Why do liberals care so much about Hitler, but not Stalin or Mao?

Is it easier visually and symbolically to pit
* black against white
* secular against Jews
when making bogeymen to blame for race wars?

Is it easier to pin things on a George Zimmerman
as a White Man than as a Hispanic.

With Asians, can people even tell the difference VISUALLY
between Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese or whoever
is complaining the other nation is oppressing them.

How much is from the need to make or use figureheads
that can be identified with. So black vs white is just
more convenient, than say, arguing that Chinese are
enslaving or attacking other Asian minorities in a mass genocide...

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

Well, all sides on the partisan hackery bullshit game seem to like to ignore reality and promote their own little fantasy world.
Well, the answer is pretty obvious: Hitler is simply better known, and using the name of a better-known evil person is considered more effective when launching shallow, stupid, hyperbolic, partisan-based attacks that insult the suffering of millions upon millions of innocent people for some perceived temporary political advantage.

Love me some Bill Burr.
Because the former didn't have - at least not for long - a reputation of uniting people.

Though when it comes to information most people have never heard of the advisers of Hitler either. That is to ask, who came up with the idea of mass slaughter and the plan for it?

The ideologies of both Mao and Stalin eventually turned against them, but for a while those ideologies brought hope to masses of people who hadn't had it before. And the slaughter that they caused was different. Hitler's group decided to exterminate Jews while Mao imposed certain rules on the people. The treatment of the people was inhuman and murder constant, but there is a great difference in saying how someone should live and in saying they have no right to breathe.

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

It's because a liberal is a communist who lacks commitment.
Here's why Progressives are so fixated on their mentor Adolph Hitler.


Nazism is National Socialism. It is antithetical to capitalism.
Obviously it's what Alt-Right/Neo-Nazi sources tell you.
There are some differences, but in what sense are they opposites? They are both dictatorships in which the state controls everything of value and tries to control everything people do, say, or think and they both claim to be socialists. In addition, they are both globalist in their world views, believing it is their mission to conquer everything and everyone? They call it spreading the revolution.

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