Why Do Liberals Get Angry When...

Says the clown.

What's the matter, dummy? Speechless?

No, just pointing out that you are a clown and nothing you say has value.

Is that right? No value at all? None?
Says the clown.

What's the matter, dummy? Speechless?

No, just pointing out that you are a clown and nothing you say has value.

Is that right? No value at all? None?

You've demonstrated that by you refusal to defend what you say.

When seriously challenged you revert to clown mode, and respond with nothing but dishonestly, logical fallacies and personal attacks.

If you do not value the crap you post, why should anyone else?

Have you asked me to defend what I have said in this thread? I made a comment......you called me a clown. That's what went down here, dummy.

I've been waiting to be seriously challenged here for years. Are you going to be the one?

Liar clown.
It's 8% in Phoenix and was about the same in Houston. Not sure elsewhere; Cali is supposed to be off the charts but I never thought to ask. Why do you think Sanctuary cities exist...so they can capitalize on thousands more sales tax payers. Its about the only reason I can come up with.

hmmm I had to look it up, there's base rates (state wide I guess) then surcharges on certain purchases (groceries, drugs, clothes, etc.) ~ Sales taxes in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Highest is Alabama at 13.5% w/surcharges, highest base rate is 7.5% in California (their surcharge max is 11.5% though)

Problem with the sales tax sanctuary city theory is that sales taxes go to the state but not fed, yea? Fed. funding grants pays for a bunch of crap that the states couldn't usually afford to pay for without Fed funding - infrastructure stuff mostly. So I mean yea, I guess illegals would be paying into the state though sales taxes, but they're (at least not that I've seen, still waiting on Ravi's proclaimed 50% pay payroll and fed taxes source when s/he gets home) not paying into those fed coffers. Aka they're getting all the benefits but not paying as much as the legal citizens who pay said payroll/fed/state taxes and also pay whatever sales tax.
It's been proven that 100% of all of us pay sales taxes on purchases in municipalities that have sales taxes and the items purchased are taxable. Either way the notion that illegals do not pay taxes is simply not true.

I suppose I can agree, I mean if there's a sales tax, they're paying into that, but again, that's a rate of what? 4% maybe? (I actually don't know, no sales tax here so I'm guessing) vs the 25-30% that citizen's /must/ pay automatically in addition to the what-ever 4% sales tax.

It's 8% in Phoenix and was about the same in Houston. Not sure elsewhere; Cali is supposed to be off the charts but I never thought to ask. Why do you think Sanctuary cities exist...so they can capitalize on thousands more sales tax payers. Its about the only reason I can come up with.

You're kidding yourself.

Plenty of reasons in the liberal ideology to put the interests of illegals ahead of the nation's.
If we look into the constitution as originally written, it doesn't give congress the right or power to neither ban nor allow immigration, rather it puts that power in the states themselves. On the other hand the Chinese anit-imigration act or 1887 (*I believe) did so. So do we repeal the above and put the power in the states, or do we say Congress /can/ allow/disallow it and leave it up to a vote? ~ I personally would like to see it put to the states because after all they know their financial and economical situation far better than the fat cats in DC, but we might have to have some kind of "free passage" through anti-immigration states if some land locked states who would welcome them.

I think folks completely misunderstand the big issue that the majority of us have with illegal aliens is that they do not pay taxes, yet they are using the same resources as everyone else. If they were not just coming up here for free shit, it wouldn't be such an issue for most folks. This isn't the 1880's when racism was the main reason for excluding migration (as was the case in the anti-immigration act) It's about the economy and American's, not /against/ any foreigners. That changes the "compassion" situation. No one wants these refugees living in third worlds, but at the same time, part of being an American is receiving the benefits of citizenship, it means that you are contributing to the betterment of your nation, and more so in my mind, what kind of person moves to a new country and doesn't help support said country? These are not people I particularly /want/ in my country, which is why I'm kind of on the anti-immigration side of things. I don't think we should ban all immigration, but we need to ensure that these folks are becoming part of the country, not just ya know freeloading off our generosity.

