Why do people hate Liberals?

I tend to look at the broad/big picture. You know, like the facts that a relative few rich fucking assholes are trying to BUY this election and are funding only one side - the con side. Which makes it easy to assume that they expect something in return for their investments. What do you think that might be?

what about the rich fucking assholes who fund only the Liberal side?....dont you think they want something in return?......what do you think it might be?.....the trouble with many people here is they think the real rich Democrats are different than the real rich Conservatives.....when push comes to shove...see who they side with....the people or themselves.....rich people will side with other rich people because they have something in common.....its called Money.....

I agree with the "money" portion and that's all. I see, hear, read of no evidence that rich con vs rich libs are similar except in the $ category and which side they support.

As well, I've yet to see, read, hear and/or evidence on exactly how the con's in general will go to bat for the working joe/jane. If you're trying to sell that bs, you best try with someone else cause I aint buying your knee deep bs.

but you bought their knee deep bullshit?....must be so nice to trust people who are laughing at you the minute you leave the room......looks like they snagged another one....

As well, I've yet to see, read, hear and/or evidence on exactly how the con's in general will go to bat for the working joe/jane.If you're trying to sell that bs, you best try with someone else cause I aint buying your knee deep bs.

if you were here somewhat longer and got to know everyone a little better before you open your yap, you will find i dont think "Cons" will go to bat for anyone but themselves....so go ahead and show were i have ever tried to sell that bullshit.....i think both parties suck....including the one that has you wrapped up really nicely....
As well, I've yet to see, read, hear and/or evidence on exactly how the con's in general will go to bat for the working joe/jane

One of my favorite liberal arguments. If we're going to talk you out of socialism, we need to do it through socialist solutions. What will help joe and jane will be jobs, which will be created by less government and lower taxes.

In fact, your argument of what we are going to do for them is in fact itself the problem. Doing means government destroying economic value which is in fact what's keeping them unemployed. Our economy is suffering from nothing it couldn't recover from if government would only stop helping it...
As well, I've yet to see, read, hear and/or evidence on exactly how the con's in general will go to bat for the working joe/jane

One of my favorite liberal arguments. If we're going to talk you out of socialism, we need to do it through socialist solutions. What will help joe and jane will be jobs, which will be created by less government and lower taxes.

In fact, your argument of what we are going to do for them is in fact itself the problem. Doing means government destroying economic value which is in fact what's keeping them unemployed. Our economy is suffering from nothing it couldn't recover from if government would only stop helping it...

The less taxes depends on which taxes as I have shown over and over. The trickle down theory doesn't work in a borderless world unless your intent is to strengthen Vietnam and China which is exactly what we are doing.

Libertarianism works great except for two major flaws. 1) not all markets function smoothly or at all and government has to intercede to deal with the factors that don't work in that market.

2) Powerful entrenched monied interests can stymie progress as a country just like companies can become stuck in what they do and you miss a major paradigm shift. Government has to balance that power.

If Libertarians would accept these realities they would be my favorite party. But today the chose to ignore them and therefore put the very liberties at risk they profess to cherish.
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I hate liberals because they gave us Obama,

So, how's life for you and your hate-pals, walking around all day with a seething hatred towards half of your countrymen? That's got to wear on the ol' sanity. And it shows.

Now, we don't hate you. We just think you're irrational. Not a big deal. That's certainly no reason to hate you.
Corporations don't hate people. And we know Republicans believe corporations are the only people that matter.
As well, I've yet to see, read, hear and/or evidence on exactly how the con's in general will go to bat for the working joe/jane

One of my favorite liberal arguments. If we're going to talk you out of socialism, we need to do it through socialist solutions. What will help joe and jane will be jobs, which will be created by less government and lower taxes.

In fact, your argument of what we are going to do for them is in fact itself the problem. Doing means government destroying economic value which is in fact what's keeping them unemployed. Our economy is suffering from nothing it couldn't recover from if government would only stop helping it...

The less taxes depends on which taxes as I have shown over and over. The trickle down theory doesn't work in a borderless world unless your intent is to strengthen Vietnam and China which is exactly what we are doing.

