Why do gun-enthusiasts OBJECT to registering their weapons?

No....obama has set up rules that keep the FBI from investigating muslim terrorism.....

Openly admit that you pulled the above right out of your ass.......Go on, SPECIFICALLY show where Obama did such a thing....or, simply go play with yourself in some corner of your basement......

And more sexual fixation when anyone mentions guns...what is wrong with you fuckers....are you like the shooter....his belief in Sharia wouldn't let him be gay so he killed gays...your sexual fixation on guns makes you need to get rid of guns...is that it?

And here...

Obama Has Handcuffed Federal Anti-Jihad Investigators, Says Former Top Investigator - Breitbart

FBI agents were helpless to stop Mateen because of the professional guardrails imposed by Obama’s deputies, said Philip B. Haney, who was one of the first investigators at the office that would grow into the Department of Homeland Security.

The guardrails were officially established in the 2012 “The FBI Guiding Principles: Touchstone Document on Training.” The guidelines say;

Extremist speech rarely is [consequential enough for an investigation] unless it incites imminent lawless activity or constitutes a true threat…

FBI training must emphasize the protection of civil rights and civil liberties … [a suspects’s] mere association with organizations that demonstrate both legitimate (advocacy) and illicit (violent extremism) objectives should not automatically result in a determination that the associated individual is acting in furtherance of the organization’s illicit objective(s)…

[FBI] Training must focus on behavioral indicators that have a potential nexus to terrorist or criminal activity, while making clear that religious expression, protest activity, and the espousing of political or ideological beliefs are constitutionally protected activities that must not be equated with terrorism or criminality absent other indicia of such offenses…

Relevant training material and feedback must be solicited from other agencies or FBI audiences who have received training, and when feasible, feedback should be solicited from knowledgeable community partners [including Islamic political groups].

Based on these restrictive standards, it would have been virtually impossible to justify an FBI investigation or extensive surveillance of Mateen, even though a simple Internet search shows Mateen’s close ties to radical mosques, Haney said.

Mateen belonged to a mosque called the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce, alongside the first American suicide bomber in Syria, Moner Muhammed Abu-Salha. The mosque’s parent organization is Rahmat-e-Alam, which is a network of mosques that includes the mosque used by the shooters in San Bernardino, Haney said, adding that he made these connections by following the links on the Internet. In turn, Mateen’s father was the executive director of the mosque, which is also directly affiliated with the Sharia Board of America, now called just “Islamic Social Services,” he said.

“The word ‘sharia’ should be an immediate warning,” Haney said. “Sharia law is illegal in the United States because it is in complete conflict with the Constitution.”

Since the massacre, Obama has tried to redirect the media towards peripheral aspects of the disaster — gun-control, disputes over rights for gays, and GOP opposition to Obama’s spending programs. So far, there’s been little media attention paid to the curbs imposed by Obama on federal investigators.
Once again, Nat, what is to be gained by registering firearms? I hate to keep harping on this. But you have accused gun owners of wanting to hide something. But you have failed to say why registration is a goal we should embrace.
the Haynes v. United States Supreme court decision ruled that convicted felons and other criminals do not have to register their illegal guns....because if violates their 5th Amendment right against self incrimination...

so......if that works for actual criminals....registration of guns is an act of possible self incrimination for all citizens and clearly unConstitutional.

You're interpreting Haynes like a 12 year old would do......and a whole bunch of fellow right wing morons probably agree with you because....well, because it sounds "official".......

The ruling in Haynes basically told congress to RE-WORD the National Firearm Act....since it was poorly worded and allowed Haynes to escape his conviction (ask who funded his "defense")

Once Congress re-worded the Act, registration was again mandatory.

(Its like asking a suspected murderer to show the police where he hid the body...and the murderer says......." I will not since showing you what I did with the body will incriminate me:)
LOL. Dude, you're looking in a mirror with your "interpreting Haynes like a 12 year old would do" Internet Tough Guy bullshit.

First, Haynes didn't "escape his conviction". The liberal Warren Court ruled that the Act did, indeed, force him to violate his 5th Amendment rights. Imagine that, a liberal SCOTUS actually supported the Constitution instead of rewriting it!!!

Second, the Act was rewritten (NOT the Constitution!) so as to comply with the Constitution. Good job Warren court!
Once again, Nat, what is to be gained by registering firearms? I hate to keep harping on this. But you have accused gun owners of wanting to hide something. But you have failed to say why registration is a goal we should embrace.
Agreed. Next thing the far Left will want us to do is register how we voted in every election so they can keep an eye on the trouble makers. ;)
Once again, Nat, what is to be gained by registering firearms? I hate to keep harping on this. But you have accused gun owners of wanting to hide something. But you have failed to say why registration is a goal we should embrace.

