Why do men..... ?

If you don't have any personality and are unwilling to flirt and be patient, yes you might need money. I have found women to be most receptive when you make them laugh and when they trust you.
dear; women would come on to me when i had money. stop deceiving yourself under any form of Capitalism.

Ok, so they came on to you when you had money. That does not mean that women will never sleep with someone without involving money. And I am not just talking about bar pickups for one night stands.
i never claimed they did; mr.red herring.

Sure you did, Mr. Most Honest.

I said "LMAO!! I have made a comfortable living for quite a while. But that is not why I have had great women share my bed, I can assure you."

To which you replied "i can assure you it is".
just a fallacy of composition. you assume i claim all women are the same; they are not; they are just "slaves to fashion".

and, i can assure you, you would not be getting as much pussy without your money. are you claiming you are better than your money?

I am most certainly better than my money.
LMAO!! I have made a comfortable living for quite a while. But that is not why I have had great women share my bed, I can assure you.
i can assure you it is.

well go start a business and make some money.... problem solved....
thank you for acknowledging that women are just liars for free.

women want what they want. if women lie to you, oh well.
but you have already determined in your mind that women will sleep with you if you have money (whether you are paying for them as a professional or "amateur" .... ) then just play by the rules you have already established in your head.

I have already told you that if a woman finds you attractive, they will likely "reciprocate".
If this was such a common problem, more men would be agreeing with you, but I have yet to hear one man back you up.

Am I supposed to believe you are the only honest guy on this message board?
dear, i have been playing by the rules i have established for myself, for several decades now. I am not shill, like the guys of the opposing view.

And, dear, i do resort to the fewest fallacies, unlike the shills who disagree.

so you are up front about your intentions, and, feel you are getting (or not getting) screwed because of it....
women want what they want. if women lie to you, oh well.
but you have already determined in your mind that women will sleep with you if you have money (whether you are paying for them as a professional or "amateur" .... ) then just play by the rules you have already established in your head.

I have already told you that if a woman finds you attractive, they will likely "reciprocate".
If this was such a common problem, more men would be agreeing with you, but I have yet to hear one man back you up.

Am I supposed to believe you are the only honest guy on this message board?
dear, i have been playing by the rules i have established for myself, for several decades now. I am not shill, like the guys of the opposing view.

And, dear, i do resort to the fewest fallacies, unlike the shills who disagree.

Do you think the posts I make here get me laid? Are you really that stupid?

I get laid because I can be witty and charming, and because I genuinely love women. Have I been lied to? Yes, a few times. Have all women lied to me? Absolutely not.
dear, i am not trying to get laid on this board, merely arguing. Are you really that clueless and Causeless?

Well you keep going on and on about me being a "shill for poon". But unless I am getting laid based on these posts, that is ridiculous.
you have to keep shilling or women will stop doing you; except for your money.
That's your reality, then it is true. For others, they have a different view and life experience.
dear, all you probably have is just more money; not more social skills.

LMAO!! I have made a comfortable living for quite a while. But that is not why I have had great women share my bed, I can assure you.

You are kicking his ass and he comes back for more. I can tell when he gets irritated he starts calling people "dear".

Interesting how you have cut him up so easily.
some women claim i don't need any money; i know i do under any form of capitalism.

If you don't have any personality and are unwilling to flirt and be patient, yes you might need money. I have found women to be most receptive when you make them laugh and when they trust you.
dear; women would come on to me when i had money. stop deceiving yourself under any form of Capitalism.

Dude you are inexperience. You make that assumption about women because maybe you only deal with strippers or hookers. In reality YOU are very wrong. I dated tons (with S) both married and single women. They like me not because of my money or my car...But Charming ( see my screen name Char- ), looks, make them laugh, I tell jokes, my song, my dance( ball room), love my company etc. why women likes me.....Yes that is true some lied (like Winter born mentioned ) If I average it about 98% is all about fun and sex about 2% money. I posted this here before but forgot where.
If I sat front of Bonzi look her in the eyes and sang her a love song of the 80s with my guitar.......She might fall in love and forget her husband.. LOL.
If that is TNHarley... She might rape me right there... LOL.
On the side....women makes me looks younger.... That's the truth.
dear, i am not trying to get laid on this board, merely arguing. Are you really that clueless and Causeless?

