Why Do People Support Trump?

No, I'm asking you (and bripat) to do it, since you're the ones claiming that it's as simple as "enforcing the law". If it's so simple, it shouldn't be hard.
Why is it our job to prove a negative?

Providing me with the law that you are claiming should be enforced, but is not is not asking you to "proving a negative", it's asking you to back up your claim. Stating that there is a "simple" solution to immigration, and that is enforcing the "law" is not a negative claim, it's a positive one.

You are the one who has said this is "simple", but now it appears that you can't even tell me which laws should be enforced?
Let's make this easy to comprehend. Any law regulating immigration into the US, including the punishments for breaching that process.

You're not getting it.

It's not "easy to comprehend". There are countless laws, each saying different things, many of them contradictory.

That's my point - and the fact that you still can't actually provide the laws that you think should be enforced is kind of proving it.

There are no laws that say foreigners can reside in this country without a valid visa.


The laws in this country don't specific what people can do, they specify what they can't do.
Who will make it better?

In a democracy, things are fixed very slowly sometimes, as you have a large portion of the nation that does not want it fixed, they are happy the way it is. Now is Trump promising to fix the things he decides to fix no matter what the people want?
I just don't want him kissing my boo-boo.

Well I think you are underestimating the portion that want it fixed compared to those that want it to remain the same, and you are seeing the effect of ignoring them. When people are ignored they become desperate and don't care, they want change and will deviate from the norm to try and achieve it.

What is the "it" that you (and this portion of the population you claim to speak for) want "fixed"?

Be specific.
Standard of living has been declining in many areas for some time. Do you deny this?

You'll have to be more specific than that. What do you mean by "standard of living"? In what "areas" is it declining?

The part that's declining is the part that appears on your paycheck, doofus.
Why is it our job to prove a negative?

Providing me with the law that you are claiming should be enforced, but is not is not asking you to "proving a negative", it's asking you to back up your claim. Stating that there is a "simple" solution to immigration, and that is enforcing the "law" is not a negative claim, it's a positive one.

You are the one who has said this is "simple", but now it appears that you can't even tell me which laws should be enforced?
Let's make this easy to comprehend. Any law regulating immigration into the US, including the punishments for breaching that process.

You're not getting it.

It's not "easy to comprehend". There are countless laws, each saying different things, many of them contradictory.

That's my point - and the fact that you still can't actually provide the laws that you think should be enforced is kind of proving it.

There are no laws that say foreigners can reside in this country without a valid visa.


The laws in this country don't specific what people can do, they specify what they can't do.

Yep, and they say foreigners cannot remain in this country without a legally valid visa.
In a democracy, things are fixed very slowly sometimes, as you have a large portion of the nation that does not want it fixed, they are happy the way it is. Now is Trump promising to fix the things he decides to fix no matter what the people want?
I just don't want him kissing my boo-boo.

Well I think you are underestimating the portion that want it fixed compared to those that want it to remain the same, and you are seeing the effect of ignoring them. When people are ignored they become desperate and don't care, they want change and will deviate from the norm to try and achieve it.

What is the "it" that you (and this portion of the population you claim to speak for) want "fixed"?

Be specific.
Standard of living has been declining in many areas for some time. Do you deny this?

You'll have to be more specific than that. What do you mean by "standard of living"? In what "areas" is it declining?

The part that's declining is the part that appears on your paycheck, doofus.

Speak for yourself, clown. My paychecks have gone up the last few years - maybe you should be working harder?
Providing me with the law that you are claiming should be enforced, but is not is not asking you to "proving a negative", it's asking you to back up your claim. Stating that there is a "simple" solution to immigration, and that is enforcing the "law" is not a negative claim, it's a positive one.

You are the one who has said this is "simple", but now it appears that you can't even tell me which laws should be enforced?
Let's make this easy to comprehend. Any law regulating immigration into the US, including the punishments for breaching that process.

You're not getting it.

It's not "easy to comprehend". There are countless laws, each saying different things, many of them contradictory.

That's my point - and the fact that you still can't actually provide the laws that you think should be enforced is kind of proving it.

