Why do people support Trump?


You dumbfuck, a "building" is NOT the "seat of our government."

Dumb fuck a federal building is an extension of that very thing. Stop showing your damn ignorence.
Dumb fuck a federal building is an extension of that very thing. Stop showing your damn ignorence.

Dumbfuck, the seat of our government creates laws. Buildings do not. Dayum, you're so ignorant you can't even spell ignorance.

But there is no evidence whatsoever he actually declassified them you idiot. Him having the power does not mean there isn’t a specific process with paperwork. He’s lying to you you dumbass lol. He didn’t declassify shit. Hell his lawyers aren’t even making a case that he did. They know if they did, they would need to provide evidence. Evidence that doesn’t exist.

And classified or not, he didn’t have the legal authority to STEAL those documents.
They were the president's documents, you fucktard.
Umm yeah that’s always been a thing.
I know you blindly believe anything Trump says, but for once you need to think for yourself.
Yeah, I've seen a lot of things that have happened throughout American history. You're barking up the wrong tree, dumbass.
Uh no he alone is telling you that and you believe literally anything he tells you lol
Well let's take the facts into consideration then.
A) They were at his home office
B) They didn't get there by fucking Osmosis, somebody sent them there
C) He was president and privy to presidential documents
D) The president is the ultimate arbiter of what is classified or not.
E) You are a TDS deranged moron, seek help
Well let's take the facts into consideration then.
A) They were at his home office
B) They didn't get there by fucking Osmosis, somebody sent them there
C) He was president and privy to presidential documents
D) The president is the ultimate arbiter of what is classified or not.
E) You are a TDS deranged moron, seek help

And F) President Trump's declassification policy was any document that leaves the oval office is automatically declassified.
Post the law which states that...

18 U.S. Code § 1752 - Restricted building or grounds​

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knowingly enters or remains in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so;
knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such proximity to, any restricted building or grounds when, or so that, such conduct, in fact, impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions;
knowingly, and with the intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, obstructs or impedes ingress or egress to or from any restricted building or grounds; or [1]
knowingly engages in any act of physical violence against any person or property in any restricted building or grounds; [2]
knowingly and willfully operates an unmanned aircraft system with the intent to knowingly and willfully direct or otherwise cause such unmanned aircraft system to enter or operate within or above a restricted building or grounds;
or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

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