Why do progressive liberals fear Glenn Beck?

When the left pile on to somebody or something in American Politics it's usually hate or fear...

Glenn Beck ‘Horrified’ by ‘America’s Latest Propaganda Machine’

Oct. 17, 2013 8:30pm Erica Ritz

Glenn Beck on Thursday broached a topic that he said “horrified” him when it was brought to his attention roughly two weeks ago, describing it as an “effort to re-write our history and catalyze a new culture for America” with the help of “America’s latest propaganda machine.”

Beck proceeded to tell his viewers about two groups, the first called “Imagining America” and the second called “The U.S. Department of Arts and Culture.”

The latter isn’t actually a body of the United States government, but in the group’s own words, “the nation’s newest people-powered department, founded on the truth that art and culture are our most powerful and under-tapped resources for social change.”


Beck highlighted various individuals affiliated with the organizations, who he described as “the people that will be teaching and influencing your children” through “art and music and film and history books.”

Among the topics the individuals were caught on tape discussing was the fair redistribution of wealth and how “we’re funding the arts through the Cultural Development Fund, which is upwards of $20-some-odd million funding our cultural communities.”

Beck also said Imagining America was created by Bill Clinton, and that its membership now includes roughly 90 universities including Columbia University, Brown University, the University of Chicago, and more.

Many receive funds from the Soros-linked Tides Foundation, Beck added, in addition to various government grants.

“Several of the board members work closely with the government, what a surprise!” Beck remarked. “…So we have the government, radicals, and the universities, and some of their affiliates are actually public officials. They actually hold conferences and presentations about how to re-author American history, and it’s [funded] by you.”

.Watch more of Beck’s explanation, below:


Glenn Beck ?Horrified? by ?America?s Latest Propaganda Machine? | TheBlaze.com

I know many here have seen this blog I wrote for USA Carry a year or so ago. It applies here as I touch on the process that has brought America to the dawn of communism. Interesting Beck is, in part, seeing things through the same lens of truth.


The Decay of Society
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04-04-2013 at 03:33 PM (585 Views)

Our society, and it’s associated culture, have made the expected choices at the polling booth. It was a paradigm shift of epic proportions. The decisions by those in the slight majority did not come to pass by accident. It was by design and the results (Obama re-election) as I said were expected by those who have designed this current strife. To get here though, it took an investment over many years to swing public opinion into thinking traditional American values, (hard work, accountability, religion, guns, etc) are not the values our country should stand for.

The Democrat machine knew the mental capacity of our youth, coupled with its watered down education system, were ripe for reprogramming. Education camps? Not such a stretch to believe the deliberate infiltration of liberal teachers, administrators, professors within our education system laid the foundation over the years that have come to fruition at the polls.

In addition, we have a POTUS who even today remains on the campaign trail like no other President in our history. He is the master of orchestrating social divide like no other. Obama convinced the majority you are either with me/us or you are with the 1%. An issue is, Obama has done an excellent job at eliminating opportunities that were available for the 99% to apply hard work, and acceptable risk, with hopes of entering the community of the 1%. Interesting enough, not much emphasis being made on increasing the band width of the middle class. Obama’s agenda does not allow for the middle class to thrive. He wants 2 classes for now. Those who still decide to remain in the 1% are going to be under assault for years to come, while the remainder of society will tread water right at or slightly above the poverty line. Eventually, like buying firearms, the government will do its best to influence you into not pursuing the investment of time, money and hard work to reach the 1% pool. Like the future demise, relative to the quality and availability of Physicians as a result of Obamacare, very few will want to take the risk to excel.

I’m not sure America can win this war. And make no mistake, that is exactly how it feels to many in this country who have not gone through the indoctrination process. Like I mentioned, the investment in our education system to reach this point, combined with the media assaults and the never ending coverage of the Obama’s and their escapades, have all come together at the right place and time.

I have to hand it to the Democrat machine. They made a plan, stuck with it over decades, and the investment has come to fruition.

For liberals it has to feel like Shangri-La
The New Glenn Beck

He’s taken on a cultural mission.

By Eliana Johnson
MARCH 10, 2014



An old television set sits on a bureau, a model of a 1932 Gee Bee racer plane perched on top. A shiny electric guitar stands adjacent to the bureau. Mounted in the center of one wall is an old Boston Globe clipping with the headline, “WOODROW WILSON IS DEAD.” Beck became the country’s leading anti-progressive when, in a series of shows on Fox, he stood at his signature blackboard and explained why Wilson’s ideology was the progenitor of the sort of liberalism embodied by Barack Obama.

