Why do liberals defend China? Now Cuomo is blaming Europe

Seems like the Left is often spinning for China, while the Right is often spinning for Russia.

Maybe each end just wants to be the mirror image and behave the same way as the other.

So weird, the way each end so often behaves so much like those they loathe.

What is the goal?

Dimms want to use China's AI surveillance tech that they use on their citizens as a blueprint here for when they get back into power, they stay in power!

I just marked you down.

What is the goal?

Dimms want to use China's AI surveillance tech that they use on their citizens as a blueprint here for when they get back into power, they stay in power!

I just marked you down.

Shit. More Than the black mirror episode that is real in China? The one with Bryce Howard.

I just marked you down again.

What is the goal?
Who specifically is defending China?

Looking for some names of these 'liberals' defending China.

China is a corrupt communist country that screwed up its handling of the Coronavirus.

Which doesn't let Trump off the hook for his own failures in dealing with the Coronavirus.

Just yesterday Trump was bragging about how the United States is number one in testing in the world. But he didn't mention we are also number one in deaths from coronavirus in the world.

Have you consumed any media since March 16th?

It all defends China and blames Trump.
Oh the liberals defending China.....you mean Donald Trump?

Jan. 22, Twitter:

“One of the many great things about our just signed giant Trade Deal with China is that it will bring both the USA & China closer together in so many other ways. Terrific working with President Xi, a man who truly loves his country. Much more to come!”

Jan. 24, Twitter:

“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

Jan. 29, Remarks at signing ceremony for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement:

“And, honestly, I think, as tough as this negotiation was, I think our relationship with China now might be the best it's been in a long, long time.

Jan. 30, Fox News interview:

"China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they're working very hard. We'll see what happens. But we're working very closely with China and other countries."

Feb. 7, Remarks at North Carolina Opportunity Now Summit in Charlotte, N.C.:

"I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we're working on the — the problem, the virus. It's a — it's a very tough situation. But I think he's going to handle it. I think he's handled it really well. We're helping wherever we can."

Feb. 7, Twitter:
“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days … Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!
Feb. 7, Remarks before Marine One departure:
"Late last night, I had a very good talk with President Xi, and we talked about — mostly about the coronavirus. They're working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job. They're in touch with World — the World — World Organization. CDC also. We're working together. But World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them. I had a great conversation last night with President Xi. It's a tough situation. I think they're doing a very good job.”
Feb. 10, Fox Business interview:
"I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control," Trump said. "I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that's a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard."

Feb. 10, campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.:

“I spoke with President Xi, and they’re working very, very hard. And I think it’s all going to work out fine.”

Feb. 13, Fox News interview:

“I think they've handled it professionally and I think they're extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it's going to be resolved."

Feb. 18, remarks before Air Force One departure:

“I think President Xi is working very hard. As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.”

Feb. 23, remarks before Marine One departure:

"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He

Feb. 26, remarks at a business roundtable in New Delhi, India:

“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”

Feb. 27, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:

“I spoke with President Xi. We had a great talk. He’s working very hard, I have to say. He’s working very, very hard. And if you can count on the reports coming out of China, that spread has gone down quite a bit. The infection seems to have gone down over the last two days. As opposed to getting larger, it’s actually gotten smaller.”

Feb. 29, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:

“China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down. … I think our relationship with China is very good. We just did a big trade deal. We’re starting on another trade deal with China — a very big one. And we’ve been working very closely. They’ve been talking to our people, we’ve been talking to their people, having to do with the virus.”

What is the goal?
It's an anti America thing for liberals...by getting us to argue "china" they can safely insulate themselves from that fact
It's the "Anything to support Trump" thing for Contards....by trying to blame China for everything, they want to insulate Americans from the fact that their Dear Leader has been a horrible leader.

This thread is a perfect example. No one is defending China- other than Donald Trump through all of January and February- but the Trumpkins want to equate criticizing Trump for his poor job performance with 'defending China'.

Like I said- the only one who has been defending China was Trump- until he realized that he needed a fall guy he could use to deflect from his own poor performance.
Seems like the Left is often spinning for China, while the Right is often spinning for Russia.

Maybe each end just wants to be the mirror image and behave the same way as the other.

So weird, the way each end so often behaves so much like those they loathe.
Trump spun for China until the end of February- when he realized he needed to have a fall guy to cover his ass.
If Trump blamed America, the left would blame China.
We are at the point now, that the left hates the right, and especially Trump himself, with such vigor, that they will literally wish disaster onto the country and themselves, if it meant bad news for Trump and the right. They have literally become psychopathic.

Trump defended China until March. If you were correct, then 'the left' would have been spending that time blaming China.

But of course 'the left' didn't do that.

It must be weird to have to go from supporting Trump as he defended and applauded China to supporting Trump as he blames China- all for the same pandemic. Do you guys practice yoga to bend your positions into these moral pretzals?

What is the goal?

Dimms want to use China's AI surveillance tech that they use on their citizens as a blueprint here for when they get back into power, they stay in power!

Well if Democrats really wanted to stay in power, they would go with what they learned from Republicans- pack the courts with judges that will put up with any political gerrymandering, pass as many laws a possible to prevent Republicans from voting, and then hire canvassers to illegally collect mail in ballots.

What is the goal?
To hide the Chinese alliance with democrats.

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