Why Do Liberals Get Angry When...

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside

Actually, this is precisely what it says.


(Illegal aliens are not "subject to the jurisdiction thereof").

No one is giving undocumented people citizenship.

The citizenship is being given to the person who was born in America. They are citizens just like everyone else born in America.

Stop lying.

Again... NOTHING in the Constitution confers birthright citizenship.... It's just not there!

Just because you say that doesn't make it true.

Tell me... did you have your hand on your hip saying that like a 7-year-old girl? ...that's how I pictured it.

Ya... not going well for you, bruh. Should we start digging up old videos of Ted Kennedy and Harry Reid lecturing you on the awful idea of "birthright citizenship" and how it isn't Constitutional? Would THAT help you understand this better??? :dunno:

NOTHING in the Constitution confers birthright citizenship.

It is a plenary power of Congress and Congress alone.
Why you ignore Dana's point about illegal employers? You don't need a wall or to worry about anchor babies if you do what Dana says
Why you ignore Dana's point about illegal employers? You don't need a wall or to worry about anchor babies if you do what Dana says

Because I'm not an airhead who believes every illegal alien crossing our southern border is coming here to find work or even be a productive member of society. For all I know, they could be coming here to perpetrate nuclear terror attacks.

The wall is going to be built. May as well get used to that.

Once we build the wall, we can discuss heavy fines and penalties for those who hire undocumented persons in the country illegally. We can have all kinds of discussion on what to do with law-abiding families and such... no problem... AFTER the wall is built. We can talk about streamlining the legal immigration process to make it easier to come into the country legally... AFTER the wall is built.
Went round and round with these clowns all weekend about it. And it really is like debating with spoiled children. I do think there is growing sentiment, to do something about an article that is being abused.

There is an enormous, growing immeasurable 'sentiment', which I would classify as much more of a RAGE... to remove the Ideological Left who abuse every sense, every article and every point that can BE ABUSED!
Why you ignore Dana's point about illegal employers? You don't need a wall or to worry about anchor babies if you do what Dana says

What illegal employers?

State the law that is presently being enforced that precludes employers from hiring those which the US Federal Government; A GOVERNMENT THAT YOU FULLY SUPPORT. is pushing to give social security cards, driver's licenses and register them to vote, which is currently REFUSING TO ENFORCE THE LAWS REQUIRING THEM TO BE DEPORTED!

Take your time... and yes... this is going to hurt.
Why you ignore Dana's point about illegal employers? You don't need a wall or to worry about anchor babies if you do what Dana says

Because I'm not an airhead who believes every illegal alien crossing our southern border is coming here to find work or even be a productive member of society. For all I know, they could be coming here to perpetrate nuclear terror attacks.

The wall is going to be built. May as well get used to that.

Once we build the wall, we can discuss heavy fines and penalties for those who hire undocumented persons in the country illegally. We can have all kinds of discussion on what to do with law-abiding families and such... no problem... AFTER the wall is built. We can talk about streamlining the legal immigration process to make it easier to come into the country legally... AFTER the wall is built.

Poor boss, everybody in the world who doesn't interpret things your way is a jerk or an airhead.
"As much" is my argument.

Those who say "They are getting free shit" are simply lying. Furthermore, all of us get "free shit". I didn't pay for I-17 anymore than you paid for I-10. I paid part of it, sure but all of us are warmed by the fires started by others.

Public education, military protection, health care (medicare, medicade, CHIP, and ACA subsidies), transportation, and assistance programs (welfare, food stamps, financial aid, school lunches, low-income housing, child care assistance, utility bill assistance,) science and medical research, and interest on the national debt are all paid by federal taxes. These are things that illegals do, or often, use, or benefit from, but are not paying into (if they are not paying federal taxes.) That /does/ equal "free shit" no matter how you want to shake it.

Bug again, how much of your paycheck are you willing to put in so that illegal's can stay without paying for those services? 10-20%?

