Why Do Republicans Feel Compelled To Say "We're The Party of Lincoln?"

When I speak, unlike you white racists. I know of what I speak.

Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5
Racism itself may be a traumatic experience

Monnica T Williams Ph.D.

Allen was a young African American man working at a retail store. Although he enjoyed and valued his job, he struggled with the way he was treated by his boss. He was frequently demeaned, given menial tasks, and even required to track African American customers in the store to make sure they weren’t stealing. He began to suffer from symptoms of depression, generalized anxiety, low self-esteem, and feelings of humiliation. After filing a complaint, he was threatened by his boss and then fired. Allen’s symptoms worsened. He had intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and jumpiness – all hallmarks of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Allen later sued his employer for job-related discrimination, and five employees supported his allegations. Allen was found to be suffering from race-based trauma (from Carter & Forsyth, 2009).

Epidemiology of PTSD in Minorities
PTSD is a severe and chronic condition that may occur in response to any traumatic event. The National Survey of American Life (NSAL) found that African Americans show a prevalence rate of 9.1% for PTSD versus 6.8% in non-Hispanic Whites, indicating a notable mental health disparity (Himle et al., 2009). Incresed rates of PTSD have been found in other groups as well, including Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islander Americans. and Southeast Asian refugees (Pole et al., 2008). Furthermore, PTSD may be more disabling for minorities; for example, African Americans with PTSD experience significantly more impairment at work and carrying out everyday activities (Himle, et al. 2009).

Racism and PTSD
One major factor in understanding PTSD in ethnoracial minorities is the impact of racism on emotional and psychological well-being. Racism continues to be a daily part of American culture, and racial barriers have an overwhelming impact on the oppressed. Much research has been conducted on the social, economic, and political effects of racism, but little research recognizes the psychological effects of racism on people of color (Carter, 2007).Chou, Asnaani, and Hofmann (2012) found that perceived racial discrimination was associated with increased mental disorders in African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans, suggesting that racism may in itself be a traumatic experience.

Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5

and even required to track African American customers in the store to make sure they weren’t stealing.

Wow this is real upsetting he was required to do his job?

You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

The discrimination that is allowed, if not mandated by law, is not "nature". It is bad national policy.

As you well know, your racist idiocy to the contrary.

There is no discrimination. Those like you who believe that any success by someone who is non white, comes at the expense of one of "your people" is the problem.

I do not believe that any success by someone who is non white comes at the expense of one of my people.

I do believe that when non whites are discriminated in favor of, THAT comes at the expense of one of my people.

I've been clear about that. But you need to lie about what I believe in, and fight that strawman, because on some level you know that what I actually say and believe,

you can't refute.

Non whites are not the recipients of any favors at the expense of "your people". "Your people" were in a position for generation after generation able to lawfully discriminate against non whites and did

Now that discrimination is against the law, and a system of more fairness is in place, you've become a victim.

But on the other hand have stated that you have done "fairly well"

It is clear that you believe if there is a succesful non white(and of course you mean "Black") standing next to a not so successful white, that the black must have been granted favoritism at the expense of the white.

And by denying that you believe that to be true, is a lie.

That aside, I am not going to debate your "beliefs" with you.

I've been arround far longer than you and have heard the same rhetoric from countless individuals like you, for decades.

With all due respect, Katsteve...that's always been the Achilles heel of laws like Affirmative Action...by giving an advantage to the disadvantaged you leave them open to being viewed as unworthy when they do succeed. It's the tradeoff you make.

I understand how that works. But any person who is a rational thinker, knows that is not always the case.

And for one to assume that such a program automatically affects others on a widespread scale adversely, is not really thinking at all. Especially if one understands the history of why such a program was even necessary.
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That whiny ass white boy cant keep his story straight. All he knows is that he cant get all the cans out of the local land dump because of affirmative action oppressing him.
LOL!! Exactly!

I know how to deal w/them. That's why whenever I focus on one of their DUMB ASSES and start asking questions for clarity they always come back with some BS about "I'm not going to fall for your tricks Marc!"

They start bitching and moaning whenever I decide to zoom in on their ass. How the heck can questions for clarity be "a trick?"

Reminds me of when the Republican party SQUEALED like stuck pigs when they had that public meeting w/Obama over healthcare. One man talking w/a room full of Republicans, they all left the meeting sobbing in tears and all of hate radio, led by Lush Rimbaugh, talking about "It was a trap! It was a trap!."


What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.


same reason why people say water is wet. Facts, idiot
I don’t meet your requirements, but I do have an opinion. I think they consider it a bragging point. That is why they do it.

He was manipulative, but most successful politicians are. However almost everyone agrees he was basically a good person. The south have been a lot better off if he had not been killed. Actually everyone would have been off if he had lived. His reconciliation would have avoided muck of the hatred that the harsh occupation produced.
Depends on if they have a Black or Mexican cook.