Well you keep going on and on about me being a "shill for poon". But unless I am getting laid based on these posts, that is ridiculous.
you have to keep shilling or women will stop doing you; except for your money.

So you still claim to know why women have sex with me? You have never met me and don't know any of the women I have taken to bed, but you insist you know why they went there?? That is hilarious. No, dannyboy, you know no such thing.
dear; all i need to do is play word games with you for around a hour.

guys like you have me convinced women are just liars when they claim to want honesty.

More meaningless nonsense.
not enough intellect to respond? did you know a women actually informed she thought lairs were brighter than honest guys.

i didn't have the heart to tell her, liars are simply not bright enough to be honest.
nope; just statistical fact. you should try i sometime. and, dear, no guy is that hot without any money.

And the source for your statistical facts?

Yes, a guy can be that hot without spending money. It is not about picking someone up in a bar, but about cultivating a friendship that evolves into a physical relationship. It does not even need to be a serious, long-term relationship. But it is not about money. There have been times when I have had little available money and I still had women who would sleep with me.
any google search regarding women and money will do; shill for poon.

Oh I know that money makes it easier to get women to have sex with you. But you are insisting that is the only way. You have said as much, and you insist that all the women I have had sex with did it because I have money.

No, dannyboy, you are clueless about women. That is painfully obvious.
nope; just your red herring, like usual. i merely don't want to have to put up with lousy "customer service" for free.

If you are a customer you have to pay. If you are s good friend & lover, you don't pay and usually get wonderful service.
yes, i know that; unless you are honest, have good arguments and refuse to play their silly games which Only involve manipulation and not honesty.
Still insisting you know the motiva
i never claimed they did; mr.red herring.

Sure you did, Mr. Most Honest.

I said "LMAO!! I have made a comfortable living for quite a while. But that is not why I have had great women share my bed, I can assure you."

To which you replied "i can assure you it is".
just a fallacy of composition. you assume i claim all women are the same; they are not; they are just "slaves to fashion".

And yet you have insisted in more than one post that money is the reason I have gotten sex. And did so even though you don't know me or any of the women I have had as lovers.
money is the reason you have gotten as much sex. women would come on to me all the time, when i was making good money.

Still insisting you know why women slept with me, when you've never met them? So much for your vaunted honesty.
women would come on to me all the time, when i was making good money. why do you believe you are different?

are you going to try to convince money has no bearing or influence under Any form of capitalism?
LMAO!! I have made a comfortable living for quite a while. But that is not why I have had great women share my bed, I can assure you.

You are kicking his ass and he comes back for more. I can tell when he gets irritated he starts calling people "dear".

Interesting how you have cut him up so easily.
some women claim i don't need any money; i know i do under any form of capitalism.

That has nothing to do with how badly you are fairing in this argument.v
projecting much; you lost every argument we have had.

He is putting a beating on you that hasn't been seen since Waterloo.

You also aren't bright enough to know when you have lost an argument as seen here. :eusa_angel:
dear; only shills say that. you come across like a guy who likes to lie to women for sex.
dear; women would come on to me when i had money. stop deceiving yourself under any form of Capitalism.

Ok, so they came on to you when you had money. That does not mean that women will never sleep with someone without involving money. And I am not just talking about bar pickups for one night stands.
i never claimed they did; mr.red herring.

Sure you did, Mr. Most Honest.

I said "LMAO!! I have made a comfortable living for quite a while. But that is not why I have had great women share my bed, I can assure you."

To which you replied "i can assure you it is".
just a fallacy of composition. you assume i claim all women are the same; they are not; they are just "slaves to fashion".

and, i can assure you, you would not be getting as much pussy without your money. are you claiming you are better than your money?

