Why do progressives attempt to paint the Confederates as rightwingers?


Doge of Venezia
Oct 22, 2013
The South during this time period were the inheritors of the legacy of Andrew Jackson, a dictatorial President who greatly expanded the scope of the executive branch, so much so that the opposition party called itself "the whigs" to stand in stark contrast with the autocratic tendencies of Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson, the founder of the modern day democrat party, was first and foremost a populist who saw fit to discard the regular order of checks and balances when it disagreed with his interpretation, and that of the people. He painted himself as the tribune of the people, and claimed to represent the not well-off of people of his era, and despised the capitalist north. Andrew Jackson and the democrat party claimed to have been opposed to special interest, big banks, and capitalism. Does this ring any bells?

The Democrat party, during this time period was also one dominated by the wealthy planters, with all political influence being disproportionally concentrated in them (just like the progressive leftists). Their livelihoods, and lifestyle depended on the institution of slavery, and would use their whole political clout in order to keep it in place (just like the left is doing with obamacare). The democrat party, would in essence sustain slavery in order to live lives without responsibility, and on the backs of others, just like they do today. The progressives, in order to maintain their institution, knowing that much of their wealth would be deprived, and social mobility added (Social mobility was unheard of in the South during this time period due in large part to the slave system destroying any efforts to move up for various reasons), and the wage system's inevitable introduction, sought to secede in order to maintain their progressive state.

The democrat party, the party of mobocracy, and populism was and always has been "progressive" , and the Confederates embodied all of these traits.
More evidence that the progressives would bully their point of view into politics would be the fact that they forced the Supreme Court's hand in the Dred Scott decision.
Left or right they were still democrats and I see little difference today, only the methods have changed.
As one who lived in the South, I can assure you that until the Civil Rights Act, the Southern Democratic Party was Conservative.
The South during this time period were the inheritors of the legacy of Andrew Jackson, a dictatorial President who greatly expanded the scope of the executive branch, so much so that the opposition party called itself "the whigs" to stand in stark contrast with the autocratic tendencies of Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson, the founder of the modern day democrat party, was first and foremost a populist who saw fit to discard the regular order of checks and balances when it disagreed with his interpretation, and that of the people. He painted himself as the tribune of the people, and claimed to represent the not well-off of people of his era, and despised the capitalist north. Andrew Jackson and the democrat party claimed to have been opposed to special interest, big banks, and capitalism. Does this ring any bells?

The Democrat party, during this time period was also one dominated by the wealthy planters, with all political influence being disproportionally concentrated in them (just like the progressive leftists). Their livelihoods, and lifestyle depended on the institution of slavery, and would use their whole political clout in order to keep it in place (just like the left is doing with obamacare). The democrat party, would in essence sustain slavery in order to live lives without responsibility, and on the backs of others, just like they do today. The progressives, in order to maintain their institution, knowing that much of their wealth would be deprived, and social mobility added (Social mobility was unheard of in the South during this time period due in large part to the slave system destroying any efforts to move up for various reasons), and the wage system's inevitable introduction, sought to secede in order to maintain their progressive state.

The democrat party, the party of mobocracy, and populism was and always has been "progressive" , and the Confederates embodied all of these traits.

Ok this is a new one on me.


Give it.

I'll take you out later. Surely you jest. BTW you did not come up with this on your own. Link please.
As one who lived in the South, I can assure you that until the Civil Rights Act, the Southern Democratic Party was Conservative.

I'll call you on that. Meet you any time in the bullring to defend that statement. And trust me. I'll make you wished you died as a child.

I am so sick of this shit.

Truly I am. I have not a problem with debating or discussing true history. But lying about history...............

I get pissed off. Don't do it PJ.
The confederates ARE the Republicans.

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

GOP Governor Robert F. McDonnell declares Confederate History Month

Georgia celebrates Confederate History Month

Confederate History Month is not a new event. Several states traditionally observe Confederate History Month, including Alabama, Virginia, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida.