That's not even cool.
Whats not cool? I dont like flavorless food.

We can play and troll one another but we need boundaries..

You have to read the news bro..

The news is mostly full of shit and brainwashing. I'm good.

So eat a slug and save the planet
I dont like escargot.
Whites are tired of being discriminated against for your ungrateful ass.

That might not be complex, but it is true.

I'm actually quite grateful. For having had good parents, a great career before retiring. a good wife, a nice home and good health.

But as far as weak. small minded individuals like you, who have anger issues as well as a persecution complex, I feel no empathy for you and your psychosis.

If you had EVER experienced REAL discrimination, in the form that I have actually seen it, you would either be sucking your thumb in the fetal position, or committ suicide.

I don't give a damn what you're "tired of".

That's YOU'RE problem, not mine.

It is now. But someday, when enough whites wake up, it will be your problem when we stop putting up with that shit.

Putting up with what? A more fair and level playing field for all? And not just "your people"?
You're problem is that you are angry that it is not the pre civil rights era, when it was the law that even the best black citizen was still not considered as good as the lowest white one.

What is "your problem", will stay your problem and by the time the rest of your RAW's "wake up", America will be predominantly "Brown"

Better encourage your youngins to start brushing up on their Spanish.....or move to Iceland.

The population there is 98% white. You could be around "your people" in abundance.

Your pretense that today is a fair and level playing field is dismissed.

You are insulting the intelligence of everyone reading with that lie.

There is no pretense and there is no lie. Nor can you prove that there is. Your victimhood and persecution complex are noted and are humorous.
Coral is a weapons grade professional whiner. It blows my mind that he actually thinks he is being discriminated against. :laugh:
You silly clown. The only thing you can be pissed off about is nature. Its not our fault you are a weak design. Look at you all mad because youre white and you feel like a victim. :rolleyes:

The discrimination that is allowed, if not mandated by law, is not "nature". It is bad national policy.

As you well know, your racist idiocy to the contrary.

There is no discrimination. Those like you who believe that any success by someone who is non white, comes at the expense of one of "your people" is the problem.

I do not believe that any success by someone who is non white comes at the expense of one of my people.

I do believe that when non whites are discriminated in favor of, THAT comes at the expense of one of my people.

I've been clear about that. But you need to lie about what I believe in, and fight that strawman, because on some level you know that what I actually say and believe,

you can't refute.

Non whites are not the recipients of any favors at the expense of "your people". "Your people" were in a position for generation after generation able to lawfully discriminate against non whites and did

Now that discrimination is against the law, and a system of more fairness is in place, you've become a victim.

But on the other hand have stated that you have done "fairly well"

It is clear that you believe if there is a succesful non white(and of course you mean "Black") standing next to a not so successful white, that the black must have been granted favoritism at the expense of the white.

And by denying that you believe that to be true, is a lie.

That aside, I am not going to debate your "beliefs" with you.

I've been arround far longer than you and have heard the same rhetoric from countless individuals like you, for decades.

With all due respect, Katsteve...that's always been the Achilles heel of laws like Affirmative Action...by giving an advantage to the disadvantaged you leave them open to being viewed as unworthy when they do succeed. It's the tradeoff you make.
Thats the reason most people view whites in the US as unworthy. They had self legislated AA for centuries not just a couple of years.
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When you said Jews are not a minority?

That is not an anti semitic remark. Try again junior.

Is it not? What if I said blacks are not minorities? LOL. Silly old man.
So what if you say Blacks are not a minority? We arent. There are way more Black people on the planet than whites.
And you know this information why ???
Because its my business to know it.
Your business to know what ??? That you hope to over throw whitey one day ??? Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer eh ??
You can't erase history. It's just that most black people fully know the history of the republican party. After all, we were republicans and something caused us to leave the party. And it was not the promise of free shit

The lily-white movement was an anti-civil-rights movement within the Republican Party in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The movement was a response to the political and socioeconomic gains made by African-Americans following the Civil War and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which eliminated slavery. Black leaders gained increasing influence in the party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative white groups attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party.

The term lily-white movement is generally attributed to Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party. The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.

Lily-white movement

The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

Norris Wright Cuney

From the first days of Reconstruction, a fight developed not only in Texas but across the South between white and black factions for control of the newly formed party. As white GOP leaders sought "respectability" among Southern voters and a conviction grew that continued "black and tan" involvement thwarted expansion of the party, the lily-white Republicans began an organized effort to drive blacks from positions of party leadership. Though Texas blacks appealed to Northern party managers to halt the movement, lily-whiteism flourished because Republican presidents after 1865 wanted approval from the Southern white masses.

