Why do liberals hate Christianity ?

they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??
The real question is...why do so many bigoted right wingers LIE about liberals?

They have no sense of what moral really means

So we should look for liberals for a definition? Now I have heard it all.
I am not assuming science will prove there is no God. There is nothing to prove. But I do think science will eventually have answers that will just make the belief in God a silly thing we used to think.

I think you're wrong.

There will always be questions. As much as science explains there will always be something more.

And whenever there are unanswerable questions...humans need something to "answer" those questions.

That is really the basis for religion. An attempt to answer the unanswerable. Fine if you have that need. It's pretty normal.
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??
The real question is...why do so many bigoted right wingers LIE about liberals?

They have no sense of what moral really means

So we should look for liberals for a definition? Now I have heard it all.

Liberals don't have all the answers. At least the intent to do good for humanity is generally there. And they aren't generally burdened by a contrived set of doctrines and tenets. Belief in God is inhibiting practical and realistic thinking.
Pretty simple really. Liberals want the government to be the God. Just look at Communist countries. You can't speak of God because it is competition to the government.

I love it when liberals say that Christians believe is sky fairies and yet can provide zero logical evidence as to how we got someting from nothing and then believe this something created from nothing exploded and just happened to create the intricate universe we all know by pure chance.(no mechanisms would exists without intelligent intervention) There is a better chance of me cutting down all the trees in my back yard, in random order, and hoping they all fall in such a way to create a nice new home, complete with heat and AC and a nice pool out back. That nonsense is infinetely more likely than the theories put forth by scientists with regards to the origins of the universe.

The rejection of religion by the left is also an excuse to be immoral. Restricitions on their llifestyles are very inconvenient. They are children who reject authority and the idea of God is the ulitmate...one they can't escape.

No. Science can't explain everything. Yet. It is too new. Too many discoveries yet to be made. But since we don't have real answers let's make up a story that is acceptable to the masses of unlearned and superstitious people. One they can't make real objection too.

You are making an assumption that science will prove there is no God. Dangerous and very presumptious given the lack of things we know. Good luck with that.

I am not assuming science will prove there is no God. There is nothing to prove. But I do think science will eventually have answers that will just make the belief in God a silly thing we used to think.

You have faith in science. I have faith in God. IMO, science has too far to go to come to any reasonable conclusions regarding the origins of the universe. They are chasing their tales.
Liberals don't have all the answers. At least the intent to do good for humanity is generally there. And they aren't generally burdened by a contrived set of doctrines and tenets. Belief in God is inhibiting practical and realistic thinking.

Again you are wrong. "Liberals" writ large, are as religious as any other political group. It is a human "need"
I am not assuming science will prove there is no God. There is nothing to prove. But I do think science will eventually have answers that will just make the belief in God a silly thing we used to think.

I think you're wrong.

There will always be questions. As much as science explains there will always be something more.

And whenever there are unanswerable questions...humans need something to "answer" those questions.

That is really the basis for religion. An attempt to answer the unanswerable. Fine if you have that need. It's pretty normal.

Isn't this exactly what fuels science? They want to find answers to things? Personally, it is much more rational to believe that intelligent life created this universe. It is not reasonable in my mind to think it was all random and without intelligent intervention, which is exactly where science leads...a dead end road.
You have faith in science. I have faith in God. IMO, science has too far to go to come to any reasonable conclusions regarding the origins of the universe. They are chasing their tale

Wow. So science is useless unless it can "come to a conclusion as to the origin of the universe"?


Dude...people...it's not an either/or. Most SCIENTISTS are religious....for that very reason. They understand that the origin of of the universe is unknowable
So we should look for liberals for a definition? Now I have heard it all.

Well looking to bigoted right wingers certainly isn't exactly smart or honest

I am a right-winger and am not bigoted not dishonest. Based on what I have read from leftists on this board, I am pretty successful and intelligent.
You have faith in science. I have faith in God. IMO, science has too far to go to come to any reasonable conclusions regarding the origins of the universe. They are chasing their tale

Wow. So science is useless unless it can "come to a conclusion as to the origin of the universe"?


Dude...people...it's not an either/or. Most SCIENTISTS are religious....for that very reason. They understand that the origin of of the universe is unknowable

I didn't say that. Science certainly has many beneifts...attempting to define the origins of the universe is not one of them. It is a collosal waste of brain power.
You have faith in science. I have faith in God. IMO, science has too far to go to come to any reasonable conclusions regarding the origins of the universe. They are chasing their tales.

You need an answer. I don't. It just IS. That's good enough for me. I don't need a made up story. I understand that you do and I accept that. I just HOPE you won't let the people telling you that story manipulate you for THEIR benefit.

