Why do people hate Liberals?

Sad, but true

The days when you could graduate HS and get a good union job that would enable you to support a wife and four kids are long gone

Now it takes two salaries, College degrees and a lot of luck to support two kids.

All thanks to years of Conservative policies

Has it ever occurred to you problem is that you're too lazy?

This is such a load of crap. Everything I do all day to build my businesses anyone could do. No one cares what color, sex, religion or age I am and they don't give a crap about the degrees that cover my wall. It's all about working hard, building a staff, serving my customers and doing deals.

If the rich and powerful are leading by example, they are leading all you lemmings who buy into their bs off a cliff, and are ultimately doing a piss poor job at leading by example.:eusa_whistle: All while stating all you poor sob's need to do is work harder and smarter, while we try harder to dumb you down and accept our lame agenda, and you too can make it up to our level.:cool: Yah, right!

How is this SUPPOSED "capitalism" different from a grand pyramid scheme?
Personally, I don't hate Liberals, or anyone else for that matter. I find Liberals for the most part very naive, to the point of being clueless in many cases. They base their opinions on emotion and feeling, over reality. They also like to put words in your mouth and make false assumptions.
You could have done better than that avoiding answering my question, AND asking one instead. What will the rich fucking asshole get in return for supporting a con with oodles of money? Seeing as you're so good at not answering questions I'll try again but a different question; name a "rich fucking asshole" who funds only the left? I'd bet my bottom dollar if he/she funds the left he/she is not an asshole, as are the numerous rich fucking assholes who do fund only the right AND expect a great deal in return.

The wealthy who fund the left know they are not going to get anything in return which is why corporate money tends to be lopsided toward the right/wrong side. Those who fund the left imo show a concern for those who's voice is drowned out by the money AND try and counter it with money.

You could have done better than that avoiding answering my question, AND asking one instead.

i did think i needed to answer your question if i agree with you

Seeing as you're so good at not answering questions

since your new here and dont know anything about anyone ill let that go by....

name a "rich fucking asshole" who funds only the left?


I'd bet my bottom dollar if he/she funds the left he/she is not an asshole,

probably because you agree with their Politics....duh....

fucking assholes who do fund only the right AND expect a great deal in return.

and if you dont think those who fund the Left dont want anything in return...then they have done their job on you.....

The wealthy who fund the left know they are not going to get anything in return which is why corporate money tends to be lopsided toward the right/wrong side. Those who fund the left imo show a concern for those who's voice is drowned out by the money AND try and counter it with money.

and you fell for this?.....are you that stupid?....

OK, Soros wants something done to benefit him in exchange for all the millions he has given. Now what is it George wants? I don't know, but he wants something. Access maybe?
A more level playing field maybe. He is opposed to what the ultra rich right wingers want and is willing to put his money up to fight whatever.

Now you. What do the Koch brothers want? Addleson? Other rich mega donors?

Maybe it is fighting fire with fire.

But no one who is worth billions willingly spends hundreds of millions to accomplish something and not expect to get a payback. They didn't get to the top 1% by being stupid.

I can easily tell you and anyone who has an open mind that the Koch boyz want to buy power to go with their billions they were GIVEN. They want deregulation just like any mega-oil company.

They also want to keep more of the money they were GIVEN through lower taxes while they fuck the poor and working classes AGAIN.

They want cheap labor which is why they are funding to get rid of collective bargaining and doing everything possible to keep the Mexican border open, WHILE THEY REAP RECORD PROFITS - UNABATED - SO THEY CAN BUY EVERY CON FOR EVERY ELECTION like they are right now.

If they have it so bad, where'd they come up with $400,000,000.00 for THEIR super pac's?
remember this next time you are in a thread with Truthmatters,Dean,Chris,Franco and Dudley.......especially Dean and Chris....
I never politicize logical deductive reasoning. Whenever I see flawed logic in someone's post, I'll say something about it. And I don't care if its a liberal post or a conservative post. There's no place for irrational reasoning when we are discussing politics. And if someone comes back and explains their logic in more detail and it becomes apparent there was something I didn't take into consideration, I got no problem admitting I'm wrong.

What really pisses my gord, are these dumbshits who offer no evidence to backup their claim and just act like they've proved their point.

Couldn't have stated it better myself. Well done and very similar to how I approach politics, and life in general. Life is too fucking short for the bs. Even though I'm not a Missourian I do adopt there "show me" motto.

History has taught many of us important lessons. "One" of the problems as I see it is many con lovers fail to even consider any lessons OR giving it any real thought.

I too have admitted being wrong whenever I am wrong, but it will have to be proven. and is not a gimmee.
Freewill -

Are you really giving the Bush adminstration a pass for eight years of failed economic policies?

I am not absolving anyone who was involved from blame. So are you giving Obama and the democrats after 3 1/2 years of doing exactly what they wanted with control of the Senate and WH and 3 years before that control of Congress NO blame?

Now, if you want to have a discussion on what caused the stock market crash which caused or was the result of the housing bubble burst then name the BUSH policy that you think caused the situation.

You see this is the problem with today's right wing Fox News brainwashed parrots. We don't argue over philosophy, we argue over facts vs. the propaganda LIES the right wing parrots chirp.

I'd be happy to school you on what caused the stock market crash and the housing bubble burst, but it will be very painful for you to face. I will tell you right now what DIDN'T cause it...it was NOT Fannie, it was NOT Freddie, it was NOT selling homes to lower income Americans and it was NOT government regulations. It was cause by a LACK of government regulation of the private sector.

