Why do people still follow Mormonism?

The whole side argument is kind of pointless since there isn't a god in the first place, IMHO. I was just pointing out that, out of all religions, this is one of the few we know to be false. Why is that? It makes, concrete, falsifiable claims. Either there were Jewish Indians fighting massive battles in prehistoric upstate New York or there weren't. Either the Book of Abraham is a record of Abraham's life in Egypt or it's a common pagan Egyptian funerary text. Either there are ruins and artifacts proving those ancient civilizations existed or there aren't any whatsoever for the simple reason that they didn't exist and have never existed outside of the storybook and associated folklore.

We know the true answers to these questions. It's not like normative Christianity, where every falsehood can be rephrased as a metaphor or not central to the core doctrine. It's not like Hinduism, where thousands of different sects have their own, equally valid interpretation of metaphysics and they all leave things like history and science alone. It makes very specific black and white claims about black and white subjects that we know about and can go back and verify. We have done so. Even LDS scholars have done so. The findings have all been negative, or at least "inconclusive" in the case of the latter group. There's a good reason for that. These claims are simply false. It's not an attack or bashing or whatever. It's just the truth. You would have to utterly ignore what we know of the history of the pre-Columbian Americas and of Joseph Smith's life and character to believe otherwise.
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I learned about it following Mitt Romney last election. The biggest thing I learned is that it's completely, transparently false.

There is no reason to believe that Joseph Smith was anything like a prophet. There is plenty of reason to believe he was a fraud. As a youth, he was locally known for his tall tales and con jobs. As a young man, he was well versed in the occult practices common in the region and was acquainted with Swedenborg's New Church ideas, such as multiple levels of Heaven and marriage in the afterlife. As an adult, he suddenly appeared with this alleged record of prehistoric upstate New York written in Hebrew using the Egyptian alphabet that he refused to let more than a few people see. He translated it with his "peep stones" by putting them in a hat, putting his face in the hat, and yelling words to his friend and "scribe" behind a curtain. The resulting book bore suspicious similarity to his favorite historical fiction.

There is no physical or cultural evidence that the civilizations in the Book of Mormon ever existed outside its pages. There are no records of them among any indigenous people. There are no artifacts or ruins where the cities supposedly were. There are no bodies or weapons where the battles were supposedly fought. This isn't for lack of trying to find them. Plenty of people have. All LDS-themed archaeology has ever turned up have been new hypotheses to explain away the stark lack of evidence about what should be the most concrete, irrefutable proof for their religion.

The other records, like the Book of Abraham, are known frauds. It's now proven that Joe Smith didn't know a word of Egyptian, or even its writing system. Several of his screw ups prove this. One is his lesser known works, Egyptian Alphabet & Grammar, has been thoroughly wrecked by actual Egyptologists. Another, and probably the most damning, is his mistake regarding the Kinderhook plates. Those are a set of six plates brass plates some farmers forged to trick him into trying to translate them. He took the bait.

There are other problems with his credibility as well, like his multiple versions of his "first vision" story and his criminal record. I just don't understand it. How can anyone look at this religion and see anything but a couple centuries old fraud ultimately made up by a shameless huckster looking to build a cult of personality around himself and score himself some married 14 year old poon?
People follow whatever tickles their own ear.
The whole side argument is kind of pointless since there isn't a god in the first place.

Another moron that can't prove that God doesn't exist. However, he appears to have a lot of faith in his belief that there is no God. Dumbass.
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The whole side argument is kind of pointless since there isn't a god in the first place, IMHO. I was just pointing out that, out of all religions, this is one of the few we know to be false. Why is that? It makes, concrete, falsifiable claims. Either there were Jewish Indians fighting massive battles in prehistoric upstate New York or there weren't. Either the Book of Abraham is a record of Abraham's life in Egypt or it's a common pagan Egyptian funerary text. Either there are ruins and artifacts proving those ancient civilizations existed or there aren't any whatsoever because they didn't.

We know the true answers to these questions. It's not like normative Christianity, where every falsehood can be rephrased as a metaphor or not central to the core doctrine. It's not like Hinduism, where thousands of different sects have their own, equally valid interpretation of metaphysics and they all leave things like history and science alone. It makes very specific black and white claims about black and white subjects that we can go back and verify. These claims are simply false. It's not an attack or bashing or whatever. It's just the truth. You would have to utterly ignore what we know of the history of the pre-Columbian Americas and of Joseph Smith's life and character to believe otherwise.

