Why do lefitists, liberals and feminists only hate christianity/christians?

Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.

Nobody hates Christians.

We don't tolerate "christians"... people who pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ while spouting homophobia, bigotry, intolerance and general lack of compassion and love for their fellow man.

People cross the the border are children of God. Why would we turn them away?

Because God doesn't pay taxes.
I am a life long christian and I love my fellow Christians. I am not voting for trump or Clinton because of my disdain for corporatists having access to our political system....so stick that right up your pipe....idiots.
The fundamental reason that leftists hate Christianity is because Christianity teaches people to prepare themselves for a perfect world in the next life.

Leftists hate this concept, because they want to build a perfect world in THIS life.

Leftists see Christianity as offering a false hope of a perfect world in the next life as a distraction from their plans to encourage the working class to tear down our imperfect world and build the perfect world in this life.

That is why, in Communist countries, Christians are martyred, including priests, nuns and brothers.

They knew that the Catholic Church was their most dangerous enemy, and they were right. The Catholic Church in Poland, encouraged by Pope John Paul II, united the Catholic people of Poland and brought Communism down.

In the United States, it is not possible to be both a faithful Catholic and a Democrat who follows the party line. One must choose one or the other.

My parents were devout Catholics and Democrats in the 1960's, but the Democratic party turned its back on people like my parents when it nominated George McGovern in 1972.
The fundamental reason that leftists hate Christianity is because Christianity teaches people to prepare themselves for a perfect world in the next life.

Leftists hate this concept, because they want to build a perfect world in THIS life.

Leftists see Christianity as offering a false hope of a perfect world in the next life as a distraction from their plans to encourage the working class to tear down our imperfect world and build the perfect world in this life.

Let's put this another way. Asking people to keep one foot in the grave, and be more than miserable and do without (most often less) because they will achieve a perfect existence AFTER they are dead benefits who?
Which tier of society does that benefit, Blackrook?

The only thing I despise is watching people get taken advantage of.

I met a pastor and his wife not too long ago that are truly a couple of the most beautiful people in existence. They care for the throw away people. A lot of churches say they do but really........they don't. Nope. These people make themselves available 24/7 to those that live a marginal existence, will never become fully functioning adults and are forgotten by society. He said to me, "This is where I have been called." They both work full time. In fact, he runs two business' and they don't come home until late at night. They might receive 3 or more phone calls a night and they leave to help them with whatever they need. They are the shizzle.
That is the most pure form of Christianity as a verb that I have ever witnessed. It was so beautiful I cried.
It isn't a political whip. You dig what I am saying?
No one hates these fake Christians. We just won't let them take over with their version of "shira" law.
How? I am agnostic, be the way. The OP has valid point about lefties cozening up to Muslims, (who are perhaps the apex of religious zealotry). Why? If they condemn Christianity for it's past or present indulgences, why not apply that same standard across the board to Islam as well, instead of DEFENDING Islam? I used to be a liberal, now I am just a disappointed realist.

How about an example ?

Yes libs defend Muslims under attack . Because we are for freedom of religion. While righties are only about freedom of Christianity.
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.

Christians are generally prosperous successful and decent people.

All hated in liberal ideology.

They do love their Islam though, you know, the religion that demands gays to be executed.
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.

Christians are generally prosperous successful and decent people.

All hated in liberal ideology.

They do love their Islam though, you know, the religion that demands gays to be executed.
They are a bunch of fake Christians . They pick and choose what they want to believe like its a religion buffet .

Since they are phonies, they deserve no first Amendment protection.
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.

They used to rally against all religions. Since Obama came into office, a new defense of Islam surfaced. Of course, this isn't because people automatically started doing this. It's the narrative demanded of media and they help shape the opinion of their followers. Critics of Islam are immediately ridiculed and called evil. Liberals are afraid to speak out for fear of being labelled in the same way as their political opponents.

