Why do people support Trump?

If they had no reason to go back to work with temporary benefits in mind then they are morons. You’re basically saying millions of people are all morons.

Moron? No, those were the smart ones. They made more money staying home than working. Only a stupid person would go to work 40 hours a week to make less money than sitting home in front of the big screen.
So even in the context where they lose their jobs against their will in a recession, you’re saying they are lazy for getting temporary emergency benefits? You do know that one doesn’t even qualify for unemployment if they willingly leave their job right? I get that this assumption they are all freeloaders makes you feel manly and superior in comparison simply because you are employed but it isn’t based in reality.
There are jobs everywhere. Get off your lazy asses and go to work
Moron? No, those were the smart ones. They made more money staying home than working. Only a stupid person would go to work 40 hours a week to make less money than sitting home in front of the big screen.
Exactly. Burger flippers got more sittinf on their asses than working
Moron? No, those were the smart ones. They made more money staying home than working. Only a stupid person would go to work 40 hours a week to make less money than sitting home in front of the big screen.
I think we both you’re conveniently trying to ignore the critical fact that these benefits are temporary so that your original perception helps you feel manly and superior in comparison.
I think we both you’re conveniently trying to ignore the critical fact that these benefits are temporary so that your original perception helps you feel manly and superior in comparison.
I think americans need ti go to work or freaking starve.

Time to cut them off the federal tit
There are jobs everywhere. Get off your lazy asses and go to work
How are you people this dense? Lol good god. Well see during the recession, that isn’t the case. But either way, them losing their jobs does not somehow mean they aren’t looking for a new one.

I think we both you’re conveniently trying to ignore the critical fact that these benefits are temporary so that your original perception helps you feel manly and superior in comparison.

They were temporary, but nearly a year of free paid vacation can make just about anybody lazy and look for ways not to return to work. How else could you explain our labor shortage?
I think we both you’re conveniently trying to ignore the critical fact that these benefits are temporary so that your original perception helps you feel manly and superior in comparison.
I think americans need ti go to work or freaking starve.

Time to cut them off the federal
How are you people this dense? Lol good god. Well see during the recession, that isn’t the case. But either way, them losing their jobs does not somehow mean they aren’t looking for a new one.

Bs Right now anyone not working is a lazy ass fuck
They were temporary, but nearly a year of free paid vacation can make just about anybody lazy and look for ways not to return to work. How else could you explain our labor shortage?
But you have this perception about the benefits in any scenario. It’s just bewildering to me how you can’t examine the most basic special circumstances lol. If the economy is closed, the economy is closed. People might ans well not starve for the time being. Also the unemployment rate is at a 50 year low so your logic does not hold water.
Nobody is hiring them. This is a fantasy to think they are here working and filling jobs. There are still open jobs everywhere, they aren’t taking them. They of course can’t take many of them, as they have no skills, speak no English, and have no education. They are just here to collect welfare and use fake SS numbers to steal SS checks.

You're irrational.
So sad, huge lack of conversation on bills presented, what's in them, or how they were voted on. Instead what I hear is Hate filled personal negatives & minor items, Items that side track us from working on important issues, are in sorry need of being looked at in a NON PROPAGANDA way, When hate reigns thinking clearly go's out the window.
Yes insurrection


You dumbfuck, a "building" is NOT the "seat of our government."

You're a tard. He worked out of Mar-A-Lago; Of course there were classified documents there.
Also Secret Service keeping the place secure and a built SCIF; But you keep on buying the bullshit from the wannabe Nazis, k? You do know they already abandoned the line of Trump attack that you are currently pursuing, tight?
You must have missed that email blast. Now it's uhh..that Trump coordinated the January 6 mini-riot. (that they are calling insurrection when it was really just invoking the 1st amendment)
Ludicrous at 1st thought, and even more ludicrous in reality.

He took them to Mar-a-Lago when he left office. He was no longer working in the capacity of the president.
Duh, we have come to hate the Democrats just as the world learned to hate the Nazi's. Both aspire to RULE WITH AN IRON FIST forcing the people to OBEY. Fortunately we are Americans we love our freedom. We say FU Democrats eat piss and shit.

Hitler's Nazis purged the German government of socialists, communists, Jews and Democrats in 1933. Education might help you.
How about the entire truth which is this reporter attacked Trump first for his account of people celebrating 911 in the streets of New Jersey.

As I told you about this before, Trump seldom draws first blood. A person needs to do something to Trump first for Trump to warrant a counter attack. If somebody calls Trump a liar (which this reporter did even though he wasn't there) then yes, Trump will crawl down your throat with everything he has.

Trump lied about what he saw in New Jersey and regardless, that didn't make it open season for a presidential candidate to mock someone's disability.

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