Why Do Evolutionists Attack "Creationsists"

No, thank you for confirming that the burden of proof is on YOU to prove your theory, not mine to disprove it.

... And we are back to square one. You cant prove any theory (including gravity), you merely strengthen it with more and more evidence. Evolution has stood for 150 years.
Um, I think this debate is over. You just gave up your whole argument. The burden of proof is on you, and you are not able to meet that burden. So, why can't you just leave it to the individual to decide for themselves. Teach your theory to anybody who WANTS to listen, but don't push it on everyone else's kids just because YOU buy into it. It's morally wrong to force a captive audience to sign on to your beliefs.

What debate? This was me giving you a free lesson in science and all it going completely over your head. Whatever this was, was over when you said you could fly, and that because I hadn't proved you couldn't , it was true. I hope you someday realize how utterly idiotic that was. This debate never got off the ground, because You fail to grasp basic key concepts, such as what a scientific theory or the burden of proof is, yet claim that evolution science is bunk because you are not convinced? That's just a bit narcissistic, And an attempt to project your own ignorance onto the world. This is normal with the Christian fundamentalists. What's laughable is that by your standard, you must reject the theory of gravity too, yet won't admit to this embarrassing feature of your epistemology. I tried to honestly teach you about science, but it proved fruitless, because you are too indoctrinated to allow any information Regarding evolution in. You can not grasp that you select against evolution for no good reason. There is evidence for evolution, And lots of it, and the more that comes in, the stronger the theory gets. Your side has zero evidence, yet you complain. I've already pointed out the contradiction in your thinking, yet you failed entirely to address this. Evolution will continue to be taught in schools because it is demonstrable science. Someone who fails to understand basic science can not comment on what is good or bad science.
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Evolution is an observable fact, and it is a theory supported by facts, although I don't expect you to understand this, SJ. You are a perfect example of why evolution must be taught in schools.
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You know damn good and well the liberals who control the public school system teach evolution as absolute fact, even though it has yet to be proven and never will be. Don't give me your double talk. Prove your theory, then we can have an adult conversation, but until then, stop insulting my intelligence with your bullshit.

You insult your own intelligence. A theory is never proven. Anyone with basic knowledge of science knows that. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about and are just talking out your ass. Maybe when you grow up a little and stop being so damn ignorant you'll start to understand science. Evolution is a fact. We know it occurs. The theory explains how it occurs. Facts are actually a very low rank of interest in science. Theories are the highest level that ideas reach and are made up of facts and laws to explain how something works.
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No, thank you for confirming that the burden of proof is on YOU to prove your theory, not mine to disprove it.

... And we are back to square one. You cant prove any theory (including gravity), you merely strengthen it with more and more evidence. Evolution has stood for 150 years.
Um, I think this debate is over. You just gave up your whole argument. The burden of proof is on you, and you are not able to meet that burden. So, why can't you just leave it to the individual to decide for themselves. Teach your theory to anybody who WANTS to listen, but don't push it on everyone else's kids just because YOU buy into it. It's morally wrong to force a captive audience to sign on to your beliefs.

You have got to be one of the dumbest people here. You realize that ideas can't become scientific theories unless there is tons of evidence supporting them right? Evolution has more evidence that the theory that the earth goes around the sun. Just because you choose to ignore it doesn't make it all go away.
A little late, aren't you? The debate is over.

So thats your argument? "La la la, I cant hear you"? pathetic
Ok, if you go back and look at the posts, you'll see that I said NEITHER should be taught in the classroom. Read before you post. Second, it's not an observable fact, that's just YOUR opinion. Now, unless you have something intelligent to say that hasn't already been said, don't waste my time.

