Why do gun-enthusiasts OBJECT to registering their weapons?

Once again, Nat, what is to be gained by registering firearms? I hate to keep harping on this. But you have accused gun owners of wanting to hide something. But you have failed to say why registration is a goal we should embrace.

Here's an example.......like it or not, its an example that is often experienced:

"A man legally purchases a gun.......Later on he marries and becomes and abusive wife-beater...and repeatedly threatens his wife that he would shoot her if she ever left his abusive household.."
If his guns were registered, law enforcement could.....at the very least.....remove that scenario of shooting his wife AND/OR anyone who comes to her rescue.

Registration of Firearms Policy Summary

How about the wife tells the cops he has guns..or they search his house....since someone who is a violent lawbreaker will still get illegal guns...or.....murder the wife with a 9dollar Wal Mart camping hatchet...as happened here in Illinois...actually Wisconsin....moron.
OK right wing nitwits......Play out your worst FEAR......

The government will send all its armed forces to inavde your home and take away your precious guns...

Besides the stupidity of that moronic scenario......do you think all of our soldiers are "robots" that would follow the order of some wacko in the WH??

Just grow up and stop being such cry-babies.

GErmans thought like that in the 1920s...by the mid 1930s they realized how stupid your point was............
Once again, Nat, what is to be gained by registering firearms? I hate to keep harping on this. But you have accused gun owners of wanting to hide something. But you have failed to say why registration is a goal we should embrace.

Here's an example.......like it or not, its an example that is often experienced:

"A man legally purchases a gun.......Later on he marries and becomes and abusive wife-beater...and repeatedly threatens his wife that he would shoot her if she ever left his abusive household.."
If his guns were registered, law enforcement could.....at the very least.....remove that scenario of shooting his wife AND/OR anyone who comes to her rescue.

Registration of Firearms Policy Summary

How about the wife tells the cops he has guns..or they search his house....since someone who is a violent lawbreaker will still get illegal guns...or.....murder the wife with a 9dollar Wal Mart camping hatchet...as happened here in Illinois...actually Wisconsin....moron.
Agreed. In fact, all she has to do is file a restraining order and detail why in her filing.
Once again, Nat, what is to be gained by registering firearms? I hate to keep harping on this. But you have accused gun owners of wanting to hide something. But you have failed to say why registration is a goal we should embrace.

Here's an example.......like it or not, its an example that is often experienced:

"A man legally purchases a gun.......Later on he marries and becomes and abusive wife-beater...and repeatedly threatens his wife that he would shoot her if she ever left his abusive household.."
If his guns were registered, law enforcement could.....at the very least.....remove that scenario of shooting his wife AND/OR anyone who comes to her rescue.

Registration of Firearms Policy Summary

How about the wife tells the cops he has guns..or they search his house....since someone who is a violent lawbreaker will still get illegal guns...or.....murder the wife with a 9dollar Wal Mart camping hatchet...as happened here in Illinois...actually Wisconsin....moron.
Agreed. In fact, all she has to do is file a restraining order and detail why in her filing.

yeah....and then when the guy finds out he will just murder her with a 9 dollar Wal Mart camping hatchet, a butcher knife from his kitchen, or a gallon of gasoline poured over her as she is tied to a bed........

Yeah...the leftards understand nothing....
Really, so you deny that Hiliary actually said that? Did youo not listen to the video and hear Hiliary herself say that?

If they are not trying to figure out how to accomplish it, why do they keep bringing it up?

Its IMPOSSIBLE....and even a nitwit like you should know it.....Its the same way that its IMPOSSIBLE to round up 12 million suspected "illegals"........Can you actually picture the Army and Air Force going around each house in the whole freaking country to "confiscate" guns????? Don't always come off as an idiot.
Really, so you deny that Hiliary actually said that? Did youo not listen to the video and hear Hiliary herself say that?

If they are not trying to figure out how to accomplish it, why do they keep bringing it up?

Its IMPOSSIBLE....and even a nitwit like you should know it.....Its the same way that its IMPOSSIBLE to round up 12 million suspected "illegals"........Can you actually picture the Army and Air Force going around each house in the whole freaking country to "confiscate" guns????? Don't always come off as an idiot.