So, if we got rid of illegals, we would no longer have to pay for Public Eucation (most of that is a State cost by the way supported through State sales and property taxes), National Defense, medicare, medicaid,CHIP, ACA subsidies, transportation,welfare, food stamps, financial aid, school lunches or low income housing? Who knew?

I'm happy with the taxes I pay.

I'm okay with the taxes I pay, I don't want them to go up however.

The fed puts in like 8-10% of public education funding. Can we give illegal's children 8-10% (edit sorry) "less" of the education citizens get? If not, then their folks should be paying into the funds. And that's even if we're presuming that said illegals own homes and pay property taxes.

You're not okay with being limited to driving only the roads you've paid for?

The roads I've paid for in part? Like all of them because my household pays a shit-ton into Fed taxes? Or just like the Alaska roads I actually use, which are paid for by my hefty property taxes for the past 20 years (was less for the 15 years before that though I don't recall how much), plus who knows how much in gas taxes? Your attempted argument there is kind of going to fail with me cause I'm
part of that group that is paying 70% of /all/ fed taxes right now.

I used to be shocked at the right wing dope squad who swears they never got anything for free and figures they paid

That said, I don't mind sharing the burden of having such great things, but there is a difference between shouldering the bills and helping pay them ya know what I mean? If I don't pay my taxes, they take my house and/or throw me in jail. I don't get a choice on the matter like illegals do. I'd be cool with giving those who /do/ pay taxes some kind of idk faster track to citizenship, but those that don't pay taxes while using all those benefits, I take issue.

Mitt Romney paid 13% on his dividend income. Should he be deported?

A lot of folks pay much less than that.
Should they be deported?

I find it interesting that the same camp always screaming at us rich people to "pay your fair share" (which is apparently like 100%) have no problem with illegals not paying fed taxes. I just don't get it sorry.

What is the point of becoming an American citizen?

According to Trump, you may not be a citizen so you may get your wish.
According to Trump, you may not be a citizen so you may get your wish.


Is there some information that you're working on that indicates that his parents were in the US illegally when he was born here?

Because that is all Trump said... that if a child is born in the US to Illegal parents, it is not a US Citizen... or it should not be provided with citizenship, where it can then be used to provide a means to allow the REST of the family to come here and suckle from the tax payer tit; otherwise becoming DEAD WEIGHT burden on the culture at large... TIMES TENS OF MILLIONS.

Which is perfectly true and soundly reasoned.
Why you ignore Dana's point about illegal employers? You don't need a wall or to worry about anchor babies if you do what Dana says

Because I'm not an airhead who believes every illegal alien crossing our southern border is coming here to find work or even be a productive member of society. For all I know, they could be coming here to perpetrate nuclear terror attacks.

The wall is going to be built. May as well get used to that.

Once we build the wall, we can discuss heavy fines and penalties for those who hire undocumented persons in the country illegally. We can have all kinds of discussion on what to do with law-abiding families and such... no problem... AFTER the wall is built. We can talk about streamlining the legal immigration process to make it easier to come into the country legally... AFTER the wall is built.
You are fucking hilarious. The wall will not be built and if it is it'll be built by haloburton. Boss, you're a God damn fool.
Why you ignore Dana's point about illegal employers? You don't need a wall or to worry about anchor babies if you do what Dana says

Because I'm not an airhead who believes every illegal alien crossing our southern border is coming here to find work or even be a productive member of society. For all I know, they could be coming here to perpetrate nuclear terror attacks.

The wall is going to be built. May as well get used to that.

Once we build the wall, we can discuss heavy fines and penalties for those who hire undocumented persons in the country illegally. We can have all kinds of discussion on what to do with law-abiding families and such... no problem... AFTER the wall is built. We can talk about streamlining the legal immigration process to make it easier to come into the country legally... AFTER the wall is built.
Remember bush spent billions on border security? Has that done anything?

Why won't you try our cheap way first?

