Why Do People Support Trump?

Right on Pismoe, guest workers if desperate need only. Let prioners work for reduction? Stop birthright crap too.
Yeah that Nativism shit never worked real well. If your job is threatened by an illiterate south american then you've got bigger problems than immigration.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Conservatives don't want brown people in this country and Trump was the first one to make a big deal out of deporting the brown people so all is forgiven
How many thousands lost their pensions and savings because of Trump bankruptcies? Don't worry. We'll find out in the General Election.

Trump doesn't have the Federal reserve to let him avoid bankruptcy like the US government does. Where would all the entitlement programs be without the Feds being able to go into perpetual debt? They'd be bankrupt, just like Trumps companies. Only difference- Trump gave them jobs to start with.
Why don't lefties like Trump if he is all that they say? They don't believe the Media Matters propaganda they quote? You could have said the same thing about Reagan but he turned out pretty good. Why would the party of JFK "ask not what your Country can do for you" support a socialist and a quasi-socialist? Has the democrat party drifted so far off the freaking charts?
Conservatism has led to corporatism, corporate welfare, plutocracy and now kleptocracy. Kleptocratic theocracy is the next step.

Liberalism has led to Communism, socialism,autocracy, kleptomaniacs, sex maniacs, and now Obama idiocracy. Clinton idiotic bureaucracy is the next step.


You're no longer the party of these people:

Democrats: Stop fooling yourselves

These are your people now:




Can you site some examples liar. The USSR, China and Cuba never when through a socialist phase. The EU is in such a phase and they have a higher standard of living than the US you fucking lying moron.

The countries with the highest standard of living are socialist.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia ...

Please smoke more and eat more saturated fats liar.

The E.U is going broke as well. Socialism can never work if it has to borrow from a central bank that attaches usury to every piece of currency created...it's a mathematical fact. You cannot thrive from stealing from those that do produce to give to those that can't or won't produce. I am all for providing for those that need a helping hand and I practice that in my every day life but I will never support a system that extorts some of the fruits of my labor because they think they can.
Conservatism has led to corporatism, corporate welfare, plutocracy and now kleptocracy. Kleptocratic theocracy is the next step.

Liberalism has led to Communism, socialism,autocracy, kleptomaniacs, sex maniacs, and now Obama idiocracy. Clinton idiotic bureaucracy is the next step.


You're no longer the party of these people:

Democrats: Stop fooling yourselves

These are your people now:




Can you site some examples liar. The USSR, China and Cuba never when through a socialist phase. The EU is in such a phase and they have a higher standard of living than the US you fucking lying moron.

The countries with the highest standard of living are socialist.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia ...

Please smoke more and eat more saturated fats liar.

Can't speak for the entire EU, but I have been to Greece, Italy, and France. That's not a higher standard of living, imo.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Conservatives don't want brown people in this country and Trump was the first one to make a big deal out of deporting the brown people so all is forgiven
How many thousands lost their pensions and savings because of Trump bankruptcies? Don't worry. We'll find out in the General Election.

Trump doesn't have the Federal reserve to let him avoid bankruptcy like the US government does. Where would all the entitlement programs be without the Feds being able to go into perpetual debt? They'd be bankrupt, just like Trumps companies. Only difference- Trump gave them jobs to start with.
Trump bankrupted numerous companies. How do you think he'd do with access to unlimited money?
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

I don't support Trump, but I will vote for him if he is the nominee. With me, it's more about distrust and dissatisfaction with the GOP. It doesn't matter the idiocrosy he spews, he is not a RNC insider, and I am tired of the lip service they give to conservatism and then buckle in the face of political pressure.

You knocked that one out the park...doubt the ball has even landed yet.....
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Conservatives don't want brown people in this country and Trump was the first one to make a big deal out of deporting the brown people so all is forgiven
How many thousands lost their pensions and savings because of Trump bankruptcies? Don't worry. We'll find out in the General Election.

Trump doesn't have the Federal reserve to let him avoid bankruptcy like the US government does. Where would all the entitlement programs be without the Feds being able to go into perpetual debt? They'd be bankrupt, just like Trumps companies. Only difference- Trump gave them jobs to start with.
Trump bankrupted numerous companies. How do you think he'd do with access to unlimited money?

I don't know, will he double like Obama? Maybe, but he won't be doing it to pay back political favors, he owes nobody anything.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Conservatives don't want brown people in this country and Trump was the first one to make a big deal out of deporting the brown people so all is forgiven
How many thousands lost their pensions and savings because of Trump bankruptcies? Don't worry. We'll find out in the General Election.