The whole history of Mormonism, including Joseph Smith's criminal record, is most often hidden from the followers. This is incredibly easy to do if you look at it as a cult. You have to be able to look quite carefully at the organizational structure and how privacy is dealt with.
This is the missionary manual. You should look at communication with family. You might want to have a good read through starting at about page 20. You want to have a good look at how you are never alone.
I am LDS. I was converted to the faith when I was a teenager. I served a mission and was married in the temple. I believe even more now than any time in my life that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's true church. I believe in a premortal existence, I believe the bible to be true as far as it is translated correctly, I believe in free will, I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of mankind, I believe in the resurrection, I believe that man must repent and be baptized, I believe that Christ established a church and that his true church was restored in these latter-days. I believe in Prophets, Apostles, teachers, evangelists, etc., I believe in the gift of the Holy Ghost which is given by the laying on of hands from those who have authority from God, I believe in the second coming of Christ and the mellenial era, and I believe that all mankind are the children of our Father in Heaven. If you have questions, I will try my best to answer them.
"Why do people still follow Mormonism?"

Why do people follow any given religion, they're all equally false.
People follow Mormonism because they believe it to be the true Church of Jesus Christ. They believe Christ is the Savior and the only begotten of the Father in the flesh. They believe that salvation comes only in and through Jesus Christ. They believe that the only authority on earth given to man resides in the priesthood restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. They believe that only through this authority, they can receive the saving ordinances of the gospel.
"Why do people still follow Mormonism?"

Why do people follow any given religion, they're all equally false.
People follow Mormonism because they believe it to be the true Church of Jesus Christ. They believe Christ is the Savior and the only begotten of the Father in the flesh. They believe that salvation comes only in and through Jesus Christ. They believe that the only authority on earth given to man resides in the priesthood restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. They believe that only through this authority, they can receive the saving ordinances of the gospel.
I reply to these people too but be forewarned, they will not change their opinions or beliefs. Most will attack you and make outrageous claims.
because they've actually studied the Book of Mormon and taken the challenge to ask the Lord whether it's true. When the Lord tells you it is by the Holy Spirit, you tend to believe it. Makes it much easier to see through the caricature presented by those who dont understand the doctrine of Christ

You're pretty much admitting that the Book of Mormon is false and teaches false doctrines.

1) Have to study the Book of Mormon first to find truths

2) After studying the Book of Mormons, you has to take the challenge of testing its truths by asking a demon, pretending to be God, to let you know what is true. by asking a demon that pretends to be God

3) What you think is the Holy Spirit is actually a demon. This demon have power to influence man's will but no power to really convict the will. The demon's power of is mainly seduction. The demon is only able to seduce some people's will and they tend to believe in its lies. However, some people will not be seduced by the demon and refuses to believe its lies.

so God is a demon? Exactly how do you learn truth if it isn't through study and revelation from the Holy Spirit.

was it a demon that revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Son of God?

the bible says to test all things and you say testing the Book of Mormon is demonic? Paul said that you can only learn the things of the Spirit by the Spirit.

I guarantee you that it isn't God encouraging you not to pray about the Book of Mormon. Because the Holy spirit encourages a man to pray in all thing.

or are you really so disbelieving that you don't think God the Father can answer your prayer? You really think praying to Him is to a demon?

your reasoning makes no sense. How is the bible any different? How would you know it is true if you don't ask the Lord? How can you know that Jesus is the Christ without the Spirit of prophesy? And how can you obtain a witness of that Spirit unless exercise faith and ask?

I know by the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus is the Christ and that the Bible and Book of Mormon are true. Do demons now testify of Christ? Do they preach redemption through Jesus Christ? Can a house divides stand?

the Pharisees tried to convince the people that Christ cast out devils by the power of the devil. He didn't find that reasoning very convincing.

when we prophesy of Christ have we obtained they Spirit from a demon? When we heal the sick is that power a gift from the devil? Since when does the devil heal anyone? It's contrary to his nature.

read the Book of Mormon for yourself and you will learn more about Christ than anywhere else.
Compare that to I am, the only true God that revealed Himself through His word:

1) No need to read the Bible first, God's grace alone is sufficient to compel one to know the truth of God.

2) It is by God's grace alone that one is able to see the truths of God and have faith in Jesus Christ. No one can boast that it was through his effort challenging God to reveal truth.

3) God the Holy Spirit has infinite power and infinite control over man and his will. Therefore, the Holy Spirit convicts the saints completely of God's truths.

For who can resist God's will?

thus demonstrating you've never read the Book of Mormon.

who can boast about asking God and receiving an answer? Can you force God to answer you? Or will He answer those who ask as He has promised?
The whole side argument is kind of pointless since there isn't a god in the first place, IMHO. I was just pointing out that, out of all religions, this is one of the few we know to be false. Why is that? It makes, concrete, falsifiable claims. Either there were Jewish Indians fighting massive battles in prehistoric upstate New York or there weren't. Either the Book of Abraham is a record of Abraham's life in Egypt or it's a common pagan Egyptian funerary text. Either there are ruins and artifacts proving those ancient civilizations existed or there aren't any whatsoever for the simple reason that they didn't exist and have never existed outside of the storybook and associated folklore.