“I was so curious about it that I was teaching myself,” he says. “I wasn’t a professor at the chalkboard, I was a citizen at the chalkboard saying: ‘Look what I just found, look at this. I can’t believe I’m finding this stuff and it’s right here in the open. Why isn’t anybody else doing it? I really lost my naïveté, because I really believed that if you could make a case and you could back it up, then the press . . . ” He trails off again. “Oh no, they don’t care. They don’t care. Same with Washington.”

Now, his infamous chalkboard stands in the back of the office, filled with his notes.

The item that most inspires him right now is a prospectus of Disney World, hand-colored by Walt Disney himself, which he has propped against a window — or at least, a photocopy of it. He keeps the real item, which he won at an auction three years ago, at his home in Dallas. “I’m now the owner of every book written on Walt Disney in any language,” he says. He doesn’t know exactly how many that is. A year ago, he distributed a biography of Disney to the members of his staff. “I said when I left Fox that this half of my career is going to be shaped more by Walt Disney than anything else,” he says.

His interest in Disney is symbolic of the shift in his attention and efforts toward culture and away from politics. He had a realization: “Culture is the lead. That’s the dog. The news is the tail.”

He pulls out a piece of early publicity on Disneyland, points to a paragraph, and reads aloud. “Disneyland will be based upon and dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America and it will be uniquely equipped to dramatize these dreams and facts and send them forth as a source of courage and inspiration to all the world.” Beck, known to burst into tears at a moment’s notice, looks like he might do so right now. “That’s what we’re gonna do,” he declares. “That’s how I intend on impacting culture. To do that.”


The New Glenn Beck | National Review Online
Liberals don't fear Glenn Beck - they love him. They love to trot him out and paint him as an example of what conservatism is all about.

The problem with conservatism today is that they lack the intellectual foundation they had during the heyday of conservatism.
The left doesn't fear Glenn Beck.

If the left fears anything, it's that so many people can seemingly be so easily duped into taking a man seriously when all he's doing is spouting conspiratorial nonsense, much of which contradicts previous conspiratorial nonsense he previously espoused.

Think of it this way. You come downtown and you hear some guy with a megaphone spouting conspiracy theories and fear. When you look around you notice that nobody is taking him seriously which is pretty much what you expected you would see.

Fast forward about 3 years...

You turn on your TV and see some guy doing something similar. At first you don't pay much attention, but something catches your attention. Suddenly, in a moment that seems very much like deja vu, you think it's the same guy from 3 years before who you saw almost every day during that fall. Oh, he's cleaned up, has a nice hair cut and a suit, but it's the same guy. But now, instead of standing on a street corner of a mall area where people gather at lunch time, he's on TV which tends to give almost anyone a certain cachet of credibility. Next thing you know, the guy's taking calls from people who agree with him and thank him for exposing all these conspiracies.

And you just can't believe anyone takes him seriously.

As the months go on, the man's ratings soar. He's given a new multimillion dollar contract. And, in order to bask in the glory of the man's newfound popularity, it seems as if more and more politicians are willing to appear on his show and praise him. The politicians feed off the man's popularity, and the man feeds off the politicians' credibility which is based on the fact that they've been elected. It's a true symbiotic relationship where each is using the other for self-serving reasons.

This continues for years. At some point, the man's ability to possibly influence the outcome of certain elections becomes apparent as massive crowds appear when he shows up at a previously announced event. Of course, certain demagogues have not missed an opportunity to exploit the fear he generates because they see it can and probably will translate to a higher turnout at the polls. So, there on board what they see as an electoral gravy train.

So, if progressives's fear anything, it's the gullibility of certain people (usually, but not always, conservatives) to follow some kind of pied piper demagogue simply because it's happened so many times before in history, and the consequences are usually social unrest on a massive scale.