Trump doesn't have the Federal reserve to let him avoid bankruptcy like the US government does. Where would all the entitlement programs be without the Feds being able to go into perpetual debt? They'd be bankrupt, just like Trumps companies. Only difference- Trump gave them jobs to start with.
Trump bankrupted numerous companies. How do you think he'd do with access to unlimited money?

Bankruptcy and foreclosures are built into the system of the fiat currency scam. USA.INC has declared bankruptcy 4 times in it's history and is currently owned by the IMF which is owned by international bankers and you don't even know it. Your lack of knowledge of how the system actually works totally astounds me because you seem to know so much about other stuff.
Right on Pismoe, guest workers if desperate need sonly. Let prioners work for reduction? Stop birthright crap too.
Yeah that Nativism shit never worked real well. If your job is threatened by an illiterate south american then you've got bigger problems than immigration.

All our paychecks, 401K and SSI under massive threat daily. Big Govt take huge cut to "care" for these poor. Big GOVT never goes away, only to early cushy retirement. That ain't free.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Conservatives don't want brown people in this country and Trump was the first one to make a big deal out of deporting the brown people so all is forgiven

That's a terrible thing to say.
Barry Hussein never had a freaking job that wasn't paid for by the taxpayers. He learned to skim money from an endowment fund he administered with former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. It was supposed to improve the Chicago education system and all it did was get democrats elected. Hillary depended on her husband for everything from her job at the Rose law firm to being elected senator. In return she enabled her husband's abuse of women for her entire sorry adult life.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Well..... for the longest time the GOP (mainly the establishment) has been ignoring the concerns of their constituents. We complained about Commie Care, and they told us there is nothing they can do because Democrats in Congress were in charge, so we put Republicans in charge. Still little change and we complained. They told us the Democrat led Senate is holding up their progress, so we gave Republicans leadership of the Senate as well. Now their excuse is they don't have the White House.

As the invaders are changing the US into a bilingual nation, holding down our wages, breaking our laws, and sending our US dollars back to their homeland by the billions every year, we strongly expressed how we wanted that stopped. What did we get? We got immigration reform. WTF asked for reform? We told them to get these people out of our country.

Then of course there was no cut in funds to Commie Care, no cut in funds to Planned Parenthood, no balanced budget, and all we got in return were excuses such as the fear of a government shutdown.

Our position is this: when Democrats are in charge, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in charge, we still have to do things the Democrat way. So when are they ever going to do things our way?

Along came Donald Trump. He spoke about getting rid of the invaders. He spoke about the trade deficit. He spoke about real jobs, and not these Burger King jobs being created the last couple of years. He spoke about not taking crap from anybody.

That's why people support Donald Trump, because the professional politicians told us they would make change, but never delivered. Time to try something new. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time.
I agree that the GOP has failed its voters.
I disagree with your racist and bigoted comments about immigrants.
I agree that Trump has understood that anger and has crafted his message to tap into it.
I disagree that anyone who cares anything about principles could possibly support this buffoon.

I'd support Micky Mouse over Hillary or Socialist Sanders. As for the primaries, I voted for our Governor in solidarity.

Do tell, what is racist or bigoted about my comments? Name one thing I said that isn't true. You create a thread asking people why the support for Trump, and when we tell you, you throw out insults.
That immigrants are "invaders", that they are keeping wages down (no evidence of it), that they are criminals. You understand that is bigotry, right?
. Where you been, under a rock ?
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Conservatives don't want brown people in this country and Trump was the first one to make a big deal out of deporting the brown people so all is forgiven
How many thousands lost their pensions and savings because of Trump bankruptcies? Don't worry. We'll find out in the General Election.

Trump doesn't have the Federal reserve to let him avoid bankruptcy like the US government does. Where would all the entitlement programs be without the Feds being able to go into perpetual debt? They'd be bankrupt, just like Trumps companies. Only difference- Trump gave them jobs to start with.
Trump bankrupted numerous companies. How do you think he'd do with access to unlimited money?

Bankruptcy and foreclosures are built into the system of the fiat currency scam. USA.INC has declared bankruptcy 4 times in it's history and is currently owned by the IMF which is owned by international bankers and you don't even know it. Your lack of knowledge of how the system actually works totally astounds me because you seem to know so much about other stuff.

