Why Do People Support Trump?

I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?
Isn't it obvious. Trump sounds like a typical Republican.
You sound like a typical brain damaged retard.
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.
---------------------------------- only problem with that is that instead of a million legals a year like it is now they just say that they'll build the wall and let in 10 million LEGALS a year . Gotta stop the immigration of ALL types IMO , no one has a RIGHT to immigrate to the USA . And the powers that be purposely import third worlders to further fracture the USA with their Diversity .

Who is "they?"
People support Trump because many have seen their standard of living plummet and realize most republicans are part of the problem. Trump's message about layoffs and jobs to China resonates with a lot of people who have had that happen to them and have been ignored by most politicians as they face hardships.

People are supporting him because they know every other politician will sell them out, are sick of it and desperate for good paying jobs, and he represents a change from that whether he can get it done or not.

A "true conservative" wouldn't have voted for the last two Republican presidents. Where does that get us? It means Democrat presidents who will destroy this country. Don't make the perfect the enemy of the good enough.
People support Trump because many have seen their standard of living plummet and realize most republicans are part of the problem. Trump's message about layoffs and jobs to China resonates with a lot of people who have had that happen to them and have been ignored by most politicians as they face hardships.

People are supporting him because they know every other politician will sell them out, are sick of it and desperate for good paying jobs, and he represents a change from that whether he can get it done or not.

The standard of living has been going down the tube for almost four decades and your hero Trump, has contributed to the problem by offshoring his apparel while American clothing facilities sit idle.
I swear, Trump supporters are so ill-informed they qualify as dumb-fucks.

Sewing clothing is not an industry that will supply a large number of high paying jobs. The main problem is importing cheap foreign labor, which douche bags like you want to continue.

Who do you think you're fooling.
People support Trump because many have seen their standard of living plummet and realize most republicans are part of the problem. Trump's message about layoffs and jobs to China resonates with a lot of people who have had that happen to them and have been ignored by most politicians as they face hardships.

People are supporting him because they know every other politician will sell them out, are sick of it and desperate for good paying jobs, and he represents a change from that whether he can get it done or not.

The standard of living has been going down the tube for almost four decades and your hero Trump, has contributed to the problem by offshoring his apparel while American clothing facilities sit idle.
I swear, Trump supporters are so ill-informed they qualify as dumb-fucks.
I am not a Trump supporter I am a Sanders supporter. I am pointing out why people support Trump besides his "politically incorrect" stances and inexperience and I don't blame them. I understand them even though their politics is to the right of mine. Why do you think Sanders has had so much support out of nowhere? Many who lean left are not "hardcore liberals" on social issues and want the Democratic party to change from being sell outs as well. Democrats used to be the party for workers, no longer. Now just left social issues and pro big business. I don't agree with some of Sanders' positions but will support him over "new democrat" Hillary every time because the party needs to change.

People of ANY political persuasion are sick of being sold out and are making their voices heard. They don't care about experience or too this or that. This will continue no matter who is elected until things change. This will continue until conditions improve, whether it is a right or left strategy. People need good paying jobs.
And I will take this opportunity to apologize for making fun of Trump supporters. I won't be voting for him but I understand you and the crap you are up against.
Rabbi and a few others plus repub / rinos , moderates seem to be the only ones that know the definition of CONSERVATIVE . ME , I figure that they are all 'fos' .
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

I know you won’t do it but I’l devote 5 minutes of my precious time to try to explain it to you.

Draw your name on a sheet of paper.
Then draw 4 concentric circles around your name representing how important subjects are to you? The closer to your name, the more important.
Where would you place “politics” on that diagram? On the first circle surrounding your name? On the fourth?
Okay, now where would you place your deeply held beliefs; your religious beliefs, your personal preferences in humans, your love of chocolate or vanilla?
For most people, politics at the federal level does very little to impact your daily life. However, your personal preferences is a daily thing; so it’s more important.

So when you consider Conserve-hate-ives; its much more important that their hate, bigotry, arrogance and hatred of others be validated. Trump does all of that. Hence he’s popular with the lesser lights in the nation.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

So what? BO played footise with terrorist Bill Ayers among others. As for Trump himself I have no great love or trust in him, but his stands on illegal immigration and trade ring with a large number of the electorate because the GOP Congress folded like a house of cards on these and other issues.
People are pissed.

Supporting Trump is a way to lash out at ALL politicians. Much of his strength comes from the hatred tossed his way by the Jake Starkey wing of the alleged Republican (read "Closetcrat") Party.

He may do a shitty job when he's president but nobody really expects it would be any less so than that to be expected from any of the other candidates of any stripe.

Saw a stat the other day; of 133 members of Congress who have faced primary challenges to date…133 have won their election. People aren’t pissed. People are just stupid.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

I don't support Trump. I think he's a blowhard and a jackass. I don't care if he is a secret Liberal in his heart. I can no more support his ridiculous run than I can support Hillary's. If they are the candidates, I will stay home.

If you are happy with the way things are going then definitely vote for more of the same. Trump is different. He isn't owned by anyone. He say's the things we all think but all outer politicians are afraid to say. He has made a fortune making the right decisions and putting the right people in the right positions. If he even tries to do what he say's he will be the best president since Eisenhower. If you look back at the last few presidents yuo'll notice they have all been pretty much the same. Bush1, Clinton, Bush2, obama all gave you bigger government and less freedom. They all campaign saying all the right things but none of them do what they say. Trump is not a politician, he is a businessman and a good one at that. Sure he has had some failures but anyone that creates that many businesses and creates that many jobs will have will have a loss occasionally.. The thing about most politicians is they never created a job or company, they only thing they ever did is run for office then pay back the supporters that own them. Trump is differnt and we need something differnt.

