Why do people support Trump?

Trump lied about what he saw in New Jersey and regardless, that didn't make it open season for a presidential candidate to mock someone's disability.

Trump is basically a lowlife crook.. I think the Trumpies admire that .. Trump thinks decency and honor are for suckers and losers.
So sad, huge lack of conversation on bills presented, what's in them, or how they were voted on. Instead what I hear is Hate filled personal negatives & minor items, Items that side track us from working on important issues, are in sorry need of being looked at in a NON PROPAGANDA way, When hate reigns thinking clearly go's out the window.

Yep, and hate is what gave us Biden. Our country is in terrible shape because the voters are stupid. They vote for candidates based on personality instead of records of accomplishment. Our electoral process turned into the American Idol contest.
Policies and results. That’s it.

How is it that you Trump haters suddenly had a problem with his lack of Military service (see Clinton, Obama), his treatment of women (see Clinton, Biden), and his company’s treatment of Blacks (have you heard Biden’s comments over the years to Blacks and about Blacks and other non-whites)?

To top it off, you never had issue with Trump when he was donating to Democrats until he decided he wanted to be President when Hillary decided she wanted to be President ( a candidate who was second to Obama and Bernie for most of You).
Locata has shit on his face I’m embarrassment.lol
Oh gosh, you seem to have forgotten to include your reliable source and working link supporting your allegation that there were more illegal immigrants crossing our Southern border under President Bush.

Illegal immigration soars under Biden to third-highest in 97 years

Anna Giaritelli
October 22, 2021


Migrant border crossings in fiscal year 2022 topped 2.76 million, breaking previous record

The 2022 numbers were driven in part by increases in the number of Venezuelans, Cubans and Nicaraguans making the trek north.

Oct. 22, 2022, 11:26 AM EDT
By Julia Ainsley
The number of undocumented immigrant crossings at the southwest border for fiscal year 2022 topped 2.76 million, breaking the previous annual record by more than 1 million, according to Customs and Border Protection data.

Billyboy got his ass handed to him on a platter Markle :abgg2q.jpg:
But you have this perception about the benefits in any scenario. It’s just bewildering to me how you can’t examine the most basic special circumstances lol. If the economy is closed, the economy is closed. People might ans well not starve for the time being. Also the unemployment rate is at a 50 year low so your logic does not hold water.

I never said every single American, but enough to give us a labor shortage. Look, I know. I went on unemployment about 30 some years ago. I stayed on it to make my former employers insurance go up because he Fd me. When I ran out of benefits, I had no desire to go back to work. I loved being home. I loved drinking all night, having fires in my backyard fireplace, my closest friend at the time wasn't working either. He was over nearly every night and we had cookouts when it wasn't raining. It was fantastic.

My first day back at a new job was pure hell. The day dragged on like it was a week. I couldn't wait to get back home. It took me several months to get back into the swing of working life again. It can happen to anybody.
Lawless? What trump and his clan did on January 6 was lawless beyond beyond belief. Notice that nothing happened to trump yet but most of the dumb shits that followed his lead got payback in the form of prison time.
Let me guess dumbass,you think biden is NOT lawless? :laughing0301:
Really,wow all these years never knew that.a mistake many here many make is they think candyass cause of the word candy,that candyass is a she but not true at all,candyass is a dude,you knew thst I assume.?

Not really, I thought it was a she as well. I can't imagine a guy making a screen name like that for himself.
Lawless? What trump and his clan did on January 6 was lawless beyond beyond belief. Notice that nothing happened to trump yet but most of the dumb shits that followed his lead got payback in the form of prison time.
Trollboy Jason here who does not want to talk about the lawless of biden also fails to mention that the fbi disguised themselves as trump supporters and along with antifa were behind the lawlessness not trump.
Not really, I thought it was a she as well. I can't imagine a guy making a screen name like that for himself.
I can’t believe all this time you thought he was a she.No he just likes that kind of candy is why he uses that username.considering his lunatic ramblings does it really surprise you a dude as pathetic as him would choose a user name like that. :laughing0301: If the name just said candy I would have thought he was a girl as well but I always knew better.
supposedly mamooth is a guy too!! the guy with a pussy cat on his avatar. hahaahahahahahahaahhaha looks like demofks in here are indeed women at heart.

Now that one I could have swore claimed to be a female when correcting somebody. Ah, who knows.

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