring to try to keep students and black people from voting.

How does ID stop black people from voting?

Can you show state laws that deny ID to black people?

This is why the Republican governors are trying to roll back early voting as well.

The only thing here is the demand of the fascist democrats to engage in voter fraud.

The more people that vote, the more likely the Republicans are to lose. And they know it.

The more people who illegally and fraudulently vote, that is. Which is why you support voter fraud.
The more people that vote, the more likely the Republicans are to lose. And they know it.
Making sure that those who cast ballots are legally able to do is is not voter suppression.

Yes it is.

Millions of registered voters don't have voter IDs, and voter fraud is almost non existent.

And the reason the Republicans are pushing voter ID laws is to keep students and black people from voting.

Same reason they are trying to cut out early voting.
The more people that vote, the more likely the Republicans are to lose. And they know it.
Making sure that those who cast ballots are legally able to do is is not voter suppression.
Yes it is.
Exactly, how?

Millions of registered voters don't have voter IDs
Aside from the fact that this is an unsupportable claim...
Forcing people to get them in order to vote does not -suppress- the vote.
Yes it is.

Millions of registered voters don't have voter IDs, and voter fraud is almost non existent.



Millions of legal adults don't have ID?


Even for a mindless partisan hack, typing such a lie must have taken some holding of the nose...

And the reason the Republicans are pushing voter ID laws is to keep students and black people from voting.

Can you show where black people and students are denied ID?

Actually - EVERY student is required to have ID in colleges throughout the U.S.

You're just blatantly lying.

You're lying because you want to promote and protect fraud.

Same reason they are trying to cut out early voting.

You depend on fraud. Fact.
I have no problem with voters showing IDs to vote as long as IDs are readily available and free

My only question for Republicans is how do you check the IDs of those who vote by mail?

Requiring ID is not an issue when cashing government checks or swiping food stamp card.
Yes it is.

Millions of registered voters don't have voter IDs, and voter fraud is almost non existent.



Millions of legal adults don't have ID?


Even for a mindless partisan hack, typing such a lie must have taken some holding of the nose...

And the reason the Republicans are pushing voter ID laws is to keep students and black people from voting.
Can you show where black people and students are denied ID?

Actually - EVERY student is required to have ID in colleges throughout the U.S.

You're just blatantly lying.

You're lying because you want to promote and protect fraud.

Same reason they are trying to cut out early voting.
You depend on fraud. Fact.
i am guessing you did not read the articles posted that went over this?

btw are student id's all gvt approved id's to use to vote?

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