Why do liberals have to make up climate change?

Rage against stem cell research, and attack it,

Adult stem cells are really cool. Getting useful tools from them all the time.
Embryonic stem cells, from what I've seen, haven't worked and have killed the recipients, in several cases.

Attack climate change, global warming, or any scientific concept that might bring a halt to convential exploit the earth ideas

Feel free to stop emitting CO2 at any time. You could start with your computer.
Don't need to give up a computer and go live in a jungle, to recognize that climate change is a fact of life.

That said, I think that C02 limits will not halt climate change as it is naturally occurring too - regardless of whether man made pollutants have a major impact.

What would make more sense is moving towards renewables, recycling, energy efficient homes, and cleaning up the rivers and oceans. But with China and India using non-renewables and creating a lot of pollution, it is difficult to make it happen worldwide.

Don't need to give up a computer and go live in a jungle, to recognize that climate change is a fact of life.

How else are you going to reduce your CO2 output?
- By using my power company, that gets its power from nuclear, gas, wind, hydro, and very little coal (if any).
- Recycling what I can.
- Selling used or broken products on eBay rather than throwing them in the rubbish.
- Buying organic and free range products, which use less carbon emissions than large scale factory farms.
And so on...

You're awesome.
I can feel the planet cooling already.
It isn't if you lived in China, as your lungs would be swimming in toxic coal dust, and heat from factory production would make it hell without AC.

You're right, it'd be much greener if we all cooked our food over burning dung.
Whether you believe in climate change or not, there is still one question I would like to ask you.
According to liberals, conservatives deny climate change for one purpose only: to fawn corporations and get a portion of their money.
But what about liberals? What is their motivation according to conservatives? To my mind liberals have no motivation to make up climate change if it really doesn't exist simply because liberal politicians are not getting anything from enterprise 'Climate change'.


That isn't true...there are green companies that get billions from the government for "Alternative" sources of energy based on the myth of climate change....Scientists get money, prestige and power from promoting climate change which is why they fight so hard to hide that man isn't doing it....and liberal politicians get money.....from the green companies, and from liberal groups who support the myth of man made climate change...there are billions and billions of dollars, power and control on the line......
Whether you believe in climate change or not, there is still one question I would like to ask you.
According to liberals, conservatives deny climate change for one purpose only: to fawn corporations and get a portion of their money.
But what about liberals? What is their motivation according to conservatives? To my mind liberals have no motivation to make up climate change if it really doesn't exist simply because liberal politicians are not getting anything from enterprise 'Climate change'.


If climate change isn't happening, then doing things to prevent it wont have any consequences.

If climate change is happening, and we do nothing, we're dead.

Not true....Bjorn Lomborg points out the billions wasted fighting climate change that could be better spent on things that will actually help people....and the co founder of Green Peace agrees with that....money wasted on a myth...money that can't be used for other purposes.....and if they implement their agenda, the people of the 3rd world will be denied advances in the quality of life we take for granted because the bad alternative energy can't fuel their economies the way fossil fuels can......and of course the same people who believe in man made global warming also believe in population control...which they focus on colored people in the 3rd world for some reason............
Whether you believe in climate change or not, there is still one question I would like to ask you.
According to liberals, conservatives deny climate change for one purpose only: to fawn corporations and get a portion of their money.
But what about liberals? What is their motivation according to conservatives? To my mind liberals have no motivation to make up climate change if it really doesn't exist simply because liberal politicians are not getting anything from enterprise 'Climate change'.


The present day school of thought known as "man-made global warming" and similar monikers, seems to really boil down to one fundamental error: An arrogant over-belief in humanity's ability for science.

This "over" belief is an extreme overestimation in the perceived ability to track, quantify, and account for every and any variable of any magnitude whatsoever. In essence, it is a rejection of the principle of chaos. Some might view it as a human conquering of chaos. Theoretically, it would be possible for humans to track the precise movements through the atmosphere of a single molecule of carbon dioxide forward or backward over any amount of time. All you have to do is take every last variable into account and calculate. The problem, of course, is that we don't have the ability to identify every last variable. We don't even have the ability to even fathom the sum total of variables.

But the man-global warming camp doesn't understand that, and instead overestimate humanity's ability for science. They have no qualms about taking whatever variables are available and wielding them as if it were the end all and be all. The overestimation is then taken a step further and becomes a dogmatic affirmation that anything a person claims in the name of science is instantly true and beyond contestation, because it's science. The irony is that this overestimation of humanity's abilities for science is actually an introductory level comprehension. It's very much like a teenager thinking they know everything just because they've come to understand one or two things. They learned a thing or two in second grade science class and realized it was pretty cool the things that science can teach us, and came to a new way of thinking and looking at the world; a scientific way. But the broadening of their horizons stopped at step one, and they've continued on their calculations with step one level thinking ever since. They've confused quantity with quality. If they calculate out 1000 places they think that they have achieved 1000 levels of advancement in thought and understanding.