Lenski experiment. Or just google "evolution observed" and read a few articles. This can't be honest ignorance. You are willfully denying reality to live in a fantasy world.
What debate? This was me giving you a free lesson in science and all it going completely over your head. Whatever this was, was over when you said you could fly, and that because I hadn't proved you couldn't , it was true. I hope you someday realize how utterly idiotic that was. This debate never got off the ground, because You fail to grasp basic key concepts, such as what a scientific theory or the burden of proof is, yet claim that evolution science is bunk because you are not convinced? That's just a bit narcissistic, And an attempt to project your own ignorance onto the world. This is normal with the Christian fundamentalists. What's laughable is that by your standard, you must reject the theory of gravity too, yet won't admit to this embarrassing feature of your epistemology. I tried to honestly teach you about science, but it proved fruitless, because you are too indoctrinated to allow any information Regarding evolution in. You can not grasp that you select against evolution for no good reason. There is evidence for evolution, And lots of it, and the more that comes in, the stronger the theory gets. Your side has zero evidence, yet you complain. I've already pointed out the contradiction in your thinking, yet you failed entirely to address this. Evolution will continue to be taught in schools because it is demonstrable science. Someone who fails to understand basic science can not comment on what is good or bad science.

This is all that needs to be said. Although, I'm sure S.J. will be here again to grace us with his/her ignorance of science again. Creationists seem to enjoy embarrassing themselves by spewing nonsense whenever they can.
Evolution is observable, just look at a house build 300 years ago, everything is smaller, rooms, doorways... meaning that as time goes by humans are getting taller. That's called evolution.
The difference is that I don't try to force my beliefs on other people. I don't think EITHER should be taught in public schools. If you want your kids to be taught evolution, you should have to pay for it the same as Christians have to pay for a Christian school if they want their kids taught that faith in school. Taxpayers should not have to support your THEORY any more than they should have to support creationism.

You act as if creation and evolution both have the same evidence bearing on them, and that there is a bias for science for some odd reason. The reality is that there is no evidence for creation, and there are mounds if demonstrable, repeatable evidence for evolution across many scientific disciplines.
Yeah, well when you can actually PROVE it, then you might have a valid point.

It's hard to prove something when you refuse to accept any evidence as proof. You're being intellectually dishonest by equating lots of evidence for evolution with no evidence for creationism.
You have a special problem with evolution merely because it conflicts with deeply held beliefs you already have, not because the methodology of level of certainty is any different than other scientific models of reality. That much IS certain.
No, I have a special problem with you trying to push a "THEORY" as fact on our children. What part of this do you not understand?

We see you have a "special problem", but that's no argument for denying that theory for which we have the best evidence be taught. Just because you put quotes around 'theory' doesn't make it mean the same as 'guess', which is what creationists usually like to imply.
A little late, aren't you? The debate is over.

So thats your argument? "La la la, I cant hear you"? pathetic
Ok, if you go back and look at the posts, you'll see that I said NEITHER should be taught in the classroom. Read before you post. Second, it's not an observable fact, that's just YOUR opinion. Now, unless you have something intelligent to say that hasn't already been said, don't waste my time.

How is the fossil record not an observable fact? The fact that you said that, makes your bashing someone for not having "something intelligent" to say, particularly ironic! :cool:
Evolution is observable, just look at a house build 300 years ago, everything is smaller, rooms, doorways... meaning that as time goes by humans are getting taller. That's called evolution.

Apparently, that "getting taller" thing skipped me. I'm always shorter than everyone around me.
... And we are back to square one. You cant prove any theory (including gravity), you merely strengthen it with more and more evidence. Evolution has stood for 150 years.
Um, I think this debate is over. You just gave up your whole argument. The burden of proof is on you, and you are not able to meet that burden. So, why can't you just leave it to the individual to decide for themselves. Teach your theory to anybody who WANTS to listen, but don't push it on everyone else's kids just because YOU buy into it. It's morally wrong to force a captive audience to sign on to your beliefs.