USMB Right Wingers can stop pretending. We know the Republican Party is the Confederate Party.
The South during this time period were the inheritors of the legacy of Andrew Jackson, a dictatorial President who greatly expanded the scope of the executive branch, so much so that the opposition party called itself "the whigs" to stand in stark contrast with the autocratic tendencies of Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson, the founder of the modern day democrat party, was first and foremost a populist who saw fit to discard the regular order of checks and balances when it disagreed with his interpretation, and that of the people. He painted himself as the tribune of the people, and claimed to represent the not well-off of people of his era, and despised the capitalist north. Andrew Jackson and the democrat party claimed to have been opposed to special interest, big banks, and capitalism. Does this ring any bells?

The Democrat party, during this time period was also one dominated by the wealthy planters, with all political influence being disproportionally concentrated in them (just like the progressive leftists). Their livelihoods, and lifestyle depended on the institution of slavery, and would use their whole political clout in order to keep it in place (just like the left is doing with obamacare). The democrat party, would in essence sustain slavery in order to live lives without responsibility, and on the backs of others, just like they do today. The progressives, in order to maintain their institution, knowing that much of their wealth would be deprived, and social mobility added (Social mobility was unheard of in the South during this time period due in large part to the slave system destroying any efforts to move up for various reasons), and the wage system's inevitable introduction, sought to secede in order to maintain their progressive state.

The democrat party, the party of mobocracy, and populism was and always has been "progressive" , and the Confederates embodied all of these traits.

Ok this is a new one on me.


Give it.

I'll take you out later. Surely you jest. BTW you did not come up with this on your own. Link please.

I'm quite certain that I am not jesting. The paragraphs above are what I've gleaned from a variety of sources. If you really thing that I just copy/pasted, it you can search the paragraph on Google.

The fact of the matter is that the progressivism is merely a continuation of the populist tactics employed by the democrat party.
As one who lived in the South, I can assure you that until the Civil Rights Act, the Southern Democratic Party was Conservative.

I'll call you on that. Meet you any time in the bullring to defend that statement. And trust me. I'll make you wished you died as a child.

I am so sick of this shit.

Truly I am. I have not a problem with debating or discussing true history. But lying about history...............

I get pissed off. Don't do it PJ.

What are you, an idiot? Surely you know the conservatives fled the Democratic Party in the middle 60's when the blacks joined and they swelled the ranks of the GOP which is why it's 90% white today. That's fairly recent history. Who doesn't know that? You would either have to be a pre-teen, a tard, a liar, or in denial to not know that.
The confederates ARE the Republicans.

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

GOP Governor Robert F. McDonnell declares Confederate History Month

Georgia celebrates Confederate History Month

Confederate History Month is not a new event. Several states traditionally observe Confederate History Month, including Alabama, Virginia, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida.


USMB Right Wingers can stop pretending. We know the Republican Party is the Confederate Party.

I want you to use your brain, examine the ideology of each party. The south was ANTI-CAPITALIST during the civil war, and HATED the North's system of labor (wage labor). The ideology of the current democrat party is as it always has been - ANTI CAPITALIST, ANTI FREEDOM, and ANTI LIBERTY.

Just look at William Jennings Bryan.
I described a clear link between the ideology of the Democrat Party in the past, and that of today. Instead of replying to what I said, you make an idiotic one sentence statement.
As one who lived in the South, I can assure you that until the Civil Rights Act, the Southern Democratic Party was Conservative.

I'll call you on that. Meet you any time in the bullring to defend that statement. And trust me. I'll make you wished you died as a child.

I am so sick of this shit.

Truly I am. I have not a problem with debating or discussing true history. But lying about history...............

I get pissed off. Don't do it PJ.

What are you, an idiot? Surely you know the conservatives fled the Democratic Party in the middle 60's when the blacks joined and they swelled the ranks of the GOP which is why it's 90% white today. That's fairly recent history. Who doesn't know that? You would either have to be a pre-teen, a tard, a liar, or in denial to not know that.

Is there really a Republican alive today who doesn't know this?

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