At the heart of any leftist is a great dislike...and for some...a hatred for human beings......that is why they always seek things that control the behavior of their fellow man........that is why they hate free speech, freedom of religion and the right to keep and bear arms..they think we don't know how to handle those without their supervision...dittos the environment...they don't like people and see us as dangerous, and messy...and that drives them nuts....
Keep in mind....and I just heard al gore read a poem about global warming on the Mike Gallagher show today....al gore is the first climate change billionaire.....and there are many who want that money......
No. Logic demands that human behavior must be proven as the cause.

And it has been. We see the stratospheric cooling, the decrease in outgoing longwave radiation, and the increase in backradation. There are no natural explanations for these direct observations. They are smoking guns for human-caused global warming.

No.. they aren't.....as if any of the data is true...since they have lied about so much already to push their agenda....can you really trust what they tell you.....?
According to liberals, conservatives deny climate change for one purpose only: to fawn corporations and get a portion of their money.

No, the vast majority of conservatives get no money out of it. Most conservatives deny it because solely because their political cult told them to do that. A few at the top are influenced by the vast sums of cash, and they hand out the orders to those below. Any conservative who doesn't obey gets banished from of the herd, so they all fall in line.

In contrast, the rational people -- a category that cuts across all political persuasions all across the world -- ignore the politics, and go with the facts and data. If the leaders of the Democratic Party suddenly denied global warming, it would have no influence on how the rational people see the science.
Being anti-science is a rite of passage for the GOP.

They have four ways to do this:

1) Believe that the world is less than five thousand years old, that cavemen rode dinosaurs, and deny the clear evidence all around us to the contrary.
2) Rage against stem cell research, and attack it, despite the potential to allow people to walk again, and all those lovely things that make people happy.
3) Attack abortion procedures throughout the county, so that we revert to the middle ages method of drowning babies in barrels or flooding orphanages with unwanted babies.
4) Attack climate change, global warming, or any scientific concept that might bring a halt to convential exploit the earth ideas favored by corporate GOP donors.

You can't be a GOP electoral candidate without doing/believing one of the four, so the GOP tends to scare off a lot of people.

Rage against stem cell research, and attack it,

Adult stem cells are really cool. Getting useful tools from them all the time.
Embryonic stem cells, from what I've seen, haven't worked and have killed the recipients, in several cases.

Attack climate change, global warming, or any scientific concept that might bring a halt to convential exploit the earth ideas

Feel free to stop emitting CO2 at any time. You could start with your computer.
Don't need to give up a computer and go live in a jungle, to recognize that climate change is a fact of life.

That said, I think that C02 limits will not halt climate change as it is naturally occurring too - regardless of whether man made pollutants have a major impact.

What would make more sense is moving towards renewables, recycling, energy efficient homes, and cleaning up the rivers and oceans. But with China and India using non-renewables and creating a lot of pollution, it is difficult to make it happen worldwide.

China and India are becoming more and more wealthy...and wealthy people like their environment clean.....so they will get around to cleaning their bit of the earth pretty soon........that is the miracle of capitalism....people like their stuff and they like to live in clean places...just look at how much cleaner out country is now...they will get there too...
No. Logic demands that human behavior must be proven as the cause.

And it has been. We see the stratospheric cooling, the decrease in outgoing longwave radiation, and the increase in backradation. There are no natural explanations for these direct observations. They are smoking guns for human-caused global warming.

Like the cooling that led to mile high glaciers where I am sitting....long before man ever showed up....and then melted...long before man showed up......
Could it be that... no no it couldn't be... well maybe... could it be that liberals ACTUALLY BELIEVE THE EVIDENCE AND THAT SOMETHING MUST BE DONE?!!! :eek:

No nvm it HAS to be about politics. Because with conservatives, it's ALWAYS about politics and they don't understand anything else. God will take care of the world with his magic anyways right?

You've skipped a small portion of the OP that makes the difference.

according to conservatives

I do believe climate change is real. Conservatives don't. Therefore they blame liberals for making things up for a mysterious reason that nobody knows. What is this reason? Is it greed, is it lust for power? What do conservatives tell us in order to persuade general public climate change is a bubble.

I believe those who benefit from coal and oil are the main force behind those who deny climate change, and the role the Industrial revolution has had upon our environment.

Propaganda works very well on the biddable, the willfully ignorant and those President Lincoln called out as some of the people who can be fooled all of the time.

A reasonable person is able to infer logically that melting Ice, warming oceans and other observable events are happening, and that human behavior must be ruled out; yet no one has yet offered a well constructed hypothesis on climate change which eliminates pollutants produced by industry as a cause.

