Why Do People Support Trump?

Trump is like a daddy to a small child, he will fix things and make all better again. I have a feeling, however, that kissing our boo-boo is not going to make it better. Maybe I got too old for that stuff?

Who will make it better?

In a democracy, things are fixed very slowly sometimes, as you have a large portion of the nation that does not want it fixed, they are happy the way it is. Now is Trump promising to fix the things he decides to fix no matter what the people want?
I just don't want him kissing my boo-boo.
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

Ignorant huh? I'm offended.

I voted for the man and I'm FAR from ignorant. Most of the so called "solutions" taken by our legislators have been too complex. Trying to apply complex solutions to simple problems. That is bound to fail.

And so we're ignorant because we want a more direct approach to policy? This is quite infuriating to be looked down on as ignorant for supporting someone like Trump.

Not all of us are blind fools or mindless automatons. Yes, we're angry, for far more complicated reasons. Perhaps that's why so many of us support him, because people take such elitist attitudes towards who we support. It may not even matter why we support the man, there will always be people looking down their noses at us calling us ignorant.

I didn't say that everyone who voted for Trump was ignorant, I said that populism appeals to the ignorant.

As for what you said - there's no such thing as a "simple" problem, and that's the whole point. Trump isn't offering a "direct" approach to policy, he's literally offering an ignorant approach to policy - an approach to policy that just doesn't understand how the world works.

There is no simple solution to immigration, it's a complicated problem. There is no simple solution to terrorism, it's a complicated problem. There is no simple solution to "bringing jobs back to America", it's a complicated problem. There's no simple solution to trade policy, it's a complicated problem.

And so on.

Immigration is a political football. They are welcome by both parties because they drive down the cost of labor.

The fact is, Obama has done more to stop illegal immigration than any other president. Trump claims he will do more but it's all BS.
People support Trump because many have seen their standard of living plummet and realize most republicans are part of the problem. Trump's message about layoffs and jobs to China resonates with a lot of people who have had that happen to them and have been ignored by most politicians as they face hardships.

People are supporting him because they know every other politician will sell them out, are sick of it and desperate for good paying jobs, and he represents a change from that whether he can get it done or not.

The standard of living has been going down the tube for almost four decades and your hero Trump, has contributed to the problem by offshoring his apparel while American clothing facilities sit idle.
I swear, Trump supporters are so ill-informed they qualify as dumb-fucks.
I am not a Trump supporter I am a Sanders supporter. I am pointing out why people support Trump besides his "politically incorrect" stances and inexperience and I don't blame them. I understand them even though their politics is to the right of mine. Why do you think Sanders has had so much support out of nowhere? Many who lean left are not "hardcore liberals" on social issues and want the Democratic party to change from being sell outs as well. Democrats used to be the party for workers, no longer. Now just left social issues and pro big business. I don't agree with some of Sanders' positions but will support him over "new democrat" Hillary every time because the party needs to change.

People of ANY political persuasion are sick of being sold out and are making their voices heard. They don't care about experience or too this or that. This will continue no matter who is elected until things change. This will continue until conditions improve, whether it is a right or left strategy. People need good paying jobs.

I think it's high time that Democrats do lash out at their party just like we Republicans. I wish Sanders was in first place to be honest.

And it's not because I hope Democrats are siding with Socialism over capitalism, it's because to show their party they are sick of the status quo.

For as many people that "claim" they are sick of professional politicians, they certainly support them come election time.
I think you will find most Sanders supporters aren't hardcore socialists and are pro capitalism, but they do want socialised healthcare and more regulations on financial institutions which I'm sure you disagree with. What I think we can agree with is that politics has become far too corrupt with money and that both democrats and republicans are complicit in it, and they both have sold out the common man/middle class. And yes, regulations are part of the problem too when they are used politically to pick winners and losers and not the way they were intended.
I didn't say that everyone who voted for Trump was ignorant, I said that populism appeals to the ignorant

I disagree.

If we voted for Trump, his message must have appealed to us in some sort of way. If such a populist message appeals to the ignorant, then by that merit so are we. That's what I would think to be using a broad brush.

As for what you said - there's no such thing as a "simple" problem, and that's the whole point.

That's all in the eye of the beholder. Problems are only complicated if you make them complicated. There's also no such thing as "all problems are complicated" either. If I have a runny nose, I have two choices, wipe it with my arm, or use a Kleenex. If I've cut my arm, I can either ignore it and risk infection, or I can apply a bandage. Not all problems require a complicated response.

There is no simple solution to immigration, it's a complicated problem.

Not really. It's real simple. Keep the illegals out and enforce our immigration laws. Stress the legal way to immigrate. Let's stop ignoring the law and enforce it. If we did that, there would be no need for Trump's wall.