Bankruptcy existed long before we had a fiat currency.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Well..... for the longest time the GOP (mainly the establishment) has been ignoring the concerns of their constituents. We complained about Commie Care, and they told us there is nothing they can do because Democrats in Congress were in charge, so we put Republicans in charge. Still little change and we complained. They told us the Democrat led Senate is holding up their progress, so we gave Republicans leadership of the Senate as well. Now their excuse is they don't have the White House.

As the invaders are changing the US into a bilingual nation, holding down our wages, breaking our laws, and sending our US dollars back to their homeland by the billions every year, we strongly expressed how we wanted that stopped. What did we get? We got immigration reform. WTF asked for reform? We told them to get these people out of our country.

Then of course there was no cut in funds to Commie Care, no cut in funds to Planned Parenthood, no balanced budget, and all we got in return were excuses such as the fear of a government shutdown.

Our position is this: when Democrats are in charge, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in charge, we still have to do things the Democrat way. So when are they ever going to do things our way?

Along came Donald Trump. He spoke about getting rid of the invaders. He spoke about the trade deficit. He spoke about real jobs, and not these Burger King jobs being created the last couple of years. He spoke about not taking crap from anybody.

That's why people support Donald Trump, because the professional politicians told us they would make change, but never delivered. Time to try something new. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time.
I agree that the GOP has failed its voters.
I disagree with your racist and bigoted comments about immigrants.
I agree that Trump has understood that anger and has crafted his message to tap into it.
I disagree that anyone who cares anything about principles could possibly support this buffoon.

I'd support Micky Mouse over Hillary or Socialist Sanders. As for the primaries, I voted for our Governor in solidarity.

Do tell, what is racist or bigoted about my comments? Name one thing I said that isn't true. You create a thread asking people why the support for Trump, and when we tell you, you throw out insults.
That immigrants are "invaders", that they are keeping wages down (no evidence of it), that they are criminals. You understand that is bigotry, right?

No, I don't understand that at all.

If you come here illegally, you are breaking our laws.
If you come here against the will of the people and our laws by the millions, then yes, you are invading our country.

That's bigotry?
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?

Well..... for the longest time the GOP (mainly the establishment) has been ignoring the concerns of their constituents. We complained about Commie Care, and they told us there is nothing they can do because Democrats in Congress were in charge, so we put Republicans in charge. Still little change and we complained. They told us the Democrat led Senate is holding up their progress, so we gave Republicans leadership of the Senate as well. Now their excuse is they don't have the White House.

As the invaders are changing the US into a bilingual nation, holding down our wages, breaking our laws, and sending our US dollars back to their homeland by the billions every year, we strongly expressed how we wanted that stopped. What did we get? We got immigration reform. WTF asked for reform? We told them to get these people out of our country.

Then of course there was no cut in funds to Commie Care, no cut in funds to Planned Parenthood, no balanced budget, and all we got in return were excuses such as the fear of a government shutdown.

Our position is this: when Democrats are in charge, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in charge, we still have to do things the Democrat way. So when are they ever going to do things our way?

Along came Donald Trump. He spoke about getting rid of the invaders. He spoke about the trade deficit. He spoke about real jobs, and not these Burger King jobs being created the last couple of years. He spoke about not taking crap from anybody.

That's why people support Donald Trump, because the professional politicians told us they would make change, but never delivered. Time to try something new. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results each time.
I agree that the GOP has failed its voters.
I disagree with your racist and bigoted comments about immigrants.
I agree that Trump has understood that anger and has crafted his message to tap into it.
I disagree that anyone who cares anything about principles could possibly support this buffoon.

I'd support Micky Mouse over Hillary or Socialist Sanders. As for the primaries, I voted for our Governor in solidarity.

Do tell, what is racist or bigoted about my comments? Name one thing I said that isn't true. You create a thread asking people why the support for Trump, and when we tell you, you throw out insults.
That immigrants are "invaders", that they are keeping wages down (no evidence of it), that they are criminals. You understand that is bigotry, right?
-------------------------------------------- bigotry , as far YOU are concerned , hey its your opinion but your opinion means nothing except to people that think as you do Rabbi .
Trump could have probably gotten a drone job with the government but he made things happen and met freaking payrolls and employed thousands of people and built things. What did Barry Hussein ever do besides try to follow the "dreams of my father" (who hated America) and undermine the freaking Country? What did Hillary ever do but trade her self respect for political power?

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