Why do people refuse to do the research?

Good God!

This is the point of the thread...dummy.


well one doesn't need a lotta smarts to be an emt Gip, in fact back in the day they gave oral exams to illiterate scarecrows ,the ability to simultaneously walk and chewing gum was a plus....
What is it with you conservatives and personal insults?

I'm as conservative as they come and I don't insult anyone. At least I try to not.
Well I appreciate that. I'm sorry if I inadvertently insulted you, it wasn't my intention.

No es para preocuparse.
You don't know what the fuck you are posting. Stay out of my thread or you will be BANNED.
Go for it!

Why make threats you are afraid to follow through with?
You are absolutely right about taking a vitamin supplement Gipper.

After this information came out, I started, and I had everyone in my family start taking them.

Folks don't know that the soil our food is grown in, as well as the agricultural methods that are used have caused our food to be vitamin deficient.

And wouldn't you know it? Some years after this information came out, like clock work, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act - Wikipedia
was passed, pretty much as she predicted.

The only thing left for them to do is to regulate and make supplements illegal.

If you want to know how this woman knows what she knows, do the research and find out who she is married to. . .

I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
..familial/culture/---discipline..which I think is as you say '''lazy''!! mentally and physically
..my father was a ''health nut''--not to extremes though
..he was athletic and into sports..never ''over ate''
..my brothers and I are the same
..our family is not obese--we were always competitive/into sports

...soda can be a significant problem....some of my daughter's friends used to drink a whole glass or even 2 when we went to a restaurant....my 2 daughters ALWAYS order water---as I do/did as they were growing up...so I ''taught'' them to drink healthy

...ever since I was in the service, I've always worked out/ran....my daughters do the same now
...my wife never worked out...she did some after we got married....and tried some more...but never as much as my daughters

sure, it's not written in stone and there are many families who are varied--like your family...?

IMO, some people do not realize/know how to ''be healthy''
Soda pop is a major problem in the USA. Many Americans consume several so call diet sodas, very day. I have to believe many of those people end up with ailments later in life. I have never consumed many sodas my entire life. I probably haven't had one in 15 years.

Of course, soda is the tip of the ice berg. I suspect a good percentage of Americans consider pizza a health food.

I have two family members who recently had heart attacks and open heart surgery. One in his late 50s the other in his early 60s. Both have done almost nothing to improve their diet. Both consume large amounts of Big Pharma poison. Never take any vitamins. I have given them books and research papers, outlining the tremendous benefits of a vitamin regimen...to no avail. It sickens me.
..I researched the topic a little sometime ago....I think it said, genetics is a major aspect of obesity
...also heart problems--my father was in great shape--doing all kinds of stuff till he died in his mid 80s--including sports/shoveling snow/etc...but his family had a long history of heart problems
...but like you and the experts say---you can cut the risk
...my father never had time to work out --- like I do---when we we growing up--but he watched his weight/eating habits/walked a lot/etc
I think with proper diet and a good vitamin regime, one can overcome poor genetics.

Few Americans know the tremendous effect taking vitamin C in large doses throughout the day, can have. It is truly a wonder 'drug' few know about. I have been taking 8-10 grams of C every day for years now. I haven't had a cold that caused me more the slightest sore throat. Dr Linus Pauling outlined the wonderful benefits of C back in the 1970s, and won two Nobel Prizes. Yet, his work is ignored by nearly everyone.
No, a good diet will not change your DNA from your parents.
I grow my food so I know what is on it and in it. It's much better than store bought. It takes more time, effort and money but it's well worth it and I get a workout also.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
..familial/culture/---discipline..which I think is as you say '''lazy''!! mentally and physically
..my father was a ''health nut''--not to extremes though
..he was athletic and into sports..never ''over ate''
..my brothers and I are the same
..our family is not obese--we were always competitive/into sports

...soda can be a significant problem....some of my daughter's friends used to drink a whole glass or even 2 when we went to a restaurant....my 2 daughters ALWAYS order water---as I do/did as they were growing up...so I ''taught'' them to drink healthy

...ever since I was in the service, I've always worked out/ran....my daughters do the same now
...my wife never worked out...she did some after we got married....and tried some more...but never as much as my daughtersWhere

sure, it's not written in stone and there are many families who are varied--like your family...?

IMO, some people do not realize/know how to ''be healthy''
Soda pop is a major problem in the USA. Many Americans consume several so call diet sodas, very day. I have to believe many of those people end up with ailments later in life. I have never consumed many sodas my entire life. I probably haven't had one in 15 years.