But if you insist on blaming government...START HERE

Bush's 'ownership society'

"America is a stronger country every single time a family moves into a home of their own," George W. Bush said in October 2004. To achieve his vision, Bush pushed new policies encouraging homeownership, like the "zero-down-payment initiative," which was much as it sounds—a government-sponsored program that allowed people to get mortgages without a down payment. More exotic mortgages followed, including ones with no monthly payments for the first two years. Other mortgages required no documentation other than the say-so of the borrower. Absurd though these all were, they paled in comparison to the financial innovations that grew out of the mortgages—derivatives built on other derivatives, packaged and repackaged until no one could identify what they contained and how much they were, in fact, worth.

As we know by now, these instruments have brought the global financial system, improbably, to the brink of collapse.

End of the ‘Ownership Society’

Perfect and truthful on all points!!:clap2:
I would use vouchers but not just for the elderly but for everyone. The vouchers would be based on need.

You mean coupons don't you? The word "vouchers" seems so.......misleading. How do you think that will go over with someone (millions) on a fixed income?
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Allowing the financial industry to do whatever they wanted, his tax cuts for the rich and starting two unecessary wars at a cost of $12 billion a month.

I just gave you 3.

Lets not forget the $12 billion in CASH that was flown to Iraq and came up missing? I wonder how exactly enough cash to fill 10's of semi's actually comes up missing in haliburton-land....er....cheneyland....er....Iraq>:badgrin:

Yep, graft and corruption for sure. I wonder how much of Obama's 800 billion stimulous is traceable?

The stimulous was $1.2 trillion and nearly half was in the form of tax cuts, of which I still enjoy. You sure you know the difference between TARP and Stim AND who signed which?
The one thing about this board that most baffles me is the incredible depth of hatred and contempt for liberals.

See Louis Althusser's "Ideological State Apparatus"

In capitalist societies money controls everything including opinion > media.

The wealthy provide incentives to people who smear liberalism.

This is how concentrated wealth is sustained.

Right you are! As it is now here in the state's, we have 5 mega-corporations owning the news/propaganda, which is at least part of how they can fool so many fools into supporting their 1% MINORITY views.

Being rich is not enough for many, they want to be stinking rich or better, fuck everyone else.
I really don't care what gutter they throw you in at night.
Captain Jacks is far from a gutter.

The last time I went there, dinner for 2 cost me $174.

Got mugged climbing out of the dumpster? That's a shame, and on gub'ment check day too!

Just another flaming troll.:badgrin: Do you EVER provide anything worthy of conversation/debate? How exactly do you view yourself as any different than the mouthpiece/bully child on the playground?
Personally, I don't hate Liberals, or anyone else for that matter. I find Liberals for the most part very naive, to the point of being clueless in many cases. They base their opinions on emotion and feeling, over reality. They also like to put words in your mouth and make false assumptions.

That's funny and about as general as one can get!:badgrin:
#535- and total irony, which DEMS only can prove. See "Obama gutted Medicare and Workfare" and my sig pp3. Total BS and hate.
Now, ONE DEM LIE, dupes?

OP? Brainwashed by idiotic talking points demonizing liberals since the late eighties.
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Couldn't have stated it better myself. Well done and very similar to how I approach politics, and life in general. Life is too fucking short for the bs. Even though I'm not a Missourian I do adopt there "show me" motto.

History has taught many of us important lessons. "One" of the problems as I see it is many con lovers fail to even consider any lessons OR giving it any real thought.

I too have admitted being wrong whenever I am wrong, but it will have to be proven. and is not a gimmee.
The best way to tell if someone doesn't care about the truth, is how intolerant they are towards the opinions of others. Someone who desires the truth, will give an ear to as many different perspectives as he possibly can on a particular issue. That's the "fact finding" phase. Once you got all the possible evidence related to an issue, you start analyzing it. Puting some things in context, throwing out others. Attaching more weight to some things and less weight to others. Once you've done all that, now you're ready to start drawing conclusions. And if new information comes in, you send that through the mix and test it against your previous conclusion to see if it still holds water.

But someone who won't even listen to what you have to say, or automatically dismisses what you've said as "propaganda", or "bullshit", or any number of pre-disposed views, can never be sure their conclusion is 100% accurate. Because it was made on partial evidence.

That's why people thought the world was flat for so long. They were basing their decisions on what they could physically see with the naked eye. Once they started sailing across the ocean and getting more information about the planet, they were better able to make a decision on whether it was flat or not.
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I support the troops by asking my legislative rep's to end the war.
If I took your comment the wrong way, I apologize.

I just infuriates me to no end listening to many on the right accusing people of not supporting the troops, when they're so cavalier about putting them in harms way over a pack of lies.
As you can see in this thread progressives show again and again that they hate freedom and success unless it is for only them..... No wonder we fight against them.
I hate liberals because they gave us Obama, a man hell bent on destroying America. And now they are too stupid to realize what they have done. They appear ready to do it all over again. I also hate them because they are the most hypocritical people I've ever run across. Who else could demand that a Christian man (Chick-fil-a) be tolerant of gay marriage, and yet so intolerant of his Christian lifestyle so much that they issue death threats?
All you have is one!?!:clap2: Wow that ONE guy ought to be able to outspend any and all of those rich fucking con assholes. Nice try but no cigar!

Alright smart guy, what makes Soros an asshole?
What do you think Soros will get in return for his investment?

thats all you asked for dumbass.....words have meaning....and whats he going to get back?.....gee i dont know,probably the same thing all those other fuckers would get back....more Money you dumbass....what the fuck do you think....
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