We know the true answers to these questions. It's not like normative Christianity, where every falsehood can be rephrased as a metaphor or not central to the core doctrine. It's not like Hinduism, where thousands of different sects have their own, equally valid interpretation of metaphysics and they all leave things like history and science alone. It makes very specific black and white claims about black and white subjects that we know about and can go back and verify. We have done so. Even LDS scholars have done so. The findings have all been negative, or at least "inconclusive" in the case of the latter group. There's a good reason for that. These claims are simply false. It's not an attack or bashing or whatever. It's just the truth. You would have to utterly ignore what we know of the history of the pre-Columbian Americas and of Joseph Smith's life and character to believe otherwise.

no. You think you know. That's the problem. You haven't actually researched the doctrine or talked to the Lord about it. You've just made an assumption based on the premise that there is no God.

Read the Book of Mormon and ask the Lord as Moroni directed. He will keep His promise. But you will never know if you don't try
The whole side argument is kind of pointless since there isn't a god in the first place.

Another moron that can't prove that God doesn't exist. However, he appears to have a lot of faith in his belief that there is no God. Dumbass.

I see no reason for you to assume he I'd a moron simply because he has had different experiences and a different knowledge set then you do. Even if he is, which I doubt, there is no reason to call him that. Christ taught us to love one another. Even when we disagree
The whole side argument is kind of pointless since there isn't a god in the first place, IMHO. I was just pointing out that, out of all religions, this is one of the few we know to be false. Why is that? It makes, concrete, falsifiable claims. Either there were Jewish Indians fighting massive battles in prehistoric upstate New York or there weren't. Either the Book of Abraham is a record of Abraham's life in Egypt or it's a common pagan Egyptian funerary text. Either there are ruins and artifacts proving those ancient civilizations existed or there aren't any whatsoever because they didn't.

We know the true answers to these questions. It's not like normative Christianity, where every falsehood can be rephrased as a metaphor or not central to the core doctrine. It's not like Hinduism, where thousands of different sects have their own, equally valid interpretation of metaphysics and they all leave things like history and science alone. It makes very specific black and white claims about black and white subjects that we can go back and verify. These claims are simply false. It's not an attack or bashing or whatever. It's just the truth. You would have to utterly ignore what we know of the history of the pre-Columbian Americas and of Joseph Smith's life and character to believe otherwise.

The whole history of Mormonism, including Joseph Smith's criminal record, is most often hidden from the followers. This is incredibly easy to do if you look at it as a cult. You have to be able to look quite carefully at the organizational structure and how privacy is dealt with.
This is the missionary manual. You should look at communication with family. You might want to have a good read through starting at about page 20. You want to have a good look at how you are never alone.

one usually doesn't get a criminal record when the charges are dismissed. Considering that Jesus Christ has a criminal record and He had no sin, why would we expect a mere servant of Christ to be flawless?

Gandhi and mlk Jr also had criminal records. And they were actually guilty.
The whole side argument is kind of pointless since there isn't a god in the first place, IMHO. I was just pointing out that, out of all religions, this is one of the few we know to be false. Why is that? It makes, concrete, falsifiable claims. Either there were Jewish Indians fighting massive battles in prehistoric upstate New York or there weren't. Either the Book of Abraham is a record of Abraham's life in Egypt or it's a common pagan Egyptian funerary text. Either there are ruins and artifacts proving those ancient civilizations existed or there aren't any whatsoever because they didn't.

We know the true answers to these questions. It's not like normative Christianity, where every falsehood can be rephrased as a metaphor or not central to the core doctrine. It's not like Hinduism, where thousands of different sects have their own, equally valid interpretation of metaphysics and they all leave things like history and science alone. It makes very specific black and white claims about black and white subjects that we can go back and verify. These claims are simply false. It's not an attack or bashing or whatever. It's just the truth. You would have to utterly ignore what we know of the history of the pre-Columbian Americas and of Joseph Smith's life and character to believe otherwise.

The whole history of Mormonism, including Joseph Smith's criminal record, is most often hidden from the followers. This is incredibly easy to do if you look at it as a cult. You have to be able to look quite carefully at the organizational structure and how privacy is dealt with.
This is the missionary manual. You should look at communication with family. You might want to have a good read through starting at about page 20. You want to have a good look at how you are never alone.

one usually doesn't get a criminal record when the charges are dismissed. Considering that Jesus Christ has a criminal record and He had no sin, why would we expect a mere servant of Christ to be flawless?

Gandhi and mlk Jr also had criminal records. And they were actually guilty.

He was convicted. He's a fraud. I showed it to you. You fled the scene.
"Why do people still follow Mormonism?"