Of course, soda is the tip of the ice berg. I suspect a good percentage of Americans consider pizza a health food.

I have two family members who recently had heart attacks and open heart surgery. One in his late 50s the other in his early 60s. Both have done almost nothing to improve their diet. Both consume large amounts of Big Pharma poison. Never take any vitamins. I have given them books and research papers, outlining the tremendous benefits of a vitamin regimen...to no avail. It sickens me.
..I researched the topic a little sometime ago....I think it said, genetics is a major aspect of obesity
...also heart problems--my father was in great shape--doing all kinds of stuff till he died in his mid 80s--including sports/shoveling snow/etc...but his family had a long history of heart problems
...but like you and the experts say---you can cut the risk
...my father never had time to work out --- like I do---when we we growing up--but he watched his weight/eating habits/walked a lot/etc
I think with proper diet and a good vitamin regime, one can overcome poor genetics.

Few Americans know the tremendous effect taking vitamin C in large doses throughout the day, can have. It is truly a wonder 'drug' few know about. I have been taking 8-10 grams of C every day for years now. I haven't had a cold that caused me more the slightest sore throat. Dr Linus Pauling outlined the wonderful benefits of C back in the 1970s, and won two Nobel Prizes. Yet, his work is ignored by nearly everyone.
No, a good diet will not change your DNA from your parents.
Where did I post that...dumb ass?
You are absolutely right about taking a vitamin supplement Gipper.

After this information came out, I started, and I had everyone in my family start taking them.

Folks don't know that the soil our food is grown in, as well as the agricultural methods that are used have caused our food to be vitamin deficient.

And wouldn't you know it? Some years after this information came out, like clock work, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act - Wikipedia
was passed, pretty much as she predicted.

The only thing left for them to do is to regulate and make supplements illegal.

If you want to know how this woman knows what she knows, do the research and find out who she is married to. . .

Too bad few Americans have seen that video. It should be required viewing. Few can see the criminality being committed on all humanity.

You and I agree on so much.
You are absolutely right about taking a vitamin supplement Gipper.

After this information came out, I started, and I had everyone in my family start taking them.

Folks don't know that the soil our food is grown in, as well as the agricultural methods that are used have caused our food to be vitamin deficient.

And wouldn't you know it? Some years after this information came out, like clock work, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act - Wikipedia
was passed, pretty much as she predicted.

The only thing left for them to do is to regulate and make supplements illegal.

If you want to know how this woman knows what she knows, do the research and find out who she is married to. . .

I was reading some studies on C a few years ago and one doctor said C would help prevent liver spots on the skin and without enough C liver spots would worsen if one spent alotta time in the sun. He said three months to restore depleted levels of C if deficient so we started a routine three times a day C and other herbs and supplements. The dark spots on my hands pretty much disappeared to almost invisible for the worse of them.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Oh, totally.

Often the problem is when you're young, you feel invincible and you get injured, or you eat badly, it doesn't impact you noticeably.

When people get older, it does, but they'll blame something else.
I worked with a guy in the mid 80s, who was obese in his late 20s. He was a lawyer with a good income and successful career. He and I went to lunch often for about five years, until I left that job. He ALWAYS ordered a well done hamburger and fries for lunch....I mean every single time. He never exercised and drink too much. He had a beautiful wife and three kids. He died of a heart attack in his late 50s. He essentially killed himself.

Slow-motion suicide. Done it several times myself.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
I know a thirty year old who never drinks water. People get into habbits and then have no intention of fixing them. I have tried to teach people who were not taught to cook about nutrition and some easy recipies to supply that nutrition,but they keep grabbing the little debbies. No one is interested in change these days. Too easy to sit and left and right swipe!
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Had you ever considered that the benefits of vitamins have been over stated by the vitamin industry?

From what I have gathered, vitamins are much better absorbed in non processed foods that have vitamins in them.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Oh, totally.

Often the problem is when you're young, you feel invincible and you get injured, or you eat badly, it doesn't impact you noticeably.

When people get older, it does, but they'll blame something else.
I worked with a guy in the mid 80s, who was obese in his late 20s. He was a lawyer with a good income and successful career. He and I went to lunch often for about five years, until I left that job. He ALWAYS ordered a well done hamburger and fries for lunch....I mean every single time. He never exercised and drink too much. He had a beautiful wife and three kids. He died of a heart attack in his late 50s. He essentially killed himself.