Although, the "refugee" crisis seems to have pushed some over the edge. I started noticing last year that many of my liberal friends are Trump supporters and looks like it's the open borders and radical Muslim invasion that turned them away from Hillary.

Feminists who defend Islam are exceptionally hypocritical.

They bash Christians for their opposition to abortion. Muslims here are never asked about their views on social issues. Of course, we get a glimpse of their beliefs when gays are murdered and women and children are raped, as their custom allows. But, since none of the media actually presses the issue, they can pretend that it's only the Muslims living in Muslim countries who do those things.
What a bizarre strawman to have constructed. Or perhaps English as a second language makes it even more convoluted. In any event there is an acknowledgement that liberals "hate" bigotry, but a refusal to understand religion has nothing to do with it. Why that might be is anyone's guess, but to jeffersson I would suggest a little research into the history of the Middle Ages to see if life was "hard." I suggest not ignoring Vlad the Impaler's pledge to support Christianity.

Yes middle ages was not good. but the problem is that leftists and feminists belive that the islamic world at that time was very good. the fact is that it was horrible, the whole world was, and still is.


proof for what, that the islamic nations in middle ages was bad? just go and read about it. do you really belive they where good? homohobia and sexism did not exist?
Proof leftists and feminists belive [sic] that the islamic world at that time was very good?

i have read it thousands of times on internet and heard on tv. and they only bash christians for having homophobia and sexism. but the muslims are very tolerant against homosexuals and women, claims the feminist.

So you want to compare extremist Christians in the U.S. to extremist Muslims in other countries? Why?

Do you know what country has the largest Muslim population in the world?
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians..

As a liberal and a feminist- I don't hate anyone.

Why do you think I do?

The vast majority of liberals are Christians- why do you think that they hate themselves?
Why do lefitists, liberals and feminists only hate christianity/christians?
Don't be silly, the gub'mint worshipers on the left don't only hate "christianity/christians" ..... they hate anybody that doesn't agree that the state should micro-manage everybody's lives.

"Personal Responsibility the ultimate gub'mint worshiper repellent"

These two posts are the three biggest lies that the alt-right tells about liberals.
Who the hell is "alt-right" ?

We don't believe that government should micro manage people's lives
Are you fessin' up to be a gub'mint worshiping left winger? or is it that you don't really know the difference between a liberal and a gub'mint worshiper ?

Let me help you out ...

Bernie Sanders a gub'mint worshiping leftist
Thomas Jefferson a liberal

The gub'mint worshiping left wingers that like to call themselves liberals .. oh wait it's back to "progressives" again (now that they've managed to dirty up the word "liberal" they have to change their masks) do indeed believe the state should micro-manage everybody's lives, everything from how much of the fruits of their labor they should be allowed to keep to what sort of light bulbs they should be allowed to buy.
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.

They used to rally against all religions. Since Obama came into office, a new defense of Islam surfaced. Of course, this isn't because people automatically started doing this. It's the narrative demanded of media and they help shape the opinion of their followers. Critics of Islam are immediately ridiculed and called evil. Liberals are afraid to speak out for fear of being labelled in the same way as their political opponents.

Although, the "refugee" crisis seems to have pushed some over the edge. I started noticing last year that many of my liberal friends are Trump supporters and looks like it's the open borders and radical Muslim invasion that turned them away from Hillary.

Feminists who defend Islam are exceptionally hypocritical.

They bash Christians for their opposition to abortion. Muslims here are never asked about their views on social issues. Of course, we get a glimpse of their beliefs when gays are murdered and women and children are raped, as their custom allows. But, since none of the media actually presses the issue, they can pretend that it's only the Muslims living in Muslim countries who do those things.

Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty

Love these guys.
The op seems to believe that all Christians should vote conservative because the conservative party extolls christian principles. Not really.
I'm always amazed how regressives insist they know what others think AND are always wrong.

I shouldn't be. It's no different than when they explain what they think.

I suspect introducing a need to believe some "consumed image" is the monkey wrench in the butter dish.

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