Good post.

I am all for building a wall across both the northern and southern borders. In this day and age, you can make a bomb in your area and drive it into my area. While it's true you could still do that with border checkpoints, at least we have a chance to interdict the device. So I say build walls. But I hope everyone understands that as long as there has been walls, there have been ways to get around them. It will not end illegal immigration. You say you think folks miss the big issue...I think Trump supporters miss the big issue. It's bewildering that so many are being lead to believe that if you build this wall, that will stop anything. It will stop nothing; only limit the payload. Think of the wall as one of those turnstiles they used to have where you could walk into or out of a store but not take the shopping cart with you.

As for illegals not paying taxes; flat out wrong. Sales taxes are what fund the local economies. Illegals as well as legal immigrants shop at places just like the rest of us and pay their taxes--just like we all do. Federal taxes...that is another matter.

As for the rest of your post...you're right. This is why I say build the wall and simply declare those who are here who haven't been arrested, charged, and convicted of crimes as citizens. Bring them into the structures of taxation, commerce, etc... and let them start earning dollars (and being taxed on those earnings) legally. As for the supposed "line" they are supposed to get at the end of...sorry.

No one is saying that building a wall will be the end of the problem.

It is a needed step towards solving the problem.

No one? I'd check again or I would expect the candidate to express that--if we are going to hold all candidates to the same standard.

They have to express that they know that a wall is not a magical fix it all?

THat's not reasonable.

I hope you're kidding.

No...much like Obama saying "IF you like your insurance, you can keep it." Most understood the asterisk there being that if the insurance you had met ACA standards, you could keep it. But I can empathize with those who didn't. When Mr. Trump paints the picture of people just hopscotching across the border and a "big beautiful wall" is erected...I can empathize with those who think it will prevent immigration. He should clarify (if he knows the truth that it).

If you think that most people understood the "Asterisk" with Obamacare, then you should expect that most should understand the "Asterisk" with the Wall.
Good post.

I am all for building a wall across both the northern and southern borders. In this day and age, you can make a bomb in your area and drive it into my area. While it's true you could still do that with border checkpoints, at least we have a chance to interdict the device. So I say build walls. But I hope everyone understands that as long as there has been walls, there have been ways to get around them. It will not end illegal immigration. You say you think folks miss the big issue...I think Trump supporters miss the big issue. It's bewildering that so many are being lead to believe that if you build this wall, that will stop anything. It will stop nothing; only limit the payload. Think of the wall as one of those turnstiles they used to have where you could walk into or out of a store but not take the shopping cart with you.

As for illegals not paying taxes; flat out wrong. Sales taxes are what fund the local economies. Illegals as well as legal immigrants shop at places just like the rest of us and pay their taxes--just like we all do. Federal taxes...that is another matter.

As for the rest of your post...you're right. This is why I say build the wall and simply declare those who are here who haven't been arrested, charged, and convicted of crimes as citizens. Bring them into the structures of taxation, commerce, etc... and let them start earning dollars (and being taxed on those earnings) legally. As for the supposed "line" they are supposed to get at the end of...sorry.

No one is saying that building a wall will be the end of the problem.

It is a needed step towards solving the problem.

No one? I'd check again or I would expect the candidate to express that--if we are going to hold all candidates to the same standard.

They have to express that they know that a wall is not a magical fix it all?

THat's not reasonable.

I hope you're kidding.

No...much like Obama saying "IF you like your insurance, you can keep it." Most understood the asterisk there being that if the insurance you had met ACA standards, you could keep it. But I can empathize with those who didn't. When Mr. Trump paints the picture of people just hopscotching across the border and a "big beautiful wall" is erected...I can empathize with those who think it will prevent immigration. He should clarify (if he knows the truth that it).

If you think that most people understood the "Asterisk" with Obamacare, then you should expect that most should understand the "Asterisk" with the Wall.