The term lily-white apparently originated at the 1888 Republican state convention in Fort Worth, when a group of whites attempted to expel a number of black and tan delegates. Norris Wright Cuney, the black Texas leader who controlled the state party from 1883 until his death in 1896, promptly labeled the insurgents "lily-whites," and the term was soon applied to similar groups throughout the South. Actually, an organized lily-white movement had begun in Texas during the 1870s, when the party was dominated by former governor Edmund J. Davis.

But once Cuney gained the national committeemanship in 1884 upon the death of Davis, the lily-whites started a concerted drive for mastery. Though Cuney was reappointed to the national committee at the 1892 Republican national convention, the black-white struggle in Texas resulted in a fractured party and the first GOP state convention without a black and tan delegation in attendance. The 1892 election proved a turning point for both GOP factions as Cuney aligned the black and tans behind George Clark, a conservative Democrat, in his fight with James S. Hogg, and the lily-whites nominated Andrew Jackson Houston for the governorship. Houston, son of Sam Houston and a future United States senator, received only 1,322 votes in the November election, while Cuney suffered a dual setback: not only did Clark go down in defeat, but the Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency, so that Cuney lost all federal patronage.

The Black Conservative: The "lily-white" movement within the Republican party after the Civil War.

This really pisses you off that the party of Lincoln was the Republicans

The party of the KKK was the democrats .

Simple history.


Not really because Lincoln was a racist.


So you are saying Lincoln was a racist republican who saved the negros?

Pretty sure he is saying Lincoln was a racist republican that wanted to stick it to the inbred confederates. If he really wanted to save Black people he would have freed all the enslaved immediately, not just the ones in the south and he would have never tried to make slavery a permanent amendment in the constitution.

Lincoln did not "save" nor care about the welfare of any so called "negros". That is a fable that has romanticized Lincolns legacy over time.

His primary intent was to preserve the union.
And a noble cause it was, but are they're blacks whom now want to ruin the results after all the years of progress ???
That is not an anti semitic remark. Try again junior.

Is it not? What if I said blacks are not minorities? LOL. Silly old man.
So what if you say Blacks are not a minority? We arent. There are way more Black people on the planet than whites.
And you know this information why ???
Because its my business to know it.
Your business to know what ??? That you hope to over throw whitey one day ??? Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer eh ??
You dont remember what you asked me?
Take you for example. You prove it everyday.

I'm a fine example, thanks. And I don't support the silly claim that whites don't or can't think about race, with "complexity".
I agree. You are an excellent example of an ignorant white person. Glad you agree. I didnt ask what you supported. I pointed out that you cant think about race with any complexity due to whites having issues with insecurity and cognitive dissonance.

I have a very difficult time believing that a person who made the statement in a different thread that stated:

"Affirmative Action was created to discriminate against white people, because of past discrimination against blacks"

Has even a minimal ability to think about race with complexity.

That is one of the most ignorant statements that I have ever read in ANY forum, and the reason why I will not ever waste another word again talking to that person.

Whites are tired of being discriminated against for your ungrateful ass.

That might not be complex, but it is true.
Too bad. If whites werent such fuckups globally as well as here in the US more people of color would tolerate you.
It's good you don't speak for all people of color.
Is it not? What if I said blacks are not minorities? LOL. Silly old man.
So what if you say Blacks are not a minority? We arent. There are way more Black people on the planet than whites.
And you know this information why ???
Because its my business to know it.
Your business to know what ??? That you hope to over throw whitey one day ??? Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer eh ??
You dont remember what you asked me?
LOL.. Uh read the next sentence...Your turn again.
So what if you say Blacks are not a minority? We arent. There are way more Black people on the planet than whites.
And you know this information why ???
Because its my business to know it.
Your business to know what ??? That you hope to over throw whitey one day ??? Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer eh ??
You dont remember what you asked me?
LOL.. Uh read the next sentence...Your turn again.
We need to clear up the first sentence. How did you forget what you asked me?
And you know this information why ???
Because its my business to know it.
Your business to know what ??? That you hope to over throw whitey one day ??? Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer eh ??
You dont remember what you asked me?
LOL.. Uh read the next sentence...Your turn again.
We need to clear up the first sentence. How did you forget what you asked me?
Your comprehension is lacking, as the first sentence was a prelude to the second.. Your turn ? Care to answer the second sentence now ??
Because its my business to know it.
Your business to know what ??? That you hope to over throw whitey one day ??? Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer eh ??
You dont remember what you asked me?
LOL.. Uh read the next sentence...Your turn again.
We need to clear up the first sentence. How did you forget what you asked me?
Your comprehension is lacking, as the first sentence was a prelude to the second.. Your turn ? Care to answer the second sentence now ??
Not until you tell me why you forgot what you asked me.

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