A reasonable person is able to infer logically that melting Ice, warming oceans and other observable events are happening, and that human behavior must be ruled out; yet no one has yet offered a well constructed hypothesis on climate change which eliminates pollutants produced by industry as a cause

Sure...if the data wasn't a lie.....the scientists who push the myth of man made global warming have been caught repeatedly lying about their data.....there is no reason to trust them....they believe that the means justifies the end and so changing data when no one is looking, destroying the careers of scientists who don't agree with them...are all valid to save the earth....that doesn't need saving....
Yeah, that climate change. It's all a big liberal conspiracy to allow Al Gore rule the world via carbon trading. It is a known fact that Al Gore was the man on the grassy knoll. Al Gore will bring on the end times:


Oh no...cough...someone wake....cough cough....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Whoa. pffft. Just a dream. Just a dream.....
Yeah, that climate change. It's all a big liberal conspiracy to allow Al Gore rule the world via carbon trading. It is a known fact that Al Gore was the man on the grassy knoll. Al Gore will bring on the end times:


Oh no...cough...someone wake....cough cough....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Whoa. pffft. Just a dream. Just a dream.....

So.....he didn't get rich off of climate change profiteering?
Whether you believe in climate change or not, there is still one question I would like to ask you.
According to liberals, conservatives deny climate change for one purpose only: to fawn corporations and get a portion of their money.
But what about liberals? What is their motivation according to conservatives? To my mind liberals have no motivation to make up climate change if it really doesn't exist simply because liberal politicians are not getting anything from enterprise 'Climate change'.


If climate change isn't happening, then doing things to prevent it wont have any consequences.

If climate change is happening, and we do nothing, we're dead.

I don't know about 'dead'. But things will get chaotic. Civilization thrives on stability. Climate change changes rainfall patterns, making deserts out of what was once lush farmland. Or bringing rain to a region that didn't have it. Or making weather more intense, with more snowstorms in the winter and hurricanes in the summer and fall.

This leads to instability. Which leads to conflict and/or horrendous expense.

I'm curious.....is there some sort of carbon scrubber technology we could invent? A tower that would pull carbon from the atmosphere and concentrate into something we could put into the long term carbon cycle. Like.....chalk.
Yeah, that climate change. It's all a big liberal conspiracy to allow Al Gore rule the world via carbon trading. It is a known fact that Al Gore was the man on the grassy knoll. Al Gore will bring on the end times:


Oh no...cough...someone wake....cough cough....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Whoa. pffft. Just a dream. Just a dream.....

So.....he didn't get rich off of climate change profiteering?

He got rich off his stocks in Occidental Petroleum, for which he has been highly criticized.
I don't deny science. The research is overwhelmingly prove humans are causing climate change. This isn't a debate, it's real
Yeah, that climate change. It's all a big liberal conspiracy to allow Al Gore rule the world via carbon trading. It is a known fact that Al Gore was the man on the grassy knoll. Al Gore will bring on the end times:


Oh no...cough...someone wake....cough cough....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Whoa. pffft. Just a dream. Just a dream.....

So.....he didn't get rich off of climate change profiteering?

He got rich off his stocks in Occidental Petroleum, for which he has been highly criticized.

No...he made his real money pimping climate change....
Yeah, that climate change. It's all a big liberal conspiracy to allow Al Gore rule the world via carbon trading. It is a known fact that Al Gore was the man on the grassy knoll. Al Gore will bring on the end times:


Oh no...cough...someone wake....cough cough....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Whoa. pffft. Just a dream. Just a dream.....

So.....he didn't get rich off of climate change profiteering?

He got rich off his stocks in Occidental Petroleum, for which he has been highly criticized.

No...he made his real money pimping climate change....

You sound envious. Oh dear.
I don't deny science. The research is overwhelmingly prove humans are causing climate change. This isn't a debate, it's real

No...made up research to support the man made global warming myth is over whelming...and it isn't a debate...you nutters try to silence debate.....
Yeah, that climate change. It's all a big liberal conspiracy to allow Al Gore rule the world via carbon trading. It is a known fact that Al Gore was the man on the grassy knoll. Al Gore will bring on the end times:


Oh no...cough...someone wake....cough cough....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Whoa. pffft. Just a dream. Just a dream.....

So.....he didn't get rich off of climate change profiteering?

He got rich off his stocks in Occidental Petroleum, for which he has been highly criticized.

No...he made his real money pimping climate change....

You sound envious. Oh dear.

No.....I don't hate people because they have money....gore helped a serial sexual predator stay president and then made a name for himself spreading the lie of man made global warming which he then used, along with his government service to make a bunch of money.....all while preaching to us about not using fossil fuels.......that is my problem with gore....and apparently he also has a difficult time taking no for an answer from women.....

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