. There is no simple solution to terrorism, it's a complicated problem.

No. It's not.

Killing them is the most efficient solution. If you see terrorism as a threat, you eliminate it. If anything is a threat to you, you'll seek the most efficient way to end it. Take the human immune response to diseases, for example.

There is no simple solution to "bringing jobs back to America", it's a complicated problem.

Actually, we can tie that into our immigration problem. Stop letting illegal immigrants flow across our border. You heard what happened with Disney's IT workers, right? The H1-B visa program is flawed, and it essentially gives American jobs to foreign workers, who, on top of all that, aren't even citizens of the United States. If you want to bring jobs back to America, stop giving them away to foreigners. Citizenship should be non negotiable prerequisite for attaining any type of gainful employment in the US. Period.

There's no simple solution to trade policy, it's a complicated problem.

Easy, stop going into debt with foreign countries. Poof, trade deficit gone.
Trump is like a daddy to a small child, he will fix things and make all better again. I have a feeling, however, that kissing our boo-boo is not going to make it better. Maybe I got too old for that stuff?

If you want little kids with boo-boos, look at our college kids today. They need a safe space from chalk. So, dispense with the comparison, please? Regent?

Now now. Weren't you just complaining about broad-brushing?

Knock it off, not tonight.
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

Ignorant huh? I'm offended.

I voted for the man and I'm FAR from ignorant. Most of the so called "solutions" taken by our legislators have been too complex. Trying to apply complex solutions to simple problems. That is bound to fail.

And so we're ignorant because we want a more direct approach to policy? This is quite infuriating to be looked down on as ignorant for supporting someone like Trump.

Not all of us are blind fools or mindless automatons. Yes, we're angry, for far more complicated reasons. Perhaps that's why so many of us support him, because people take such elitist attitudes towards who we support. It may not even matter why we support the man, there will always be people looking down their noses at us calling us ignorant.

I didn't say that everyone who voted for Trump was ignorant, I said that populism appeals to the ignorant.

As for what you said - there's no such thing as a "simple" problem, and that's the whole point. Trump isn't offering a "direct" approach to policy, he's literally offering an ignorant approach to policy - an approach to policy that just doesn't understand how the world works.

There is no simple solution to immigration, it's a complicated problem. There is no simple solution to terrorism, it's a complicated problem. There is no simple solution to "bringing jobs back to America", it's a complicated problem. There's no simple solution to trade policy, it's a complicated problem.

And so on.
------------------------------------ immigration is not a complex problem , stop immigration and the problem is solved Doctor . Kill the terrorists whenever you run into them and those particular terrorists are done away with Doctor . America first in trade is the way to go Doctor .
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.

Which laws?

Be specific, and cite the parts of federal criminal code that you're referring to.
Find the laws in the US Code regarding the punishments and penalties for those entering illegally. Those laws.
Because Americans are sadistic and want to see a bloodbath between the 2 most polarizing figures in the country, (sorry Obama your times almost expired) Clinton+ Trump nobody else! which is the way it should be , only 2 people running for the job of running the free World, it will be ugly with a LOT of low blows..

Clinton will kick his ass she's smarter, more devious/slick, more experienced working in Government, with the strength of the Democratic party by her side, Trump is hated by most of the Assholes in his own party..

The Demographics will kill Trump, in 2012 Romney won white Women and still lost the election by 6 Million votes, Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, Jews hate Trump, the only dumb shits voting for that Orange Orangutan are stupid Whites most which can't read write, get their cheap tattoos at Wal Mart , and blame the Government because they grew old , dumb , stupid, poor, because of their lack of social skills..
I didn't say that everyone who voted for Trump was ignorant, I said that populism appeals to the ignorant

I disagree.

If we voted for Trump, his message must have appealed to us in some sort of way. If such a populist message appeals to the ignorant, then by that merit so are we. That's what I would think to be using a broad brush.

As for what you said - there's no such thing as a "simple" problem, and that's the whole point.

That's all in the eye of the beholder. Problems are only complicated if you make them complicated. There's also no such thing as "all problems are complicated" either. If I have a runny nose, I have two choices, wipe it with my arm, or use a Kleenex. If I've cut my arm, I can either ignore it and risk infection, or I can apply a bandage. Not all problems require a complicated response.

There is no simple solution to immigration, it's a complicated problem.

Not really. It's real simple. Keep the illegals out and enforce our immigration laws. Stress the legal way to immigrate. Let's stop ignoring the law and enforce it. If we did that, there would be no need for Trump's wall.

. There is no simple solution to terrorism, it's a complicated problem.

No. It's not.

Killing them is the most efficient solution. If you see terrorism as a threat, you eliminate it. If anything is a threat to you, you'll seek the most efficient way to end it. Take the human immune response to diseases, for example.