Did that answer your question?
Why do progressive liberals fear Glenn Beck?
BWHA HA HA HA HA! Why fear a moron that fools thousands of cons into losing millions of dollars on gold?

i swear you idiot left-wing nutjobs are some serious mental cases.. of course you are exactly wrong; if you listened to Beck you made a FORTUNE; gold is almost more than twice as high as it was when he became a picthman for that company

ur an idiot
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MSNBC admits: Glenn Beck was right – Glenn Beck


Glenn Beck

Mar 30, 2012 - That led to the shocking admission that yep, Glenn Beck was right! ... Gold has been climbing for years while the dollar has been sinking for ...

even your unhinged left-wing heroes at MSNBC admitted Beck was right

libs are losers who lie to themselves
MSNBC admits: Glenn Beck was right – Glenn Beck


Glenn Beck

Mar 30, 2012 - That led to the shocking admission that yep, Glenn Beck was right! ... Gold has been climbing for years while the dollar has been sinking for ...

even your unhinged left-wing heroes at MSNBC admitted Beck was right

libs are losers who lie to themselves

appropriate link. Are you seriously deeming him a profit (-: for noticing gold would skyrocket? Did you somehow miss W and the dollar supply back in 02?
Why do progressive liberals fear Glenn Beck?
BWHA HA HA HA HA! Why fear a moron that fools thousands of cons into losing millions of dollars on gold?

i swear you idiot left-wing nutjobs are some serious mental cases.. of course you are exactly wrong; if you listened to Beck you made a FORTUNE; gold is almost more than twice as high as it was when he became a picthman for that company

ur an idiot
The company that ripped people off? Righto.
MSNBC admits: Glenn Beck was right – Glenn Beck


Glenn Beck

yawn; i'm simply noting one of your fellow left-wing idiots was wrong a minute ago when he claimed Beck led people to lose large sums of money

try another straw man

and go cry

Mar 30, 2012 - That led to the shocking admission that yep, Glenn Beck was right! ... Gold has been climbing for years while the dollar has been sinking for ...

even your unhinged left-wing heroes at MSNBC admitted Beck was right

libs are losers who lie to themselves

appropriate link. Are you seriously deeming him a profit (-: for noticing gold would skyrocket? Did you somehow miss W and the dollar supply back in 02?

yawn; i'm simply noting one of your fellow left-wing idiots was wrong a minute ago when he claimed Beck led people to lose large sums of money

try another straw man

and go cry
BWHA HA HA HA HA! Why fear a moron that fools thousands of cons into losing millions of dollars on gold?

i swear you idiot left-wing nutjobs are some serious mental cases.. of course you are exactly wrong; if you listened to Beck you made a FORTUNE; gold is almost more than twice as high as it was when he became a picthman for that company

ur an idiot
The company that ripped people off? Righto.

once more nutjob; read it and weep; even MSNBC admitted Beck was right
MSNBC admits: Glenn Beck was right – Glenn Beck


Glenn Beck

yawn; i'm simply noting one of your fellow left-wing idiots was wrong a minute ago when he claimed Beck led people to lose large sums of money

try another straw man

and go cry

Mar 30, 2012 - That led to the shocking admission that yep, Glenn Beck was right! ... Gold has been climbing for years while the dollar has been sinking for ...

even your unhinged left-wing heroes at MSNBC admitted Beck was right

libs are losers who lie to themselves

appropriate link. Are you seriously deeming him a profit (-: for noticing gold would skyrocket? Did you somehow miss W and the dollar supply back in 02?

yawn; i'm simply noting one of your fellow left-wing idiots was wrong a minute ago when he claimed Beck led people to lose large sums of money

try another straw man

and go cry

straw man. an appropriate term for the thread.
appropriate link. Are you seriously deeming him a profit (-: for noticing gold would skyrocket? Did you somehow miss W and the dollar supply back in 02?

yawn; i'm simply noting one of your fellow left-wing idiots was wrong a minute ago when he claimed Beck led people to lose large sums of money

try another straw man

and go cry

straw man. an appropriate term for the thread.

hardly; LWNJs prove it every day; they fear what they dont understand and hurl hatred at people who hold different views than they have
Why do progressive liberals fear Glenn Beck?
BWHA HA HA HA HA! Why fear a moron that fools thousands of cons into losing millions of dollars on gold?

i swear you idiot left-wing nutjobs are some serious mental cases.. of course you are exactly wrong; if you listened to Beck you made a FORTUNE; gold is almost more than twice as high as it was when he became a picthman for that company

ur an idiot

That's what's known as a market built on speculation. What happens is increased demand drives up the price beyond any actual economic value. That's what happened in the housing market as the value of previously built homes rose higher than the cost of building a brand new home. So, if you buy and then sell before the crash, you would make money. Otherwise, you're left holding the bag. When it comes to gold, the value is primarily as a hedge in bad economic times. But it's possible to drive up the price when demand rises. That's what's happening. At some point, the price of gold is going to come crashing down, and anyone who's still holding on to gold is going to lose most of the money they invested in it.