Interesting, you bash everyone that speaks out against the insane idea that you say cannot be done.
Yet you support the idiot that is proposing the idea be implemented!
So, you want to handle firearm registration like we do vehicles, eh? Okay, let's see what that looks like:
  • States may choose to require firearm registration, but the federal government would have no say whatsoever;
  • States would not require you to register or obtain a license to use your firearm on your own property, only if you're on public land (you do not need a license to drive on your own land);
  • Firearm owners would be free to modify their guns in any way they like, just as we're free to make cars the way we want, including giant monster trucks, as silly as that is; and
  • When someone kills one or many people with a firearm, no one will blame the gun, they will blame the murderer, just as we do if someone kills with a car.

Your "contribution" is as simplistic as matching the education level of most of your fellow right wingers on here.

Sure you can drive your car within your own land without a registration.....which is kind of tough for the millions of people who live in a basement or apartment complex.

A few state DO require gun registration and they are among the "safest"...

....and to finally state that its the murderer who gets indicted and not the gun is a childish parallel.
yeah....and then when the guy finds out he will just murder her with a 9 dollar Wal Mart camping hatchet, a butcher knife from his kitchen, or a gallon of gasoline poured over her as she is tied to a bed........

Yeah...the leftards understand nothing....

So, you morons are equating the POTENTIAL of an assault weapon to a hatchet????

Let's then arm our armed forces with hatchet a-la the ancient Mohicans...it'd be a hell of a lot cheaper. STOP being morons.
Interesting, you bash everyone that speaks out against the insane idea that you say cannot be done.
Yet you support the idiot that is proposing the idea be implemented!

NEVER supported Hillary......But this thread is NOT about your favorite candidate....Its about SANITY in gun ownership.....Do try to keep up even if some within YOUR ilk is diverting from the O/P.
yeah....and then when the guy finds out he will just murder her with a 9 dollar Wal Mart camping hatchet, a butcher knife from his kitchen, or a gallon of gasoline poured over her as she is tied to a bed........

Yeah...the leftards understand nothing....

So, you morons are equating the POTENTIAL of an assault weapon to a hatchet????

Let's then arm our armed forces with hatchet a-la the ancient Mohicans...it'd be a hell of a lot cheaper. STOP being morons.

Well...since you are a lefty...and genetically pre-disposed to being stupid.....I am pointing out that banning wife beaters from having a gun does not save the life of the wife......moron.
So, you want to handle firearm registration like we do vehicles, eh? Okay, let's see what that looks like:
  • States may choose to require firearm registration, but the federal government would have no say whatsoever;
  • States would not require you to register or obtain a license to use your firearm on your own property, only if you're on public land (you do not need a license to drive on your own land);
  • Firearm owners would be free to modify their guns in any way they like, just as we're free to make cars the way we want, including giant monster trucks, as silly as that is; and
  • When someone kills one or many people with a firearm, no one will blame the gun, they will blame the murderer, just as we do if someone kills with a car.

Your "contribution" is as simplistic as matching the education level of most of your fellow right wingers on here.

Sure you can drive your car within your own land without a registration.....which is kind of tough for the millions of people who live in a basement or apartment complex.

A few state DO require gun registration and they are among the "safest"...

....and to finally state that its the murderer who gets indicted and not the gun is a childish parallel.

Well...since you are a lefty...and genetically pre-disposed to being stupid.....I am pointing out that banning wife beaters from having a gun does not save the life of the wife......moron.

So, its then BEST to execute the abusive husband on the spot....correct, nitwit?
GErmans thought like that in the 1920s...by the mid 1930s they realized how stupid your point was............

So, you and your fucked up ilk think that we are living in a pre-Nazi environment in the US???
If you think so, grab your trusty rifles and march of Washington D.C. TODAY !!!!! Go on.
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Because the government sucks. Durr.
Look right wing morons......I'm not on here to change your screwed up biases and ameliorate your ignorance.

I just want you to know that there ARE some sane Americans who are contributing to this right wing message board.....If you don't like a dose of reality....put me on IGNORE or convince the right wing moderators to take me off....I really don't give a crap if only right wingers on here play with one another ad nauseum.
Agreed. In fact, all she has to do is file a restraining order and detail why in her filing.

Yeah...this MORON, knows how "successful" restraining orders are with abusive spouses.
Then such a fucking moron should know lawbreakers break the law. You're advocating rendering the victims defenseless against the aggressors.



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