Why Do Evolutionists Attack "Creationsists"

You don't understand what a scientific theory is, as you have demonstrated, yet you claim a major scientific theory is bunk. You need a lot of help.
I understand perfectly. YOU are the one who doesn't understand, I ain't buyin' what you're sellin'. And if legitimate scientists can't prove it, I'm sure you won't be able to.

What Im selling? Your kidding right? You act so self righteous. I am merely giving you definitions of basic terms you obviously don't understand, and you throw it back in my face as if I am perpetrating some wrong. It's ridiculous. Grow up.
I'M self-righteous??? I believe YOU'RE the one who keeps making the condescending remarks suggesting you need to "educate" me, or that I don't have the intellectual capacity to understand your bullshit...er, I mean, your "knowledge of the facts".
In reality, in human relations,
it is the person trying to change the mind of the other
who takes on the burden of proof to show why (based on the other person's
viewpoint framework or understanding or else the proof fails if they don't get it).

If you are both trying to change each other,
both of you have equal responsibility to explain why.
I'm not trying to change his mind. I don't care what he chooses to believe, I just don't want him trying to force his beliefs on the rest of us. He can't prove anything. If his theory was provable, the majority of the country would be atheists.

No one’s trying to ‘force’ anything on the rest of us.

Cite a law or policy that compels you to ‘believe in’ evolution. Cite a law or policy that outlaws any religion or theistic dogma.

We’re free to believe whatever we wish, or nothing at all.

Theists are not free, however, to attempt to conjoin church and state, as is the case with ‘creationists,’ who have contrived a pseudo-science in an attempt to pass it off as ‘fact.’

The courts have correctly determined that creationism is religion and may not be taught in public schools, attempting to do so is in violation of the Establishment Clause. Keeping church and state separate, as intended by the Framers, is not an attack on religion, rather it’s in defense of our civil liberties.
I understand perfectly. YOU are the one who doesn't understand, I ain't buyin' what you're sellin'. And if legitimate scientists can't prove it, I'm sure you won't be able to.

What Im selling? Your kidding right? You act so self righteous. I am merely giving you definitions of basic terms you obviously don't understand, and you throw it back in my face as if I am perpetrating some wrong. It's ridiculous. Grow up.
I'M self-righteous??? I believe YOU'RE the one who keeps making the condescending remarks suggesting you need to "educate" me, or that I don't have the intellectual capacity to understand your bullshit...er, I mean, your "knowledge of the facts".

You demonstrate your own lack of science knowledge. Don't cry to me about it. Your are attempting to claim that evolution shouldn't be taught in schools, but gravitational theory and tectonic theory should? This inconsistency highlights your hypocrisy. You don't have an issue with science. You have an issue with anything that contradicts your own beliefs. It just so happens to be a single scientific theory. You want to say the same about my beliefs? My beliefs have evidence bearing on them, since I believe in evolution, and the rest of demonstrated scientific theories. I'm going to suggest you learn about epistemology, although given our track record, you'll probably throw that back in my face too.
I understand perfectly. YOU are the one who doesn't understand, I ain't buyin' what you're sellin'. And if legitimate scientists can't prove it, I'm sure you won't be able to.

What Im selling? Your kidding right? You act so self righteous. I am merely giving you definitions of basic terms you obviously don't understand, and you throw it back in my face as if I am perpetrating some wrong. It's ridiculous. Grow up.

Don't worry too much. You might not be getting to this idiot, but there might be some lurkers out there you are educating and that's what's important.

I can't tell if this guy is just being antagonistic or honestly doesn't understand what's going on.
And I can't tell if you're just sucking up to newpolitics or just a dumb fucking liberal who blindly sides with another liberal. And if there are any "lurkers" out there, it's probably you.
What Im selling? Your kidding right? You act so self righteous. I am merely giving you definitions of basic terms you obviously don't understand, and you throw it back in my face as if I am perpetrating some wrong. It's ridiculous. Grow up.

Don't worry too much. You might not be getting to this idiot, but there might be some lurkers out there you are educating and that's what's important.

I can't tell if this guy is just being antagonistic or honestly doesn't understand what's going on.
And I can't tell if you're just sucking up to newpolitics or just a dumb fucking liberal who blindly sides with another liberal. And if there are any "lurkers" out there, it's probably you.