Libertarianism works great except for two major flaws. 1) not all markets function smoothly or at all and government has to intercede to deal with the factors that don't work in that market.

You don't trust businesses who have to compete with each other by serving their customers and you don't trust giving customers a choice, you trust politicians who remove choice and competition with the power of government guns. And you ignore they are obviously doing it for their own power. I feel so schooled on that...

2) Powerful entrenched monied interests can stymie progress as a country just like companies can become stuck in what they do and you miss a major paradigm shift. Government has to balance that power.

Crony capitalism is a variation of socialism, not free markets. So corporations are manipulating government, and you solution is to make government even stronger. Gotcha.

If Libertarians would accept these realities they would be my favorite party. But today the chose to ignore them and therefore put the very liberties at risk they profess to cherish.

It's liberals who are ignoring reality. Libertarianism puts the power of choice where it belongs, in people's hands. People are flawed, no insight. But they make better choices for themselves than anyone else does for them. That you would like ideal perfection I understand, that you empower the worst of all solutions, unilateral, dictatorial government power, to get it is as dumb an idea as ignoring the mess we're in as a consequence of that fool's errand.
Corporations and the wealthy want lower taxes, bigger subsidies, more regulatory favors, anti-trust advantages over consumers ...and bail outs (so they can play with the taxpayer's money). They want to privatize profits and socialize losses.

Liberals (at least the few good one left) don't believe in this stuff, or at least not to the degree of their Republican counterparts.

For this reason, corporations and the wealthy provide MASSIVE incentives to anyone who will describe liberalism as socialism. Problem is: there is a difference between Keynes (who emphatically supported markets) and Marx (who believed that they eventually devolved into monopolies which gained control of government and media and exercised centralized control over laws and opinions).

These things shift over time. During the heyday of postwar Liberalism, the word Conservative was used as a pejorative, especially in the sixties. But the Right got smart. Starting in the 70s, they spent 30 years channeling profits into an overlapping network of think tanks, political action committees, television stations, radio, and publishing groups: they created a larger bullhorn than the left ever had during their postwar hegemony, and they used that bullhorn to convince people that Liberalism was evil.

Liberalism actually paved the way for the Conservative Family of the fifties. They did this by creating higher wages for the middle class (through a whole assortment of tax, labor, and regulatory policies - the most prominent of which was a strong support for unions, but also through government programs that moved tax dollars to cheap public universities). The high wages secured by the postwar New Deal economy allowed the father to support the family on just his wages; it allowed the mother to stay home and raise the kids. It created more time for families to be together. The unintended consequence of postwar Liberalism was the heyday of Conservatism and the American Family.

You gotta hand it to the GOP's disinformation war against the word Liberal. Seriously, it takes a lot of useful idiots to ignore the defeat of the Nazis, the Hoover Dam, Interstate system, and the building of a modern industrial state - all of which depended in part upon initiatives that came from Liberal Big Government. It takes heroic stupidity to stand in front of all that and say "nothing to see here".
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I don't hate Liberals. If they were capable of independent thought, I might, but they have no mind of their own so I can't hate them.

For example: if Brian Terry were killed under Bush's Gun Walker program they would be riots in the streets until the AG resigned and school children would be sending the Terry family their condolences. But since Obama and Holder were involved Libs haven't been instructed on how to respond, so they're either silent or defensive toward their collective.

IF they had any humanity left, they would at least speak out but membership in the collective does not allow for any human feeling or thoughts. How can you hate that? it's like hating a fungus
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As well, I've yet to see, read, hear and/or evidence on exactly how the con's in general will go to bat for the working joe/jane

One of my favorite liberal arguments. If we're going to talk you out of socialism, we need to do it through socialist solutions. What will help joe and jane will be jobs, which will be created by less government and lower taxes.

In fact, your argument of what we are going to do for them is in fact itself the problem. Doing means government destroying economic value which is in fact what's keeping them unemployed. Our economy is suffering from nothing it couldn't recover from if government would only stop helping it...

you quoted the wrong guy Kaz.....
I don't hate Liberals. If they were capable of independent thought, I might, but they have no mind of their own so I can't hate them.

