Why do lefitists, liberals and feminists only hate christianity/christians?

Are you fessin' up to be a gub'mint worshiping left winger? or is it that you don't really know the difference between a liberal and a gub'mint worshiper ?

Let me help you out ...

Bernie Sanders a gub'mint worshiping leftist
Thomas Jefferson a liberal

The gub'mint worshiping left wingers that like to call themselves liberals .. oh wait it's back to "progressives" again (now that they've managed to dirty up the word "liberal" they have to change their masks) do indeed believe the state should micro-manage everybody's lives, everything from how much of the fruits of their labor they should be allowed to keep to what sort of light bulbs they should be allowed to buy.

You're picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

Liberals believe in freedom - freedom from the fear of illness, freedom to marry the person you love, freedom for women to decide when to have a baby. These are freedoms right-wingers would take away.

Government has shrunk under Obama and under Bill Clinton before him. It grew under Reagan - the ultimate "anti-government" president hired 1 million civil servants when unemployment hit 6% because it was "good for the economy" to have people working. Reagan also told us that "deficits don't matter". Both Bush's also increased the size of government. W set up a whole new branch of government - Homeland Security, entirely unfunded.

So while Republicans SAY they want to shrink government and get government out of your life, in fact the opposite is true. Republicans want to police who consenting adults have sex with, set up guards at washroom doors for fear a transgendered person might use the women's washroom, and establish morals tests for immigrants.

Trump wants to set up a police state, deporting anyone he feels like it. The massive amount of government required to deport 11 million people is staggering. Then he's hiring more police to clean up black neighbourhoods.

Taxes are the price you pay for living in a first world country. If you don't like that idea, there are lots of countries without income tax you could look into. They're Third World hell-holes with no police, unless you bribe them, no infa-structure, no security, no regulation, but you'll be free to live as you choose. Just be careful about what you eat or drink - no inspections, no regulations, don't show off your wealth - that could get you killed.
Are you fessin' up to be a gub'mint worshiping left winger? or is it that you don't really know the difference between a liberal and a gub'mint worshiper ?

Let me help you out ...

Bernie Sanders a gub'mint worshiping leftist
Thomas Jefferson a liberal

The gub'mint worshiping left wingers that like to call themselves liberals .. oh wait it's back to "progressives" again (now that they've managed to dirty up the word "liberal" they have to change their masks) do indeed believe the state should micro-manage everybody's lives, everything from how much of the fruits of their labor they should be allowed to keep to what sort of light bulbs they should be allowed to buy.

Liberals believe in freedom - freedom from the fear of illness, freedom to marry the person you love, freedom for women to decide when to have a baby. These are freedoms right-wingers would take away.


AHAHAHAHAHAHA .....bake that damn cake.
I am a liberal. I don't hate Christians, or Muslims or Jews. I don't hate the religion practiced by Christians, Muslims or Jews. I do hate the way some followers of those religions misinterpret their religious texts for their own personal goals. It's like Elvis...love the music, but some of his fans scare the shit out of me.

ALL Elvis fans scare the shit out of me.. especially the men donning Elvis shirts.
What a bizarre strawman to have constructed. Or perhaps English as a second language makes it even more convoluted. In any event there is an acknowledgement that liberals "hate" bigotry, but a refusal to understand religion has nothing to do with it. Why that might be is anyone's guess, but to jeffersson I would suggest a little research into the history of the Middle Ages to see if life was "hard." I suggest not ignoring Vlad the Impaler's pledge to support Christianity.

Yes middle ages was not good. but the problem is that leftists and feminists belive that the islamic world at that time was very good. the fact is that it was horrible, the whole world was, and still is.


Oh absolutely- an article by one woman is certainly proof that all leftists and feminists believe the same thing.

Islam in the Middle Ages, by our standards was pretty horrible.

But the thing is- Christianity in the MIddle Ages was even worse.

It is not defending Islam to know that when the persecution of Jews in Spain and elsewhere happened, the Jews fled to the Islamic world- where they were treated better.
Islam in the Middle Ages was ISIS on steroids.

Christianity in the Middle Ages hesitated to retaliate against mass invasion and persecution.

Jews were hated by the entirety of Europe, not just Christian nations. You assume Anti-Semitism at that time was baseless without any research.

The fact that you even have the nerve to compare Christianity to Islam at a time when Islam is mercilessly killing off every Christian in the Middle East right now is quite telling.
banning the Bible during "free reading" periods

Not happening. One teacher who was admonished. The district clarified it's stance and the boy can read his bible during free reading time.

Any other persecution fantasies?
Thank god for the conservatives who pushed back in that instance.

Funny how you don't seem to understand that this only emboldens anti-Christian lunatics to try this in more "progressive" areas; not to mention the message it sends this boy about practicing his own faith.
banning the Bible during "free reading" periods

Not happening. One teacher who was admonished. The district clarified it's stance and the boy can read his bible during free reading time.

Any other persecution fantasies?
Thank god for the conservatives who pushed back in that instance.

Funny how you don't seem to understand that this only emboldens anti-Christian lunatics to try this in more "progressive" areas; not to mention the message it sends this boy about practicing his own faith.

It happened a couple of years ago. Where are all the new emboldened attacks on Christians? Think they are saving up for a new War on Christmas Offensive?
banning the Bible during "free reading" periods

Not happening. One teacher who was admonished. The district clarified it's stance and the boy can read his bible during free reading time.

Any other persecution fantasies?
Thank god for the conservatives who pushed back in that instance.

Funny how you don't seem to understand that this only emboldens anti-Christian lunatics to try this in more "progressive" areas; not to mention the message it sends this boy about practicing his own faith.

It happened a couple of years ago. Where are all the new emboldened attacks on Christians? Think they are saving up for a new War on Christmas Offensive?