I think I figured it out. Your just an incurious, intellectually dishonest charlatan- The usual product delivered by fundamentalist religion.
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I think I figured it out. Your just an incurious, intellectually dishonest charlatan- The usual product delivered by fundamentalist religion.
Too bad you can't figure out how to prove your ludicrous theory.
I think I figured it out. Your just an incurious, intellectually dishonest charlatan- The usual product delivered by fundamentalist religion.
Too bad you can't figure out how to prove your ludicrous theory.

So ironic that an attempt at insult further seals your own ignorance to even the most basic scientific terms, even after I sincerely tried to explain it to you. You are just looking for a fight, and to act as arrogant and obnoxious towards atheists as possible. Admit that much.
I think I figured it out. Your just an incurious, intellectually dishonest charlatan- The usual product delivered by fundamentalist religion.
Too bad you can't figure out how to prove your ludicrous theory.

So ironic that an attempt at insult further seals your own ignorance to even the most basic scientific terms, even after I sincerely tried to explain it to you. You are just looking for a fight, and to act as arrogant and obnoxious towards atheists as possible. Admit that much.
If you feel that way, why don't you just drop the fucking subject? I would like nothing better than to end this pissing contest you initiated, but you can't leave it alone, can you? You just can't stand the idea of somebody disagreeing with your stupid fucking theory.
I think I figured it out. Your just an incurious, intellectually dishonest charlatan- The usual product delivered by fundamentalist religion.
Too bad you can't figure out how to prove your ludicrous theory.

So ironic that an attempt at insult further seals your own ignorance to even the most basic scientific terms, even after I sincerely tried to explain it to you. You are just looking for a fight, and to act as arrogant and obnoxious towards atheists as possible. Admit that much.

very good post :clap2:

Great addition to the other forums. :clap2:
Too bad you can't figure out how to prove your ludicrous theory.

So ironic that an attempt at insult further seals your own ignorance to even the most basic scientific terms, even after I sincerely tried to explain it to you. You are just looking for a fight, and to act as arrogant and obnoxious towards atheists as possible. Admit that much.

very good post :clap2:

Great addition to the other forums. :clap2:
I thought you were leaving. Why are you still here?
So ironic that an attempt at insult further seals your own ignorance to even the most basic scientific terms, even after I sincerely tried to explain it to you. You are just looking for a fight, and to act as arrogant and obnoxious towards atheists as possible. Admit that much.

very good post :clap2:

Great addition to the other forums. :clap2:
I thought you were leaving. Why are you still here?

This is not the Flame Zone .. careful...:rofl:

I leave all the time...then I come back. Does that concept puzzle you?

--- back on topic

Evolutionists attack junk science
Too bad you can't figure out how to prove your ludicrous theory.

So ironic that an attempt at insult further seals your own ignorance to even the most basic scientific terms, even after I sincerely tried to explain it to you. You are just looking for a fight, and to act as arrogant and obnoxious towards atheists as possible. Admit that much.
If you feel that way, why don't you just drop the fucking subject? I would like nothing better than to end this pissing contest you initiated, but you can't leave it alone, can you? You just can't stand the idea of somebody disagreeing with your stupid fucking theory.

I could care less about someone disagreeing with evolution, if they actually understood it. I have yet to meet a theist who disbelieved evolution that actually understood it. I'm sticking to the facts of what has transpired here. Your blaming this on me? You've got some nerve. You talk a lot of shit yourself. I am not here to debate evolution. There is another thread for that. I am simply correcting visible misconceptions others have about science. I have no need to be insecure about an evidence-backed theory that has been standing uncontested for 150 years. It is immature and dishonest tactics like yours that cause frustration, not the fact that you disagree with "my theory."
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And I can't tell if you're just sucking up to newpolitics or just a dumb fucking liberal who blindly sides with another liberal. And if there are any "lurkers" out there, it's probably you.

Newpolitics is right and has way more patience for ignorance than I do. I side with him because he(unlike you) actually knows what the hell he's talking about. You've proven again and again that you lack knowledge of basic scientific terms. Then you get pissy and throw a temper tantrum when someone corrects you.