Here's an example.......like it or not, its an example that is often experienced:

"A man legally purchases a gun.......Later on he marries and becomes and abusive wife-beater...and repeatedly threatens his wife that he would shoot her if she ever left his abusive household.."
If his guns were registered, law enforcement could.....at the very least.....remove that scenario of shooting his wife AND/OR anyone who comes to her rescue.

Registration of Firearms Policy Summary
Here's an example.......like it or not, its an example that is often experienced:

"A man legally purchases a gun.......Later on he marries and becomes and abusive wife-beater...and repeatedly threatens his wife that he would shoot her if she ever left his abusive household.."
If his guns were registered, law enforcement could.....at the very least.....remove that scenario of shooting his wife AND/OR anyone who comes to her rescue.

Registration of Firearms Policy Summary

First, domestic abuse is against the law.

Second, murder is against the law. Do you really believe lawbreakers will obey the law? All you are doing is penalizing innocent Americans.

Third, rewriting the Constitution to your liking is a dark path and I'm certain you won't like where it ends up. Do you really want to set a precedent where our rights can be restricted on a whim? What happens if person like Trump is elected with a far Right Congress. Do you really want to give them that much power???

Fourth, the Democrats have telegraphed for decades their desires to restrict the Second Amendment until it is only for show. "Be more like Europe" they say. Looking a Euro gun control laws displays exactly what the Democrats want. Even so, it doesn't protect the Euros from terrorism. It only makes them powerless to stop an attack.

Gun control: Europe is making its laws even tougher
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Let me ask the opposite

why do you want to register guns?

Let's assume Mateen had been required to register his assault weapon and pistol after purchase. Would that have discouraged him from killing 50 fucking people and wounding 50 more?

Now as to the answer to your question.

Duh, the government can't confiscate what they don't know about.

Do you know of anyone who's talking about confiscating cars? No? Me either.
Not keeping up with the news I see>
Hillary Clinton Comes Out In Favor Of Mandatory Gun Confiscation
Hillary Clinton Comes Out In Favor of Mandatory Gun Confiscation | RedState
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Let me ask the opposite

why do you want to register guns?

Let's assume Mateen had been required to register his assault weapon and pistol after purchase. Would that have discouraged him from killing 50 fucking people and wounding 50 more?

Now as to the answer to your question.

Duh, the government can't confiscate what they don't know about.

Do you know of anyone who's talking about confiscating cars? No? Me either.
Not keeping up with the news I see>
Hillary Clinton Comes Out In Favor Of Mandatory Gun Confiscation
Hillary Clinton Comes Out In Favor of Mandatory Gun Confiscation | RedState
Thanks. I'm sure Hillary will backtrack and say "that's not what I meant", but it's not like she's never lied nor flip-flopped before.

Clinton Praises Australian Gun Buyback Program
“Recently, Australia managed to get away, or take away tens of thousands, millions of handguns. In one year, they were all gone. Can we do that? If we can’t, why can’t we?” A New Hampshire man asked Clinton.

I think that’s worth considering. I do not know enough detail to tell you how we would do it, or how would it work, but certainly your example is worth looking at,” Clinton said.

The Australia example is a favorite with politicians who favor stricter gun control measures, although rarely is it mentioned that Australia’s 1996 buyback was coercive—although citizens were compensated for their firearms, it was more accurately a program to confiscate firearms, particularly rifles.

To this point, Clinton has proposed gun control laws more modest than a national buyback, like universal background checks. However, there is evidence that she may privately prefer something like a Australian-style solution.
OK right wing nitwits......Play out your worst FEAR......

The government will send all its armed forces to inavde your home and take away your precious guns...

Besides the stupidity of that moronic scenario......do you think all of our soldiers are "robots" that would follow the order of some wacko in the WH??

Just grow up and stop being such cry-babies.
Not keeping up with the news I see>
Hillary Clinton Comes Out In Favor Of Mandatory Gun Confiscation
Hillary Clinton Comes Out In Favor of Mandatory Gun Confiscation | RedState

The Wash. Beacon??????

Only morons take an unfounded fear and make it into a headline......Grow up
Really, so you deny that Hiliary actually said that? Did youo not listen to the video and hear Hiliary herself say that?