When we gonna put the wall up between us and Canada? Terrorists can come from Canada just swim across the Detroit river.
According to Trump, you may not be a citizen so you may get your wish.


Is there some information that you're working on that indicates that his parents were in the US illegally when he was born here?

Because that is all Trump said... that if a child is born in the US to Illegal parents, it is not a US Citizen... or it should not be provided with citizenship, where it can then be used to provide a means to allow the REST of the family to come here and suckle from the tax payer tit; otherwise becoming DEAD WEIGHT burden on the culture at large... TIMES TENS OF MILLIONS.

Which is perfectly true and soundly reasoned.
You spend a lot of time rotflyao when people make you look stupid.
According to Trump, you may not be a citizen so you may get your wish.


Is there some information that you're working on that indicates that his parents were in the US illegally when he was born here?

Because that is all Trump said... that if a child is born in the US to Illegal parents, it is not a US Citizen... or it should not be provided with citizenship, where it can then be used to provide a means to allow the REST of the family to come here and suckle from the tax payer tit; otherwise becoming DEAD WEIGHT burden on the culture at large... TIMES TENS OF MILLIONS.

Which is perfectly true and soundly reasoned.
You spend a lot of time rotflyao when people make you look stupid.

So you feel that hypothticals didn't pan out, so your moving into axiomatic self-refutation?

Huh... Ok. It's as effective as the other irrational tactics you've applied.
Why you ignore Dana's point about illegal employers? You don't need a wall or to worry about anchor babies if you do what Dana says

Because I'm not an airhead who believes every illegal alien crossing our southern border is coming here to find work or even be a productive member of society. For all I know, they could be coming here to perpetrate nuclear terror attacks.

The wall is going to be built. May as well get used to that.

Once we build the wall, we can discuss heavy fines and penalties for those who hire undocumented persons in the country illegally. We can have all kinds of discussion on what to do with law-abiding families and such... no problem... AFTER the wall is built. We can talk about streamlining the legal immigration process to make it easier to come into the country legally... AFTER the wall is built.
Remember bush spent billions on border security? Has that done anything?

Why won't you try our cheap way first?

When we gonna put the wall up between us and Canada? Terrorists can come from Canada just swim across the Detroit river.

On this we agree...

Shut down any sense of citizenship for illegals... shut down all forms of subsidies for illegals, including medical care... placing any illegal that shows up for medical care. And the will DEPORT THEMSELVES!
Why you ignore Dana's point about illegal employers? You don't need a wall or to worry about anchor babies if you do what Dana says

What illegal employers?

State the law that is presently being enforced that precludes employers from hiring those which the US Federal Government; A GOVERNMENT THAT YOU FULLY SUPPORT. is pushing to give social security cards, driver's licenses and register them to vote, which is currently REFUSING TO ENFORCE THE LAWS REQUIRING THEM TO BE DEPORTED!

Take your time... and yes... this is going to hurt.
Rotflmao. I told you you'd immediately start defending the very reason illegals are here. A paycheck.

You'll change the subject to terrorists criminals welfare bleeding heart liberals democrats who want hispanic votes and anchor babies.

Anything to take the conversation off illegal employers. The main reason they are here. Or are you saying the majority of them are more than just working illegally?

Are you suggesting its OK to hire illegals?
According to Trump, you may not be a citizen so you may get your wish.


Is there some information that you're working on that indicates that his parents were in the US illegally when he was born here?

Because that is all Trump said... that if a child is born in the US to Illegal parents, it is not a US Citizen... or it should not be provided with citizenship, where it can then be used to provide a means to allow the REST of the family to come here and suckle from the tax payer tit; otherwise becoming DEAD WEIGHT burden on the culture at large... TIMES TENS OF MILLIONS.

Which is perfectly true and soundly reasoned.
You spend a lot of time rotflyao when people make you look stupid.

So you feel that hypothticals didn't pan out, so your moving into axiomatic self-refutation?