There is no simple solution to "bringing jobs back to America", it's a complicated problem.

Actually, we can tie that into our immigration problem. Stop letting illegal immigrants flow across our border. You heard what happened with Disney's IT workers, right? The H1-B visa program is flawed, and it essentially gives American jobs to foreign workers, who, on top of all that, aren't even citizens of the United States. If you want to bring jobs back to America, stop giving them away to foreigners. Citizenship should be non negotiable prerequisite for attaining any type of gainful employment in the US. Period.

There's no simple solution to trade policy, it's a complicated problem.

Easy, stop going into debt with foreign countries. Poof, trade deficit gone.

All of this is nonsense. I like you TK, but this is all bullshit. None of your one-liner talking points have any basis in reality.

For immigration: Which laws should we be enforcing that we're ? Be specific, cite the legal codes.

For terrorism: Who should we kill? Again, be specific - and tell me how killing those people will "eliminate" terrorism.

For jobs: You're repeating jingoistic nonsense that you've been fed. The H1-B visa accounts for about half a percent of the total number of tech jobs in this country, and there are still more vacancies then there are applicants for those jobs. Lashing out at "foreigners" isn't going to get you a job - you've just bought into the boogeyman that Trump is selling you.

And last, but not least, Trade: A trade deficit has nothing to do with debt, so your answer doesn't even make sense. But before we even get into that, tell me something: How is a trade deficit "bad"? Again, be specific.
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.

Which laws?

Be specific, and cite the parts of federal criminal code that you're referring to.
Find the laws in the US Code regarding the punishments and penalties for those entering illegally. Those laws.

No, I'm asking you (and bripat) to do it, since you're the ones claiming that it's as simple as "enforcing the law". If it's so simple, it shouldn't be hard.
Trump is like a daddy to a small child, he will fix things and make all better again. I have a feeling, however, that kissing our boo-boo is not going to make it better. Maybe I got too old for that stuff?

Who will make it better?

In a democracy, things are fixed very slowly sometimes, as you have a large portion of the nation that does not want it fixed, they are happy the way it is. Now is Trump promising to fix the things he decides to fix no matter what the people want?
I just don't want him kissing my boo-boo.

Well I think you are underestimating the portion that want it fixed compared to those that want it to remain the same, and you are seeing the effect of ignoring them. When people are ignored they become desperate and don't care, they want change and will deviate from the norm to try and achieve it.
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.

Which laws?

Be specific, and cite the parts of federal criminal code that you're referring to.
Find the laws in the US Code regarding the punishments and penalties for those entering illegally. Those laws.

No, I'm asking you (and bripat) to do it, since you're the ones claiming that it's as simple as "enforcing the law". If it's so simple, it shouldn't be hard.
Why is it our job to prove a negative?
Trump is like a daddy to a small child, he will fix things and make all better again. I have a feeling, however, that kissing our boo-boo is not going to make it better. Maybe I got too old for that stuff?

Who will make it better?

In a democracy, things are fixed very slowly sometimes, as you have a large portion of the nation that does not want it fixed, they are happy the way it is. Now is Trump promising to fix the things he decides to fix no matter what the people want?
I just don't want him kissing my boo-boo.

Well I think you are underestimating the portion that want it fixed compared to those that want it to remain the same, and you are seeing the effect of ignoring them. When people are ignored they become desperate and don't care, they want change and will deviate from the norm to try and achieve it.

What is the "it" that you (and this portion of the population you claim to speak for) want "fixed"?

Be specific.
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.

Which laws?

Be specific, and cite the parts of federal criminal code that you're referring to.
Find the laws in the US Code regarding the punishments and penalties for those entering illegally. Those laws.

No, I'm asking you (and bripat) to do it, since you're the ones claiming that it's as simple as "enforcing the law". If it's so simple, it shouldn't be hard.
Why is it our job to prove a negative?

Providing me with the law that you are claiming should be enforced, but is not is not asking you to "proving a negative", it's asking you to back up your claim. Stating that there is a "simple" solution to immigration, and that is enforcing the "law" is not a negative claim, it's a positive one.

You are the one who has said this is "simple", but now it appears that you can't even tell me which laws should be enforced?
What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.

Which laws?

Be specific, and cite the parts of federal criminal code that you're referring to.
Find the laws in the US Code regarding the punishments and penalties for those entering illegally. Those laws.

No, I'm asking you (and bripat) to do it, since you're the ones claiming that it's as simple as "enforcing the law". If it's so simple, it shouldn't be hard.
Why is it our job to prove a negative?