For example: if Brain terry were killed under Bush's Gun Walker program they would be riots in the streets until the AG resigned and school children would be sending the Terry family their condolences. But since Obama and Holder were involved Libs haven't been instructed on how to respond, so they're either silent or defensive toward their collective.

IF they had any humanity left, they would at least speak out but membership in the collective does not allow for any human feeling or thoughts. How can you hate that? it's like hating a fungus
Who's "Brain terry"?
I don't hate Liberals. If they were capable of independent thought, I might, but they have no mind of their own so I can't hate them.

For example: if Brain terry were killed under Bush's Gun Walker program they would be riots in the streets until the AG resigned and school children would be sending the Terry family their condolences. But since Obama and Holder were involved Libs haven't been instructed on how to respond, so they're either silent or defensive toward their collective.

IF they had any humanity left, they would at least speak out but membership in the collective does not allow for any human feeling or thoughts. How can you hate that? it's like hating a fungus
Who's "Brain terry"?

Typo fixed.

Thank you for making my point
I've never bought the label thing. Liberal conservative right wing left wing.....we're all people. Labels are used by cowards.
Corporations don't hate people. And we know Republicans believe corporations are the only people that matter.

LOL.. that's like saying Democrats believe that lazy ass welfare slugs are the only people that matter. Corporations provide jobs. I like people who provide jobs. Employment is enjoyment. When will Obama and the rest of the mindless left allow corporations to grow, quit chasing them away, and create more jobs?
One of my favorite liberal arguments. If we're going to talk you out of socialism, we need to do it through socialist solutions. What will help joe and jane will be jobs, which will be created by less government and lower taxes.

In fact, your argument of what we are going to do for them is in fact itself the problem. Doing means government destroying economic value which is in fact what's keeping them unemployed. Our economy is suffering from nothing it couldn't recover from if government would only stop helping it...

The less taxes depends on which taxes as I have shown over and over. The trickle down theory doesn't work in a borderless world unless your intent is to strengthen Vietnam and China which is exactly what we are doing.

Libertarianism works great except for two major flaws. 1) not all markets function smoothly or at all and government has to intercede to deal with the factors that don't work in that market.

You don't trust businesses who have to compete with each other by serving their customers and you don't trust giving customers a choice, you trust politicians who remove choice and competition with the power of government guns. And you ignore they are obviously doing it for their own power. I feel so schooled on that...

It has nothing to do with trust. Businesses are going to maximize profits as they are suppose to do. They are regulated by supply and demand "if" their is a well functioning market. But those markets don't always occur because they have some built in assumptions:

1) It assumes that people can or will walk away as the price rises

2) it assumes people have information about what they are buying

3) and it assumes a linkage between cost and benefit

Almost all of these things are missing in health care. The most important being an unwillingness to let people drop out of the market. That means companies will do what they do when you have a nearly vertical demand line and maximize profits. That is why our per capita health care costs are 1.8 times the next closest country.

This is not political theory and whether I trust or don't trust companies. It is straight economics. Nor do I believe in limited choice which would be a single provider. Read what I wrote, a single payer yes but not a single provider.
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Typo fixed.

Thank you for making my point
I didn't make your point. I'm not aware of the incident you were referring too and was asking you for some more information. It had nothing to do with not being "instructed" by anyone. Since I still don't know what issue you're talking about, I can't be "defensive towards my collective", now can I. Nor can I speak out against something I'm not aware of, so the "silence" is obviously true (to a point).

Now, if you told me WTF you were talking about, I might be able to speak out then. I'm not going to comment on something I know nothing about.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember you are (or were) a cop. And that's pretty hard to believe, seeing how flawed your logic is. My experience with cops has shown me they're pretty good analytical thinkers. You, on the other hand, are like:
  • an NBA player 5' tall
  • a marriage counsular who's never had a date
  • a CPA who's declared bankruptcy
You don't seem to have the chops for the job.
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