Why do people follow any given religion, they're all equally false.
People follow Mormonism because they believe it to be the true Church of Jesus Christ. They believe Christ is the Savior and the only begotten of the Father in the flesh. They believe that salvation comes only in and through Jesus Christ. They believe that the only authority on earth given to man resides in the priesthood restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. They believe that only through this authority, they can receive the saving ordinances of the gospel.
I reply to these people too but be forewarned, they will not change their opinions or beliefs. Most will attack you and make outrageous claims.

with faith anything is possible
The whole side argument is kind of pointless since there isn't a god in the first place, IMHO. I was just pointing out that, out of all religions, this is one of the few we know to be false. Why is that? It makes, concrete, falsifiable claims. Either there were Jewish Indians fighting massive battles in prehistoric upstate New York or there weren't. Either the Book of Abraham is a record of Abraham's life in Egypt or it's a common pagan Egyptian funerary text. Either there are ruins and artifacts proving those ancient civilizations existed or there aren't any whatsoever because they didn't.

We know the true answers to these questions. It's not like normative Christianity, where every falsehood can be rephrased as a metaphor or not central to the core doctrine. It's not like Hinduism, where thousands of different sects have their own, equally valid interpretation of metaphysics and they all leave things like history and science alone. It makes very specific black and white claims about black and white subjects that we can go back and verify. These claims are simply false. It's not an attack or bashing or whatever. It's just the truth. You would have to utterly ignore what we know of the history of the pre-Columbian Americas and of Joseph Smith's life and character to believe otherwise.

The whole history of Mormonism, including Joseph Smith's criminal record, is most often hidden from the followers. This is incredibly easy to do if you look at it as a cult. You have to be able to look quite carefully at the organizational structure and how privacy is dealt with.
This is the missionary manual. You should look at communication with family. You might want to have a good read through starting at about page 20. You want to have a good look at how you are never alone.

one usually doesn't get a criminal record when the charges are dismissed. Considering that Jesus Christ has a criminal record and He had no sin, why would we expect a mere servant of Christ to be flawless?

Gandhi and mlk Jr also had criminal records. And they were actually guilty.

He was convicted. He's a fraud. I showed it to you. You fled the scene.

he was repeatedly exonerated. The doctrine is true. Which is why you have to attack the messenger
He was convicted. He's a fraud. I showed it to you. You fled the scene.

Joseph Smith aside. A member of the LDS faith has never tried to con me. They are fine models of the love of Christ and service to God and one another. Whoever Joseph Smith may or may not have been, those of the LDS faith whom I have met I have seen being exemplary disciples of Christ when it comes to, "See how they love one another..."

I will argue some LDS teachings with the best, but I haven't a doubt in the world they are my brothers and sisters in Christ.
because they've actually studied the Book of Mormon and taken the challenge to ask the Lord whether it's true. When the Lord tells you it is by the Holy Spirit, you tend to believe it. Makes it much easier to see through the caricature presented by those who dont understand the doctrine of Christ

You're pretty much admitting that the Book of Mormon is false and teaches false doctrines.

1) Have to study the Book of Mormon first to find truths

2) After studying the Book of Mormons, you has to take the challenge of testing its truths by asking a demon, pretending to be God, to let you know what is true. by asking a demon that pretends to be God

3) What you think is the Holy Spirit is actually a demon. This demon have power to influence man's will but no power to really convict the will. The demon's power of is mainly seduction. The demon is only able to seduce some people's will and they tend to believe in its lies. However, some people will not be seduced by the demon and refuses to believe its lies.

so God is a demon? Exactly how do you learn truth if it isn't through study and revelation from the Holy Spirit.

was it a demon that revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Son of God?

the bible says to test all things and you say testing the Book of Mormon is demonic? Paul said that you can only learn the things of the Spirit by the Spirit.

I guarantee you that it isn't God encouraging you not to pray about the Book of Mormon. Because the Holy spirit encourages a man to pray in all thing.

or are you really so disbelieving that you don't think God the Father can answer your prayer? You really think praying to Him is to a demon?

your reasoning makes no sense. How is the bible any different? How would you know it is true if you don't ask the Lord? How can you know that Jesus is the Christ without the Spirit of prophesy? And how can you obtain a witness of that Spirit unless exercise faith and ask?

I know by the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus is the Christ and that the Bible and Book of Mormon are true. Do demons now testify of Christ? Do they preach redemption through Jesus Christ? Can a house divides stand?

the Pharisees tried to convince the people that Christ cast out devils by the power of the devil. He didn't find that reasoning very convincing.

when we prophesy of Christ have we obtained they Spirit from a demon? When we heal the sick is that power a gift from the devil? Since when does the devil heal anyone? It's contrary to his nature.

read the Book of Mormon for yourself and you will learn more about Christ than anywhere else.

Yep. There are many anti-Christs and I believe the Book of Mormon teaches the worship of a false Christ.

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