If they are not trying to figure out how to accomplish it, why do they keep bringing it up?
Last edited:
OK right wing nitwits......Play out your worst FEAR......

The government will send all its armed forces to inavde your home and take away your precious guns...

Besides the stupidity of that moronic scenario......do you think all of our soldiers are "robots" that would follow the order of some wacko in the WH??

Just grow up and stop being such cry-babies.

You're whining about guns more than anyone here
Think about it....We register our cars.

So, you want to handle firearm registration like we do vehicles, eh? Okay, let's see what that looks like:
  • States may choose to require firearm registration, but the federal government would have no say whatsoever;
  • States would not require you to register or obtain a license to use your firearm on your own property, only if you're on public land (you do not need a license to drive on your own land);
  • Firearm owners would be free to modify their guns in any way they like, just as we're free to make cars the way we want, including giant monster trucks, as silly as that is; and
  • When someone kills one or many people with a firearm, no one will blame the gun, they will blame the murderer, just as we do if someone kills with a car.

That's how it works for vehicles, so, deal!
Not keeping up with the news I see>
Hillary Clinton Comes Out In Favor Of Mandatory Gun Confiscation
Hillary Clinton Comes Out In Favor of Mandatory Gun Confiscation | RedState

The Wash. Beacon??????

Only morons take an unfounded fear and make it into a headline......Grow up
Now you've gone from juvenile ITG accusations to outright lying.

Are you denying the comment Hillary made? Are you denying the facts regarding the Australian mandatory confiscation program?

Does this suit your dishonest, 12 year-old anti-gun/anti-Constitution tastes?
Hillary Clinton Says A National Gun Buyback Program Is 'Worth Considering'
“Australia is a good example, Canada is a good example, the U.K. is a good example. Why? Because each of them have had mass killings” she said. “Australia had a huge mass killing about 20, 25 years ago, Canada did as well, so did the U.K. And, in reaction, they passed much stricter gun laws.”

Australia’s mandatory gun buyback program of semiautomatic and automatic rifles and shotguns was enacted after a shooter killed 35 people in 1996. The country bought back more than 650,000 weapons.

“The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns,” Clinton said. “Then, they basically clamped down, going forward, in terms of having more of a background check approach, more of a permitting approach, but they believed, and I think the evidence supports them, that by offering to buyback those guns, they were able to curtail the supply and to set a different standard for gun purchases in the future.”

Clinton said such a gun buyback program “would be worth considering” federally, “if that could be arranged.” She compared it to President Barack Obama’s so-called “cash for clunkers” program, which bought back old cars with lower levels of energy efficiency in order to stimulate the economy and reduce pollution.

“I do not know enough detail to tell you how we would do it, or how would it work, but certainly the Australian example is worth looking at,” she added.
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Hey, here's an idea: Let's start with mandatory registration of books! Confiscation will of course happen for those that do not register their books...and if you're on a secret list, you will be banned from buying books.

Let's start there and see how it goes.

Once again, Nat, what is to be gained by registering firearms? I hate to keep harping on this. But you have accused gun owners of wanting to hide something. But you have failed to say why registration is a goal we should embrace.

Here's an example.......like it or not, its an example that is often experienced:

"A man legally purchases a gun.......Later on he marries and becomes and abusive wife-beater...and repeatedly threatens his wife that he would shoot her if she ever left his abusive household.."
If his guns were registered, law enforcement could.....at the very least.....remove that scenario of shooting his wife AND/OR anyone who comes to her rescue.

Registration of Firearms Policy Summary

So you think she would be safe, as long as he has no firearms? This, despite the fact that he has already beaten his wife?

And you think the type of person who would beat their wife is the type of person who would be open and honest about owning a gun? In most (all?) states it is illegal for someone convicted of domestic abuse to own or possess a firearm.

The laws already exist to prevent this situation. More laws do not make his victims any safer.
OK right wing nitwits......Play out your worst FEAR......

The government will send all its armed forces to inavde your home and take away your precious guns...

Besides the stupidity of that moronic scenario......do you think all of our soldiers are "robots" that would follow the order of some wacko in the WH??

Just grow up and stop being such cry-babies.
Take a deep breath, Nat. Look in a mirror and say your daily affirmation:

I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me!
FWIW, I bought another $500 worth of ammo yesterday. It's Father's Day weekend and many bulk ammo websites have sales.

I bought a 100 rounds of .357, a 640-round tin of 122grain 7.62x39 JHP and 400 rounds of 154 grain 7.62X39 SP.

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