There are no laws that say foreigners can reside in this country without a valid visa.


The laws in this country don't specific what people can do, they specify what they can't do.

Yep, and they say foreigners cannot remain in this country without a legally valid visa.

Which law says that? Link?
Who will make it better?

In a democracy, things are fixed very slowly sometimes, as you have a large portion of the nation that does not want it fixed, they are happy the way it is. Now is Trump promising to fix the things he decides to fix no matter what the people want?
I just don't want him kissing my boo-boo.

Well I think you are underestimating the portion that want it fixed compared to those that want it to remain the same, and you are seeing the effect of ignoring them. When people are ignored they become desperate and don't care, they want change and will deviate from the norm to try and achieve it.

What is the "it" that you (and this portion of the population you claim to speak for) want "fixed"?

Be specific.
Standard of living has been declining in many areas for some time. Do you deny this?

You'll have to be more specific than that. What do you mean by "standard of living"? In what "areas" is it declining?
Wages not keeping up with inflation, good paying jobs outsourced, health care costs rising more than inflation, college costs rising more than inflation, debt is now big business for people trying to keep up with higher interest rates than were allowed previously, etc.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

I don't support Trump. I think he's a blowhard and a jackass. I don't care if he is a secret Liberal in his heart. I can no more support his ridiculous run than I can support Hillary's. If they are the candidates, I will stay home.

If you are happy with the way things are going then definitely vote for more of the same. Trump is different. He isn't owned by anyone. He say's the things we all think but all outer politicians are afraid to say. He has made a fortune making the right decisions and putting the right people in the right positions. If he even tries to do what he say's he will be the best president since Eisenhower. If you look back at the last few presidents yuo'll notice they have all been pretty much the same. Bush1, Clinton, Bush2, obama all gave you bigger government and less freedom. They all campaign saying all the right things but none of them do what they say. Trump is not a politician, he is a businessman and a good one at that. Sure he has had some failures but anyone that creates that many businesses and creates that many jobs will have will have a loss occasionally.. The thing about most politicians is they never created a job or company, they only thing they ever did is run for office then pay back the supporters that own them. Trump is differnt and we need something differnt.
So Bush etc campaigned on saying the right things but didnt do them.
Trump is campaigning on saying the right things and you think he'll actually do them?
Just how fucking stupid are you? HE isnt even saying the right things. He isnt talking about the Constitution, or cutting gov't spending, or anything. He's talking about war crimes and expanding government.
Just how fucking stupid are you, again?

Well I think you are underestimating the portion that want it fixed compared to those that want it to remain the same, and you are seeing the effect of ignoring them. When people are ignored they become desperate and don't care, they want change and will deviate from the norm to try and achieve it.

What is the "it" that you (and this portion of the population you claim to speak for) want "fixed"?

Be specific.
Standard of living has been declining in many areas for some time. Do you deny this?

You'll have to be more specific than that. What do you mean by "standard of living"? In what "areas" is it declining?

The part that's declining is the part that appears on your paycheck, doofus.

Speak for yourself, clown. My paychecks have gone up the last few years - maybe you should be working harder?

Official government statistics show American wages have been stagnant for decades.

Why do you even bother contesting this shit? Your side is the one that is constantly harping on the fact.
Let's make this easy to comprehend. Any law regulating immigration into the US, including the punishments for breaching that process.

You're not getting it.

It's not "easy to comprehend". There are countless laws, each saying different things, many of them contradictory.

That's my point - and the fact that you still can't actually provide the laws that you think should be enforced is kind of proving it.

There are no laws that say foreigners can reside in this country without a valid visa.


The laws in this country don't specific what people can do, they specify what they can't do.

Yep, and they say foreigners cannot remain in this country without a legally valid visa.

Which law says that? Link?

Oh puhleeze. I'm not going to waste my time whether it's legal for illegals to remain in this country.
People who love the country support Trump. I support him mostly because he is the only candidate who isnt bought and paid for. I also support him because almost every politician of both parties who have run up a 20 trillion debt and gotten thousands of american soldiers butchered and maimed for nothing hate him. I support him because he stands strong after more than a billion dollars has been spent against him and 55,000 negative ads run against him.
That is absolutely not an answer or explanation.
Bernie Sanders is not bought and paid for either. In fact his supporters tout that as the reason they support him.