I am most certainly better than my money.
i thought so too; but i was corrected by capitalism.
they are just "slaves to fashion".

what "fashion" is it that women are slaves to? Please explain because if you mean buying clothes, getting hair done etc. that is wrong. Any there ARE very attractive, smart women that don't spend a lot of money on their looks....
those are not the Only fashions, dear.

that's why I asked "what fashion" - if you want honest answers you can be a little more clear about what you are saying...........
i can assure you it is.

well go start a business and make some money.... problem solved....
thank you for acknowledging that women are just liars for free.

women want what they want. if women lie to you, oh well.
but you have already determined in your mind that women will sleep with you if you have money (whether you are paying for them as a professional or "amateur" .... ) then just play by the rules you have already established in your head.

I have already told you that if a woman finds you attractive, they will likely "reciprocate".
If this was such a common problem, more men would be agreeing with you, but I have yet to hear one man back you up.

Am I supposed to believe you are the only honest guy on this message board?
dear, i have been playing by the rules i have established for myself, for several decades now. I am not shill, like the guys of the opposing view.

And, dear, i do resort to the fewest fallacies, unlike the shills who disagree.

so you are up front about your intentions, and, feel you are getting (or not getting) screwed because of it....
actually, yes; women can be honest for sex, why not men.

why do women put out more sex for liars than honest guys?

And, all those women complaining they can't find nice guys is due to lousy, female intuition.
dear, i have been playing by the rules i have established for myself, for several decades now. I am not shill, like the guys of the opposing view.

And, dear, i do resort to the fewest fallacies, unlike the shills who disagree.

Do you think the posts I make here get me laid? Are you really that stupid?

I get laid because I can be witty and charming, and because I genuinely love women. Have I been lied to? Yes, a few times. Have all women lied to me? Absolutely not.
dear, i am not trying to get laid on this board, merely arguing. Are you really that clueless and Causeless?

Well you keep going on and on about me being a "shill for poon". But unless I am getting laid based on these posts, that is ridiculous.
you have to keep shilling or women will stop doing you; except for your money.
That's your reality, then it is true. For others, they have a different view and life experience.
or, they are just liars under any form of capitalism.
If I sat front of Bonzi look her in the eyes and sang her a love song of the 80s with my guitar.......She might fall in love and forget her husband.. LOL.
If that is TNHarley... She might rape me right there... LOL.
On the side....women makes me looks younger.... That's the truth.

And I have no clue what to make of this..... intriguing as it may be... ;)
LMAO!! I have made a comfortable living for quite a while. But that is not why I have had great women share my bed, I can assure you.

You are kicking his ass and he comes back for more. I can tell when he gets irritated he starts calling people "dear".

Interesting how you have cut him up so easily.
some women claim i don't need any money; i know i do under any form of capitalism.

If you don't have any personality and are unwilling to flirt and be patient, yes you might need money. I have found women to be most receptive when you make them laugh and when they trust you.
dear; women would come on to me when i had money. stop deceiving yourself under any form of Capitalism.

Dude you are inexperience. You make that assumption about women because maybe you only deal with strippers or hookers. In reality YOU are very wrong. I dated tons (with S) both married and single women. They like me not because of my money or my car...But Charming ( see my screen name Char- ), looks, make them laugh, I tell jokes, my song, my dance( ball room), love my company etc. why women likes me.....Yes that is true some lied (like Winter born mentioned ) If I average it about 98% is all about fun and sex about 2% money. I posted this here before but forgot where.
If I sat front of Bonzi look her in the eyes and sang her a love song of the 80s with my guitar.......She might fall in love and forget her husband.. LOL.
If that is TNHarley... She might rape me right there... LOL.
On the side....women makes me looks younger.... That's the truth.
dear, fame or fortune are relatively similar.

women would come on to me when i had money without having to "perform" for women. stop deceiving yourself under any form of Capitalism.
well go start a business and make some money.... problem solved....
thank you for acknowledging that women are just liars for free.

women want what they want. if women lie to you, oh well.
but you have already determined in your mind that women will sleep with you if you have money (whether you are paying for them as a professional or "amateur" .... ) then just play by the rules you have already established in your head.