Slow-motion suicide. Done it several times myself.
Suicide means you killed yourself. Apparently you failed.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Had you ever considered that the benefits of vitamins have been over stated by the vitamin industry?

From what I have gathered, vitamins are much better absorbed in non processed foods that have vitamins in them.
They don't take the time to inform people of things like Potassium needs Salt to absorb and Magnesium needs Potassium. They work in sync. A lot of the vitamin companies belong to the big pharmaceutical companies. We used Acerola Cherries to get C as it is all C. Some use Rose-hips or other naturals.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
You've got the internet, and now you know more than most doctors.


Doctors aren't dietitians.

Doctors word hard doing what they're doing, and some of them are very wrong.

Like when my father went to a doctor three times and said "I think I've got cancer", the doctor sent him to a psychologist instead after dismissing his worries, the psychologist then told him he had cancer and he was lucky it got dealt with early enough.

Very true. Medical schools used to raise General Practitioners who later may have specialized in pediatrics, geriatrics, sports medicine, etc… Now they train specialists who are very good at one subset while ignoring the body as a whole. I’ve taken up juicing and meal replacement smoothies. Haven’t felt this pumped in at least a decade; and I’m busier than ever. It’s counterintuitive but the vitamin regimen I’m on with the change in diet and additions of some herbs and minerals… so far so good.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
I know a thirty year old who never drinks water. People get into habbits and then have no intention of fixing them. I have tried to teach people who were not taught to cook about nutrition and some easy recipies to supply that nutrition,but they keep grabbing the little debbies. No one is interested in change these days. Too easy to sit and left and right swipe!
Some of us ARE interested in maintaining good health. Sadly you are right...many Americans are not interested in maintaining good health.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Oh, totally.

Often the problem is when you're young, you feel invincible and you get injured, or you eat badly, it doesn't impact you noticeably.

When people get older, it does, but they'll blame something else.
I worked with a guy in the mid 80s, who was obese in his late 20s. He was a lawyer with a good income and successful career. He and I went to lunch often for about five years, until I left that job. He ALWAYS ordered a well done hamburger and fries for lunch....I mean every single time. He never exercised and drink too much. He had a beautiful wife and three kids. He died of a heart attack in his late 50s. He essentially killed himself.

Slow-motion suicide. Done it several times myself.
Suicide means you killed yourself. Apparently you failed.

Yes…. but my point was that instead of doing something to kill yourself quickly, the burger and fries every day for lunch, not moving and drinking too much kills you slowly. AKA Slow Motion Suicide.

BTW…what multi-vitamin do you recommend? The literature I have read say to avoid the “kitchen sink” tablets.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Had you ever considered that the benefits of vitamins have been over stated by the vitamin industry?

From what I have gathered, vitamins are much better absorbed in non processed foods that have vitamins in them.
I have researched health issues for many years and today, the internet makes it easy. I have numerous books on the topic, subscriptions to newsletters and websites, and have read numerous white papers on various health issues. I do not consider myself an expert, but I am confident I know a great deal more than nearly all Americans, including most doctors.

I can't even get family members who are in poor health, to regularly take a good multivitamin. WTF is wrong with people? Are they just too lazy to spend time researching health? The internet makes it easy, yet many are still unwilling to spend the time even though they are ill.

Why are so many Americans totally dependent on their doctors, for their health? This is equivalent to selling your soul to the devil. Most doctors and physicians know NOTHING about diet, nutrition, and supplements. They poo-poo them usually.

Has anyone else experienced this?
I know a thirty year old who never drinks water. People get into habbits and then have no intention of fixing them. I have tried to teach people who were not taught to cook about nutrition and some easy recipies to supply that nutrition,but they keep grabbing the little debbies. No one is interested in change these days. Too easy to sit and left and right swipe!
Some of us ARE interested in maintaining good health. Sadly you are right...many Americans are not interested in maintaining good health.

It gets into the Nanny State and I don’t really want to get political here but when you can call things “Diet Coke” and present no sugar, no calories, no caffeine to the public, what are they supposed to think? “Doc said, lose weight—this has no calories, no fat so that sounds good.” Not realizing the chemistry of the body and the whole battery of other maladies the Diet Coke brings on. Not sure about where you stand on it but it almost seems like these are the things that should have warning labels along with cigarettes.

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