I do. But it doesn't excuse either speaker from not telling the proverbial "truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
It's been proven that 100% of all of us pay sales taxes on purchases in municipalities that have sales taxes and the items purchased are taxable. Either way the notion that illegals do not pay taxes is simply not true.

I suppose I can agree, I mean if there's a sales tax, they're paying into that, but again, that's a rate of what? 4% maybe? (I actually don't know, no sales tax here so I'm guessing) vs the 25-30% that citizen's /must/ pay automatically in addition to the what-ever 4% sales tax.

It's 8% in Phoenix and was about the same in Houston. Not sure elsewhere; Cali is supposed to be off the charts but I never thought to ask. Why do you think Sanctuary cities exist...so they can capitalize on thousands more sales tax payers. Its about the only reason I can come up with.

You're kidding yourself.

Plenty of reasons in the liberal ideology to put the interests of illegals ahead of the nation's.

That might be true in some places. In others, "liberal ideology" is an easy excuse for gop failures.
It's 8% in Phoenix and was about the same in Houston. Not sure elsewhere; Cali is supposed to be off the charts but I never thought to ask. Why do you think Sanctuary cities exist...so they can capitalize on thousands more sales tax payers. Its about the only reason I can come up with.

hmmm I had to look it up, there's base rates (state wide I guess) then surcharges on certain purchases (groceries, drugs, clothes, etc.) ~ Sales taxes in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Highest is Alabama at 13.5% w/surcharges, highest base rate is 7.5% in California (their surcharge max is 11.5% though)

Problem with the sales tax sanctuary city theory is that sales taxes go to the state but not fed, yea? Fed. funding grants pays for a bunch of crap that the states couldn't usually afford to pay for without Fed funding - infrastructure stuff mostly. So I mean yea, I guess illegals would be paying into the state though sales taxes, but they're (at least not that I've seen, still waiting on Ravi's proclaimed 50% pay payroll and fed taxes source when s/he gets home) not paying into those fed coffers. Aka they're getting all the benefits but not paying as much as the legal citizens who pay said payroll/fed/state taxes and also pay whatever sales tax.

"As much" is my argument.

Those who say "They are getting free shit" are simply lying. Furthermore, all of us get "free shit". I didn't pay for I-17 anymore than you paid for I-10. I paid part of it, sure but all of us are warmed by the fires started by others.
No one is saying that building a wall will be the end of the problem.

It is a needed step towards solving the problem.

No one? I'd check again or I would expect the candidate to express that--if we are going to hold all candidates to the same standard.

They have to express that they know that a wall is not a magical fix it all?

THat's not reasonable.

I hope you're kidding.

No...much like Obama saying "IF you like your insurance, you can keep it." Most understood the asterisk there being that if the insurance you had met ACA standards, you could keep it. But I can empathize with those who didn't. When Mr. Trump paints the picture of people just hopscotching across the border and a "big beautiful wall" is erected...I can empathize with those who think it will prevent immigration. He should clarify (if he knows the truth that it).

If you think that most people understood the "Asterisk" with Obamacare, then you should expect that most should understand the "Asterisk" with the Wall.

I do. But it doesn't excuse either speaker from not telling the proverbial "truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Perhaps some brave member of our esteemed media should ask this obvious follow up question?
No one? I'd check again or I would expect the candidate to express that--if we are going to hold all candidates to the same standard.

They have to express that they know that a wall is not a magical fix it all?

THat's not reasonable.

I hope you're kidding.

No...much like Obama saying "IF you like your insurance, you can keep it." Most understood the asterisk there being that if the insurance you had met ACA standards, you could keep it. But I can empathize with those who didn't. When Mr. Trump paints the picture of people just hopscotching across the border and a "big beautiful wall" is erected...I can empathize with those who think it will prevent immigration. He should clarify (if he knows the truth that it).

If you think that most people understood the "Asterisk" with Obamacare, then you should expect that most should understand the "Asterisk" with the Wall.