Huh... Ok. It's as effective as the other irrational tactics you've applied.
You are really annoying and ignorant.
Why you ignore Dana's point about illegal employers? You don't need a wall or to worry about anchor babies if you do what Dana says

Because I'm not an airhead who believes every illegal alien crossing our southern border is coming here to find work or even be a productive member of society. For all I know, they could be coming here to perpetrate nuclear terror attacks.

The wall is going to be built. May as well get used to that.

Once we build the wall, we can discuss heavy fines and penalties for those who hire undocumented persons in the country illegally. We can have all kinds of discussion on what to do with law-abiding families and such... no problem... AFTER the wall is built. We can talk about streamlining the legal immigration process to make it easier to come into the country legally... AFTER the wall is built.
Remember bush spent billions on border security? Has that done anything?

Why won't you try our cheap way first?

When we gonna put the wall up between us and Canada? Terrorists can come from Canada just swim across the Detroit river.

On this we agree...

Shut down any sense of citizenship for illegals... shut down all forms of subsidies for illegals, including medical care... placing any illegal that shows up for medical care. And the will DEPORT THEMSELVES!
I can't disagree
Why you ignore Dana's point about illegal employers? You don't need a wall or to worry about anchor babies if you do what Dana says

Because I'm not an airhead who believes every illegal alien crossing our southern border is coming here to find work or even be a productive member of society. For all I know, they could be coming here to perpetrate nuclear terror attacks.

The wall is going to be built. May as well get used to that.

Once we build the wall, we can discuss heavy fines and penalties for those who hire undocumented persons in the country illegally. We can have all kinds of discussion on what to do with law-abiding families and such... no problem... AFTER the wall is built. We can talk about streamlining the legal immigration process to make it easier to come into the country legally... AFTER the wall is built.

Poor boss, everybody in the world who doesn't interpret things your way is a jerk or an airhead.
Is where my keys just annoying to me? There are some people so fucking stupid and yet confident about themselves I don't even want to be in a conversation with them. And they think they win because we run. Lol. Boss is OK. Wrong but not a total dick.

There are dicks assholes and pussies. They are assholes. Not rich enough to be dicks.
According to Trump, you may not be a citizen so you may get your wish.


Is there some information that you're working on that indicates that his parents were in the US illegally when he was born here?

Because that is all Trump said... that if a child is born in the US to Illegal parents, it is not a US Citizen... or it should not be provided with citizenship, where it can then be used to provide a means to allow the REST of the family to come here and suckle from the tax payer tit; otherwise becoming DEAD WEIGHT burden on the culture at large... TIMES TENS OF MILLIONS.

Which is perfectly true and soundly reasoned.
You spend a lot of time rotflyao when people make you look stupid.

So you feel that hypothticals didn't pan out, so your moving into axiomatic self-refutation?

Huh... Ok. It's as effective as the other irrational tactics you've applied.
You are really annoying and ignorant.

I understand. I wish I could help you with that. Sadly, however, I am unable to make you any more intelligent. You're simply going to have to continue to do what ya can with what little ya have to work with.
According to Trump, you may not be a citizen so you may get your wish.


Is there some information that you're working on that indicates that his parents were in the US illegally when he was born here?

Because that is all Trump said... that if a child is born in the US to Illegal parents, it is not a US Citizen... or it should not be provided with citizenship, where it can then be used to provide a means to allow the REST of the family to come here and suckle from the tax payer tit; otherwise becoming DEAD WEIGHT burden on the culture at large... TIMES TENS OF MILLIONS.

Which is perfectly true and soundly reasoned.
You spend a lot of time rotflyao when people make you look stupid.

So you feel that hypothticals didn't pan out, so your moving into axiomatic self-refutation?

Huh... Ok. It's as effective as the other irrational tactics you've applied.
You are really annoying and ignorant.

I understand. I wish I could help you with that. Sadly, however, I am unable to make you any more intelligent. You're simply going to have to continue to do what ya can with what little ya have to work with.

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