Why Do Liberals Get Angry When...

According to Trump, you may not be a citizen so you may get your wish.


Is there some information that you're working on that indicates that his parents were in the US illegally when he was born here?

Because that is all Trump said... that if a child is born in the US to Illegal parents, it is not a US Citizen... or it should not be provided with citizenship, where it can then be used to provide a means to allow the REST of the family to come here and suckle from the tax payer tit; otherwise becoming DEAD WEIGHT burden on the culture at large... TIMES TENS OF MILLIONS.

Which is perfectly true and soundly reasoned.

And if mom was an anchor baby too?
According to Trump, you may not be a citizen so you may get your wish.


Is there some information that you're working on that indicates that his parents were in the US illegally when he was born here?

Because that is all Trump said... that if a child is born in the US to Illegal parents, it is not a US Citizen... or it should not be provided with citizenship, where it can then be used to provide a means to allow the REST of the family to come here and suckle from the tax payer tit; otherwise becoming DEAD WEIGHT burden on the culture at large... TIMES TENS OF MILLIONS.

Which is perfectly true and soundly reasoned.
You must be filthy with all the rolling on the floor you do.
According to Trump, you may not be a citizen so you may get your wish.


Is there some information that you're working on that indicates that his parents were in the US illegally when he was born here?

Because that is all Trump said... that if a child is born in the US to Illegal parents, it is not a US Citizen... or it should not be provided with citizenship, where it can then be used to provide a means to allow the REST of the family to come here and suckle from the tax payer tit; otherwise becoming DEAD WEIGHT burden on the culture at large... TIMES TENS OF MILLIONS.

Which is perfectly true and soundly reasoned.

And if mom was an anchor baby too?
well she is a citizen, no judge is going to deport citizens ...
Republicans want to exclude everyone not white and Christian and live behind walls surrounded by a moat.
What trump is doing is complaining about it and offering an idea that can't ever happen. There's absolutely no way America is going to amend the constitution to take citizenship of people who are born in America.

That's what this is about. Taking citizenship from people born here in America. It's unconstitutional and not productive.

Why not do something that can actually happen? Congress has the power to do something about it right now but they never will because they want the issue to be able to complain about.

Politicians talk about it a lot while they actually have the power to do something yet they do nothing.

Okay.. Let's slow down a bit... take a breath... we'll go through everything...

First of all, a wall on our southern border can be built. Yes-- there are places where a "wall" is not feasible or needed. We won't build a wall there. Everywhere else, we will build the wall. It will be a good wall that people can't cross over or under. Mexico will pay for the wall... one way or another, they will pay. Trump has explained how that works to the best of his ability. I think most of his supporters think it's a good idea and believe he will do it.

Now if YOU don't think Trump can do it, that's fine... but you've got a history of being wrong about what Trump could do. And Trump is not exactly known for promoting things he doesn't plan on doing.

The Constitution doesn't need amending, unless YOU want to try and amend it to include Birthright Citizenship. As it stands, Congress determines citizenship through statute... Article 1 Sec. 8 Clause 4. The 14th does not confer birthright citizenship on everyone. If someone is claiming it does, they don't understand Constitutional law. No case has ever been heard regarding anchor babies. There is also a good reason you have to go back to 1890 to find the last SCOTUS case on the 14th, regarding the 'jurisdiction' clause. It is because citizenship is an enumerated power of Congress alone. Only Congress can define who gets to be a United States citizen... not the Court. Congress has plenary power.

Now let's replay Trump on the deporting of some anchor babies...

He was confronted about his plans to deport aliens who were criminals...
A reporter asked him, what about their children?
He said, "the children have to go too..." And that is where this all comes from.

He is talking about children of illegal aliens being deported back to where they came from and what we do about their children. So what do you think we should do? Take the children into custody of the State? Their criminal parents are going to be deported... so what do we do with their kids? PC? Not PC? I don't really know... I say you have to deport the kids with their parents... no other way to do it really.

But this is what the dishonest media does... They want to smear Trump so they set up these "ambush" questions and he gives them a straight answer... then they twist it into something he simply didn't say. He is not going to go round up anchor babies who have already established citizenship and whatnot... that's not what he said.
First of all, a wall on our southern border can be built. Yes-- there are places where a "wall" is not feasible or needed. We won't build a wall there. Everywhere else, we will build the wall. It will be a good wall that people can't cross over or under. Mexico will pay for the wall... one way or another, they will pay. Trump has explained how that works to the best of his ability. I think most of his supporters think it's a good idea and believe he will do it.

will there be Any need to "harass the Judicature" about this; because, that Always increases costs.
Hell they can not even comprehend the difference between a legal alien and a illegal one.
Since you know the answer.
Can you tell us, what is Legal Alien mean?

Don't ever quote me again because

You don't know:


Pofit margins


You think you know Seattle and are just a pizza delivery boy

You are a child on here that don't even know the difference between illegal criminals and legal ones who apply to the US government.
First of all, a wall on our southern border can be built. Yes-- there are places where a "wall" is not feasible or needed. We won't build a wall there. Everywhere else, we will build the wall. It will be a good wall that people can't cross over or under. Mexico will pay for the wall... one way or another, they will pay. Trump has explained how that works to the best of his ability. I think most of his supporters think it's a good idea and believe he will do it.

will there be Any need to "harass the Judicature" about this; because, that Always increases costs.

Well I don't know what you're actually talking about here but maybe you missed the part where Mexico pays? :dunno:
Hell they can not even comprehend the difference between a legal alien and a illegal one.
Since you know the answer.
Can you tell us, what is Legal Alien mean?

Let's get completely anal retentive here, shall we? Technically speaking, there is no such thing as "illegal alien" or "legal alien" because "illegal" and "legal" describe actions... the alien is not an action. Their action might be illegal, not their person.

Now let's pull our head back out of our ass and understand common parlance instead of AP Stylebook-speak. An "illegal alien" is someone who crossed our border illegally and did not follow our immigration procedures. A legal alien is someone who came here legally and followed our laws.

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