But for the people who bought physical gold, they're going to find out even sooner that it's harder to sell it for what they bought it for since gold dealers won't pay the spot price for gold. In fact, it's not uncommon for dealers to only pay a fraction of the sale price since that's how they make a profit.

But I'm sure that Glenn is not being paid in gold. No doubt his sponsors are paying him in those worthless greenbacks which also just so happens to be legal tender for all debts public and private and can, unlike gold, be exchanged anywhere almost anytime for a myriad of products and services.
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BWHA HA HA HA HA! Why fear a moron that fools thousands of cons into losing millions of dollars on gold?

i swear you idiot left-wing nutjobs are some serious mental cases.. of course you are exactly wrong; if you listened to Beck you made a FORTUNE; gold is almost more than twice as high as it was when he became a picthman for that company

ur an idiot

That's what's known as a market built on speculation. What happens is increased deman drives up the price beyond any actual economic value. That's what happened in the housing market as the value of previously built homes rose higher than the cost of building a brand new home. So, if you buy and then sell before the crash, you would make money. Otherwise, you're left holding the bag. When it comes to gold, the value is primarily as a hedge in bad economic times. But it's possible to drive up the price when demand rises. That's what's happening. At some point, the price of gold is going to come crashing down, and anyone who's still holding on to gold is going to lose most of the money they invested in it.

But for the people who bought physical gold, they're find out even sooner that it's harder to sell it for what they bought it for since gold dealers won't pay the spot price for gold. In fact, it's not uncommon for dealers to only pay a fraction of the sale price.

But I'm sure that Glenn is not being paid in gold. No doubt his sponsors are paying him in those worthless greenbacks which also just so happens to be legal tender for all debts public and private and can, unlike gold, be exchanged anywhere for a myriad of products and services.

YAWN. so you dont think Beck owns any gold? i mean it's worthless right? only a matter of time before it crashes? but that cant happen to paper right?

ur a joke
i swear you idiot left-wing nutjobs are some serious mental cases.. of course you are exactly wrong; if you listened to Beck you made a FORTUNE; gold is almost more than twice as high as it was when he became a picthman for that company

ur an idiot

That's what's known as a market built on speculation. What happens is increased deman drives up the price beyond any actual economic value. That's what happened in the housing market as the value of previously built homes rose higher than the cost of building a brand new home. So, if you buy and then sell before the crash, you would make money. Otherwise, you're left holding the bag. When it comes to gold, the value is primarily as a hedge in bad economic times. But it's possible to drive up the price when demand rises. That's what's happening. At some point, the price of gold is going to come crashing down, and anyone who's still holding on to gold is going to lose most of the money they invested in it.

But for the people who bought physical gold, they're find out even sooner that it's harder to sell it for what they bought it for since gold dealers won't pay the spot price for gold. In fact, it's not uncommon for dealers to only pay a fraction of the sale price.

But I'm sure that Glenn is not being paid in gold. No doubt his sponsors are paying him in those worthless greenbacks which also just so happens to be legal tender for all debts public and private and can, unlike gold, be exchanged anywhere for a myriad of products and services.

YAWN. so you dont think Beck owns any gold? i mean it's worthless right? only a matter of time before it crashes? but that cant happen to paper right?

ur a joke

I'm absolute sure Beck owns gold if for no other reason than it allows him to say he owns gold. How much gold he owns is the real question. The price is so high right now that it's dangerous to buy it with any real hope of making money. That's not to say that it won't keep going up, at least for a while. But there's probably a greater likelihood of a move downward than upward at this point. But I could see Beck owning some gold. But his earnings from his media operation is so great that a good money manager would tell him that it doesn't make much sense to risk that income stream, which just so happens to be a SURE thing, on the speculative gold market. What that means is that Beck could lose a LOT of money speculating on gold at this point while holding on to his earnings and/or investing in blue chip stocks or real estate will likely appreciate over time with little risk of a drop in value that probably wouldn't recover for decades. That's the nature of the precious metals market and the cyclical nature of gold since gold has very little economic value in the real economy. If you don't believe me, look up the Hunt brothers and what happened to them when they tried to corner the silver market.
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