I have already told you that if a woman finds you attractive, they will likely "reciprocate".
If this was such a common problem, more men would be agreeing with you, but I have yet to hear one man back you up.

Am I supposed to believe you are the only honest guy on this message board?
dear, i have been playing by the rules i have established for myself, for several decades now. I am not shill, like the guys of the opposing view.

And, dear, i do resort to the fewest fallacies, unlike the shills who disagree.

so you are up front about your intentions, and, feel you are getting (or not getting) screwed because of it....
actually, yes; women can be honest for sex, why not men.

why do women put out more sex for liars than honest guys?

And, all those women complaining they can't find nice guys is due to lousy, female intuition.

everyone lies. are you insane?
if we all just came out with 100% truth no one would be with anyone else.
we'd all be huddled up in the corner in fetal positions....
they are just "slaves to fashion".

what "fashion" is it that women are slaves to? Please explain because if you mean buying clothes, getting hair done etc. that is wrong. Any there ARE very attractive, smart women that don't spend a lot of money on their looks....
those are not the Only fashions, dear.

that's why I asked "what fashion" - if you want honest answers you can be a little more clear about what you are saying...........
Any fashion dear; i am not resorting to anecdotes but concepts merely because my male intuition has to superior to women's failed intuition, every time it come up.
thank you for acknowledging that women are just liars for free.

women want what they want. if women lie to you, oh well.
but you have already determined in your mind that women will sleep with you if you have money (whether you are paying for them as a professional or "amateur" .... ) then just play by the rules you have already established in your head.

I have already told you that if a woman finds you attractive, they will likely "reciprocate".
If this was such a common problem, more men would be agreeing with you, but I have yet to hear one man back you up.

Am I supposed to believe you are the only honest guy on this message board?
dear, i have been playing by the rules i have established for myself, for several decades now. I am not shill, like the guys of the opposing view.

And, dear, i do resort to the fewest fallacies, unlike the shills who disagree.

so you are up front about your intentions, and, feel you are getting (or not getting) screwed because of it....
actually, yes; women can be honest for sex, why not men.

why do women put out more sex for liars than honest guys?

And, all those women complaining they can't find nice guys is due to lousy, female intuition.

everyone lies. are you insane?
if we all just came out with 100% truth no one would be with anyone else.
we'd all be huddled up in the corner in fetal positions....
you miss the point dear; women claim to want honesty (and equality) but don't want to do anything for it.
You are kicking his ass and he comes back for more. I can tell when he gets irritated he starts calling people "dear".

Interesting how you have cut him up so easily.
some women claim i don't need any money; i know i do under any form of capitalism.

If you don't have any personality and are unwilling to flirt and be patient, yes you might need money. I have found women to be most receptive when you make them laugh and when they trust you.
dear; women would come on to me when i had money. stop deceiving yourself under any form of Capitalism.

Dude you are inexperience. You make that assumption about women because maybe you only deal with strippers or hookers. In reality YOU are very wrong. I dated tons (with S) both married and single women. They like me not because of my money or my car...But Charming ( see my screen name Char- ), looks, make them laugh, I tell jokes, my song, my dance( ball room), love my company etc. why women likes me.....Yes that is true some lied (like Winter born mentioned ) If I average it about 98% is all about fun and sex about 2% money. I posted this here before but forgot where.
If I sat front of Bonzi look her in the eyes and sang her a love song of the 80s with my guitar.......She might fall in love and forget her husband.. LOL.
If that is TNHarley... She might rape me right there... LOL.
On the side....women makes me looks younger.... That's the truth.
dear, fame or fortune are relatively similar.

women would come on to me when i had money without having to "perform" for women. stop deceiving yourself under any form of Capitalism.

I can tell you daniel, I have never been attracted to men with money.... if they have a good personality and can make good conversation and I think they are attractive in other ways, I will want to spend time with them. I don't care if it's just sitting on a park bench or watching TV at someone's house. No need for money.

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