If there is a new war on Christmas will that mean I don't have to start hearing the ads for Christmas the day after Halloween?
banning the Bible during "free reading" periods

Not happening. One teacher who was admonished. The district clarified it's stance and the boy can read his bible during free reading time.

Any other persecution fantasies?
Thank god for the conservatives who pushed back in that instance.

Funny how you don't seem to understand that this only emboldens anti-Christian lunatics to try this in more "progressive" areas; not to mention the message it sends this boy about practicing his own faith.

It happened a couple of years ago. Where are all the new emboldened attacks on Christians? Think they are saving up for a new War on Christmas Offensive?

If there is a new war on Christmas will that mean I don't have to start hearing the ads for Christmas the day after Halloween?
That has nothing to do with the Christians, that has to do with retail trying to maximize their profits.
Christians are the only true assholes, all other religions are respectable.

Happy now?
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.
You seem to be confusing right wing "let them die" Christianity with the more "love your neighbor as yourself" classic and traditional type of Christianity.

The type of Christianity the Republican right wing follows worships at the Alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard. Their beliefs are more in line with "feed the poor and they will breed" (see GOP Lt Gov. Andre Baur).

Traditional Christians would want school lunch. They would support food stamps and health care for children.

House GOP spending cuts will devastate women, families and economy

Do you understand?
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.
You seem to be confusing right wing "let them die" Christianity with the more "love your neighbor as yourself" classic and traditional type of Christianity.

The type of Christianity the Republican right wing follows worships at the Alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard. Their beliefs are more in line with "feed the poor and they will breed" (see GOP Lt Gov. Andre Baur).

Traditional Christians would want school lunch. They would support food stamps and health care for children.

House GOP spending cuts will devastate women, families and economy

Do you understand?
as Jesus said, give a man a fish and he will eat for a night. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for life.
Sorry, even Jesus himself thought it better for people to support themselves than to stand with their hand out for life.
banning the Bible during "free reading" periods

Not happening. One teacher who was admonished. The district clarified it's stance and the boy can read his bible during free reading time.

Any other persecution fantasies?
Thank god for the conservatives who pushed back in that instance.

Funny how you don't seem to understand that this only emboldens anti-Christian lunatics to try this in more "progressive" areas; not to mention the message it sends this boy about practicing his own faith.

It happened a couple of years ago. Where are all the new emboldened attacks on Christians? Think they are saving up for a new War on Christmas Offensive?

If there is a new war on Christmas will that mean I don't have to start hearing the ads for Christmas the day after Halloween?
Shitforbrains thinks Christmas is about shopping.
Haven't seen a TV ad for "Christmas shopping" in decades, dufus.
banning the Bible during "free reading" periods

Not happening. One teacher who was admonished. The district clarified it's stance and the boy can read his bible during free reading time.

Any other persecution fantasies?
Thank god for the conservatives who pushed back in that instance.

Funny how you don't seem to understand that this only emboldens anti-Christian lunatics to try this in more "progressive" areas; not to mention the message it sends this boy about practicing his own faith.

How does the school district acting correctly embolden anyone?

Remember- one school - in one place- incorrectly interpreting policy does not mean that all Christians are being persecuted.

Just like one school banning a girl from wearing a hijab is not an attack against all Muslims.
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.

Well democrats and the the left are the party of hate, always have been. They love muslims because they hate america, capitalism, democracy, Christianity, jews, and women as much as they do.
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.
You seem to be confusing right wing "let them die" Christianity with the more "love your neighbor as yourself" classic and traditional type of Christianity.

The type of Christianity the Republican right wing follows worships at the Alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard. Their beliefs are more in line with "feed the poor and they will breed" (see GOP Lt Gov. Andre Baur).

Traditional Christians would want school lunch. They would support food stamps and health care for children.

House GOP spending cuts will devastate women, families and economy

Do you understand?
as Jesus said, give a man a fish and he will eat for a night. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for life.
Sorry, even Jesus himself thought it better for people to support themselves than to stand with their hand out for life.

Really you want to go with what Jesus thinks?

Jesus taught his followers to be generous givers- and to aid those in need.
And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.

29 But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?

30 And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.

31 And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.

32 And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.

33 But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,

34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

35 And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.
Maybe i should post this in the religion-section, but this is also about political.

I always been shocked that leftists, liberals and feminists only seem to hate christianity and christians.

They claim that christianity is racist, violent, sexist, homohphobic and that christian empires in the middles ages was very hard society to live in. They also claim that christians are bad people.

However, they dont say the same about other religions. They always say nice things about islam, calling it a peaceful religion, with no sexism and homophobia with a tolerant history and that muslims are very kind and gentle. They say that Iran, Saudi, ISIS does not repesent Islam, but chrisitan extremists repesent chrisianity and that problem in muslim world is not beuse of islam but becuse of culture but problem in christian nations are becuse of chrisitanity. And hey also claim that the slavery and nazism was becuse of christianity, but slavery by the arabs and turks and the the genocide done by muslims was not becuse of islam, instead it was becuse of other things.....

Why this double moral?

The feminists and leftists in the west have the same view on christianity and its followers as the far-right has on islam and muslims. Its the same type of hatred and sterotypes.

How can this feminists and leftists call themself loving people and hate right-wingers for hating islam and muslims when the feminists and the leftists have the same radical view but on chrisitanity and christians?

And are this people even aware that most chrisitans are not white? Many non-white christians vote on hillary for exemple. This non-white christians gets hated by far-right becuse of their skin color and at the same time they get hated by hillary-supporters for their religion, must be hard.

Well democrats and the the left are the party of hate, always have been. They love muslims because they hate america, capitalism, democracy, Christianity, jews, and women as much as they do.

Yet here you are- the only one promoting hate.

Must make you proud.

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