I do. But it doesn't excuse either speaker from not telling the proverbial "truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Perhaps some brave member of our esteemed media should ask this obvious follow up question?
Perhaps some who say that Mr. Trump is "telling it like it is" should more closely examine their new Messiah.
It's been proven that 100% of all of us pay sales taxes on purchases in municipalities that have sales taxes and the items purchased are taxable. Either way the notion that illegals do not pay taxes is simply not true.

I suppose I can agree, I mean if there's a sales tax, they're paying into that, but again, that's a rate of what? 4% maybe? (I actually don't know, no sales tax here so I'm guessing) vs the 25-30% that citizen's /must/ pay automatically in addition to the what-ever 4% sales tax.

It's 8% in Phoenix and was about the same in Houston. Not sure elsewhere; Cali is supposed to be off the charts but I never thought to ask. Why do you think Sanctuary cities exist...so they can capitalize on thousands more sales tax payers. Its about the only reason I can come up with.

You're kidding yourself.

Plenty of reasons in the liberal ideology to put the interests of illegals ahead of the nation's.

That might be true in some places. In others, "liberal ideology" is an easy excuse for gop failures.

Mmm, to the extent that Republican Presidents allowed this blatant law breaking to go on, you have a half a point.

RE: Sanctuary Cities. In other aspects of illegal immigration, they are nearly as blame worthy as dems.
They have to express that they know that a wall is not a magical fix it all?

THat's not reasonable.

I hope you're kidding.

No...much like Obama saying "IF you like your insurance, you can keep it." Most understood the asterisk there being that if the insurance you had met ACA standards, you could keep it. But I can empathize with those who didn't. When Mr. Trump paints the picture of people just hopscotching across the border and a "big beautiful wall" is erected...I can empathize with those who think it will prevent immigration. He should clarify (if he knows the truth that it).

If you think that most people understood the "Asterisk" with Obamacare, then you should expect that most should understand the "Asterisk" with the Wall.

I do. But it doesn't excuse either speaker from not telling the proverbial "truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Perhaps some brave member of our esteemed media should ask this obvious follow up question?
Perhaps some who say that Mr. Trump is "telling it like it is" should more closely examine their new Messiah.

"New Messiah"?

WHat do you mean by that?
Trump wants to end birth right citizenship?

I understand that to re-write citizenship standards is complicated. But it's impossible to live like this, don't you think so? A child born in the US to citizens of another country would return to the country their parents reside in. That's the only right decision. Always was and always will.
Why not solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis through Commerce, well regulated, merely to more Faithfully execute our Commerce Clause, simply for the sake of a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.
Trump wants to end birth right citizenship?

I understand that to re-write citizenship standards is complicated. But it's impossible to live like this, don't you think so? A child born in the US to citizens of another country would return to the country their parents reside in. That's the only right decision. Always was and always will.
Why not solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis through Commerce, well regulated, merely to more Faithfully execute our Commerce Clause, simply for the sake of a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.

You are purposely being obtuse, right?

This is NOT the way your words naturally come out, right?
I hope you're kidding.

No...much like Obama saying "IF you like your insurance, you can keep it." Most understood the asterisk there being that if the insurance you had met ACA standards, you could keep it. But I can empathize with those who didn't. When Mr. Trump paints the picture of people just hopscotching across the border and a "big beautiful wall" is erected...I can empathize with those who think it will prevent immigration. He should clarify (if he knows the truth that it).

If you think that most people understood the "Asterisk" with Obamacare, then you should expect that most should understand the "Asterisk" with the Wall.

I do. But it doesn't excuse either speaker from not telling the proverbial "truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Perhaps some brave member of our esteemed media should ask this obvious follow up question?
Perhaps some who say that Mr. Trump is "telling it like it is" should more closely examine their new Messiah.

"New Messiah"?

WHat do you mean by that?

Supposedly Obama was the liberal Messiah. So that would make Trump the conservative Messiah.
If you think that most people understood the "Asterisk" with Obamacare, then you should expect that most should understand the "Asterisk" with the Wall.

I do. But it doesn't excuse either speaker from not telling the proverbial "truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth."