Religion can lead to some great things. The teachings of Jesus for example. It can also lead to some pretty horrific things as well.

And in between those two things are a lot of people like Jerry Falwell using religion to gain power and money.

Me personally? I avoid that whole mess.
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attempting to define the origins of the universe is not one of them. It is a collosal waste of brain power.

You don't have a clue then. That quest for understanding lead us to "The Big Bang". And now we're looking into what came before that. And all of that has value.
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??
The real question is...why do so many bigoted right wingers LIE about liberals?

They have no sense of what moral really means

So we should look for liberals for a definition? Now I have heard it all.

Liberals don't have all the answers. At least the intent to do good for humanity is generally there. And they aren't generally burdened by a contrived set of doctrines and tenets. Belief in God is inhibiting practical and realistic thinking.

I do agree that some liberals have good intent. They aren't all bad people, but those with good intent are extremely mis-informed and gullable. For a group that is supposedly NOT inhibited by practical and realistic thinking, they sure are impractical and unrealistic.
I do agree that some liberals have good intent. They aren't all bad people, but those with good intent are extremely mis-informed and gullable. For a group that is supposedly NOT inhibited by practical and realistic thinking, they sure are impractical and unrealistic.

Thanks for showing us your "lack of bigotry".

I would posit that religion opens one up to all the things you decry about those "evil liberals". And being right wing absolutely does, almost by definition
This idea of purity and you’re never compromised, and you’re always politically 'woke' and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly. The world is messy; there are ambiguities

Like if I tweet or hashtag about how you didn’t do something right or used the wrong verb, then I can sit back and feel pretty good about myself because: ‘Man, did you see how woke I was? I called you out.’

so the first stage is just kind of figuring out, all right, what do you really believe? What’s really important to you? Not what you pretend is important to you, but what is really important to you, and what are you willing to risk or sacrifice for it?

“My father was a Black Panther, my mother got arrested for the sit-ins at age six. They were fighting for us to have the right to our opinion, not the right to vote for whoever the white liberals said black people are supposed to vote for...Everybody think they so woke, but they following the rules of what woke supposed to be.” - kanye west

Free societies need people to be "woke" — that is, to think out of the box, to find themselves, to question established paths and directions. This makes for healthy and innovative communities. But people and facts cannot be canceled. Safe spaces and puritanical shaming do not constitute a democracy, nor do they win elections in the long run.
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

"Why do liberals hate Christianity ?"

why do conservative believe such nonsense?

Liberals do NOT hate christianty.

MANY liberals ARE christians!

Jimmy Carter is a democrat, a liberal and a christian

(he actually DOES DO "good works!")

Liberals are strongly opposed to the more virulent christian; the evangelical, the dominionist, most of whom profess a desire to establish THEIR gods law as "the law of the land".

"they rarely say anything bad about Islam"

conservative spin on everything rots the brain.

Liberals oppose extremists of ALL religions.

Unlike you, we understand that SOME muslims are BAD and MOST muslims are good

just like SOME christians are bad while MOST christians are good!

I have no doubt that this rational, reasonable and logical response will have no affect on you.
they rarely say anything bad about Islam, they will even label someone who does as hateful, racist, or intolerant,but when it comes to Christianity a lot of liberals do not hesitate to tout the so called evils of the Christian faith ....Why ??

liberals don't hate christianity ... they don't like the Idea of any religion forcing their religious beliefs on us .... thats what we don't like... as for Islam, they aren't the largest faith here in the US, christian are ... if Islam tried to do the shit that christians do, we would be in their face too... you just don't get it ... if we don't believe in a god, in this country, that is our right to do so... its not christians right to force us to believe in a god ... its not a case we hate christians, we just don't want them fucking up the country with their religious beliefs in our laws... get it moron

The far left loves to force their beliefs on others, yet does not like it if some other group (religion) does it. So it is jealousy then. The far left wants to be the ruling religion and squash all others.

why would we be jealous if a group is forcing their religion on us ... to me that would makes us angry not jealous ... your post here isn't really well though out here ... just a programed response of yours... just a after thought

I'm curious what you believe is being forced upon you by Christianity. The Ten Commandments posted at a school or a courthouse isn't forcing anyone to practice Christianity is it? Yet liberals will howl and cry Theocracy.

We are not governed by religious law. Or even religiously-inspired law. Our government was constructed to be based on principles of reason.

There have been many threads about the horrors of letting mankind decide what is moral. Their 'reason' usually comes up with death and oppression. Even if you are an atheist, you'd have to admit that Christianity in its current form gives you a stable and peaceful belief system. I shudder at the though of Pelosi and Schiff deciding what is right.

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