What debate? This was me giving you a free lesson in science and all it going completely over your head. Whatever this was, was over when you said you could fly, and that because I hadn't proved you couldn't , it was true. I hope you someday realize how utterly idiotic that was. This debate never got off the ground, because You fail to grasp basic key concepts, such as what a scientific theory or the burden of proof is, yet claim that evolution science is bunk because you are not convinced? That's just a bit narcissistic, And an attempt to project your own ignorance onto the world. This is normal with the Christian fundamentalists. What's laughable is that by your standard, you must reject the theory of gravity too, yet won't admit to this embarrassing feature of your epistemology. I tried to honestly teach you about science, but it proved fruitless, because you are too indoctrinated to allow any information Regarding evolution in. You can not grasp that you select against evolution for no good reason. There is evidence for evolution, And lots of it, and the more that comes in, the stronger the theory gets. Your side has zero evidence, yet you complain. I've already pointed out the contradiction in your thinking, yet you failed entirely to address this. Evolution will continue to be taught in schools because it is demonstrable science. Someone who fails to understand basic science can not comment on what is good or bad science.
Like I said earlier, it always comes down to attacking the intelligence of the person who isn't buying what you're selling. Let me repeat this one more time. I don't give two shits what you choose to believe, but I get a little sick of you Evolution Nazis forcing your views on the rest of society.
You have contradicted yourself repeatedly, go back and read some of your attempts to "educate me". First you say you don't have to prove your theory, I have to disprove it. Then you say "the burden of proof is on the one making the claim".
You guys are typical liberals who think you have all the answers and anyone who disagrees with you must be dumb. You lobby politicians to force your views on everyone else through legislation.
Science is constantly proving itself wrong, but you have blind faith in it. That's your right, but it's not my obligation to walk in lockstep with your stupidity. So go ahead and resume your personal attacks, it's really all you have, since you have no actual proof. Have a nice day.
I get a little sick of you Evolution Nazis forcing your views on the rest of society.

Taching established scientific theories is not pushing beliefs on anyone. Do you say the same for gravitational theory? Evolution nazis? Really? That's usually the level people drop to when they know they've lost.

You have contradicted yourself repeatedly, go back and read some of your attempts to "educate me". First you say you don't have to prove your theory, I have to disprove it. Then you say "the burden of proof is on the one making the claim".

Scientists have shown evidence of evolution and the evidence mounts each day. They've shown it's accurate. You reject that out of willful ignorance of science and how it works.

You guys are typical liberals who think you have all the answers and anyone who disagrees with you must be dumb. You lobby politicians to force your views on everyone else through legislation.

The only ones lobbying to force views on everyone are the ignorant creationists who want to get myths taught in science class. The scientists and science advocates have to fight against them or else we'll be learning that "magic man dun it" is science.

Science is constantly proving itself wrong

That's how science works.

you have blind faith in it

No, I trust it because it can demonstrate to me why I should.

since you have no actual proof.

There is mountains of evidence for evolution. Just because you choose to ignore it doesn't make it all go away.

Go learn more about science before posting again. You just look more and more like an idiot.
No, I trust it because it can demonstrate to me why I should.
And when science was teaching (as fact) that the earth was flat, you would have trusted that too, like the idiot you are.
Evolution is observable, just look at a house build 300 years ago, everything is smaller, rooms, doorways... meaning that as time goes by humans are getting taller. That's called evolution.

It is commonly believed that people living in the Middle Ages were much shorter than people living today. Much of this belief comes from the low doorways seen in some medieval houses and from the small suits of clothes and armor shown in museums. After an exhaustive study of hundreds of churchyard skeletons, however, British archaeologists Charlotte Roberts and Margaret Cox now say that the height difference has been highly exaggerated.

Roberts and Cox studied hundreds of skeletons from a churchyard in the abandoned medieval village of Wharram Percy in Yorkshire. They found that while “ten-year-olds were around 8 inches shorter than children today, by the time they were fully grown they were nearly as tall as modern adults.” Overall, adult heights of men and women have remained constant at about 5 foot 7 inches (170 cm) for men, and 5 foot 3 inches (160 cm) for women.

Concerning the short doorways and armor, Sebastian Payne, chief scientist at the English Heritage governmental agency, says that there are plenty of tall doors, and that lower doorways may simply have been a way to conserve heat. In addition, “recruits in 18th and 19th-century military records were considerably below today’s average heights,” because they “often came from poorer families whose average height is less, and were often not fully grown.”

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