Perhaps some brave member of our esteemed media should ask this obvious follow up question?
Perhaps some who say that Mr. Trump is "telling it like it is" should more closely examine their new Messiah.

"New Messiah"?

WHat do you mean by that?

Supposedly Obama was the liberal Messiah. So that would make Trump the conservative Messiah.

SOrry, I haven't seen anything from Trump supporters like the blind faith that partisans supporters of Obama demonstrated.
It's been proven that 100% of all of us pay sales taxes on purchases in municipalities that have sales taxes and the items purchased are taxable. Either way the notion that illegals do not pay taxes is simply not true.

I suppose I can agree, I mean if there's a sales tax, they're paying into that, but again, that's a rate of what? 4% maybe? (I actually don't know, no sales tax here so I'm guessing) vs the 25-30% that citizen's /must/ pay automatically in addition to the what-ever 4% sales tax.

It's 8% in Phoenix and was about the same in Houston. Not sure elsewhere; Cali is supposed to be off the charts but I never thought to ask. Why do you think Sanctuary cities exist...so they can capitalize on thousands more sales tax payers. Its about the only reason I can come up with.

You're kidding yourself.

Plenty of reasons in the liberal ideology to put the interests of illegals ahead of the nation's.

That might be true in some places. In others, "liberal ideology" is an easy excuse for gop failures.

Mmm, to the extent that Republican Presidents allowed this blatant law breaking to go on, you have a half a point.

RE: Sanctuary Cities. In other aspects of illegal immigration, they are nearly as blame worthy as dems.

Apparently Gov-uh-nah Jindal has a remedy for that.

Bobby Jindal: Arrest Mayors of Sanctuary Cities as Accessories
I suppose I can agree, I mean if there's a sales tax, they're paying into that, but again, that's a rate of what? 4% maybe? (I actually don't know, no sales tax here so I'm guessing) vs the 25-30% that citizen's /must/ pay automatically in addition to the what-ever 4% sales tax.

It's 8% in Phoenix and was about the same in Houston. Not sure elsewhere; Cali is supposed to be off the charts but I never thought to ask. Why do you think Sanctuary cities exist...so they can capitalize on thousands more sales tax payers. Its about the only reason I can come up with.

You're kidding yourself.

Plenty of reasons in the liberal ideology to put the interests of illegals ahead of the nation's.

That might be true in some places. In others, "liberal ideology" is an easy excuse for gop failures.

Mmm, to the extent that Republican Presidents allowed this blatant law breaking to go on, you have a half a point.

RE: Sanctuary Cities. In other aspects of illegal immigration, they are nearly as blame worthy as dems.

Apparently Gov-uh-nah Jindal has a remedy for that.

Bobby Jindal: Arrest Mayors of Sanctuary Cities as Accessories

Not bad. What's his position on the 14th and mass deportations?
It's 8% in Phoenix and was about the same in Houston. Not sure elsewhere; Cali is supposed to be off the charts but I never thought to ask. Why do you think Sanctuary cities exist...so they can capitalize on thousands more sales tax payers. Its about the only reason I can come up with.

You're kidding yourself.

Plenty of reasons in the liberal ideology to put the interests of illegals ahead of the nation's.

That might be true in some places. In others, "liberal ideology" is an easy excuse for gop failures.

Mmm, to the extent that Republican Presidents allowed this blatant law breaking to go on, you have a half a point.

RE: Sanctuary Cities. In other aspects of illegal immigration, they are nearly as blame worthy as dems.

Apparently Gov-uh-nah Jindal has a remedy for that.

Bobby Jindal: Arrest Mayors of Sanctuary Cities as Accessories

Not bad. What's his position on the 14th and mass deportations?

I couldn't begin to tell you. I'm sure whatever Trumps's is, Jindals is more extreme. So, if a guy was living in Miami since the 1970, and decides to commit a crime today, every mayor since 1970 is going to be arrested too? What if he was in Miami and re-located to Coral Gables or Boca. Would both mayors be arrested or just Miami since it is a SC? Inqiring minds want to know.

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