Why do liberals hate Christianity ?

It's ironic how atheists are always talking about God.

Yea, like when we say there is no god. Why there is no god

And do you want to know why? Because religious people are stupid yet it is us who can't run for president. :cuckoo:

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

Einstein wasn't "religious" or stupid, yet he believed in Intelligent Design.

Why there is no god

Smart person X believes in god or ‘You are not qualified’.

Ad hominem + Argument from Authority.

Invisible pink unicorns exist. You’re not an expert in them, so you can’t say they don’t.

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.
You sure are stupid...........

Liberals are AMERICANS........... Islam has NO AUTHORITY in America (yet).........

LibRats want Communism in America and Sharia Law in the Middle East and most of the rest of the world to keep things under control.........
Yea, like when we say there is no god. Why there is no god

And do you want to know why? Because religious people are stupid yet it is us who can't run for president. :cuckoo:

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

Einstein wasn't "religious" or stupid, yet he believed in Intelligent Design.

Why there is no god

Smart person X believes in god or ‘You are not qualified’.

Ad hominem + Argument from Authority.

Invisible pink unicorns exist. You’re not an expert in them, so you can’t say they don’t.

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

Oh yeah. The person many consider the smartest man who ever lived existed in "ignorant bliss". I can tell that you're really really smart. Harvard?
It's ironic how atheists are always talking about God.

I've made this point numerous times.. It's thoroughly illogical. Why aren't there people suing over unicorns and starting debates and threads over the non existence of unicorns? If something doesn't exist why give it attention?
You sure are stupid...........

Liberals are AMERICANS........... Islam has NO AUTHORITY in America (yet).........

LibRats want Communism in America and Sharia Law in the Middle East and most of the rest of the world to keep things under control.........

See my point everyone? :cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_hand::eusa_shhh:
It's ironic how atheists are always talking about God.

I've made this point numerous times.. It's thoroughly illogical. Why aren't there people suing over unicorns and starting debates and threads over the non existence of unicorns? If something doesn't exist why give it attention?

Because the majority of Americans don't believe n Unicorns dumb fuck

And until society doesn't feel this way, we have some work to do.

It's ironic how atheists are always talking about God.

I've made this point numerous times.. It's thoroughly illogical. Why aren't there people suing over unicorns and starting debates and threads over the non existence of unicorns? If something doesn't exist why give it attention?

Americans would more likely support a philandering presidential candidate than an atheist one -- by an 18 percent margin -- according to a Pew Research Center poll published Monday.

While 35 percent of respondents said they would be less likely to support a presidential candidate who had an extramarital affair, 53 percent of Americans indicated that not believing in God -- the trait viewed most negatively of the 16 tested -- would make them unsupportive of a candidate.

In accordance with a widely cited study by the University of Minnesota, which found atheists to be the most disliked and distrusted minority group in the nation, only 5 percent of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for a secular candidate.

The Pew survey, which questioned 1,501 adults nationwide from April 23 to 27, also found a significant partisan divide on the issue.

While 70 percent of Republicans and 42 percent of Democrats expressed opposition to an atheist candidate, 49 percent of Democrats viewed a potential candidate’s atheism as irrelevant.

Overall, even fewer Americans, 22 percent, would oppose a presidential candidate who has admitted to marijuana use.

In addition to the 71 percent of Protestants and the 48 percent of Catholics who would be less likely to favor an atheist candidate, almost a quarter of the religiously unaffiliated, 24 percent, indicated they would be more likely to reject an atheist contender.
Christianity is a cult - like Scientology and all the other religious cults. Mass delusion for weak minds.

The only difference is the number of members. And I love it when they cry that we are obsessed but the fact is, Americans need to wake the fuck up. We will never evolve or solve this planets problems while people are still stupid enough to be Christians, muslims or jews.
Christianity is a cult - like Scientology and all the other religious cults. Mass delusion for weak minds.

The only difference is the number of members. And I love it when they cry that we are obsessed but the fact is, Americans need to wake the fuck up. We will never evolve or solve this planets problems while people are still stupid enough to be Christians, muslims or jews.

Amen! To begin with, I'd like to see religious institutions stripped of their tax-exempt status - especially now that they are so involved in politics.
It would be helpful if religion stayed out of politics - and let us have a SECULAR government like the founders intended. Separation of church and state is best.
Christianity is a cult - like Scientology and all the other religious cults. Mass delusion for weak minds.

The only difference is the number of members. And I love it when they cry that we are obsessed but the fact is, Americans need to wake the fuck up. We will never evolve or solve this planets problems while people are still stupid enough to be Christians, muslims or jews.

Amen! To begin with, I'd like to see religious institutions stripped of their tax-exempt status - especially now that they are so involved in politics.

Churches have always discussed politics. You just discovered that fact? This is a free country. Always has been. You're the problem, not the Christians.
The only difference is the number of members. And I love it when they cry that we are obsessed but the fact is, Americans need to wake the fuck up. We will never evolve or solve this planets problems while people are still stupid enough to be Christians, muslims or jews.

Amen! To begin with, I'd like to see religious institutions stripped of their tax-exempt status - especially now that they are so involved in politics.

Churches have always discussed politics. You just discovered that fact? This is a free country. Always has been. You're the problem, not the Christians.

Nothing like today. Religious activism in politics is getting dangerously high.

Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party
Amen! To begin with, I'd like to see religious institutions stripped of their tax-exempt status - especially now that they are so involved in politics.

Churches have always discussed politics. You just discovered that fact? This is a free country. Always has been. You're the problem, not the Christians.

Nothing like today. Religious activism in politics is getting dangerously high.
Christianity in the American Revolution - Quotes from Our Founding Fathers on Religion

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