Providing me with the law that you are claiming should be enforced, but is not is not asking you to "proving a negative", it's asking you to back up your claim. Stating that there is a "simple" solution to immigration, and that is enforcing the "law" is not a negative claim, it's a positive one.

You are the one who has said this is "simple", but now it appears that you can't even tell me which laws should be enforced?
Let's make this easy to comprehend. Any law regulating immigration into the US, including those laws regarding the punishments for breaching that process.
Which laws?

Be specific, and cite the parts of federal criminal code that you're referring to.
Find the laws in the US Code regarding the punishments and penalties for those entering illegally. Those laws.

No, I'm asking you (and bripat) to do it, since you're the ones claiming that it's as simple as "enforcing the law". If it's so simple, it shouldn't be hard.
Why is it our job to prove a negative?

Providing me with the law that you are claiming should be enforced, but is not is not asking you to "proving a negative", it's asking you to back up your claim. Stating that there is a "simple" solution to immigration, and that is enforcing the "law" is not a negative claim, it's a positive one.

You are the one who has said this is "simple", but now it appears that you can't even tell me which laws should be enforced?
Let's make this easy to comprehend. Any law regulating immigration into the US, including the punishments for breaching that process.

You're not getting it.

It's not "easy to comprehend". There are countless laws, each saying different things, many of them contradictory.

That's my point - and the fact that you still can't actually provide the laws that you think should be enforced is kind of proving it.
What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.

Which laws?

Be specific, and cite the parts of federal criminal code that you're referring to.
Find the laws in the US Code regarding the punishments and penalties for those entering illegally. Those laws.

No, I'm asking you (and bripat) to do it, since you're the ones claiming that it's as simple as "enforcing the law". If it's so simple, it shouldn't be hard.
Why is it our job to prove a negative?

Providing me with the law that you are claiming should be enforced, but is not is not asking you to "proving a negative", it's asking you to back up your claim. Stating that there is a "simple" solution to immigration, and that is enforcing the "law" is not a negative claim, it's a positive one.

You are the one who has said this is "simple", but now it appears that you can't even tell me which laws should be enforced?
How about the law that says foreigners present without a visa will be deported at the first opportunity?
Trump is like a daddy to a small child, he will fix things and make all better again. I have a feeling, however, that kissing our boo-boo is not going to make it better. Maybe I got too old for that stuff?

Who will make it better?

In a democracy, things are fixed very slowly sometimes, as you have a large portion of the nation that does not want it fixed, they are happy the way it is. Now is Trump promising to fix the things he decides to fix no matter what the people want?
I just don't want him kissing my boo-boo.

Well I think you are underestimating the portion that want it fixed compared to those that want it to remain the same, and you are seeing the effect of ignoring them. When people are ignored they become desperate and don't care, they want change and will deviate from the norm to try and achieve it.

What is the "it" that you (and this portion of the population you claim to speak for) want "fixed"?

Be specific.
Standard of living has been declining in many areas for some time. Do you deny this?
Find the laws in the US Code regarding the punishments and penalties for those entering illegally. Those laws.

No, I'm asking you (and bripat) to do it, since you're the ones claiming that it's as simple as "enforcing the law". If it's so simple, it shouldn't be hard.
Why is it our job to prove a negative?

Providing me with the law that you are claiming should be enforced, but is not is not asking you to "proving a negative", it's asking you to back up your claim. Stating that there is a "simple" solution to immigration, and that is enforcing the "law" is not a negative claim, it's a positive one.

You are the one who has said this is "simple", but now it appears that you can't even tell me which laws should be enforced?
Let's make this easy to comprehend. Any law regulating immigration into the US, including the punishments for breaching that process.

You're not getting it.

It's not "easy to comprehend". There are countless laws, each saying different things, many of them contradictory.

That's my point - and the fact that you still can't actually provide the laws that you think should be enforced is kind of proving it.

There are no laws that say foreigners can reside in this country without a valid visa.
Trump is like a daddy to a small child, he will fix things and make all better again. I have a feeling, however, that kissing our boo-boo is not going to make it better. Maybe I got too old for that stuff?

Who will make it better?

In a democracy, things are fixed very slowly sometimes, as you have a large portion of the nation that does not want it fixed, they are happy the way it is. Now is Trump promising to fix the things he decides to fix no matter what the people want?
I just don't want him kissing my boo-boo.

Well I think you are underestimating the portion that want it fixed compared to those that want it to remain the same, and you are seeing the effect of ignoring them. When people are ignored they become desperate and don't care, they want change and will deviate from the norm to try and achieve it.

What is the "it" that you (and this portion of the population you claim to speak for) want "fixed"?

Be specific.
Standard of living has been declining in many areas for some time. Do you deny this?

You'll have to be more specific than that. What do you mean by "standard of living"? In what "areas" is it declining?

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