I guess you don't know what a lurker on a forum is either. That's someone who reads threads, but doesn't contribute to them. Thus, I cannot be a lurker since I post. Are you going to insult me for correcting you now?

BTW, once you start with responses like "you're just another liberal", you've pretty much admitted you've lost.

If you feel that way, why don't you just drop the fucking subject? I would like nothing better than to end this pissing contest you initiated, but you can't leave it alone, can you? You just can't stand the idea of somebody disagreeing with your stupid fucking theory.

He explained why you were mistaken and you started flaming him. You started this by posting ignorant statements and getting upset when you were corrected.

Too bad you can't figure out how to prove your ludicrous theory.

Didn't several people explain to you why this is idiotic? Oh yeah, me, and several others did. It's obvious you're either trying to be antagonistic or you just don't understand what's going on.
And I can't tell if you're just sucking up to newpolitics or just a dumb fucking liberal who blindly sides with another liberal. And if there are any "lurkers" out there, it's probably you.

Newpolitics is right and has way more patience for ignorance than I do. I side with him because he(unlike you) actually knows what the hell he's talking about. You've proven again and again that you lack knowledge of basic scientific terms. Then you get pissy and throw a temper tantrum when someone corrects you.

I guess you don't know what a lurker on a forum is either. That's someone who reads threads, but doesn't contribute to them. Thus, I cannot be a lurker since I post. Are you going to insult me for correcting you now?

BTW, once you start with responses like "you're just another liberal", you've pretty much admitted you've lost.

If you feel that way, why don't you just drop the fucking subject? I would like nothing better than to end this pissing contest you initiated, but you can't leave it alone, can you? You just can't stand the idea of somebody disagreeing with your stupid fucking theory.

He explained why you were mistaken and you started flaming him. You started this by posting ignorant statements and getting upset when you were corrected.

Too bad you can't figure out how to prove your ludicrous theory.

Didn't several people explain to you why this is idiotic? Oh yeah, me, and several others did. It's obvious you're either trying to be antagonistic or you just don't understand what's going on.
Well, you just answered my question. It's BOTH. Sucking up to newpolitics AND a dumb fucking liberal. You've offered nothing in this thread except brown-nosing newpolitics and parroting everything he says. Can't come up with anything of your own? I guess that's why you're relegated to "cheerleader".
Well, you just answered my question. It's BOTH. Sucking up to newpolitics AND a dumb fucking liberal. You've offered nothing in this thread except brown-nosing newpolitics and parroting everything he says. Can't come up with anything of your own? I guess that's why you're relegated to "cheerleader".

Again, ignoring everything you can so you can avoid just admitting that you were wrong. You're not even trying anymore. This is a deliberate attempt to antagonize me. Pathetic.

You posted something incorrect, and when corrected, you threw a temper tantrum. Grow the fuck up.

And what makes you think I'm a liberal?

Get your nose out of his ass. Where's your dignity?

The guy trying to antagonize someone on the internet questioning the dignity of someone else? Priceless. You are one of the most pathetic people I've come across on the internet. At least some of the others are more subtle.
I have no need to be insecure about an evidence-backed theory that has been standing uncontested for 150 years.
Uncontested??? By YOU, maybe.

I assume you mean to imply that Christian scientists have contested it, and that by some conspiracy within the scientific community, their demonstrable, repeatable evidence was rejected in order to retain the status quo that is evolution? Is this a ball park figure?

I could falsify this easily. There is an unbelievable incentive for someone to overturn any extant scientific paradigm, and there would be an audience, if it was good science (anyone could reproduce the same results following the same methodology). The financial and societal reward for someone overturning evolution would be so huge, their great grandchildren wouldn't ever have to work. It would be celebrated by the scientific community as a greater explanatory and predictive model for the world we see before us. My point being, there is no conspiracy. I honestly feel sympathy for you, that some of your most deeply held beliefs are not shared by academia and in fact, laughed at, but, the pursuit of truth will not wait around for the intellectually lazy to catch up. That is our only goal. If your god left evidence of creation that was demonstrable, that would be the current paradigm. Unfortunately for you, we don't live in that universe.
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