Good for them. I also agree with bernie that its time big money is expunged from politics. I once supported the citizens united decision but i now see it as the billionaires control of politics decision.

I also support Trump because he helps so many people and because illegal trash wave the mexican flag and break laws and beat up people.

Specifically, how would you, staying within the Constitution, expunge big money from politics?
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.

Which laws?

Be specific, and cite the parts of federal criminal code that you're referring to.

Let's begin with this one, which states plainly the process by which aliens are granted citizenship to the US.

8 U.S. Code § 1181 - Admission of immigrants into the United States

This one should have kept the illegal immigrant who killed Kate Steinle from entering the US. But nope. Sanctuary cities.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

And this one

8 U.S. Code § 1227 - Deportable aliens

Or this one

8 U.S. Code § 1231 - Detention and removal of aliens ordered removed

Or this one

8 U.S. Code § 1302 - Registration of aliens

And this one

8 U.S. Code § 1321 - Prevention of unauthorized landing of aliens

And this one

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

Or this one

8 U.S. Code § 1326 - Reentry of removed aliens
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

There is a slight flaw in your premise when you ask, "Why do people support Trump?" People don't support Trump. Republicans support Trump.

Trump is a criminal and Republican voters love criminals.

Trump is a womanizer and Republicans support womanizers.

Trump is pretending he hates Mexican and Republicans hate Mexicans.

Sure Trump is for single payer and proper regulation of the medical industry and Republican voters think that they are supposed to hate that but they do what they do best and ignore all of Trump's correct and liberal positions because they hate is a very powerful motivator for GOP voters.

You do enjoy crazy posts don't you?

Specifically, how is Donald Trump a criminal? As you well know, Democrats consider criminal records to be a resume enhancement. Should we mention Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton? And the list goes on, and on, and on.

Womanizer? You're joking are you not? Hillary Clinton has worked for decades as head of the Bill Clinton Bimbo Eruption Committee. You probably weren't born yet, but then, going way back, there was JFK.

Why would you lie about Republicans hating Mexicans? Oh...that's right, that's your only pitch.
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.

Which laws?

Be specific, and cite the parts of federal criminal code that you're referring to.

Let's begin with this one, which states plainly the process by which aliens are granted citizenship to the US.

8 U.S. Code § 1181 - Admission of immigrants into the United States

This one should have kept the illegal immigrant who killed Kate Steinle from entering the US. But nope. Sanctuary cities.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

And this one

8 U.S. Code § 1227 - Deportable aliens

Or this one

8 U.S. Code § 1231 - Detention and removal of aliens ordered removed

Or this one

8 U.S. Code § 1302 - Registration of aliens

And this one

8 U.S. Code § 1321 - Prevention of unauthorized landing of aliens

And this one

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

Or this one

8 U.S. Code § 1326 - Reentry of removed aliens

Ok, good. Now we've got some laws to work with. Now, all you have to do is show which ones aren't being enforced.

Let's take Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez (the suspected murderer of Kate Steinle) as an example.

Which of those laws do you believe were not enforced?
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.
Obama--Hope and Change
Trump-Make America Great Again

Two sides of the same coin.

Only one is an establishment whore.

That might be the most unintentionally hilarious statement ever made in this message board.

Explain yourself.

You don't think a man who inherited $100 million dollars and has spent his whole life hobnobbing with the elites in Palm Beach and Manhattan - who has, by his own admission, used his money to influence politics - is an "establishment whore"?
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.
Obama--Hope and Change
Trump-Make America Great Again

Two sides of the same coin.

Only one is an establishment whore.

That might be the most unintentionally hilarious statement ever made in this message board.

Explain yourself.

You don't think a man who inherited $100 million dollars and has spent his whole life hobnobbing with the elites in Palm Beach and Manhattan - who has, by his own admission, used his money to influence politics - is an "establishment whore"?

Can he be bought? It's one thing to buy influence,it's another to be bought.

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