We have the highest standard of living
We have the strongest military ever fielded
No citizen of the US would trade places with a citizen of another nation (at least none I have come across)

Yeah, we REALLY need something different? We need voters who have a god damn clue.
Trump is like a daddy to a small child, he will fix things and make all better again. I have a feeling, however, that kissing our boo-boo is not going to make it better. Maybe I got too old for that stuff?
Trump is like a daddy to a small child, he will fix things and make all better again. I have a feeling, however, that kissing our boo-boo is not going to make it better. Maybe I got too old for that stuff?
Who will make it better?
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

Ignorant huh? I'm offended. And I also can't help it if I take it personally.

I voted for the man and I'm FAR from ignorant. Most of the so called "solutions" taken by our legislators have been too complex. Trying to apply complex solutions to simple problems. That is bound to fail.

And so we're ignorant because we want a more direct approach to policy? This is quite infuriating to be looked down on as ignorant for supporting someone like Trump.

Not all of us are blind fools or mindless automatons. Yes, we're angry, for far more complicated reasons. Perhaps that's why so many of us support him, because other people take such elitist attitudes towards who we support. It may not even matter why we support the man, there will always be people looking down their noses at us calling us ignorant.
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People support Trump because many have seen their standard of living plummet and realize most republicans are part of the problem. Trump's message about layoffs and jobs to China resonates with a lot of people who have had that happen to them and have been ignored by most politicians as they face hardships.

People are supporting him because they know every other politician will sell them out, are sick of it and desperate for good paying jobs, and he represents a change from that whether he can get it done or not.

The standard of living has been going down the tube for almost four decades and your hero Trump, has contributed to the problem by offshoring his apparel while American clothing facilities sit idle.
I swear, Trump supporters are so ill-informed they qualify as dumb-fucks.
I am not a Trump supporter I am a Sanders supporter. I am pointing out why people support Trump besides his "politically incorrect" stances and inexperience and I don't blame them. I understand them even though their politics is to the right of mine. Why do you think Sanders has had so much support out of nowhere? Many who lean left are not "hardcore liberals" on social issues and want the Democratic party to change from being sell outs as well. Democrats used to be the party for workers, no longer. Now just left social issues and pro big business. I don't agree with some of Sanders' positions but will support him over "new democrat" Hillary every time because the party needs to change.

People of ANY political persuasion are sick of being sold out and are making their voices heard. They don't care about experience or too this or that. This will continue no matter who is elected until things change. This will continue until conditions improve, whether it is a right or left strategy. People need good paying jobs.

I think it's high time that Democrats do lash out at their party just like we Republicans. I wish Sanders was in first place to be honest.

And it's not because I hope Democrats are siding with Socialism over capitalism, it's because to show their party they are sick of the status quo.

For as many people that "claim" they are sick of professional politicians, they certainly support them come election time.
Trump is like a daddy to a small child, he will fix things and make all better again. I have a feeling, however, that kissing our boo-boo is not going to make it better. Maybe I got too old for that stuff?

If you want little kids with boo-boos, look at our college kids today. They need a safe space from chalk. So, dispense with the comparison, please? Regent?
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

Ignorant huh? I'm offended.

I voted for the man and I'm FAR from ignorant. Most of the so called "solutions" taken by our legislators have been too complex. Trying to apply complex solutions to simple problems. That is bound to fail.

And so we're ignorant because we want a more direct approach to policy? This is quite infuriating to be looked down on as ignorant for supporting someone like Trump.

Not all of us are blind fools or mindless automatons. Yes, we're angry, for far more complicated reasons. Perhaps that's why so many of us support him, because people take such elitist attitudes towards who we support. It may not even matter why we support the man, there will always be people looking down their noses at us calling us ignorant.

I didn't say that everyone who voted for Trump was ignorant, I said that populism appeals to the ignorant.

As for what you said - there's no such thing as a "simple" problem, and that's the whole point. Trump isn't offering a "direct" approach to policy, he's literally offering an ignorant approach to policy - an approach to policy that just doesn't understand how the world works.

There is no simple solution to immigration, it's a complicated problem. There is no simple solution to terrorism, it's a complicated problem. There is no simple solution to "bringing jobs back to America", it's a complicated problem. There's no simple solution to trade policy, it's a complicated problem.

And so on.
Trump is like a daddy to a small child, he will fix things and make all better again. I have a feeling, however, that kissing our boo-boo is not going to make it better. Maybe I got too old for that stuff?

If you want little kids with boo-boos, look at our college kids today. They need a safe space from chalk. So, dispense with the comparison, please? Regent?

Now now. Weren't you just complaining about broad-brushing?
The countries with the highest standard of living are socialist.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia ...

Please smoke more and eat more saturated fats liar.

Third world socialist countries have the highest standard of living huh? I guess that's why they're all migrating to America, a capitalist country. I don't see majority of people immigrating to socialist countries, but running from them.



You fucking retard. They are not coming from socialist countries. Mexico is not socialist and the people in socialist countries:

Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, New Zealand, Belgium are not coming to the US our lower standard of living, higher infant mortality rate, substandard health care and wealth disparity.

Get a clue liar.
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.

Which laws?

Be specific, and cite the parts of federal criminal code that you're referring to.

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