Why do republicans need to be constantly reminded that the party they vote does absolutely nothing for them? 2025 on would be no different


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
The only PERMANENT tax cuts the GOP pass are for corporations and top earners in Trump’s class. The tax cut anyone else got in 2017 was due to expire in 2025.

Doesn’t that bother republicans?

Now I know you’re absolutely obsessed with the border, but let’s break this down. Let’s pretend we did magically seal the border. We won’t but let’s say we do….then what? What happens next? What is the country supposed to become some utopian paradise? Do you think businesses nationwide are just going to be like “well, no more illegals. I guess I’ll start paying my workers more for some reason.”

Why would that happen exactly? It wouldn’t primarily because the jobs that illegals have are part of their own under the table market. They don’t take legitimate jobs. They are not part of the employment rate. You did notice that a birth certificate and SS card are required for legitimate employment right? Tell me you noticed that.

So where does this leave us? Well it leaves us with nothing substantial. When it comes to the middle class and poor, republicans, and especially Trump are absolutely useless.

Does this mean you need to vote democrat instead? No. I don’t give a shit. Just quit embarrassing yourselves voting for a party that doesn’t give a flying fuck about you. Vote third and party or not at all.
I don't think I'll be taking any advice from someone whose party cannot define what a woman is.
God you people are so predictable with this shit. Do you ever shut up about this? After it gets pretty embarrassing you keep bringing it up over and over when you are deflecting from an argument you can’t make.
Does this mean you need to vote democrat instead? No. I don’t give a shit. Just quit embarrassing yourselves voting for a party that doesn’t give a flying fuck about you. Vote third and party or not at all.
Why you would still vote for a "Woke" Party is beyond me...

But hey, it's a free country. You are free to be stupid.

I don't know about you, I rather have the country back where it used to be before all that "woke" nonsense.
God you people are so predictable with this shit. Do you ever shut up about this? After it gets pretty embarrassing you keep bringing it up over and over when you are deflecting from an argument you can’t make.
Okay, let me rephrase:

I don't give a shit what you think, and I don't have to justify anything to you.

Understand now?

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